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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x01 Chapter Twenty-One: The Hellbound Heart

There’s rarely been nicer dirt...

I like the band scenes.
But would Sabrina really do such a crucial mistake with the lord of hell...? Hmmm...

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Titans: 2x13 Nightwing

I take back what I said about the suit last episode. If it were so well designed, wouldn’t it have some anti-electricity inbuilt In it’s surface, since he’s fighting with electricity?

I do like what they did with Rose and Jericho, finally a well-fitting solution.

But also the “I’ll kill you” “no you won’t” or something, I mean, how are they so sure deathstroke is actually dead. As rose, I’d have cut of his head and buried it somewhere far away. Or burned him. Just to Make sure.

“Hey Connor” is a good plan, I like it.
And don’t be silly Rachel. Gar is a very large kitty cat. He was actually being gentle with you.

But Bruce is an asshat in this show. First he leaves Gotham to rot, then he's just the figment of Dick's imagination... and suddenly an omnipotent God... and then swoops in in the very last moment to "save the day" when a lot of shit could have been prevented if only he had given a fuck before, and now we're all to revere him or something. He's just like an abusive parent in this show. [maybebecausehedidnthaveanyparentssfjlsdfjsldfsf]

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Titans: 2x11 E.L._.O.

As much as I dislike this whole “Bruce’s ghost” thing, at least he’s one of the few people to make some sense. This pity party had started to be annoying the moment it started and it just accelerated. So yeah get your shit together.
Makes so much sense (not) that the moment Dick goes extra-mental, he doesn’t see his ghost anymore. Mmmmmmh ok.

All right Kory the voice of reason (still one of the few characters / story lines that still sort of make sense?) Questioning the whole thing about Bruce bringing them all miraculously together in the middle of nowhere, and everyone else is just like “:asterisk_symbol:shrug:asterisk_symbol: meh whatever I came all this way but let’s all go to Gar instead” .......... I just can’t :sob:

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Titans: 1x11 Dick Grayson

Really? They’d have the joker in a regular hospital bed with regular cuffs? Try a bit harder for realistic.

I’m not sure I’m a fan of whole “what if”, it mind-fuck episodes like this. A fabricated story inside a fabricated story. We want to believe one, not the other. We know it isn’t true in relation to the first, so in a way it’s all void content.

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The Blacklist: 4x20 The Debt Collector

Seriously, did we have car-kissing scenes in three episodes out of the last... I don’t know, 5? :rolling_eyes:

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The Blacklist: 4x15 The Apothecary

I like stories that backtrack through memory loss.

It would be very obvious if Mr Kaplan was behind everything, since her story line just suddenly blacked out and Reddington wouldn’t suspect her. Alas there would also be rather “easy”. Although also that would be en lieu the latest seasons — just a little subpar in comparison with how it started.

That Dembe was somehow connected to it was heavily foreshadowed already, as I actually pointed out on the last episode.

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The Blacklist: 4x13 Isabella Stone

The cat video was a nice touch.

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V Wars: 1x07 The Night Is Darkening Round Me

Prison guard and jimmy, still the best characters. Adding vigilante vampire sister on the list half ways: despite her ignorance of how to tally deaths/anything. That’s not how you mark a “5”, honey.

Glad to see fucking crazy mom can’t take care of him, was obvious but needed to be proven, mostly to herself.

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The Tick: 1x06 Rising

I was delighted to see a hole in superian’s suit.

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The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel: 1x05 Doink

Aw the lullaby at min. 23 put me right into early childhood. I had a little stuffed toy that would play the very same one. Just like that. :broken_heart:

She’s so funny though when she’s just being herself, watching her bomb so much is really painful.

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Hanna: 1x06 Mother

‪“Is there really no one like me?”‬
‪“You’re unique. That’s why I want to take care of you.”‬
‪“... unique just means alone.”‬

Ah yes. That. That one. There we go.

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Life in Pieces: 1x03 Sleepy Email Brunch Tree

That tree was awesome. I laughed way too much.

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Vikings: 4x19 On the Eve

Just when I was raving about character development and how badass Torvi has become as shield maiden and donning that crossbow like it's her second nature. Sigh.

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One Mississippi: 1x04 Let the Good Times Roll

This one was rather positive. It made me smile a lot and laugh to appropriate degrees.

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Longmire: 4x08 Hector Lives

Vic is being so awkward around Eamonn... but then I realised I’d forgotten about her jumping to conclusions when trying to call him earlier.

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Limitless: 1x19 A Dog's Breakfast

“This fight isn’t about who’s going to rule the world. It’s about who will build the next one.”

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Limitless: 1x15 Undercover!

I love the neo noir pieces and general style of this episode!
When he’s asked whether he has a suit and answers with “I have a red suit?” was a nice touch. That, and Bollywood. And Rebecca going on about how he looked in a suit :joy:

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