

Omicron Persei 8

A Haunting in Venice

Hmm... what to say. It's better than the last one. Definitely better. But it still feels off. It's just not the Poirot that Agatha Christie created.
But at least it's watchable, and the mystery was okay. Overall I just did not like the character of the author, she was just annoying. Trying to convince Poirot multiple times that ghosts are real after being caught faking them was just stupid. Also the use of so many wide-angle shots felt really out of place. Maybe it was the setting, and it would work better with a modern one.

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Night of the Hunted

It is quite entertaining and keeps you guesing most of the time, what is happening. Too bad the ending does not give any answers, and leave a bad taste at the end. A good surprise or twist would be better here. Also, I presume the black guy was blind. Hard to explain his behavior othervise.

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Five Nights at Freddy's

It's ok. Not really scary at all, but watchable.

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Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Was better than I expected. Especially Indy was great, it reminded me a lot of the old films. Even the action and story were quite good.
The problem was the character of Helena, who functioned like a huge anchor dragging the whole movie down. I don't know how they managed, in a movie with literal nazis, to have a character you will dislike more. She gets a bit better towards the end, but it actually feels wrong and out of character.

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Hidden Strike

Is it a good movie? No. Is it watchable? Yes. If you like Jackie Chan, you will enjoy the few combat scenes and a few funny moments.

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Meet Cute

It was ok. But maybe because I like time-travel movies. Too bad that (similar to other time-travel movies) they did not adhere to any time-travel logic and did whatever. Not that that's the biggest problem here. That would be the nonexistent chemistry between the two main characters and also nonexistent reason why she is so obsessed with him. A bit different casting and better writer, and this could have been much better.

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The Prestige

Enjoyable and very well-done movie. Just the whole rivalry became almost cartooney towards the end where it felt just forced so there is a story.

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One Cut of the Dead

I almost turned this movie off after 15 minutes. I could not understand all the positive stuff I heard about it. I'm so happy that I stuck with it. This movie is pure genius. I can't even imagine all the planing that had to go into making this masterpiece. Go into it blind and enyoi the ride.

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Rohan at the Louvre

This feels like a weaker episode of the show, stretched into a movie. Like this it drags a lot, even though the story is not that bad. If it was a 45 minute special, it would be better. Still, far from the episode 2, that was definitively the best.

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No One Will Save You

It's always nice to stumble upon a movie one never heard before and it is genuinely good. I can say that I enjoyed this one quite a lot.

It is a decent alien invasion/abduction story that focuses on the main character, avoiding all the typical tropes of the genre (especially idiot side characters). While the aliens look generic, their behavior makes them quite disturbing and scary. I have not even noticed that there is no dialogue in the movie at all, up until about halfway in. I would probably end the movie about 15 minutes earlier, to make it more ambiguous, as the ending focuses more on the main protagonist and I would go more about the aliens , but it still was ok.

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Blue Beetle

Wow, this was just bad. Writing horrible, acting horrible, story horrible, effects horrible, pacing non-existent. I can't think of one thing that I liked. Who wrote this sh*t. Was it like a 10-year-old in the "Make a wish" show, that wished for his script to be made into a movie? I can't believe they spend money on this. I would rather watch the telenovela they shown on the TV than this.

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The Belko Experiment

Simple, fun, crazy movie. Pure entertainment. It's worth just watching for John McGinley. He plays the same character in everything, but he is always just perfect.

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Not really scary, but an ok movie. Few surprises and unexpected things here and there, but in the end it feels more like a dark comedy. Still, its well made and worth a watch.

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Once Upon a Crime

There are some fun moments, an okay mystery, some overacting, and some stretched-out scenes that could be much shorter. Still, it was quite an enjoyable movie. Maybe not the best, but still better than anything coming from Disney.

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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

I wanted Transformers. Instead I got Dumb and Dumber with guest appearances by Transformers.

I was bored the whole time. The story is stupid, most of the movie is filler, and they even copied everything they could from the Avengers. They even got an Iron Man.

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The Flash

Ok, this was a surprise. Much better than I expected. Batman just steals the show. Supergirl is quite good. The story is all over the place with some holes, but it's still entertaining. The biggest problem here is Ezra Miller, who just looks like a creep all the time, in a very ugly-looking costume. But surprisingly, for a movie where he should be the main character, his very often just pushed into the background. And that makes it better.

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Princess Cursed in Time

A fantasy version of a time loop movie (similar to Groundhog Day). Interesting idea, with a few funny moments, but at the end a bit unoriginal.

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Silent Parade

Another great adaptation of a Higashino mystery. Great to see that they got all the main actors reprising their roles. Yes, the book is better, but mostly because it has more space to develop the characters. You can see that this is a continuation of all the other stories with Galileo, and probably not a good spot for newcomers. Also, as in all the other Higashino stories, it is quite sad, almost depressing. Still, I really liked the book, and I also did the movie.

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Bloody Hell

Good, bloody, and funny. I just wish it was more what the trailer promised, more action. Comparing it to the movie, it was a bit misleading.

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Quite a surprise, but this was way better than I expected. An intriguing story, with few turns and a resolution. It also keeps a good pace for most of the movie. As some others mentioned, one has to watch this one a few times to catch everything. Was it not for some quite bad effects, this would be even better.

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Tales from the Crypt

Rewatching this great show, I forgot how good it was. So many great actors, memorable stories, and perfect practical effects.

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The King's Man

There are many things to like here. The setting, the styling, the fight choreography, and the adherence to real historical events. But the writing is so bad in some moments, that it was painful to watch. Just stupid. And the predictability did not help it at all. The first guy you think is the bad guy is the bad guy. And what's with the nanny? Whose nanny is she? There are no kids. Did they just need an extra Marry Sue in the story?

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Fast X

It's a F&F movie. I expected a stupid story, with too many coincidences and characters you never heard of before appearing from nowhere. But I also expected a lot of action, huge explosions, fighting, and crazy driving. And they delivered on all counts. So it is hard to complain when they give you exactly what you expected when you started watching.

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The Mother

The story was OK, but Jlo is just not an action star. It is so noticeable every time there is a stunt double. Also, the fight choreography was just bad. Watchable, but forgettable.

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John Wick: Chapter 4

Mostly good. Good actors, good performances, and good fight choreography. A bit dragged out in some moments, and a lot of shots are there to look good, not to help the story. For me, the thing that dragged this down was the whole "Table" thing and the whole underground "hidden" society. For being so secretive, they are not hiding at all, and the whole thing ends up feeling like something from a bad comic. It misses the simplicity of the first one (or something like in the recently released Sisu), as this just complicates things needlessly.

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After 4 episodes it's quite good. There is an interesting mystery, and one is intrigued about where it's going. Still, it has some of the typical problems other streaming shows have, not wanting to move the story at a reasonable pace, so they have something for the next season. But actually, the worst thing in the whole show are the hairstyles of a lot of the background cast. They completely break the immersion, as they don't fit the setting at all. Like they had them run in from a different set, and just changed the clothes.

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Jurassic World Dominion

I'm a bit torn on this one. The first half was just bad. Badly written, and needlessly long. The second half was better, even entertaining in some parts. But it's being carried by the old cast all the way.

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A simple movie with simple characters. No message or some grand idea, just entertainment. You don't even notice that the main character does not speak the whole movie . Maybe a bit unrealistic in a few scenes, but still great.

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Emergency Situation

Ok, this was fun. With how absurd the whole situation is and how totally stupid the characters are, you just have to laugh.

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The Perfect Secret

By now I have seen 6 versions of this movie and the German one is still my favorite, followed closely by the Italian original. I especially like that they did not use the ending where nothing happened, and stick to reality

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