

Omicron Persei 8

Angel's Egg

Intriguing with nice animation and art, but too abstract without any real information for the viewer.

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True Lies

This movie is pure entertainment. It's fun, the action is good, the pacing is good, the actors are good, and all is as it should be.

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Love on Repeat

I do like time loop movies, but not even that will save this one. Writing is just bad here, with shallow characters and a very predictable story.

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Minions: The Rise of Gru

I watched .. something. I already forgot what this movie was about. Just a meh collection of random scenes.

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The movie is fine. For the run time it will keep you entertained. The actors are good, the effects are mostly decent. The story is a generic superhero origin story that you have seen many times before.

The biggest problem with this movie is not this movie. The biggest problem here is Marvel. With the factory-like mass production of superhero movies and shows, they are killing all interest in them. They definitively killed mine. Used to be: yeah. a new superhero movie (thumbs up). Now it is: yeah.. another one (rolling my eyes).

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Project: ALF

It starts really well, especially the experiment footage was really funny. but it goes bad after that, with a predictable generic ending.

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VR Fighter

Imagine an action movie, where they got rid of all the "boring" stuff. So no character development, motivation, or exciting story. It's just left with a generic protagonist, generic bad guys and so many cliches that one would think this is a parody. And why do they speak English most of the time? What was the point here?

There were a few ok fight scenes, and luckily this is quite a short movie, so not that hard to finish. But it will be forgotten right away.

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Special Delivery

The Transporter, Korean edition.

The story and setting are really similar here. Nothing new, but still quite an enjoyable simple action movie overall.

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In the Wake

Based on the description I expected more of a detective mystery, but this is not what this is. This is a drama, mostly a critique of the social system in Japan. And that is not really for everyone. The movie takes time to develop characters and tell the story it wants. The frequent time jumps, in the beginning, make it a bit harder to get into this movie, but as it progresses, it will get you invested in the characters and gets you to the finish. The ending was predictable, I think I guessed it halfway through, but not that bad.

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Mission: Possible

A fun action movie, that's a bit cliche and entirely predictable. But it will keep you entertained enough for its runtime.

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Memoirs of an Invisible Man

It's a fun thriller with a simple story and few inconsistencies. Still enjoyable, but don't expect too much.

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The Lost City

Just watch Romancing the stone. Really, just skip this and watch Romancing the stone.

This was just bad. Boring, generic, predictable, bloated, badly shot, horribly written. Maybe Brad Pitt was fine, for the whole 5 minutes he was in the movie , and some scenery shots were nice. That's all. I had to force myself to finish this, I was so bored. And the worst thing was Sandra Bullock. What did she do to her face? She looks so creepy, more plastic than a plastic mannequin. She talks, her face stays the same, she smiles and her face stays the same. Her face always looked the same. Like bad computer graphics.

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The Bad Guys

Fun, but a bit generic. Nothing that really stands out. It will be entertaining for those 100 minutes, but then you will probably forget about it. I don't get why they used animals. It does not fit the world, and they don't use it in any way. Probably just done so it's easier to market to children.

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Fun movie, but I feel stupider after watching it.

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Sonic the Hedgehog 2

A fun movie, but the story lacks focus. It feels too random, jumping all over the place. Also, the random references to things take you out of the story a bit. Still quite enyoiable.

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It's ok. But with a name like sputnik, I expected something else.

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There are a few ok moments, but too many meh ones. It just feels very generic and not really scary. All the interesting parts about Sadako are missing. No videotapes, no 7 days, nothing. It's no different from any other generic horror movie monster.

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Don't Breathe 2

I prefer the first one, as the whole claustrophobic feeling from the single location made it more disturbing and scary. Still, this was an entertaining, gorry fun, exactly what I expected from this kind of movie.

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Did they forget to add "part 1" to the name? Like it's not bad, but I feel like I watched a 30-minute act one stretched to 2.5 hours. The whole time I was waiting for something interesting to start, and all I got was just the initial setup.

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The Contractor

A bit slow, takes a lot of time to get going, but quite ok in the end.

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Cinderella Game

A very obvious copy of battle royal. It feels a lot like a student film. The lack of budget and the bad acting really did not help here. Maybe if it was gorier (Like lessons of Evil with the same actress) or the game was not just luck-based and included some tactics, it could at least be interesting. They could have at least included some introduction to the characters, to give you a reason to root for them a bit.

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Stigmatized Properties

This would be an OK movie, not being there one issue. There is a big disconnect between what you see and what you are told. You see this character getting popular, writing a book, going for TV appearances all about his experiences. But you see nothing, a few moments here and there. He visits one apartment, sees a ghost, gets hit by a car and that's what he wrote a book about? Show, don't tell is something the authors should have thought more about here.

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Lily C.A.T.

An anime version of the movie Alien. That's all this is. I don't remember the last time I saw a movie that copied a different one so much as this one did. Without that and with few changes to the story this could have been quite good actually. Shame

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THE FABLE: The Killer Who Doesn't Kill

As good, maybe even a bit better as the first one. Still likeable characters and very good fighting scenes and action. The only thing I was missing was some of the characters from the first one, as those were relegated mostly to cameos

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Army of Thieves

Definitively better than Army of the Dead. But even here the DOF feels off in a lot of scenes, but not as bad as before. Somebody, please teach Zack how to change the aperture on a lens.

The movie is at its best as it follows the main character. He is realistic, funny, relatable. I wish the movie would follow him all the time and the whole movie was from his point of view. The moment it goes to the other team members, it's not as good. The "team" is stuffed with a superhero, a caricature, and two throw-away characters. Especially I would really like if they stopped dressing hackers as clowns. I think this stereotype should finally die.

Not really a criticism, but as I visited a lot of places where this was recorded, I know that some of them are not close to each other, and the characters "teleporting" between them in the movie was very distracting to me.

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The Trip

Nothing new here, but quite ok dark comedy.

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Not sure if I would call it a comedy, but I enjoyed it quite a lot. Takes a bit to get going but that is just better and better.

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Memory Dissection

Ok mystery, a bit slow-paced and bloated, but a rewarding ending.

I don't know if I have seen so many movies already, but the killer was almost exactly what I thought it will be. But the ending left me with a bigger question. Was the ending the reality, or it was a created fake memory? So a Total Recall situation. Because the premise and the ending could be easily explained in that way.

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Operation Red Sea

Some great action, mixed in with a bit of military propaganda.

I was really surprised when the main cast lost their plot armor. Did not expect that at all.

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Interesting movie, but very obvious. The first idea that I had about what will happen, was the conclusion to the movie.

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