


Die Hard

The very definition of a perfect Hollywood action movie! It's got all the stereotypes I expect from an action film: German bad guys, over-the-top shooting/ fighting/ swearing/ running/ jumping etc, a hero with witty remarks, a cool black guy in a limo, some semi-romantic moments and the two key ingredients to any guys movie: titties and exploding helicopters!
I can't really say much about the story, the acting etc, because I don't think there is much to it. Let's just say it was decent enough not to have bothered me while everything on screen was exploding :) Yippee-ki-yay!!

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(500) Days of Summer

Is it a comedy? Sometimes. Is it a romantic movie? Almost. Is is a drama? Kind of. It's one of those movies that are impossible to put in a genre, unless you think 'movie where everything in the main character's life seems to go wrong, but still remains optimistic throughout and ends with a sparkle of hope' is a genre. Every once in a while I like see this kind of movie, so you can feel that no matter how bad things are, it'll turn out okay in the end. (500) Days of Summer is a great example of this genre.

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Dragon Hunters

A quest for dragons set in an promising, but rather shallow, fantasy world. The animation looks beautiful at times, the characters have some nice moments and the 'evil dragon' is awesome! But in the end, there is just not enough depth to the story or the characters, which makes this a easily forgettable experience.

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Yes, I'm going to agree with many other reviewers; Disney is back! It's just like the old days; where Princess and the Frog was a slowpaced romantic feel-good movie like Beauty and the Beast, Tangled is the fastpaced laugh-out-loud comedy like Aladdin. Yes, it's predictable, but it's beautifully drawn, has the singing, fun and action like Disney movies should! I just hope they continue in this direction.

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I didn't think the first Predator was all that great, so I should've known I wouldn't like part 3. Then again; if you liked the first Predator or like the concept of people being hunted, you'll enjoy this one, because I think they did everything right and it's as good as the genre will ever be. Problem is: I don't like the genre..

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Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

This is like Indiana Jones does Persia, including a halfdecent adventure storyline, an ancient mystery, an exotic love-interest, action- and chasing scenes that make you go: "yeah right..", funny remarks every few minutes, and a hero against all odds mixed with great special effects.
Despite all it's flaws, or perhaps thanks to all it's flaws, it's incredibly entertaining!

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