

Omicron Persei 8

Intimate Strangers

I saw around 6 versions of this film by now, and while the German is currently my favorite, this one is not far behind. Quite interesting to see how every country makes the same basic story different.

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Warning: Do Not Play

Not bad, but feels a bit generic. Nothing to stand out from other similarly-themed horror movies.

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Interesting idea, engaging movie. Quite enjoyed it. Some of the acting felt off, but nothing that would ruin the movie.

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A good horror movie, plagued with bad acting here and there. Especially the police officers were horrible. Still, it kept me intrigued and interested in what's really happening. Worth a watch.

The ending was quite a surprise, can't remember the last time I was not able to predict where the story is going. Big thumbs up for that.

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Quite the surprise. Not bad, not bad at all. Simple story, with few characters, but entertaining. Maybe just some of the fight choreography could be better. Some of the fights looked fake, too staged.

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Escape Room: Tournament of Champions

Ok, nothing special. Not as good as the first one.

In a way Escape room is similar to the CUBE series. And they are doing the same thing as in CUBE zero. They are moving away from the participants to the perpetrators. And same as there it makes the movie worse. Keeping them a mystery, an unknown, worked well. They took it away, without a rewarding conclusion.

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A fun action movie, but it's just so stupid. Especially when they start talking about anything technical. It sounds like they are reading from a dictionary. Just bad. But still enjoyable and not boring.

For a moment I thought I was watching Justice League. Every character is a superhero.

The plot armor is so thick that they even make fun of it directly in the movie

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Color Out of Space

A creepy space horror movie. Quite enjoyable if you like that kind of story.

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The Raid

I rewatched this after Black Window to forget the horrible fight choreography (or whatever that was) in that movie.

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Good idea for a story, I liked the characters and the acting. Just maybe if they went more into the sleep deprivation and horror stuff more.

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Space Jam: A New Legacy

I have no idea who this Lebron is, but after watching this I learned three things. Apparently, he plays basketball, he has charisma and acting skills on par with a rock, and he must have paid for this movie, as I have never seen a movie so high up somebody's a** before.

Underused characters, pointless references, and cameos, almost nonexistent, very simple story. Part of the movie is on par with Scary Movies, and not the first one. I wonder when they learn that referencing better movies just makes your movie looks worse.

If I take into account the "upgrade" redesign of the characters in the second half, this movie deserves a 0/10. They managed to make Loony Toones look creepy. That's really an achievement

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Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway

Nice animation, CGI, and action, but I did not understand the story at all. Felt like getting into a series in the 5th season.

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Army of the Dead

A zombie movie without any logic, and not that great action. The worst thing though was the very shallow DOF with most of the shots. Makes it hard to watch.

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Hitman's Wife's Bodyguard

A fun action movie, not as good as the first one, but still ok. A bit too many characters and missing a clear focus.

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Black Widow

I presume all the budget went to the nice posters because this feels like a low-budget Netflix movie. Especially some of the CGI and fight choreography was horrible.

I was bored the whole time, probably just the actress playing Yelena looked more bored than I felt. Almost did not finish,

The only positive was the Red Guardian, quite funny, just not enough of him.

Overall the worst Marvel movie in a long time. If they cut out Natasha and Yelena, this would make for a better movie.

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I have seen every episode at least 10 times, and I will see them again. The best detective TV show ever.

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Liar Game

Great, but I do prefer the Japanese version more, as it tends to focus more on the game than the overarching story. Still, both are really enjoyable.

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Secret Eaters

Watch this as a comedy show, it really is funny. Just dont take any diet advice seriously.

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The UnXplained

I expected a documentary, all I got was fairy tales.

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Better than I expected. Quite enjoyed it. As long as they don't sing that is. At that moments the movie goes off the cliff. Except for the princess, she sounds good.

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Captain Marvel

After the horrible trailer, I expected worse. Not bad, not great, painfully average. Would really prefer if this was a movie about Fury, or the cat. The cat was the best.

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The Noble Detective

Shout by movieswatcher
BlockedParent2019-05-17T17:45:03Z— updated 2023-04-28T21:05:03Z

I hated the beginning of the first episode and almost stopped watching. Don't know who thinks that a cut every second is a good idea. It made me dizzy. But once that's over, this is a really enjoyable mystery series with great likable and funny characters and good overarching story.

Edit: After watching it again I just have to up the score to 10. Yes, the editing is bad here and there, but it's such a great detective show.

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The Transformers look like transformers, not a collection of random grey parts. Best transformers movie yet.

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Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files

Yes, one first checks for ghosts and magnetic fields and only afterwards checks the slope of the hill that cars move on. One of the stupidest shows I ever seen.

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Black Hollow Cage

Some interesting ideas, but could be cut down to 20 minutes without loosing anything. Just watch Timecrimes instead.

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Funny, I did not know that the same director was behind Ex Machina, only found out after I saw the movie. And I had the same problem with that movie as I have with this one. When characters who are presented as being very smart do stupid things, it just ruins the movie. It did for me with Ex Machina, it did it for me here. The great visuals and all the interesting idea are just destroyed by it. Not a bad movie at all, but far from great.

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Power Rangers

Why? How? The TV show was bad, but still much better than this. At least that had power rangers in it.

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Kong: Skull Island

I really enjoyed this movie. It was exactly what I expected. An OK story with some absolutely stunning visuals. The cinematography here is what makes this movies great. But did you really expect an Oscar worthy story from this? I did not. It's a fun ride while it last and I think it's worth it.

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Laughed 0 times, chuckled about 3 times. It was just boring from start to finish.

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