

Omicron Persei 8

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

I have not seen the anime, so don't know how it compares. But as a standalone movie it was ok, keep me entertained enough.

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Entertaining movie, but man is it stupid

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Captain Marvel

After the horrible trailer, I expected worse. Not bad, not great, painfully average. Would really prefer if this was a movie about Fury, or the cat. The cat was the best.

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Dark Matter

It has been a while since I read the book, but the start looks promising. Bit slow, but not the worst. Let's see how it continues.

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The Beekeeper

Statham 10/10, fun as always, writing 3/10, uninspired and boring, everything else 1/10, and I feel I'm being generous. The only reason to watch this is if you like a Statham action, nothing else. If I did not recognize some of the actors from other movies/shows, I would think they were random people they found on the street—total amateur hour. And the whole dumb and dumber FBI act got tired so quickly. Why were they in the movie? What was the point?

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In Love and Deep Water

An OK mystery and an OK romantic movie. It is a bit stretched and looks like a commercial for a cruise line in some parts. But the two main characters work quite well together, and as long as you watch in Japanese (the English dub, as usual, was unwatchable) it's entertaining enough.

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Night of the Hunted

It is quite entertaining and keeps you guesing most of the time, what is happening. Too bad the ending does not give any answers, and leave a bad taste at the end. A good surprise or twist would be better here. Also, I presume the black guy was blind. Hard to explain his behavior othervise.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Was better than I expected. Especially Indy was great, it reminded me a lot of the old films. Even the action and story were quite good.
The problem was the character of Helena, who functioned like a huge anchor dragging the whole movie down. I don't know how they managed, in a movie with literal nazis, to have a character you will dislike more. She gets a bit better towards the end, but it actually feels wrong and out of character.

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Not really scary, but an ok movie. Few surprises and unexpected things here and there, but in the end it feels more like a dark comedy. Still, its well made and worth a watch.

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The Flash

Ok, this was a surprise. Much better than I expected. Batman just steals the show. Supergirl is quite good. The story is all over the place with some holes, but it's still entertaining. The biggest problem here is Ezra Miller, who just looks like a creep all the time, in a very ugly-looking costume. But surprisingly, for a movie where he should be the main character, his very often just pushed into the background. And that makes it better.

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Fast X

It's a F&F movie. I expected a stupid story, with too many coincidences and characters you never heard of before appearing from nowhere. But I also expected a lot of action, huge explosions, fighting, and crazy driving. And they delivered on all counts. So it is hard to complain when they give you exactly what you expected when you started watching.

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The Perfect Secret

By now I have seen 6 versions of this movie and the German one is still my favorite, followed closely by the Italian original. I especially like that they did not use the ending where nothing happened, and stick to reality

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Nudist Colony of the Dead

Sometimes a movie is so bad, that it becomes great. A real classic.

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I can't believe I was able to see this in the cinema. First time I've seen a Japanese and even anime movie shown here. Easy 10 for me. Great story, beautiful animation, and music. Likable characters. The story is quite different from what I expected after the trailers and is like many other Japanese movies rooted in tragedies. There is a lot of sadness, but also a lot of beauty.

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Cocaine Bear

Few funny moments (that I think were also in the trailer), an interesting idea, but just a boring story overall. It ok if you are doing something else and it plays in the background. That's about it.

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I don't know what I just watched, but it sure was entertaining.

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The Running Man

A classic Schwarzenegger Sci-fi movie. Always great fun to watch again.

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Shin Ultraman

Quite a strange movie. A bit all over the place, but with good acting, some nice action, and quite the unique cinematography. Still, I enjoyed it from start to finish. But on the other hand, I understand that this is not for everyone. If you liked Shin Godzilla or Evangelion, you would love this. If you did not, then just skip it. This movie is probably not for you.

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Bullet Train

Shout by movieswatcher
BlockedParent2022-09-26T21:14:57Z— updated 2023-04-28T19:57:50Z

Overall, quite a fun movie, I did quite enjoy it. But the whole time I could not shake a feeling. A feeling that I'm watching a US remake of a better Japanese movie. There have been many in the past. This one feels the same, as an American movie with a Japanese backdrop. And that just makes it feel fake overall. They did not even bother to hire Japanese actors for the Japanese yakuza. Just why?

I think I will just read the book next time. Should be better.

For me, this is the last movie I'm watching with Sandra Bullock. Her scary plastic face will haunt me forever in my nightmares

Edit: After watching it two more times, I still have the same issues with the movie, but I have to up the rating to 9, as it's just too much fun and you notice so many things when you watch it again.

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The Gray Man

Not bad, but with nothing new, and forgettable. I have seen the same movie many times over the last years. If this came out around the year 2000, I would rate it differently. Gosling was mostly good, Evans was a horrible caricature of a character (and probably not paid enough, as he does nothing most of the movie) and Armas showcases the worst military tactics ever seen on film (yes, you run into the middle of a square full of shooters or yes, the obvious hiding place in in the middle of the room is obvious).

Too many cuts during the fights, too many drone shots, and too much runtime. Too little thought behind it all. At least the action sequence in Prague was quite good. The highlight of the movie.

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This takes place sometime in the 90s. And if the movie came out then, it would be great. But it's not the 90s anymore, and there have been so many similar ones, that this ends up being another forgettable rehash of what everybody has seen before. The annoying time jumps and fake action scenes (when did she get superpowers? somehow I did not notice) did not help at all. If you want a good movie with a female spy, just watch the Korean movie The Villainess

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Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City

Was it great? No. But was it so horrible as all the reviewers claimed? Also no. it's an average zombie movie, with a few nice scenes and a few bad ones. Mostly as said, average.

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Death on the Nile

I feel bad for Branagh. He tries, but he is no Suchet or Ustinov. And with the writers butchering a great story what else can he do. You can feel the greatness of Agatha Christie's writing drowning (fits here doesn't it?) in the stupidity they added. Would make for a great movie, if they would just stick to the original. They even added an action sequence with Poirot? How stupid can they be? Have they ever seen anything with him?

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Uncharted, the kindergarten edition

Not really sure how one should take this seriously. With adventurer that looks like he does not even have to shave yet, and the antagonist that looks like she has bird shit all over her head. This movie could be used as a definition for miscasting. Really bad.

The only positive was the character of Chloe, she reminded me of the game, and the actress really fit the role. If the whole movie was about her, without the uncharted name and with Antonio Banderas being the bad guy, it would make a great movie.

Also, the action scene, in the end, was quite good, even though it was more from a Tomb Raider game, not from Uncharted

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I don't get it. The acting was fine, the action was fine, the cinematography was good (maybe too many drone shots), the effects were good (mostly), and they obviously had a big budget. How can the writing be so bad? Does this even had a writer or they just got drunk and they wrote down what would look cool and that's it? It's entertaining enough if you don't think about it at all, but is that really enough?

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It's an entertaining movie, with some nice-looking moments. It all goes downhill when anyone starts to speak, the stupidity that comes out is just horrible. And not just the things regarding science. I will have to try and watch this without sound, could make for a better movie. Also, the acting was mostly just bad, really bad. A lot of actors looked like they just had collagen pumped into their faces and they could not emote anymore. Especially Halle Berry looked the same the whole movie. Shoved no emotion at all on her face.

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The Locked Room Murders

There are quite a few Japanese TV shows that are filled with Locked rooms and similar mysteries. And if you like any of those, you will like this one too. The actors are good, the characters are fun and the mysteries are interesting. What else would you need?

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Atami's Police Investigators

I can't shake the feeling that the authors saw Twin Peaks and wanted to create something similar. Overall the mystery is quite good, even the ending is not the worst. But it's so paynfully slow, filled with random things that go nowhere. it's strange just to be strange. You could probably cut out half of it without losing anything important.

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Usually, I like anime more than the live-action version, but not this time. Minami plays Yumeko so perfectly, so crazy.

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