

Oslo, Oslo County


As much as I love this show, the hetero/mononormativity has started to really rub me the wrong way.

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Fucking Donna. That was, as usual, freaking awesome.

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Grace and Frankie

A beautiful show about the sacredness and beauty of friendship, and one of the few shows I have seen that address ageing the way it does - talking about the fears and realities of it, instead of just ignoring it.

If you like Grace and Frankie you’ll probably also like the Kominsky Method. It’s more of a male perspective in ageing, but likewise about friendship and the tackling of well, being old and getting older.

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The Bold Type

So this show pretends to be feminist, inclusive, yada yada, but really when you watch it with your brains switched on and analyse a bit, you should realise rather quickly that it's all just like a mask they put up to pull in the audience, but it really isn't any of that. It throws words like "feminist" and "queer" and whatnot around rather carelessly, without really knowing what they mean.

It follows pretty much all the tropes around a bunch of mostly immature women and men with misogynist perception of themselves and the world around them. Sure, in some episodes we have themes like "let's make it about misogynist topic x and get really wrapped up in it but then toward the very end lets realise it was misogynist and maybe make that curve ball work", while the solutions in the end typically are weak.

It's a nice, enjoyable watch for when you just want to relax and don't question what's put in front of you, but it really isn't entirely what it says it is.

And that's me after having seen almost up to season 3.

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Lost Girl

While I feel this show might be declining in its quality with time, I would still watch it for the humour and the incredible visual aesthetics alone. This show is feeding my sense of aesthetics way too well.

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Grace and Frankie: Season 7

I didn’t enjoy the entirety of the season equally. When they released the second half of it, I was excited, but the first episodes I wasn’t really invested. Most of the episodes seemed to be mostly fillers for the last three or so, when it picked up again in typical grace and Frankie style: with real emotions.
It ended in a real Grace and Frankie manner too: not without making me shed a few tears here and there. These two are the true squad goal.

Friendships are sacred.

What a show. It’s one of the first I’ve ever seen to really talk about ageing (the kominsky method coming in as a strong second) instead of just ignoring it, and base it so beautifully on a wonderful friendship.

Beautiful show!

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Sell Your Haunted House

Somehow I liked these two from the beginning. They reminded me of myself. Especially Ji-a. In-Beom is such a treasure chest.

I love how the characters develop in this. And how they’re not pushing romance at all; but simply friendships or the ability to appreciate one another.
Of course this show managed to press some tears out of me as well, as by now I should expect most Korean shows to do.
Loved it! Had a very different energy to the usually watched, a bit more serious yet sweet and funny.
And who doesn’t love a good exorcism!

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What I like about this show, is that it shows the police failing, shows people make hard decisions, say "no" to a "help me", setting boundaries.
The conclusions Luther arrives at in his cases have a tendency to be a bit more conveniently magicked to life rather than holding up in actuality, which I find a little lacking.

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Bitten: Season 1

Watched this on a whim, not expecting anything from it.
Loved it way more than I had thought I would.
Some aspects of it I don't love, as earlier mentioned, but I can excuse the porn-film-like over sexualisation a little bit with that werewolves are instinctual, sexual creatures... but still, that part bothers me. You can be instinctual and sexual, without looking like a porn star. They could have made a lot of those sex scenes sensual and sexy instead of what they did.
But oh well.
That's really my "major point" about what I got negatively hung up on. Well, and Philips' character, just... such a douche.

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Workin' Moms: Season 6

I used to enjoy watching this show. Has it always been this tacky and toxic however? I remember that the arc with Anne’s daughter has always been a bit iffy, but this season everything’s just blown way out of proportion and instead of showing what one would like to see (working moms struggling but managing just fine) it’s kind of dragging the main characters and their integrity through the mud. Aka there’s no integrity. There are no informed choices. It’s just plain infuriating. Out of the 13 episodes i almost quit at the 11th, and I enjoyed maybe 3 of them. Don’t even ask me why I kept watching :sob:

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Hilda: Season 1

A superbly wholesome show. It makes me smile every episode :yellow_heart:

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Final Space: Season 2

I didn't enjoy the first half of this season as much as I did the first. Hardly believed I ever enjoyed it to begin with.
However, it did pick up in the second half, so definitely don't regret watching it. Just wish they'd done a better job with those first episodes.

Who else is imagining Ava as Susan Sylvester? :speak_no_evil:

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Feel Good

Could someone from trakt fix that obvious, wrong thumbnail of Charlotte Ritchie? The image is of the middle-aged singer, not the actress.

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Beastars: Season 2

Still loving the show, but disappointed in how they left things, aka certain parts the story was going, unwrapped at the end - and not in the “oooo teaser for season3”-way, but the lazy “oh I guess we forgot about it entirely” way. Which is really annoying.

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Emily in Paris: Season 1

What a wonderful show!
The very direct plays on French/American stereotypes that I loved so much in the first episode became a little more toned down and under-the-surface (or at least not as many in your face at once), but the tone kept up through the entire show, and I loved almost every bit of it.
Unfortunately I binged it way too quickly to note down things in between, oops.
Might rewatch to fix that :joy:

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Great News: Season 1

A great show to suddenly pop up! Light and quick in humour without having to pull out the base humour. I can definitely feel Tina Fey's work in this.

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Locke & Key: Season 1
The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

Continuations are rarely better or on par but this has been so freaking well done, in my opinion.
It’s like the first season was like one of those ghost or theme houses – one very well done and exciting but without an actual theme so you stumble adrenaline pumped from one room to the next, utterly confused but enjoying whatever is happening to you.

This one is more like an actual theme house, or park for that matter. Lots of surprises around each corner, sometimes you'll get a bucket full of water in your face and you probably don't leave the way you came in, BUT somehow it makes a lot of sense as you go along.

And it makes you want to go to the next house.

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Outer Banks: Season 1

Despite a lot of scenes that could have gone way easier (less action for us though), and frustrating "adults" vs "kids" tropes, I enjoyed the show for its modern version of the good old, and long-missed treasure hunt theme. Action and tension in every episode.

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Our Flag Means Death: Season 1

This is one of the surprisingly gayest shows I have seen in a while, and also one of the sweetest, and most wholesome shows I have seen in a while. It’s right there with Heart Stopper, except more death and way more pirates. Which, to me, can only make it better.

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Bitten: Season 2

A bit of a let down after season 1.
The first half or so of this season had a lot of plots that didn't make sense or were outright stupid. The season was still enjoyable, but probably only to that extent because the characters had me well hooked from the first season. The whole witch-plot was... a bit unconvincing. Also not really believing in the structure of the pact. With so many losses, how can it still hold up power?

I did experience the season to pick up after episode so or so. There still were silly oversights and details and all that, but the plot seemed more together.

Well, that just brings me to the question wtf they'll come up in Season 3, hoping it'll get better again.

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Trinkets: Season 1

Wonderful show, but all in all not exactly happy. There's a lot of shit piling up until the last episode, with no resolve in this season.
Something about the feel and vibe... also the music of this season/show reminds me a lot of the original Life is Strange. Quite nostalgic.

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October Faction

Good show all in all, I enjoyed the story. Although the writing in the beginning of the season was more enjoyable somehow, more convincing. Less rushed.

They’re baiting for a second season, but I doubt it will be a good one. Unless they catch themselves somehow and stop it with the tropes. Give the characters some time to breathe, to develop themselves properly.

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V Wars: Season 1

Too many problems with this, most of all how predictable, uninteresting and generally bad this has been written. Would not recommend, unless you just want something mindless, some typical "race versus race" thing and uh, just generally don't want captivating entertainment. Or because you're either curious about "grown up Somerhalder" or you're currently ill like me and your brain doesn't want anything too challenging.

The only interesting characters were side-characters really, and not all of them made it to the end of the show. :confused:

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Raising Dion

I liked it overall, for the story and some sense of novelty, but I can’t see away from how many tropes and cringe-worthy moments there were in this. Enjoyed the “big reveal”, but all in all it felt a little hasty and exaggerated.

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Squid Game: Season 1

Good show all in all, but not as mind blowing as people make it out to be. And gosh, way to count the inconsistencies and loopholes.

It doesn’t measure up in cruelty and fucked-Upness with for example… Deadman Wonderland. Go watch / read that, that even has character development.

Squid games main character is obnoxious and selfish, who only gets out of his obnoxious role while playing the games, any other time he’s his useless, selfish self. Had there been some actual development with him I might have rooted for him, but in the end he’s still one worthless scumbag.

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All in all, wonderful.

I wasn't quite on board with the last episode or so, somehow it had lost the bite, or maybe it wasn't as planned out as the rest. Still, remarkably enjoyable show.

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Alice in Borderland: Season 1

Despite some logical flaws here and there, I enjoyed the fast pace and the inhumanity of the games.
Also the team that stayed alive in the end - if in fact they will continue to be a team.
We shall see.

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Black Spot: Season 1

Wonderfully intense show with twists and turns almost every episodes. We do get disconnected crime stories, shedding light on the town’s darkness and revealing more and more about the main character… while keeping the mysteries of the forest under wraps. And we get a silver lining running through it all, not to be solved until the very last episode.

I say, bravo!

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Diablero: Season 1

I love this show so much. I had little idea what I was getting myself into, but I’m glad I got myself here.
The story is great. The characters are awesome. I love the plot. It’s funny, and smart. Nothing is over explained, people are making interesting decisions, the world is intriguing and the culture mashup is fascinating.
Camera work is great too. What else can I say?

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