

Oslo, Oslo County

Love, Death & Robots: 2x07 Life Hutch

A bit too much like the first episode. Malfunctioning “life saving” etc robots are hardly a novel idea at this point, but putting two stories in the same season where the plot evolves around one… hmm. Not convinced.

Not a abs episode seen separate from that though. Hopelessness / hope where it doesn’t seem to make sense is always a good topic.

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Freaks – You're One of Us

Not bad so far but I’m seriously questioning the logic behind “STOP TAKING YOUR PILLS they just sedate you, wake up to who you really are!” and then consequently “we need to stay hidden and not use our powers or they lock us up”… coming from the same person.

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The Bold Type: 4x16 Not Far from the Tree

Riiiight. No. Jane is not the future of Scarlet, not at this stage. Her leader skills are still real green and she’s still acting more selfish than anything else in most of her decisions. NOT fit for a leader position whatsoever. Maybe in 10 years :rolling_eyes:

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The Bold Type: 4x15 Love

Would you look at that! For once what Jane is writing actually sounds like it’s going somewhere and is pretty riveting. As well as the text we see on screen being well progressed. Couldn’t have anything to do with Scott being co-writer though, right? The writers of the show must have realised this comes off as way better thought through.

But also, let’s order dinner with two taps and swipes :joy:

The whole thing with Eva was kind of predicable but Kat always brings the fire in this show.

Richard and Sutton… I can see both their sides. I think it’s fair of Sutton to tell him and ask him not to expect it to change, but it might really change. Hormones are weird. She’s still in her 20s, enjoy your life bb.

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The Bold Type: 4x13 Lost

Been a while this show held true to what it’s been and started the show right off with misogynistic misconceptions:
A woman needs a MAN for a reason to satisfy herself. :rolling_eyes:

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The Bold Type: 4x12 Snow Day

Mmmh, now we’re taking professionally lighted photos with a cell phone camera :rolling_eyes:
And Jane once more proves she’s unable to learn anything from the past (aka trust in Jacqueline, ask for help etc) and she’s a :asterisk_symbol:terrible:asterisk_symbol: boss. She has 0 responsibility and overview. She just makes me sick at this point.

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Shadow and Bone: 1x08 No Mourners

"You're welcome to grow a beard... but only for the purpose of keeping me warm." :pleading_face::pleading_face::pleading_face:

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The Kominsky Method: 3x03 Chapter 19. And it's getting more and more absurd

I’m sure this is a US-thing, but over here, normally people wouldn’t be all whiny about someone telling them what they think to their faces. Like how the hell are you supposed to be honest but make it land softly...? I mean sure there’s ways to buttercoat every flipping thing, but I’d expect a man of 67 would be person enough to be able to take that. I can only roll my eyes at Martin and kind of hope he has a heart attack before Mindy puts herself through a marriage with him.

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Shadow and Bone: 1x01 A Searing Burst of Light

What a beautiful start into a beautiful world this is!
I'm in love with the world already, and the characters have so much depth right from the bat, just how it's supposed to be. I sure hope they'll keep up the quality, but either one way, it's the world I'm invested in, in one way or another.

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The Bold Type: 4x03 Marathon

I am both pleased that they finally (suddenly) put a trans-character into the show like it's nothing, and talked about some real issues cis people without trans-connections aren't necessarily aware of... yet I'm also a bit miffed about how they so conveniently put her into the show only now, when apparently Kat's been a regular and Chloe's been delivering her lunch in ages... but no, we only cast the actor for this one episode, because it fits and it's en vogue, riiiiight?

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The Bold Type: 4x02 #scarlet

Uhm, excuse me? Where was the scene between Andrew running away in drag, hiding away in the office and then suddenly appearing on the set of the shoot loud and proud?

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Bitten: 3x10 Truth, Changes, Everything

I hate how they just had their pack established all beautifully just to have them all killed one by one...

Also what happened to the bottle Nick had in his hand one moment, the next it's gone and he's fighting without, what's the point in Rachel giving it to him in the first place?

Great come-back of Alexei, hadn't quite expected that.

But again we have a scene including a witch where she's really useless. I'd have expected them to having a plan, and a backup plan. What was Paige doing there with Sasha, other than being his moral support? Nothing. They're not that stupid, they'd know something could have happened and they'd have to have prepared for that. That's... just really careless and stupid. Like the writers just wanted to kill Sasha off for more drama, not because there wasn't any other way.

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The Bold Type: 3x10 Breaking Through the Noise

Brave to change the issue this completely so quickly, but also... stupid. Not about the reasons Etc, but it’s unlikely that one little comment would make Jacqueline question the entire magazine, when the entire “fake feminism” thing was crystal clear from the very start of this show.
Oh you realise it only now...? An intelligent woman like her? Unlikely. Meh at the decision to write it like this.

And major meh at how Jane is drawing out her high school drama. It’s such bullshit. She’s such a baby. If Ryan could just move on and leave her with some high school boy or some other person on her baby level, that’d be less of a waste of time for him, and maybe a valuable mirror-lesson for her.

I really haven’t liked much of her story at all, I watch for Sutton and Kat. Jane... please either grow up or get out.

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The Bold Type: 3x09 Final Push

Ugh, Jane makes me eye roll so much. Booohoooo you kissed another boooohoooo I can never talk to you again!

What the fuck, are you a high school girl or a woman?... nvm she already answered that question in many previous episodes. But... do we really need to put up with that, as viewers? :unamused:

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The Bold Type: 3x03 Stroke of Genius

Oh finally a really important topic. While they're still going with that annoying and immature side story of "I'm uncomfortable with my sexuality", I really appreciated them bringing up the "I thought I was the good guy but I guess I'm not wtf" thing in a healthy way. And despite it hitting Alex seems especially unfortunate, that's the only way that would hit hard enough.

By the way, for those wondering... consent ends when the other party is being coercive. And a person being pushy and not wanting to leave or not listening to the other's request or respecting the "I am tired I want to go to bed" IS coercion.
Better read up on that little lambs.

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The Bold Type: 2x10 We'll Always Have Paris

So much a fairy tale I didn't really believe that that's truly what they went for.
But still glad of the outcome, Sutton was acting so ... unfortunate with Richard.

Still, the writing is so predictable :joy: Like they sat down with "what does every stereotypical hetero woman dream of" and then slapped that together here.

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The Bold Type: 2x08 Plan B

Urgh really?
There's so many problems with some of the characters, dare I say, especially Jane.

She had this whole thing where she was out of Scarlet to grow as a person and a writer. Then she finally gets her job back, and almost immediately goes into a slump of how she can't do this or that like she lost her entire fire, basically reset to before-quite-Jane, and THEN she goes talking to Jacqueline AGAIN like some sort of x-months-earlier-Jane, trying to hide why she can't write it despite the girls (her) having gone through so many experiences of how it's better to be upfront with Jacqueline and how GOOD it is to do so, because Jacqueline will find out anyway, and usually gives good advice/is understanding. Which is way harder when they try to hide shit.

It's like Jane has learnt zero. It's so frustrating to see.
Also... THIS is "too personal"? Excuse me? All her best stories were good BECAUSE they were personal, because she had to dig, and scratch, and bleed to write them. UGH she's so annoying. Such a baby.

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Bitten: 3x03 Right Behind You

Normal people shopping: "Ooooh, this looks great for chopping wood with!"
Jeremy shopping: "Ooooh, this is perfect to chop some bodies!"

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Bitten: 3x01 Family, Of Sorts

If Nick is getting Rachel postcards from Bali, is he also going to get her stamps from Bali? Or is her family that gullible?

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The Bold Type: 2x02 Rose Colored Glasses

Today in our favourite "feminist" show, the Bold Type: How to bash and undermine other women, as women.

I wish Sutton were better able to stand up for herself. Watching her keeping getting defeated without even trying is just so sad.

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Bitten: 2x06 Nine Circles

Biggest headdesk moment when Logan and Rachel disable the thing but then run outside just like that. Like she didn't learn the last time, Aleister just went back and put the spindle back in place. She KNEW it was back in action before long so taking it with them would be the one logic thing to do, that way it's way less likely he could put it back... but no. We just run. Ugh.

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Trinkets: 2x04 Ghouls Just Wanna Have Fun

cough for someone who's supposedly into photography, Tabitha takes flash-photos of glossy photographs, and doesn't flash her flash in a dark party setting. Mmhm. Ok. cough
Still loving the show! Just can't keep my mouth shot about deets lmao.

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The Bold Type: 1x02 O Hell No

Ugh, I'll be so pissed if they're making her not having had an orgasm ever a "just haven't met the right guy yet" thing, worse if she'll be "saved" by "learn-how-to-make-your-gf-fuck-like-a-pornstar-Ryan". These hypocritical plots are such a headache, I'm not sure I can suffer through this lol.

I do like when Jacqueline goes from big bad boss to caring mother-hen though.

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Bitten: 1x10 Descent

Woah, Philip displaying toxic behaviour? And with one little thing, I suddenly dislike him thoroughly.
I mean, the whole thing where he suspects Elena and Logan to be fucking behind his back already was a little... controlling... and somewhat toxic, just that he seemed to recover from that.
But this? Yeah, again he's jealous for things he doesn't know, but it's like "Let's fuck while your cousin is in the next room" "mmmm i'm a bit uncomfortable with that..." "Ok fuck you turns cold" Like... hello? Have you heard of cuddling or other forms of affection? No? Damn.

My red flags are raised.

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The Irregulars: 1x06 Chapter Six: Hieracium Snowdoniense

Bea does give good speeches. Motivating ones at least.
I like how it doesn't have to be a huge drama about Billy, Leo and her. A little blow to the stomach, aka a family/friend-zone and a little later, he's fine seeing them together. How mature.
On the other hand, the huge drama between her and Leo later didn't seem that mature :joy:

Find it a little strange how no one except for a few guard are missing the prince of England, but I guess mother is a bitch and sister doesn't give two shits, and apparently it's only her they already have in their sights as next heir to the throne? Still. It's a little unlikely he's worth that little.

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Wolfblood: 1x06 Maddy Cool!

Shan is such a terrible person. All she wants is to be right, and doesn't care about any consequences for her "friend".

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum
Firefly Lane: 1x08 Mawaige

I do love those episode titles, I just say.

However, for this one, and some ladies: Possibly huge trigger warning towards the end.

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Young Wallander: 1x02 Episode 2

So half way into this, Hugo's dad sounds suspiciously nazi (pity is for the weak HURR HURRRR), Hugo's boyfriend, I mean BEST FRIEND (nooooo, boyfriend) sounds definitely like they've been more than just "best friends". Show, surprise me?

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