

Orlando, Florida

The Lorax



I admit... I kind of enjoyed this movie. Probably Illuminations' only above average movie. I can see actual effort was put into this.

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Battle: Los Angeles

It wasn't bad... but, it was just so average and forgettable.

I literally have nothing to say about this movie, I've forgotten almost all of it except the basic structure. I remember enjoying it, so that's why it's below average.

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Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

Damn, I just rewatched several parts of it, and I forgot how good this actually was. I was on the Genisys hype train for quite awhile, but once it wore off and I looked at the staying power of each of the Terminator films... this is the most memorable Post-Terminator 2 sequel to come out. Nick Stahl actually does a great job of continuing the lonely and paranoid character, John Conner, and I actually prefer Arnold's performance here over Genisys. The downright depressing and almost hopeless attitude the movie has makes it a rather fitting entry into the series, despite it being not directed by James Cameron. That ending with the nuclear bombs going off is actually bone-chilling. One of my favorite moments of the whole series. The story repeats a little too many beats from the previous two, but it works them around in a way that feels new and fresh. The action is a blast, the crane sequence being the peak of the first act, and there's lots of great moments. Overall, very good movie that I underrated for awhile there.

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Pokémon: The First Movie

"The human sacrificed himself... to save the Pokémon. I pited them against each other, but not until they set aside their differences did I see the true power they all share deep inside."


"I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life... that determines who you are."

Love live old Pokémon. I will always remember you.

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The Dark Knight Rises

"You're a big guy-"

"For you."


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Amy Schumer: The Leather Special

"I have a vagina."


i hate society sometimes...

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Finding Dory

This took me by surprise.

I was not expecting to like it this much. I'm not the biggest fan of the original and I don't much care for Ellen Degeneras. I figured this would just be a really stupid unnecessary sequel like 'Cars 2' was... good lord, that was an abomination. But 'Finding Dory' actually finds a way to expand upon and make the original film better. This is actually better than the original's carefree adventure across this ocean. This is about a lost fish searching to find herself and parents. The title is both figurative and literal. Marlin and Nemo have to find Dory, and Dory is looking to find out her past. A great animated film for kids and parents. Quite wonderful actually.

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Expiration Date

Why VALVe sat on this and didn't make the animated series a reality I'll never forgive. This should be a feature length movie. I'm now 100% confident it would work.

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Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

I finally got to see this with my dad, who saw the original Star Wars in 1977 when he was 6.

We both liked it way more than The Force Awakens. It loses a tiny bit of the magic the second time around, and K-2S0 is more annoying on repeat viewings, but there's still a little bit of that good ol' Star Wars feeling I get from watching the original trilogy. Also, incredible camera work from Gareth Edwards. Love his work from Monsters (2010) and Godzilla (2014).

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Disaster Movie

I only laughed at the rabid chipmunks sketch, "Head On!" parody commercial, and Kung Fu Panda fight sequence. The rest sucks.

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Pearl Harbor

I legitimately love this film. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe I'll write a longer review later expressing why, but I love the characters, I love the staging, I love the action, I love the music, and I enjoy the story. It's another fictionalized depiction of a historical event like Titanic, but it works really well, more than what the average audience member gives it credit for. I personally recommend it.

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Across the Universe

I don't even know why, but I was incredibly bored sitting through this. I feel like I should've enjoyed it, but I just didn't. I didn't care for any of the characters or what was happening in the story, that was written around every 'Beatles' song ever made... Insteresting idea.

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Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

This movie lied to me. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

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High School Musical

Easily the best of all the Disney musicals. Shallow and a little boring, but innocent. The songs are catchy enough and it's cute. I guess that's all it needs. Not bad, but nothing special.

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You know that power button on your laptop? Yeah, you should try that sometime.

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The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water

Bubbles is my senpai. Back off.

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10 Cloverfield Lane

John Goodman's performance in this rivals Jack Nicholson's from "The Shining," I'm not even kidding. Holy fuck, I love John Goodman.

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Half-Life: Escape From City 17 - Part 2

For a fan film, I couldn't have asked for better. Since I'm a die-hard fan of the Half-Life video games, this was a real treat to watch, both this and Part 1. The acting was a little hokey at times, but what more could you expect? The visuals and presentation are outstanding for a short built off of only $500.

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Texas Chainsaw 3D

Good intentions ultimately squandered by a really terrible script. The opening five minutes should've been the entire film. So much effort was put into replicating the house from the original film, and it only lasts on screen for a few minutes. No amount of homages can save this really cliched horror story.

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My personal favorite of the Ghibli films. It's charming, it's adorable, it's magical, it's dramatic, it's heartwarming, and it's beautifully animated. One of the best animated films I've ever seen. Watch it now and you're heart will be filled with joy.

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Happy Feet

The same guy who did all the Mad Max films made this...


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Pretty in Pink

Ducky > Blane don't @ me

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"How big is an F5?"

"Finger of God."

This is a great fast-paced and tense action flick. The late Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Dusty and the late Bill Paxton are both fantastic actors in this. Each of the characters have unique and extremely lovable personalities. Their quest to finally be able to study tornadoes accurately is a good enough reason to root for these hilarious scientists.

Please give it a shot. It's full of great practical and digital effects that still hold up years, it has outstanding performances from the entire cast, and some great music from Mark Mancina.

Today, on February 26th, 2017, we say goodbye to "The Extreme." The one, the only, Bill Paxton. I love him so much in everything he's in, but this is the one role that stands out to me the most.

R.I.P. Bill Paxton

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Mighty Joe Young

This has a very big soft-spot in my heart. I saw it when I was still a kid, and I absolutely loved it.

R.I.P. Bill Paxton

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The Emoji Movie

I just saw the trailer for this before The LEGO Batman movie.

I've never cringed so fucking hard in a cinema.

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The Lego Batman Movie

"All important films end with a white screen..."

While the LEGO Batman Movie is not as brilliant or clever as the original, The LEGO Movie, it's both charming and surprisingly thought-provoking. This isn't just a great silly kids film, but also a true delve into the character of Batman. This is the first time where the filmmakers actually stop the film to take a minute to talk about who Batman is as a person. In a comedic fashion, we see all his past incarnations (Yes, including the one with bat nipples), but Batman has to decide between two lives. It doesn't even make Batman out to be a villain, they flat-out say he's not the good or bad guy, but instead, troubled. He has to decide between living a life of solitude and anger, or opening up to others and accepting people back into his life.

If you have kids, I highly recommend taking them to see this. Lots of good jokes only adults will get, and plenty of funny awesome action for the little ones.

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My Fair Lady

The film that reminded me how wonderful musicals can be...

this was before La La Land came out.

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Hitman: Agent 47

I'll give this movie credit for one thing: It's a fucking blast to watch with some friends at a party. This is the perfect terrible movie to riff and bash for the entire runtime. The acting is some of the worst I've seen, sadly coming from some very talented people. The story is a blatant almost exact copy of The Terminator, and the fucking camera work + editing leaves me at a loss for words. I can't even describe how bad the editing is. You just have to see it for yourself. So, here you go. Enjoy it in all it's glorious shittiness.

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I haven't gone to SeaWorld or any kind of zoo since seeing this...

I guess it did it's job.

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It's not great, but it's the best of the entire saga by far.

They at least TRY to make it interesting by implementing horror and mystery elements. I mean, they don't last long, but I'd say the first hour of the movie is actually good. Once the mystery is over, the movie becomes a little boring. I can see why teens loved the first book.

The music and direction are great. I love the grey rained-out look of Washington, it fits the tone of the film.

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