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Locke & Key: 1x03 Head Games

Shout by KyriaCrosszeria
BlockedParent2020-02-13T22:28:36Z— updated 2020-02-16T14:41:14Z

Soooo... I know there’s a lot that’s wrong with this, problems everywhere but one that is striking me right now is just how irresponsible the grown ups are.
I mean. Their dad just died horribly. And they don’t get counselling or therapy, nothing? As far as I know that’s mandatory here and kids get that for free? Like..? There’s so much damage trauma does, and kids don’t have the armour grown ups have so they need help especially ... but like? What? Acting out is a typical behaviour for boys after or during trauma. “He’s Not been himself”, no shit.

The “what’s with the shorts?”
“Do my legs look cold to you?”
actually was a fun line.

So if you’re going inside a door but leave the key outside ... wouldn’t that make you extremely vulnerable to strange well ladies out for keys?

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Sweet Magnolias: 1x01 Pour It Out

This show is so fake... everything looks like a set, every actor has to be pretty, even the colours, the music and the accents sound fake.
But maybe that's the point of this? I guess it's a genre. I suppose I'll find out whether this has any depths at all :joy:

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Workin' Moms: 3x02 Of Rights And Men

This case of Anne versus Brad makes no sense at this point. The reasons for why she did what she did can in no way weigh up to how he misuses his power. That's a huge thing. HUGE. There's just no way.
But then her attacking his shit in broad daylight when there's probably traffic cameras or idk, that's just so effed up. Come on, use your brain! This is humiliating.

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Vikings: 4x15 All His Angels

People should stop making snakes hiss on TV. can’t pronounce enough how stupid that is. We can all see they’re snakes. Why not keep it a little more realistic.
Also “love” how we always need to put harmless pythons in a snake pit. What are they going to do? Google-eye you to death?

A boar pit would have been more appropriate and cruel.

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And Just Like That…: 2x10 The Last Supper: Appetizer (1)

Seems a bit “convenient” that the writers choose to have Lisa be absolutely heart broken about being pregnant, not wanting to get an abortion and then her body just doing it on its own.
Oh wait, those aren’t even legal anymore in the US right?

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I Am Not Okay with This: 1x01 Dear Diary...

Sydney is “almost” convincing herself about a lot of things.
I’m really enjoying this show already, seems like only 20 minutes is way too fast.
Love the characters, but what a mom, wow. “maybe you’re aiming too high”, naw she was aiming at you, and you seem to be rather low. She reminds me of a friend’s mom.

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October Faction: 1x10 The October Faction

How would Edith’s little speech to Viv pull any weight whatsoever when she knows just exactly how brutal and dishonest Presidio are? Science vs family? Really lady, that’s your approach? Ugh.

And why did the show have to bring in so many tropes in the past few episodes? Here we get the “oh shit someone is out to kill us and they’re basically breaking the door but I WONT MOVE UNTIL I GET ANSWERS!!!” ... really? :expressionless:

Still a good show all in all, I enjoyed the story. The writing in the beginning of the season was more enjoyable somehow. They’re baiting for a second season, but I doubt it will be a good one. Unless they catch themselves somehow and stop it with the tropes. Give the characters some time to breathe, to develop themselves properly.

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Beastars: 1x07 Below the Fur Coat

My gods, this random hen/egg-part seems a bit like your usual beach-episode you get in anime hahaha.

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The Fall: 3x01 Episode One

Gosh I was so scared for Rose when it looked like they wheeled him into the same room with her.
And now I'm still scared for her being this close to him. As well as I am afraid for the nurse, fitting so well into his victim's profile. He should be too weak to do anything even if he were to wake up soon, plus drugged up, but I'm still really nervous.
And I'm suspecting Rose to not going to function... forever. Which also saddens me.
Stella has it got so well together, the way she's handling basically everything, I can't stop fawning over her personality.

And why do I know the face of that doctor so well? Can't place him gurrrr

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Vikings: 5x05 The Prisoner

Everybody stop fighting! Give him my horse!
Insanity I would enjoy if it didn’t come from an asshole.

Also, how do they travel this quickly from Greece to Africa while York has one little battle? :upside_down:
Really wanted Bjørn to comment on travelling on a “desert ship”.
But another great comedic moment.
-she was ... not a she.
-ah. and... was that... a problem for you?
-....... I’m starving!

And suddenly, enter a werewolf! Haven’t seen him
outside of lost girls but suddenly he’s here.
But then poor Floki arriving in Iceland in summer and portraying it as “perfect conditions” ahahahha oh dear.

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The Walking Dead: 1x01 Days Gone Bye

Boy. This didn’t “age” well, did it. Starting off with sensationalism - killing a kid (zombie kid, but still, is that what they need to capture an audience?), then going straight into misogyny, both as a joke and in earnest. Dang. People say this show is good, but how much do I have to fast forward until it gets there?:sweat_smile:

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x03 The Very Pulse of the Machine

So they’re making at least one sarcastic military episode each season now it seems.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x10 The Last Ceremony

Why does nobody just right out tell Eden that you can’t love on command and that she’s just a child, and proper men aren’t attracted to little children. This is exhausting.

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Girls: 3x10 Role-Play

Funny how you can turn from disliking Adam to liking him more than Hannah. She :asterisk_symbol:is:asterisk_symbol: selfish and acts it most is the time.

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On the Verge: 1x12 The Beginning Of The End

Fricken finally. Thanks Justine.
I like the different changes coming on.
“No apocalypse” my ass. Better get that toilet paper and the hand sanitisers.

Still wondering about Yasmin’s husband though… he’s awful suspicious :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Sweet Tooth: 1x01 Out of the Deep Woods
The Irregulars: 1x06 Chapter Six: Hieracium Snowdoniense

Bea does give good speeches. Motivating ones at least.
I like how it doesn't have to be a huge drama about Billy, Leo and her. A little blow to the stomach, aka a family/friend-zone and a little later, he's fine seeing them together. How mature.
On the other hand, the huge drama between her and Leo later didn't seem that mature :joy:

Find it a little strange how no one except for a few guard are missing the prince of England, but I guess mother is a bitch and sister doesn't give two shits, and apparently it's only her they already have in their sights as next heir to the throne? Still. It's a little unlikely he's worth that little.

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Firefly Lane: 1x08 Mawaige

I do love those episode titles, I just say.

However, for this one, and some ladies: Possibly huge trigger warning towards the end.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x11 Chapter Thirty-One: The Weird

Somewhat doubting the effectiveness of a whole song as "mantra" while your brain is rotting away. But then again, not many people demand logic in this show :joy:
These eldritch horrors, for being so ancient, wise and ... horrible, are a bit underwhelming though.

Since I'm not caught up on Riverdale, is this an actual, real crossover here? Is there a Lucas Hunt in Riverdale? I'd like that.

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Upload: 1x07 Bring Your Dad to Work Day

Hmmm, so you have amazing technology, little wristbands you can talk into to send messages, but you can't take simple screenshots or pictures with them for some strange reason, so you have to take notes...? Instead of just... you know. Taking pics of the entire screen... the entire time...

Still enjoying the show, details like that just annoy me :laughing:

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Upload: 1x03 The Funeral

Why are guys in shows always such garbage in realising when their "hot girlfriends" are manipulative sociopaths? Or other toxic somethings. There's ways to be subtle about it, and then there's Ingrid ways.
Well unfortunately he's not much in a position to do anything about it.

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Young Wallander: 1x01 Episode 1

Very strange to listen to this with English pronunciation of everything. Hello Curt Wollendur, nice to get to know you.

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Outer Banks: 1x07 Dead Calm

I feel for JJ. This is so heart breaking.
How are there so many dysfunctional men in this show :sob:

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Ozark: 3x08 BFF

Ben, why? You already realise Helen is dangerous, why would you up and do that?
I'm not expecting Ben to survive this season.
But good someone finally told Erin. Even if it was a death sentence. That's the only way to really hurt Helen.

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Suits: 7x14 Pulling the Goalie

Omg Sheila is such a bitch, excuse my language.
How dare she play with someone the way she does and then go all whiny and crybaby over “oh no, my fiancé can never find out about this boohoo my life will be ruined” well tough luck asshole, this all is on you, it’s all been your choice, how dare you cry about it to the one person who’s getting the brunt force of your egotism in his face?

... I’ve never been a fan of Louis, but I can’t suffer assholes doing what she’s doing. I really freaking hope her life does get ruined the way she’s afraid of.

Or... well clearly I wrote this mid-episode. I do like how it turned out, as long as everyone’s being real.

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Hunters: 1x08 The Jewish Question

Corn syrup, that’s fucking brilliant.
Well damn, I’m glad that’s mostly an American thing, we still believe in sugar over here hahaha.

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Feel Good

Could someone from trakt fix that obvious, wrong thumbnail of Charlotte Ritchie? The image is of the middle-aged singer, not the actress.

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Locke & Key: 1x04 The Keepers of the Keys

Bit weird to ge to that point where you’re like “oh so how did you first meet? When did you first kiss?” And the answer is “inside her head” :joy:

Also does someone have a cool scientific explanation for that green fire?

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The Blacklist: 4x18 Philomena

At first I thought Mr Special Agent was connected to Katarina and everyone, but the age doesn’t add up haha.

Strange Kaplan would miss a single thing while cleaning.

Omg Navabi though. Can you make any more impulsive decisions that are bad for your future? That’s so silly. A lot of this was kind of silly.
Or giving someone a package they can’t ever open UNLESS. Come on, we all want to know what’s hidden in there.

And so, ironically Kaplan survived the second headshot precisely because she had been shot before. Metal plate and all that ... mrs Kaplan saved her, didn’t she?

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The Blacklist: 4x16 Dembe Zuma

What a great episode indeed. Finally the level picked up again.

Only doubtful whether Dembes decision to just punch the guy and leave him with his weapon was something that a man with his kind of survival training would do. I’d think it’s the first thing he would have learned - disarm someone who means to hurt you. Not leave them with it. That seems... utterly careless and out of character. Like seriously out of character. I’m a little let down by this, frankly.

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