

Oslo, Oslo County

Vikings: 6x07 The Ice Maiden

What a magnificent funeral. What a way to go meet the gods. In some way for her, that is the most beautiful thing. It’s always just those left behind, bereft, that suffer from death.
I was weeping throughout, but toward the end I stopped weeping and just fucking cried haha.

Wondering if anyone could watch this without weeping. But then again, such a someone would fall into the natural selection of “not a friend”

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Uncle Frank

Fuck. I was out for watching a “light hearted film” something to make me feel good.
Well that wasn’t it, but I’m glad I did anyway. Despite the shitshow of triggers toward the end and me feeling rather ... anything but good.
The “I have no family” - “You have me” about gave me the rest. Lighthearted film my ass.
It did do a marvellous job at punching me in the guts, and a marvellous job at leading me through it, too. :purple_heart:

“I thought I should be what I want to be, not what other people want me to be, that was just bullshit? You know, that conversation changed my life. Now I find out you can’t be who you are unless nobody around you disagrees with it”
Hats off.

Rather beautiful and strong portrayal of love and identity, and how parents fuck shit up for their kids.

Totally caught me off guard, so I can do little but marvel at its beauty and give it a full rating, my words have all but left me.

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The Fall of the House of Usher: 1x08 The Raven

Glad I was right about the wall.

Liked Vera’s speech. It’s true. We could solve poverty, starvation, all of that. All the billionaires could fix it. The huge conglomerates. The world leading industries. They just choose not to. Because what would a world be where everyone has equal opportunities – not profitable.

The never more was a nice touch.
And then him quoting the raven I’ve been hoping for this. The rare and radiant maiden whom the angels call lenore!

While the show in itself wasn’t something I would give max rating, this last episode had a bunch of important things to say, so important in fact that alone deserves a 10/10 in my book.
Vera N.

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Phoenix Rising: 1x01 Part 1: Don’t Fall

I got goosebumps when they started talking about the music video. This is so f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: up. What the hell. I never had a big opinion about him other than he is a talented artist and a very smart person, but this is insane. He needs help, but these girls need it more. And he’s just one of many. This is so sickening. I’m impressed beyond words how these women managed to stand up in the end and come forward.

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Community: 1x18 Basic Genealogy

That switch ...
Turned into a scene I had not quite expected :joy:

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Shadow and Bone: 1x03 The Making at the Heart of the World

“Just focus on me, and you’ll be fine”
O... oh, I’ll focus on you all day long, no problem :flushed:

"The goat is for YOU" ... "so soft" ... awww... How is this show so amazing?

That letter Alina wrote was absolutely beautiful. I hope it actually gets to Mal, but I have a feeling they might sift through her stuff and never let her send it.

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After Life: 2x06 Episode 6

"You said it? Good. Now I can sleep."
Oh gosh, here they come flowing. This show is such a hidden gem.

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Community: 2x01 Anthropology 101

This is trumping the first season already.

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Anne with an E: 3x05 I Am Fearless and Therefore Powerful

The I love the teacher so so much. She’s such a brilliant character. While kindred spirits i kind of hoped for some unexpected, actual relation between her and Anne to be uncovered at some point.

Lovely episode, brought with a personal sting. Such lovely, romanticised light on adolescence-love. Sometimes I Wish I’d have had that. The simple pleasures of walking someone home. Waiting for them to come... that feeling when they don’t show up. The feeling when they do.

This episode had so many great moments. Just those small things peaking through, like it’s ok to be wooed by several partners and gasp, maybe accept both, not to speak of Anne and Diana having great vibes to becoming future “best girlfriends”, the whole “woman wants to do what she wants”, then the entire “savages” have brilliant wisdom that should be integrated with western medicine (I’ve really been hoping that’s the path Gilbert will take), the whole racial issues we have going on, men being open about their feelings, and being affectionate with each other without need of “no homo” or other bullshit....... man this episode was PACKED.

And the ending... bewitching. What a masterpiece.

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Phoenix Rising: 1x02 Part 2: Stand Up

With all this happening; I wonder what Dita’s take on all this is. She was barely mentioned, with this article on the side where it was mentioned how he had angry outbursts and would throw things. They got divorced and all that, but is she helping? I can get why she would want to do so quietly, if, I just really hope that she is, as that strong unbeatable woman she portrays to be :disappointed_relieved:

Let’s see how long it takes to put Warner away. If it ever happens. The systems favour the rich.

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Katla: 1x08 I Am You

What a crescendo! So much tension in this one. Didn’t disappoint one bit. A masterwork I hadn’t expected from Netflix. I blame the Icelanders for delivering quality. And goosebumps.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x08 The Drowned Giant

What a beautiful, poetic story. I felt saddened by the general disrespect the Populus showed him.

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Critical Role: 2x140 Long May He Reign

Oh my gods that emotional he’ll ride this was. It was too much really. The tears kept streaming. Just, wow.
To think we’ve been with these idiots for so long… and now it’s over. Like… everything ends at some point but wow this was strong:sparkles:
Gotta love Sam for being able to break up the tension again with a bit of a laugh there in the end.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x04 Snow in the Desert

My favourite work of this season so far!

The artwork/animation was beautiful, the story, just as well. The details of the characters (strawberries) were so loveable and believable, despite not having a lot of time to exhibit them.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x10 The End of Something
Anne with an E: 3x10 The Better Feeling of My Heart

How are they so terrible with notes?! This has been driving me insane since Anne first wrote hers. Please stop this trend hahaha.

So grown up Anne suddenly looks. I was with Matthew there. Gazing rather confundedly. Lovely to see her run and throw both brella and hat aside haha.

Also, they should change the title image here on Trakt. Spoilers? come on now.

What a beautiful end of the season though. So wonderful. I’m still weeping silently.
A happy ending in so, so many ways. Love not being unrequited after all. Making choices that both align with future plans and the hearts’ desires. A most beautiful memory of parents lost early. What better thing to get than this! And Diana, sweet Diana. I am so happy for all of them.

I do wonder what happened to Kakwet though, that thread has not been picked up again. Not enough time for just one episode, I see that. The story line would not really have fit into this particular episode. Yet, I’d like to see more of her life.

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Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Love, Death & Robots: 3x02 Bad Travelling

Oh this was a Fincher thing? No wonder it was this good. One of my favourites of the entire show. So gory and dark and explicit. Loved it!

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Watchmen: 1x09 See How They Fly

“You can’t heal under a mask, Angela. Wounds need air.”

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Legion: 2x01 Chapter 9

How is this one of the best series in the history of motion pictures?
Glued to my screen from beginning to end once more. Master piece. Both scared and excited for what to come.

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Tales from the Loop: 1x01 Loop

What a stunning first tale. I already suspected what was going on some way before them telling us, but ah, it was all so beautifully done. Even I feel like somehow it was a dream, but not sure whose. And such a haunting, lovely soundtrack! I hope the rest of the show keeps this quality.

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Hunt for the Wilderpeople

Thought I’d give a film a try, sat there in anticipation, when I reached “wanna help me gut it?” I kind of lost it, paused to let myself catch some breath, get more snacks, and settle for the evening. Wonderful.

Then that scene at the hut, where he’s talking about being made things and playing with himself I golden.

And the crispiest flakes, oh my gods. And probably one of the best car chase scenes I’ve ever seen. Great film.

(But am I alone with this phenomenon of whenever I see Sam Neil&”jungle”, I expect the hoot of a bronto? Good old times. whistles intro)

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Suits: 6x10 P.S.L.

This episode was so emotional, it could have passed as season finale. What an episode.

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Blind Spot

Holy shit.
Watching the first half hour unfold so ordinarily, just a normal whatever-day-of-the-week. Everyday conversations. Call me if you need help. Good night dad, love you. And then, boom, and I’m close to freaking out myself, I can hardly breathe, and am in shock.
What an amazing performance. I had to remember that’s what it was, not a real event.
Also just that moment when she goes into room, barely, she doesn’t even go inside, but this slow realisation and intuition of a mother…

And what an amazing shot too. It’s filmed like there are no cuts. There probably are, but so far I haven’t noticed any. Just cameras panning from a to b to c.

Best film I’ve seen 2021, and it’s December.

Hats off.

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Kongen befaler: 4x11 No, I'll die

And once again both Amir and Solveig have me in bits. I was intending to eat breakfast to this. I cried instead :joy:

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Gunpowder Milkshake

The cinematography on this is fantastic! What a work of art!
I don’t see that all too often in practically comedy pieces. Subtle, smart humour in this one too, beautiful.
The car chase with the girl was great. And what a library, such a beautiful and great place. Not to mention the library fight! Love the mention of women who run with wolves.

Besides being a beautiful library with beautiful books and people, GOSH have you seen those WEAPONS?! I’m in love

Do I even have to mention that fighting choreography?

To end it with something nice…
“Can’t think of anyone I’d rather kill with”

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Knives Out

Oh I LOVE a good classic, fantastically twisted crime mystery like this
How truly fantastic.

I really liked how the first reaction about seeing a dead body is not a girl screaming and dropping her shit… but really just… staring and dropping it because you space out.

That fake window was really cool.

Daniel Craig with a southern accent is the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a week.

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Hilda: 1x12 Chapter 12: The Nisse

This one was wonderful!
The explanation of where Nisse live and how things “disappear” was just perfection :relaxed:

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Critical Role: 2x141 Fond Farewells

What an emotional end… to think the last episode was one big boss fight only for them to have yet another this round!

What an emotional ride. Crazy to think we’ve been with them for years really, years this story took to unfold, and as all good things come to an end so did this, and so sweetly and befitting. Love the characters and the crew. The way Matt was in tears in the end didn’t leave me untouched either. So very emotional :cry: Indeed, thank you for a beautiful story, Matt, and thank you for that brilliant mind.

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Love, Death & Robots: 2x05 The Tall Grass

Beautiful short-horror! Loved it to bits.

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