C. S. C.



Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets

I am not familiar with the source material, but I thought it was very fun. The plot is not very original, but well executed, and entertaining nonetheless. I actually thought the cast was nice - I think Dane DeHaan and Cara Delevigne worked well together, and their characters were just very likable. The supporting cast also did a great job, and I was happy to see Kris Wu, even in such a small role. I enjoyed how the story allowed the exploration of very different settings, and I do hope there is a sequel, so that I will get to see more of Alpha.

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The Battle of Midway

Interesting footage. I was hoping to see more of the Japanese fleet, but that expectation was frustrated. Still, a great piece for those researching in the topic.

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Railroad Tigers

It is a visually interesting movie with a great cast, however the plot is dragged endlessly into silly conflict, to the point it becomes hard to stay focused. The comedy routines are alright though, I really do not think they were the worst part.

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It goes from cute to brutal in a most brilliant way.

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Passport to Paris

These Olsen movies definitely do not age well.

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Light and fun entertainment. Also, a very nice cast!

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Monster Trucks

I do not think I will ever find tentacle monsters cute (thanks, Japan!), but this movie almost made me change my mind. Almost. The being enslaved by a human part did not help, it was so mean.
It was otherwise goofy, but enternaining. It had an interesting 80's feel to it, without pushing it too hard, like recent works have been doing. It just was not actually good.
I was glad to see Jane Levy though. I wish she had more job offers, she is way better than Nickelodeon movies.

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The Glass Castle

Shout by C. S. C.
BlockedParent2017-12-13T22:44:15Z— updated 2018-01-01T12:47:25Z

The movie was overall a great experience - the cast was amazing (Ella Anderson has set some standard for her future career!), the narrative style, the aesthetics, everything worked very well, and told a story that kept me interested. But because it is based on a true story, I had many mixed feelings - I am glad Jeannette Walls made peace with her history, and I admire her for it, but I felt very sad while watching the whole thing, specially with the ending, even if it was supposed to be a happy one.

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Murder on the Orient Express

I felt bad enough for paying to see a movie that featured Depp, and surely my wickedness in supporting a women abuser was punished - I hated this. This OCD, strangely emotional version of Poirot looked great but tasted bitter. Strange details from the original story were changed, and I just cannot understand why, as the original was extremely concise and clever as it was, even if it did not feature action scenes where people got shot and chased. A lot of the character's background was cut, which took away from that great "assembling the puzzle" feel readers get from Agatha Christie. It just felt so... superficial. I did not get into any of the characters as I did in the novel. The interviews were short, and gave me no emotional connection to them and their past. The only positive thing is that everything was very pretty. Unfortunately, pretty was not I wanted.

Also, I am very upset that they made Helena to join in the stabbing. There was meaning in her abstinence from it.

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The Foreigner

Action thriller is probably my least favorite genre, and the fact that the good guys fight each other for more than half of the film was a little annoying, but I still quite enjoyed the characters, who were all masterfully played - there is not a single bad note on that cast!

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Rewatching it after 10 years, I have to say I liked it even less than before. The story is to silly to run for so long, the songs get annoying, and the characters take a very forced route to the fairy tale parody. The cast is nice, it is just the characters that are the problem.
Also, is it not a little strange to see Menzel in a movie where she is not the main singer? It is just a waste.

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The Diary of Ellen Rimbauer

A very poor adaptation of what was an extremely fun and scary book! The movie fails to convey how truly creepy is the connection between Ellen and Rose Red, while also portraying Ellen as a very unsympathetic character, which she definitely was not. A lot of the time, the movie seems to imply that John's abusive behavior was Ellen's fault for not giving into him, which is totally absurd. Sukeena's eeriness is downplayed in the most disappointing manner, as she is a very powerful character in the novel, and Ellen's own darkness is pretty much erased. I cannot say I am happy about this adaptation at all.

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So they tried to throw an expensive, antique, collector coveted item in the trash...? Having someone dying with it really would not decrease its value if it remained in a perfect state, and her dress was not even stained.
The doll could be haunting the unaware new happy owner who would buy it, if they were thinking straight. And maybe Annabelle would have been an entirely different and much better movie...

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What an interesting movie. Initially, I had rated it a 6, as I felt slightly annoyed watching it. But after I found myself unable to stop talking about it during the day, I raised my rating to an 8. Finally, I tried to go to bed, and I was still thinking about the movie. So i have come to rate it a 9. It is a sign of a great piece indeed if you cannot get it out of your mind!

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When in Rome

I loved this movie when it came out, but re-watching it, all I can do is cringe at the dialogue and laugh at the questionable aesthetic choices of some of the shots. I totally understand why this did not get a theater release.

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10,000 Miles

"Kevin" is a whiny brat who throws tantrums when he does not get his way. It is just inconceivable that he would be the hero of a love story.

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Eyes Without a Face

It is impossible to watch this movie and not realize that we have either seen or read something (or many things!) before, that were clearly inspired by this. And still, this piece shines above them, almost 60 years later. What a great fun it was to experience it!

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Jasper Jones

I will disagree with the previous comment, I did not think the acting was bad, as much as it was intentionally awkward for most everyone. Of course I might be wrong, but I think it was done so to best display insecurities, as it is precisely from personal feelings of insecurity that originate lies, violence, prejudice and abuse.
I truly enjoyed the very casual way horrible things are displayed in the film, and I am already looking for the novel that inspired it!

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Children of the Corn III: Urban Harvest

In this stallment of the series, we learn that He Who Walks Behind the Rows is one of Rita Repulsa's maximized monters.

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Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice

The aesthetics and narration style of this movie are strangely more 80's than the original one, despite it being released in '92. It is also even worse, with uninteresting main characters and the silliest romances (was that the only way they could find to justify the choice of sacrifices? How original and plausible!). Getting to the end of it is a challenge.

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His Girl Friday

A nice movie with a very frustrating ending!

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More heart warming and far less goofy than I had expected, and a little bloodier too. I rather enjoyed the tale about a sensitive goon. The synopsis is somewhat misleading, rivalry is hardly the focus of the story.

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It! The Terror from Beyond Space

Well. It is true that this is a very precarious and painfully low-budget production - the bad monster suit, cardboard scenarious, and painted fabric backgrounds do not even pretend they are trying to be believable, and seem laughable even for a 50's production. But still, the simple storyline is actually very entertaining, and the cast was quite competent. I do not believe the film to be particularly iconic, but I feel that anyone interested in the genre will enjoy this movie, which also inspired the plot for Alien!

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13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi

Surprisingly tolerable, considering the director. I did not find it as touching as some others who have commented apparently did - as I saw it, there were some minimal efforts to humanize the Americans, and no effort at all to humanize the locals, which made every character feel plastic despite the good work of the actors. It was very difficult to believe these were based off real people, and very hard to care about them, even after following them up close for 2 hours. Nonetheless, the movie looks great and visually convincing (no silly CGI this time, or was it just better than what usually appears on Bay's movies?), the pace is great, the movie did convey the proper atmosphere, and the dialogue was alright. I did not even mind the cliches, and although some political context and background could have made it a more interesting movie, I found it quite entertaining.

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Little Red Riding Hood

Possibly the strangest (perhaps the trippiest) version of Little Red Riding Hood ever told. The first scene already had me confused, why did the cat die? And if the cat died, how could mom go on to send the donuts to grandma? Was she trying to murder grandma and implicate Red? Just so nonsense!

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Pearl Harbor

Some of the secondary plots, I am not sure why they were included at all, when they were not given the attention required to be properly developed. The eye candy is really the one thing this movie has got going for itself (Affleck and Hartnett were and still are extremely handsome men, but they never looked as good as in this movie, and I think neither did Beckinsale!), and that is just not enough to hold a three-hour long movie together. Taken as a lame Nicholas Sparks-kind of love story though, it really is not terrible, just seriously long.

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The Thing

All the praise this movie gets is extremely well deserved. What impressed me most though is how well done the effects were - so well done I had to check if what I had been watching was really the 80's movie and not the remake, because the effects were far more convincing than most of this year's releases! I was sure it could not be from a 30+ year old movie, but yes, it was! What a great production! And the plot, the acting, and the music were all on level with it. A truly superb movie.

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The Three Caballeros

Quite delightful! The music is beautiful, and sequences vary from funny, to interesting, to crazy weird but still funny. The featured singers are amazing and worth the watch. One of my favorite Disney oldies!

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Casting JonBenet

It is basically local gossip caught on tape. They put actors in "scenes" that are just there to introduce the topic of a person of interest or theory and then let the actors, all familiar with the case and many from the area, run wild with their guesses. There is nothing wrong with having ideas and interpreting things your way, but I am not entirely sure of why would anyone want to film it. If anything, I see that no one's life was really as affected as news claimed, and that the case became some kind of local myth which people default back to when they have nothing better to discuss.

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La La Land

It is a mostly cute romantic comedy that relies heavily on nostalgic references and has unfortunately little else to offer. Even as far as the romance goes, there are no sigh-worthy moments and I found both characters hard to like. It bothered me that I felt like I got to know Sebastian way better than Mia, even though Stone is billed as a main exactly like Gosling, but I think both of them delivered their characters really really well, even if I did dislike them. The scenarios, the costumes and the music were very beautiful, but the lyrics were not up to the same standard, and the dialogue was so predictable, it was easy to speak lines before the characters did! It also felt too long by at least 20 minutes, the editing could surely have been smarter.
Still, I have a feeling this is a title that might age well. All those little Old Hollywood easter eggs in a such a pretty production will surely be worth something in time, at least more than it is now to me.

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