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Locke & Key: 1x03 Head Games

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2020-02-13T22:28:36Z— updated 2020-02-16T14:41:14Z

Soooo... I know there’s a lot that’s wrong with this, problems everywhere but one that is striking me right now is just how irresponsible the grown ups are.
I mean. Their dad just died horribly. And they don’t get counselling or therapy, nothing? As far as I know that’s mandatory here and kids get that for free? Like..? There’s so much damage trauma does, and kids don’t have the armour grown ups have so they need help especially ... but like? What? Acting out is a typical behaviour for boys after or during trauma. “He’s Not been himself”, no shit.

The “what’s with the shorts?”
“Do my legs look cold to you?”
actually was a fun line.

So if you’re going inside a door but leave the key outside ... wouldn’t that make you extremely vulnerable to strange well ladies out for keys?

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Beastars: 1x07 Below the Fur Coat

My gods, this random hen/egg-part seems a bit like your usual beach-episode you get in anime hahaha.

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Locke & Key: 1x06 The Black Door

And how often do we want to repeat a scene in which Kinsey is like “we have to do x!” And Tyler is like “so you mean to do x, alone?!?” And “no because we will do it together.”
And really, youll give the keys to the one person you already accused of being irresponsible with them, and after explicitly saying Bode is acting better with them.

Wtf is this show doing, this is going terribly downhills.
Can someone confirm how much better the novels are, because the story itself has so much potential were it not for this bad writing.

and when did well lady get a fire key? Did I miss something? I only remember her talking bode out of the anywhere key. Has she had it since before?

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Snowpiercer: 1x09 The Train Demanded Blood

Layton and the red switch was the most infuriating and unnecessary thing I've seen in a long time.

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Sweet Magnolias: 1x01 Pour It Out

This show is so fake... everything looks like a set, every actor has to be pretty, even the colours, the music and the accents sound fake.
But maybe that's the point of this? I guess it's a genre. I suppose I'll find out whether this has any depths at all :joy:

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Workin' Moms: 3x02 Of Rights And Men

This case of Anne versus Brad makes no sense at this point. The reasons for why she did what she did can in no way weigh up to how he misuses his power. That's a huge thing. HUGE. There's just no way.
But then her attacking his shit in broad daylight when there's probably traffic cameras or idk, that's just so effed up. Come on, use your brain! This is humiliating.

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Vikings: 4x15 All His Angels

People should stop making snakes hiss on TV. can’t pronounce enough how stupid that is. We can all see they’re snakes. Why not keep it a little more realistic.
Also “love” how we always need to put harmless pythons in a snake pit. What are they going to do? Google-eye you to death?

A boar pit would have been more appropriate and cruel.

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And Just Like That…: 2x10 The Last Supper: Appetizer (1)

Seems a bit “convenient” that the writers choose to have Lisa be absolutely heart broken about being pregnant, not wanting to get an abortion and then her body just doing it on its own.
Oh wait, those aren’t even legal anymore in the US right?

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Squid Game: 1x06 Gganbu

You silly detective. I almost yelled when he didn’t put the phone cord back properly.

Everyone seems to conveniently forget they can stop the games if all agree. Then again last time it just sent them home not just stopped it.

The rules didn’t say anything about what happens if you have an even number marbles. You win when you have all but do you have to assume you lose if you have even? The rules are a little loosy goosy sometimes. Conveniently.

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The Fall: 3x01 Episode One

Gosh I was so scared for Rose when it looked like they wheeled him into the same room with her.
And now I'm still scared for her being this close to him. As well as I am afraid for the nurse, fitting so well into his victim's profile. He should be too weak to do anything even if he were to wake up soon, plus drugged up, but I'm still really nervous.
And I'm suspecting Rose to not going to function... forever. Which also saddens me.
Stella has it got so well together, the way she's handling basically everything, I can't stop fawning over her personality.

And why do I know the face of that doctor so well? Can't place him gurrrr

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Fate: The Winx Saga: 1x04 Some Wrecked Angel

So now we're made to distrust anyone who's been acting, as far as we know, for the better of everyone. Beatrix' story is believable, but still, she's a manipulative, psychotic killer, mh, actually, she's been lying a lot herself, despite having "good excused" as to why.
All that doesn't look too good on her, but it still makes me distrust the ulterior motives of the teachers a little bit. Just a little.

Because her entire argument(s) kind of rests on the "fact" that Rosalind implanted a true memory.

And that might not be the case. We have no idea who she really is, and why she's imprisoned.

So I'm still siding with the grown ups (well, besides another manipulative, psychotic Luna) and hope they and the kids will find common ground. They're not very wise on how though, going back on the "you know what you have to know", "a soldier just takes order" etc. That was a bit disappointing to see.

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Lupin: 1x05 Chapter 5

And what do we learn from this?
Always keep a (stolen) diamond in your pockets, it might come in handy some time.

But there's noooo way that guy got to the precinct, them figuring out he was innocent, and made it all the way back there to abduct Raol. Such a silly plot hole, not happy. If there had been two guys, sure. But not like this.

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Alice in Borderland: 1x03 Episode 3

Ok this game is really fucked up. For one, the rules don't make sense straight up... like they figure out real quick. If the wolf wins, obviously as wolf you would't go give others the wolf title. But... since it passes on when you look at another, couldn't you just all look at each other and all survive? Or get mirrors or something, to trick the game.

Let's see how they solve it.

RE: Well, fuck.

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Ozark: 3x02 Civil Union
I Am Not Okay with This: 1x01 Dear Diary...

Sydney is “almost” convincing herself about a lot of things.
I’m really enjoying this show already, seems like only 20 minutes is way too fast.
Love the characters, but what a mom, wow. “maybe you’re aiming too high”, naw she was aiming at you, and you seem to be rather low. She reminds me of a friend’s mom.

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October Faction: 1x10 The October Faction

How would Edith’s little speech to Viv pull any weight whatsoever when she knows just exactly how brutal and dishonest Presidio are? Science vs family? Really lady, that’s your approach? Ugh.

And why did the show have to bring in so many tropes in the past few episodes? Here we get the “oh shit someone is out to kill us and they’re basically breaking the door but I WONT MOVE UNTIL I GET ANSWERS!!!” ... really? :expressionless:

Still a good show all in all, I enjoyed the story. The writing in the beginning of the season was more enjoyable somehow. They’re baiting for a second season, but I doubt it will be a good one. Unless they catch themselves somehow and stop it with the tropes. Give the characters some time to breathe, to develop themselves properly.

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Nobody's Looking: 1x05 Not angel, angelus

Such wisdom. Hadn’t expected that, here. :joy:
‪“The truth is like a dildo, you know? You have to push it into people’s assholes very slowly. If you shove it in hard, they’ll retract.”‬

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The Boys: 1x05 Good for the Soul

Why was starlight allowed to wear her lovely first outfit again for this when they were so adamant about her wearing the new one just recently? :thinking:

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Vikings: 5x05 The Prisoner

Everybody stop fighting! Give him my horse!
Insanity I would enjoy if it didn’t come from an asshole.

Also, how do they travel this quickly from Greece to Africa while York has one little battle? :upside_down:
Really wanted Bjørn to comment on travelling on a “desert ship”.
But another great comedic moment.
-she was ... not a she.
-ah. and... was that... a problem for you?
-....... I’m starving!

And suddenly, enter a werewolf! Haven’t seen him
outside of lost girls but suddenly he’s here.
But then poor Floki arriving in Iceland in summer and portraying it as “perfect conditions” ahahahha oh dear.

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Death and Other Details: 1x09 Impossible


Spoilers -
I called it that Viktor was in fact a woman.
I had also started to suspect the right person somewhere through all of this. Feeling slightly accomplished. But only slightly.
Because I had NOT anticipated that last slap. It made some sense, I had an inkling it’s somewhat all about Imogene, because that angle has just been in the dark for the entire time, also something about Rufus leaving the first time around was still not entirely explained …
But this? Hmmmm…

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The Walking Dead: 1x01 Days Gone Bye

Boy. This didn’t “age” well, did it. Starting off with sensationalism - killing a kid (zombie kid, but still, is that what they need to capture an audience?), then going straight into misogyny, both as a joke and in earnest. Dang. People say this show is good, but how much do I have to fast forward until it gets there?:sweat_smile:

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x03 The Very Pulse of the Machine

So they’re making at least one sarcastic military episode each season now it seems.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x01 Three Robots: Exit Strategies

“And thanks for all the fish” aww always love this.

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Mare of Easttown: 1x03 Enter Number Two

The plot ever so thickens.

Who was the person in the security video? Was it Siobhan? Someone else Mare knows? The boy in the hood who kept staring at Betty? Then who is he? He was never mentioned before but if it’s him it seems like Mare does know who he is. But going so far as to temper with evidence it would suggest it has to do with Kevin. And with the bits of info we get from Siobhan’s little documentary… maybe it wasn’t suicide after all. There is darkness about Mare. Maybe she’s more at fault than the “failing as a mother” part.

So many questions.

The whole murder plot is getting more entangled but the second as well, but at least we now “know” the decan has something to do with it, if he isn’t the murderer / father himself. Ouff.

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The Witcher: 2x04 Redanian Intelligence

Uhm, who is this red haired doe-eyed nun and why does she bear Triss’ name?!
Please, what are they doing to the characters :upside_down:
I can forgive a chatty Geralt, blame it on the daddy-role, but hummm… at this point it seems like nobody is really true to their character anymore.

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Emily in Paris: 2x04 Jules and Em

If you can’t stay friends over a perceived one night stand, the friendship wasn’t that strong to begin with. Move on. This revenge / cold turkey act is as childish as it is unprofessional.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x10 The Last Ceremony

Why does nobody just right out tell Eden that you can’t love on command and that she’s just a child, and proper men aren’t attracted to little children. This is exhausting.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x05 Seeds

Somehow they don’t seem to understand neither “harmony in the household” nor how bad mental distress on the mother can be for a child…

Also, Janine: “god saved my life. Twice.”
… no, it was offred. Offred has saved your life.

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Girls: 3x10 Role-Play

Funny how you can turn from disliking Adam to liking him more than Hannah. She :asterisk_symbol:is:asterisk_symbol: selfish and acts it most is the time.

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Squid Game: Season 1

Good show all in all, but not as mind blowing as people make it out to be. And gosh, way to count the inconsistencies and loopholes.

It doesn’t measure up in cruelty and fucked-Upness with for example… Deadman Wonderland. Go watch / read that, that even has character development.

Squid games main character is obnoxious and selfish, who only gets out of his obnoxious role while playing the games, any other time he’s his useless, selfish self. Had there been some actual development with him I might have rooted for him, but in the end he’s still one worthless scumbag.

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