



Forgettable is the right word alright. This movie is filled with cliches, not one original funny joke and the story is (as could be expected) very predictable. I thought I could have some laughs from this, but I was proven very wrong. Not recommended at all!

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Julie & Julia

I had no expectations about this, and was positively surprised. A feelgood self-discovery movie about cooking in the 1950's and blogging in the 2000's. Characters in different times use different ways to fill their lives with something they believe is meaningful. Had to get used to the Julia Child character, but gradually started to like her. Had the exactly the opposite with the Julie Powell character, she got less like-able every scene (I suspect this was intended). Really enjoyed this film and, more importantly, I developed a newfound love for butter!

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Jurassic Park

On a recent rewatch, it didn't look as impressive to me as it did all those years ago. I have no idea how this film would look to newcomers.. After a while though, I was looking at this film as if I was a kid again and loved every part of it. So I like it mostly for nostalgic reasons, but I think it's still one heck of a ride!

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Did You Hear About the Morgans?

You could sleep through this and not miss very much..

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The Lion King

Still one of the best Disney films.

An epic coming-of-age story with lots of drama in the father-son and newfound-love areas, lots of scary moments from the bad guys, lots of comedy thanks to the Timon and Pumba characters and a great atmosphere thanks to great use of the natural world and the circle of life analogy. To make it even better, the drawings still look great after 20 years and some of the songs are amazing.

After seeing this again in a long time and absolutely loving it, I hope Disney can get back to this near perfect level of their early 90's animations. With movies like Princess and the Frog and Tangled they are definitely back on their way. Can't wait for more!

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True Grit

This is quite a good day-in-the-life-of-a-bountyhunter western. It has mostly everything a western needs: an unsympathetic drunk with a good heart, sweeping shots of the prairie, slow buildup, some character development and the same morality most westerns do (an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind). Nice extra's are that a little girl turns bountyhunter, there are quite some funny moments, Bridges and Damon live up to their reputation and whenever there is some action, it's good.

Personally I thought there was too little action (at times I thought Bridges would never stop talking) and I thought it looked too polished and clean for a western. This film didn't make a lasting impression like for example Unforgiven. Then again; there isn't much competition for westerns these days, so I'm just glad to see a decent modern-day western!

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

I wanted to like this movie. The Witch and the Wardrobe was great, Prince Caspian not so much, but Voyage of the Dawn Treader was probably the last Narnia I'll ever watch.. The special effects are awesome, the creatures they run into are great and the whole concept of hopping from island to island to discover virtues and sins to help the kids grow up is great. Unfortunately I found the execution incredibly weak.

They tried to put too much content in the movie, so I ended up catching glimpses of fascinating places, persons and stories, but never got a chance to really get into the story. It felt like a 90-minute teaser for upcoming Narnia-movies, which would be great if they would actually expand upon it in later sequels, but I'm afraid they won't..
I guess I'll pick up the books to experience the story via a better suited medium.

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Black Swan

I'm impressed! Definitely not for everyone, but I got sucked in completely. Great re-telling/interpretation of the Swan Lake, great acting by Portman and the other main characters, and a way, way different feel to the movie then I was expecting from a ballerina story. Probably an absolutely-love-it or absolutely-hate-it type of movie.

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I expected this to be another animated movie that would be okay, but too predictable and not really very funny. Now that I've seen it, I have to admit I really enjoyed the (intentionally) super-stereotypes in story and characters, the humor that both children and adults can enjoy, and the pop references were just great!

Obviously not the best movie ever, but if you can appreciate animated comedies (and I guess you also have to be a boy to like the whole superhero/supervillain theme), this is one of the better recent animated efforts.

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I had high expectations before watching this movie, so perhaps I ruined this movie for myself. But while watching it I was annoyed by the fact that the fairly straightforward story was presented as if it was very complex, the idea of 'what is real and what is imagined' that is the selling point of the movie was poorly executed in comparison to other movies like eXistenZ (or even ..dare I say.. the Matrix or Shutter Island) and on top of that I just couldn't care about any of the characters.

I love DiCaprio and Nolan and the idea of inception is really great, but the way they filmed it makes it just an ordinary action/heist-movie, with great visuals though. For a movie that relies so much on the story instead of the characters, I was disappointed by the depth of that story and the lack of twists and turns.

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Cowboys & Aliens

Quote: deiniol39
"Watched it last night, good old popcorn movie. Something to fill a couple of hours.."

I'm going to agree with this. Nothing special, just some shallow Hollywood action entertainment. Okay to watch if you're in the mood for it.

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The Sound of Music

Just saw this for the first time. I'm not a fan of musicals, so I was prepared for the worst, but I was pleasantly surprised. I have to be in a certain mood to appreciate these golden oldies and must admit that it does feel a bit dated, but the feelgood sing-along atmosphere is still very effective. Great film about children and adults growing up, learning to have fun, against the background of a starting war. I'll be watching this again on a rainy afternoon :)

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The Secret World of Arrietty

Guess I was in the wrong mood when watching this.. Loved all other Ghibli films, but thought this was just boring and unimaginative (in comparison with other Ghibli). Will have to see it again another time, perhaps I'll change my opinion.

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First things first: the animation looks absolutely fantastic and the character design is awesome. Depp does another great captain Jack impression, which you either like or not. Lots of references to other movies, with the obvious ones being Fear and loathing, Pirates of the Caribbean and spaghetti westerns in general. The movie atmosphere feels very different from other animated movies, so I can only applaud the effort to shake up the genre.
But to be honest, it didn't pull me in. It tried to be too many things at once, and therefore failed at being really good at any of them. There were only a couple funny moments, the 'religious' theme was scattered and sometimes awkward, the Clint Eastwood vibe didn't go well with the funny side, the story was too simple for adults but too slow (and perhaps too dark) for kids.
Still I can recommend watching it, even if it's just for the visuals or the Clint Eastwood vibe. Just don't expect a masterpiece.

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Almost the same plot as the first movie, except they switched the psychological horror element of the main character for lots of action and explosions. An entertaining movie, but very predictable, not nearly as scary as the first one and not much character development. But it was what I expected from an action/horror movie. The only thing that really annoyed me however, was the fact that the Alien monster was supposed to be almost indestructible and in this movie they drop by the dozen. But if you can live with that and want to see a war movie in space, this is a decent watch.

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Super 8

Like some other reviewers I almost liked it a lot, but something seemed to be missing.. There are some incredible scenes, a story that could be fantastic, the kid actors are very good, but somehow it didn't fit together for me. At the end of the movie I was not satisfied at all with the story (I also simply didn't like the ending, but that's another thing), and kept wondering what I missed.. Still not sure what to make of the movie as a whole..

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Just Go with It

When the best part in a movie is a shot of Jennifer Aniston in bikini, you know what to expect.. It's not very funny and not very romantic. Just a movie to waste some time and quickly forget afterwards.

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Simply put, it's a great "who-dunnit" mystery. The acting is good, the story is good, and most importantly for this kind of movie: the mystery was good. I didn't have a clue who did it until the very end. And on top of that, it's funny too!

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The Hangover

Unfortunately this is one of the funniest comedies of recent years.. I didn't think it was particularly funny, it was just okay, but compared with other recent 'comedies', it was extremely funny. At least it's a step away from the completely empty romantic comedies of the past years. Hopefully this will be the start of better times for comedy movies.

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Rise of the Planet of the Apes

Great combination of special effects and emotional storytelling that makes you appreciate the revolution of the apes against humans. As a prequel to the original it is completely believable and has the same spirit to it. Hopefully they continue with the series, as there is so much potential for a modern retelling.
Viva la evolucion!

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The Hangover Part II

Meh.. The first one was kind of funny, this second one didn't make me laugh at all. Not recommended at all.

Dude, Where's My Car is still the funniest hangover movie!

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The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers

Still amazes me after seeing it almost yearly! Can't believe how great these movies are :)

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Kung Fu Panda 2

Just as great as the first Kung Fu Panda! Finally a sequel that doesn't disappoint, but lives up to the original. And finally a movie about evil peacocks, I've been waiting for that all my life!! And of course the beautiful animation style, lots of funny moments (if you like Jack Blacks awesomeness), a decent story and a great flow throughout the movie to keep things moving.

Highly recommended, just like the first one!

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Herman Finkers: Na De Pauze

After seven years my favorite comedian returns with a new show. I'll be honest and say it's not his best work. He still makes me laugh, but (understandably) got a lot more serious, which detracts from the fun. Better watch some of his previous shows which are all excellent! (only of you're Dutch though)

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Herman Finkers: Geen Spatader Veranderd

My favorite comedian and probably my favorite show! Very slow and dry humor, but he got me laughing for almost two full hours :)

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My Neighbor Totoro

Thanks for the suggestion, I've added it to my watchlist! Having just discovered anime, it's difficult to pick out the best ones.. But as you suggest; first I'll enjoy the Miyazaki movies and will then try out Grave of the Fireflies. I prepare to be amazed :)

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Herman Finkers: Het Meisje Van De Slijterij

This guy always makes me laugh! Best standup comedian of the Netherlands in my opinion. It's not even his best show, it's 25 years old, but still so incredibly funny. My poor stomach muscles... :P

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This film completes one of the best science fiction shows of the past ten (or twenty) years; Firefly. For some reason the show got cancelled and they had to resort to a movie to wrap up the story. This movie does a great job at that: all the unfolding storylines, character developments and mysteries that were introduced in the show are explored and explained to a very satisfying ending. The only complaint I have is that it would have been so much more fun to have seen it all unfold in a few more tv-show seasons instead of just one movie..

Firefly+Serenity is one of the best things I've ever watched!

My recommendation: go watch Firefly (even non-scifi people can enjoy it) after that you're going to want to see Serenity and you'll love it even more!

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Herman Finkers: Dat Heeft Zo'n Jongen Toch Niet Nodig

The best 50-second entrance to a stage ever by a stand-up comedian!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCSvWLEi2WM

The rest of the show is only for Dutch people who can appreciate silly jokes and puns and so-called 'dry humor'. Luckily I'm one of those people and I've been laughing until I was crying and had to take a break from watching. My favourite stand-up comedian and a great show!

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Legally Blonde

According to my girlfriend: very amusing!

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