



The movie is OK, Denzel was really good as always. But the story failed to engage me. As a viewer I really didn't like the guy who's only looking out for himself. And his change of heart during the hearing was not believeable for me.

So, not good if you like aviation movies - becuase this isn't one. And as a character movie concerning an alcoholic it's too shallow.

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I like nature docus very much especially coming from the BBC. You expect a certain level of quality. This doesn't come close to the Attenborough series. It covers too many topics in too little time. An addional couple episodes would have helped a lot.

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Carriers at War

Fair enough documentary about carrier operations that uses the usual American wordage and swagger. Comes with the territory so to say.

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Rob Roy

I have a soft spot for the movies from this time. I already liked them in their time but I do appreciate them so much more today. This is when movie making was still craftsmanship and not sitting in front of computers and acting in front of green screens.

The scenery is amazing, the music is emotional. Sets, locations and costumes are great. Acting is good throughout but Tim Roth was amazing. You really want to hit him in the face everytime he's on screen.

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Masters of the Air: 1x02 Part Two

This episode tells you a lot about these men. Everyone is willing to risk his life to protect the wounded Fort. Because they know he's dead if they don't. They were also well aware that the daylight bombing campaign were suicide missions. What do we do about it ?

We bring our men throught it.

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Masters of the Air: 1x01 Part One

I have great interest in both the period and the topic. You recognize the similarities with shows like "Band of Brothers" which is a huge compliment as I see this as a very high bar. If this comes even close to that it would be a homerun on my behalf.

I was very impressed with this first part. The flying scenes are well made and I was really tense during the short battle in the skies. But I also like how the depicted the realisation from the pilots that this is not going to be a milk run and many will die before victory will come.

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You know shows where the parts are sometimes better than the sum total ? This is one of those. I liked individual episodes but I already feared where this would lead.

After reading some comments towards the end of season 1, indicating what might happen moving forward (the main thing being the marriage between the lead characters which was obvious from episode one), I looked up the rest of what will happen because the show lost me then and there.

It's your typical conspiracy show where everything's got twisted and turned and layer after layer is build up until you reach the point where it becomes a jumbled mess.

I'm sure I would have dropped out eventually but I'm glad I didn't waste more time then necessarry.

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Blindspot: 1x19 In the Comet of Us

Shout by FinFan

This could have been a really good episode if not for all these totally unrelated flashbacks at the most inappropriate times. That's the stuff that makes me furious.

And why doesn't FBI Agents carry a spare mag ?! That's such a weak plot device.

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Blindspot: 1x18 One Begets Technique

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2024-01-25T17:06:01Z— updated 2024-03-24T13:43:03Z

OMG what the F was that ?

Not only do you bring back the worst "villain" this show has ever produced. You wrap it around a story that was so easy to see through and quite honestly incredibly stupid that it must have been written by a pre-schooler.

I'm reminded that in an entirely different show someone once said: Those three letters on the badge must stand for
Full of

How is it OK that Mayfair takes classified intel from the office when she blames Patterson for doing just that?

And please add another Twist and bring Sofia back

I don't know why but this show is on a fast downward spiral and right now I'm one stupid episode away from quitting.

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Blindspot: 1x17 Mans Telepathic Loyal Lookouts

Shout by FinFan

Wanted to quit watching when the opening credits started because I really felt this was bad. Didn't get better throughout.

I take a Patterson episode because she's a likeable character. She's also incredibly stupid. And David was boring while he was alive, he sure is when he's dead. I know they wante to visualize her subconcious but I just don't like it.

And wanna bet that Alexandra is working with that prosecutor ? I mean, the moment he turns the investigation on Mayfair she meets that woman in a bar. C'mon. There's no such thing as coincidence in TV writing.

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Blindspot: 1x16 Any Wounded Thief

Shout by FinFan

Stay away from all the relationship crap, it's killing the pace.

First Weller wants Reade to end it, now he's angry that he did because his sister is unhappy. Oscar wants Jane/Taylor to get closer to Weller, to get between him and Allie, because "They" need him to trust her. Well, sure. Breaking up your relationship sure begets trust. And of course then Oscar and Jane/Taylor are having a quick one becuase, why not ?

This was a solid episode until they started to go down Lovebird Alley.

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Blindspot: 1x15 Older Cutthroat Canyon

And another twist. He's dead, wait no he isn't. Another layer added, the pile's getting higher.

So the relationship between Reade and Sarah was only written in to have an angle to pressure him to stop looking into Carter ? Which begs the qouestion why make him look into it in the first place. And now he thinks (or the writers do) by having him drop Sarah he can protect her and/or move on with his investigation?

If I saw this on it's original run I would have said: come to the point already instead of adding more. The fact this went on for another 85 episodes has me worried. There are too many shows who stretched out their plot to the max and then failed to deliver. And right know I fear this is/was another one. These plots are good for movies but they don't fare well over the course of a 72h run.

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Blindspot: 1x14 Rules in Defiance

Shout by FinFan

Oh c'mon. "If you refuse to co operate we kill Agent Weller". Really ?! That is so generic and unoriginal and lame.

This show started out pretty well and had some good individual episodes. But what seemed to be it's strong point, the mystery, the conspiracy, is becoming its weakness. The twist and turn and add up and up only lessens it value. The more cryptic the talk, "the people we work with", the more generic the lines, "will stop at nothing to see this through", the more boring it becomes. Also, that indicates she didn't do it to herself or, at least, not on her own. It's a group.

Add in unnessessary romances that do nothing for the overall plot but, of course, have to be there, you water the whole thing down even more.

I said at the beginning that I'm curious to see if this can hold my interest. It's starting to slip.

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Blindspot: 1x13 Erase Weary Youth

I hate witch hunt episodes. Bunch of people sitting in rooms asking questions, fast editing, excitement building through intense music. Sooo boring. And in the end it's always the one asking the questions who is the actual traitor.

Only thing this episode accomplished was bringing back parts that already seemed layed to rest. Suspissions against Jane/Taylor and the CIA still monitoring Tasha. Moving in circles to fill episodes.

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Blindspot: 1x12 Scientists Hollow Fortune

See, I don't think "Them" is the FBI. I think bearded guy wanted to warn her about the people who erased her memory and put her in that bag. Yes, everything they showed us this far points to her doing it to gerself. Which is exactly why I don't buy it.

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Blindspot: 1x11 Cease Forcing Enemy

Shout by FinFan

This was the first really bad episode. It only contained stuff I couldn't care less.

A pencil-pushing bureaucrat with power ambitions who fits every cliche. I take Carter over him every day. Oh darn, he's dead. So I fear we are stuck with Fisher for the time being.

A plot that couldn't be more idiotic and full of holes. And the whole airplane sequence was downright hilarious.

Awkward moments. Well, we got a few already.

And even the last minutes contained nothing new as it only presented facts already established. I said earlier those shows go in circles - that's what I meant.

No, wait. There was a revelation. She is indeed Taylor Shaw (until she isn't maybe). So what about the tooth then ? I'm willing to entertain the idea that she planted the tooth to distract from the fact she's Taylor. But why ? It helps her a lot if Weller thinks she is her. And if she can't remember who she is why would she, or the ones working for/with her, try to distract them ?

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Blindspot: 1x09 Authentic Flirt

Shout by FinFan

Please, Please, stay away from this implied romance stuff. Everytime something like this is introduced (not that you couldn't expect it with a male and female lead) it's ruining shows.

David ran into his own demise, not feeling sorry for the guy. And it was pretty much a given that Guerrero wouldn't survive. Althought the way Mayfair explained it to Carter actually made sense and it could have saved both their necks. So it made little sense to have him killed except Carter has his own play. That's what I meant earlier by twisting the life out of a plot.

Good that Tasha decided to not plant the device. But that probably means Carter will do something to her.

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Blindspot: 1x08 Persecute Envoys

For a show that ran for a hundred episodes they are revealing a lot early. And that makes me nervous.

And there's little originality to it. The whole routine of

"It's illegal we shouldn't do this"
"Oh but we can do good things with it even if it's illegal. And that makes it good, no ?
"We should never have done this, it's wrong"

That's been done so many times. And it's not a stroke of genius on the writeres part that the big secret is, the NSA is spying on it's own citizens. Equally, been there - done that.

I still do like the individual episodes but the whole mystery/conspiracy plot just took a huge dent.

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Blindspot: 1x07 Sent On Tour

Good episode but you know what really pi's me of ?

They writers take so much effort to come up with this elaborate story about Jane, the mystery of the tatts, the conspiracy. And then they write stuff in like starting up a helicopter and flying away in ten seconds.

In a way I hope David turns out to be more than just "idiotic boyfriend" because otherwise it was just a waste of screen time.

Blindspot - I'm asking myself why that title? A blindspot, by definition, is an area where a person's view (or in this case objectivity ?) is obstructed. Name the first person that comes to mind.

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Blindspot: 1x06 Cede Your Soul

The individual episodes are not without entertainment value. They can actually be good. But this is pretty much a crime-of-the-week show that makes you keep coming back because of the promised mystery surrounding Jane and a hinted massive conspiracy. My experience with those kind of shows is not a good one. They have a tendency to dangle things in front of you just to revert the last minute. To circle around for episode after episode. And they keep twisting and turning the plot until there isn't a shred of believability left.

But I stick with it as I happen to like the leads.

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Blindspot: 1x05 Split the Law

Shout by FinFan

See, I told you she's the angle to get information. That's so lame. Why does Weller still call her Jane when he insists she's Taylor. Wouldn't it help calling her by her real name ? And please don't tell me he loves her. The girl was, what, five years old when she disapeared ? Well it's all hypothetical anyway as she isn't Taylor. But if they pull the romance I drop this instantly.

Right now this is hitting a bit of a downward turn.

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Blindspot: 1x04 Bone May Rot

Shout by FinFan

Never really bought in that she's Taylor. That's too much on the nose and was revealed too early. They played that card with Weller, knowing he would jump on it. All they had to do was exchange DNA from the real Taylor with Jane's. Which should be easy taking into account what they seem to be cabable off.

All those events they uncover through the tattoes seem rather random. They seem to be having no connection.

What I don't like is the FBI agent with gambling debts. That's your usual angle for forcing her to get information.

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Blindspot: 1x03 Eight Slim Grins

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2024-01-21T21:36:12Z— updated 2024-01-22T23:08:00Z

"We can't not afford to loose that guy. He's the only one who might know who I am". That's a death sentence. Literally ! It's also pretty repetitive. They also throw a new angle in. An even bigger picture on top of the big picture. That guy that plays Carter - I can't remember him not playing an a*****e.

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Blindspot: 1x02 A Stray Howl

The memory of her shooting the nun means nothing without context. And maybe all the stuff that's tattooed on her body comes from that flash drive ? We already know she erased her memory willingly. The reason is up in the air. Don't think she's that Taylor girl. That'd be too obvious wouldn't it `?

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Blindspot: 1x01 Woe Has Joined

So, let's see if this one can hold my attention til the end. It starts interesting but so do many shows.
I will say one thing thought. It was rather convenient she find the right tattoo at the right time amongs all the others. Wether that's just a plot device or something else I don't know.

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Cutthroat Island

If you like a good swashbuckling adventure movie 90s style with a good dose of humor and great action scenes you should give it a try. What I like most from movies of this time is that a well made movie still looks good almost 30 years later. A 30 year old movie using tons of CGI will always look old.

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Combat Countdown

Typical AHC stuff. Light on facts but heavy on loud rock music and testosterone driven commentary.

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Space Probes!

I think a rating around 60 % seems just about right. The individual episodes are too short to carry much information and I was really put off by those R2D2ish sounds they played every time a probe is on screen.

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Dangerous Liaisons

It's far from the best movie I've ever seen but for sure it ain't the worst one. And compared to the attention grabbing crap they are putting out today this was enjoyable. I also like watching known actors in the early stages of their careers.

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Miller's Crossing

The only Coen Brothers movie I do like. Has a great title score.

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