


Masters of the Air: 1x09 Part Nine

Got a lump in my throat and some tears welling up at the end of this episode/show. Best series I've watched in years.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x08 Bad Territory

Shout by FinFan

I'd much rather would've seen more about Crosshair's issues then getting a variation of the "Missions for Sid" type episodes from earlier. And of course we need some kind of monster. Totally predictable.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x05 The Return

I really liked the scenes between Crosshair and Hunter. That's exactly what I was looking for. I would not have bought it had things just smoothed over. Crosshair has a lot of demons to chase.
But I'm also totally with Wrecker on this one: why has there always have to be a monster.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x04 A Different Approach

Shout by FinFan

Ok episode but too predictable for my liking. Also, Omega trying to convince Crosshair all the time to do it her way and ultimately they need to blast their way out anyway makes the rest of the storiy appear rather moot.
I like the atmosphere and the reunion towards the end was nice. Now they have to reconcile and I hope they make it at least a little bit of an effort for them to achieve that.

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Masters of the Air: 1x07 Part Seven

What can I say that I haven't already said about this show ? Every new episode grabs me like none do today. I have a lump in my throat everytime the end credits start to roll.
They made the right choice by not showing us extended action scenes at this point. We already covered that, we know what it's like up in the air. I found it very gripping to see what happened on base, with the new arrivals, when the planes come back, and what the pilots think about it at this point in time. It makes me shiver but it althought gives depth and scope.

This was a crucial time during the war. When the Mustang appeard the Luftwaffe's days were numbered. But like it's shown here it also meant a shift in strategy.

I have no doubt the final episodes will be great.

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Not awful. In a very diminished way it helped me to understand where this conflict originated from. But therein lies the problem. This is more about the people than the actual thing. All those personal side stories really did nothing for me. It dragged everything down. I'd like to have deeper inside in the actual issues. Plus, I really didn't sympathize with any of the characters.

I think I can skip the follow up.

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Masters of the Air: 1x06 Part Six

Without a single flying scene this is still one of the best of the series. Because it takes you on a personal level with the characters. There is stark contrast between the pilot recreation and what happened simulatiously in Germany. But that makes each even stand out more.
I will never claim to understand what these men went through. The pressure they were subjected to, physically and mentally, was immense. Just like with BoB I think it's important to show us why they endured it and how.
The show delivers it's message without poking your nose in it. And that's a rareity today.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x03 Shadows of Tantiss

I like the episode in a self-contained kind of way. What I don't like is that the whole storyline is dictated to reconcile the sequels. Yes I know, I mentioned that before but it's the one serious issue I have: that these shows merely are there for that reason. Would've liked to see what they would've done without chains attached. Still good episode with action and suspense.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x02 Paths Unknown

I would have switched the first two episodes to be honest as this is a far better season premiere. And with the final shot than leading into Omega's confinement and that new facility location makes more sense to me.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x01 Confined

Well, if the plan was to portray how dire the situation is they did a good job. Whole episode was grim but also a bit boring I have to admit. The final five minutes redeemed this somewhat. But no Bad Batch in "The Bad Batch"
Omega is still very naive. My guess would be they have Snoke, or an earlier version, in that vault. In the end it has to lead to what happened with the sequels and that's the bitter pill I have to swallow.
I find it hard to believe thought that no one noticed that Nale Se discards Omega's blood samples all the time.

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The Simpsons: 35x11 Frinkenstein's Monster

Nobody in the family ever asks why Homer all of a sudden wears thick glasses ?

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Masters of the Air: 1x05 Part Five

Another tense and emotional episode. It's phantastic how they manage to keep the balance between the action sequences and the personal stories.
The air battles, already among the best I've ever seen, were once again great. The short slo-mo/time freeze was awesome. So was the fight between the Fort and these fighters. I don't know if something like this ever happened but it sure was a great sequence. But despite all that you never forget that those people were really in that. You flinch when the bullets rip through the fuselage, you wince when someone is hurt. And you feel kinda empty when they sit through the interrogation counting down the losses.

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Halo: 2x03 Visegrad

For the life of mine I could never have imagined dropping this show after season one. I was so exited for season two. But they totally screwed up, destroyed everything they build up so far. It's a completely different animal.
Who cares about things like Akerson's father having dementia ? Is this supposed to be character background to explain his actions ? I don't care ! Add "Drama" to the genres because that is what's it become. Every new character they added so far is boring af and is only there to serve certain purposes.
Sorry, but I'm not interested anymore. Didn't even bother finishing this one. And it's more proof positive for me that I should not watch another new show.

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The Blue Planet

Although I am well aware of the level of quality the BBC/Attenborough docus present the footage never ceases to amaze me.

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Masters of the Air: 1x04 Part Four

I think one of the hardest things in war is forming relationships. You are never sure if you will see them again the next day. This is what this episode's about for me.
It was also interesting to see Egan in London during a German bomb raid as he was getting a glimpse of what bombing does. Althought they could've gone deeper with that. But I like that they are showing those things as well.

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Halo: 2x02 Sword

This season has a very different tone to it and I can't say I like it. I have no idea where this is going. But instead of being excited I'm bored. Now, I'm sure there is a bigger picture being revealed I just don't see yet. Remains to be seen if I like everything comes together. And why does Cortana look different ?

The one constant to season one: Kwan is still an uterly uninteresting character.

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Halo: 2x01 Sanctuary

I have no idea what I WAS expecting to happen in this seasons premiere but THIS wasn't it.

I feel like I've missed an entire season worth of storyline. The one thing I did understand is that Madrigal is gone. Glassed. So much for all that resistance talk in season one. I guess it was all for nil. And what about the portal that's supposed to be there ? But if there is one person that survived it had to be Kwan.

New characters so far are awful. That new "boss" is a walking cliché. I would like to say I'm excitied to have the show back but after just this episode I'm more worried than excited.

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The OA: 1x01 Homecoming

So, Marling created, wrote, produced and plays the main role ? That doesn't sound good. I normally give a show a couple of episodes to see if I'm interested but this one had nothing in it for me.
After I decided to not watch another episode I checked the plot online and think I made the right choice.

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When they say: "they don't make movies like this anymore" - this is the kind of movie they are talking about.

It costs a whooping 12m USD - about 126.5m USD in todays money. However, even for that amount you couldn't make it today like they used to. Over 10000 people were involved. The battle at the end had 8000 people in it. People, not CGI generated objects. The sheer logistics of that is mind blowing. Everything you wanted in the picture had to be build or sought out. The closest to SFX you get is matte-painting. This is why it's called an epic - a monumental movie.

The story ? It's a classic in the truest sense of the word. You can call it cheesy, predictable, flawed if you like. I could understand all that. But that's true for many movies today equally.

The movie is on of the classics you have to watch if you consider yourself an enthusiast in my opinion.

I recommend reading the section with all the background infos over on imdb. It's very interesting.

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The Mask of Zorro

Not great or epic by any means but still an entertaining and fun to watch action-adventure movie. As I stated many times before I like those movies for what they are, their honestness and they way they were made.

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Last Man Standing

This is in many ways "Tool Time" re-imagined. The characters of Mike and Tim share some similarities and the general setup is very much alike. Ultimately Tim is the much more likeable character.

While I enjoyed the first season I have to say that with the second season it became tedious to watch because of all the politics that kept creaping in. And this is not an issue of whether I agree or not. I don't want it to be there in the first place.

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Unwatchable. Nothing's even remotely funny.

Vaughn's character is a loudmouth you want to see get shot after five minutes. If I had "friends" like that I would look for some enemies.

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Last Man Standing: 2x03 High Expectations

It took me about three episodes in season one to get into this show. Now I'm three episodes into season two and I want to drop it.

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Last Man Standing: 2x02 Dodgeball Club

I don't know, but so far the second season is a downer. Not awful but not where it was at the end of season one.

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Last Man Standing: 2x01 Voting

So, they re-cast Kristin. OK, I can live with that, those things happen. And it wouldn't be fair to rate the new actress after just one episode. But the seemed to have made a 3-4 year leap ahead without telling us and that's a bit confusing.

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Masters of the Air: 1x03 Part Three

On one episode of "Band of Brothers" I once wrote that no show or documentary can ever relate what it means to be in battle. But this episode was tense, it was frantic and you can get an idea what these men went through. And you really have to be amazed that they did it again and again.
The airbattle scenes in this show are through the roof. It's not all about the action, though. We are reaching a point now where losses are becoming more meaningful for the viewer.

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Last Man Standing: 1x08 House Rules

Mandy is really annoying. She's not even funny.

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Last Man Standing: 1x04 Last Halloween Standing

OK, that costume was distracting. A lot.

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Last Man Standing: 1x03 Grandparents Day

Last two episodes were better. Guess you need to get a feel for the characters and the back and forth between them.

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Last Man Standing: 1x01 Pilot

Tim Allen was OK, his character is practically another take on Tool Time Tim. Had some minor laughs. Based on that pilot I'm not sure I want to see all 200+ episodes.

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