


X-Men: The Last Stand

sooo much better than people say! i love the issues the cure brought up, was a bit sad to see rouge take it, but she's happy & doesn't regret it so good for her!
the two ending scenes were both so fucking insane, idk if there's technically a fourth film or not (at least in timeline sense) but if there is im so excited to see how those play out.
i didn't think logan liked jean THAT much, damn.
anyway so many other details i could say that i liked but we'd be here for years. so many points in this film are so amazing, so interesting, and more than i expected from a trilogy film.

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wow just wow!! the suspense in this was intense & i loved all the 80s hacking. so many points when im yelling at other characters to just fuckin listen to david and so many points i was yelling at david to stop lol. and the computer was funny. "all situations end up with everyone losing... would you like to play chess?" absolute gold.

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this is way better than the first one im ngl

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Baby Driver

i would never put this movie anywhere close to my top 10 favorites but there's something about it, i keep coming back. also holy shit buddy looks like negan so much in this film

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Ocean's Eight

alr im gonna be honest ocean's 11 was not as enjoyable as this one. maybe its the state of mind i was in, maybe i was paying too much attention to brad pitt instead of the actual film, i don't know. but i do know i enjoyed the hell outta this. sandra bullock? anne hathaway? helena bonham carter? mindy kaling? rihanna? what a star cast! & i enjoyed how much they flew under the radar. yknow in oceans 11 the casino ppl KNEW it was danny but here? only her crew and john fraizer. it was crazy insane how well and seamlessly they pulled it off. intro scene is badass too

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X-Men Origins: Wolverine

apparently people hate this movie? i actually loved it. sure it was a bit weird seeing this timeline’s deadpool but other than that it was actually super enjoyable.

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We Bought a Zoo

eh. tried watching it but only got halfway through. just so uneventful. boring. why do i care that a random suburban rich dad decided to buy a zoo. i don't, not really. was gonna watch it for matt damon but he wasn't enough

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enjoyable enough, keanu is cool

reminds me of supernatural

love it when non mcu films have end credit scenes

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Jersey Boys

when i was in sixth grade (and some of seventh) i was obsessed with this movie. i mean watch it multiple times a month, listen to the four seasons all the fucking time, talk about it non stop (so much so that even though i stopped talking about it by the end of seventh grade, my friend from then still considers it a big part of me). thanks jersey boys you gave sixth grade me immense happiness. im sad you’re not on netflix anymore (not like id watch it anyways)

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Just Friends

made the hugest smile at all the reunions

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Final Destination

WAY more entertaining than i expected

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Interview with the Vampire


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Edge of Seventeen

cameron monaghan in shameless but less aggressively freckled

liked it, half the movie I was just staring at all the hotties and the other half I was going "I love this music"

I honestly didn't think this movie was THAT unknown, but I guess 1.4k plays isn't that much... also has only 8.5k on letterboxd. tbh I only found it by being so desperate to watch brokeback mountain that I would search it up on netflix and go to the little similar section they have for titles they don't have

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The Replacements

Shout by kirst
BlockedParent2022-07-03T13:58:49Z— updated 2022-08-01T20:21:34Z

such a predictable plot and overused basic tropes but… its football, a romance, a happy ending, and keanu reeves.

i will surviveee!!

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The Bourne Identity

honestly im just a sucker for matt damon

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the funniest fucking movie ever made i swear. no other movie or tv show will top this. seinfeld? funny, but not funny like this. nothing will ever top this.

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pretty good, but its one of those movies where everything is just so insane that you cant help to like it instead of hate it.

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The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

so long and thanks for all the fish! x

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DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story

ok now think of happy gilmore. now add dodgeball and homophobia. thats this movie. anyways even if this movie had no homophobia or something i would still not like it much. all i could think watching this is how its a mix of here comes the boom and happy gilmore so it really soured the mood. also the jokes in this are just not funny. YES I UNDERSTNAD HERE COMES THE BOOM IS 2012 i watched it first tho so idk

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Point Break

AMMAZING OMGGG I LOVE KEANU AND PATRICK AND LORI gary is ok but eh. his character was weird. dindt like him too much

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U.S. Marshals

that plot twist was one of the most insane ones ive watched wow

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i think the movie name is LAME !!! should have been named lulu or something . still loved it

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The Bourne Identity

god how i wish i was marie

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The Lorax

the music... no wonder i watched this so many times its the best part i love it soo much

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Wreck-It Ralph

been thinking about it since i rewatched it, LOOVE IT!!!! i wish the sequel took place in the arcade more i love the whole concept so much

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Ralph Breaks the Internet

i still cant believe this got released in 2018.

its a good enough film but not what you want from a wreck it ralph sequel. it does not give you what you fully want. funny tho

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Sherlock Holmes

tried to watch cus i like robert downey jr but turned it off halfway through like 5 months ago and i havent turned it back on

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School Ties

good movie, im not rewatching tho its that type of movie u can not rewatch but is still good? kind of

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Spider-Man: No Way Home


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Iron Man 3

iron man is in Tennessee!! love Harley. badass outro

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