Neal Mahoney


St. Charles MO

Ocean's Eight

It's a fine movie but nothing special. It is entertaining and the all star cast is a lot of fun. I love Cate Blanchett and Anne Hathaway. The heist was ok but it felt like it could of been bigger and done better. I don't get all the hate on an all female cast. It's fun to see something different and I would rather have this than an Ocean's 14. I would watch an Ocean's 9 and 10.

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Wind River

Great movie. A little bit of a slow burn but the payoff is definitely worth it. Elizabeth Olsen and Jeremy Renner are both fantastic. Taylor Sheridan has another winning script with this one. That makes him 3/3 with Hell or High Water and Sicario being the other 2. I can't wait to see what he does next.

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Men in Black: International

This was pretty bland. Not really that funny and the action wasn't great. I thought Chris Hemsworth and Tessa Thompson would be fun but they were just fine. Kumail Nanjiani's character was the best part of the movie.

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Black Mirror: 4x04 Hang the DJ

I really liked this one, might be my favorite so far this season. It's nice to have one episode that ends happy and doesn't rip your heart out.

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Happy Death Day

The best part of this movie is when it is self aware and says that this is just like groundhog day.

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I'm surprised by how well this works. The cast is the best part. Everyone just plays so well off each other.

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Westworld: 2x01 Journey Into Night

It wouldn't be Westworld if you didn't finish the episode without having more questions then when you started.

It's a solid start to the season. Sets in place a few stories. Bernard seems really messed up. I'm wondering if what he did in the two weeks he blacked out will be the mystery? Did he kill Teddy and all those other hosts? He better not of hurt Hale, Tessa Thompson needs more screen time. Maeve's story is the most interesting to me. William is now looking for "The Door" but what could that be? I'm excited to see the other parks, there are at least 6 and one of them has a tiger.

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Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2019-08-21T02:48:04Z— updated 2019-11-16T21:10:01Z

It starts off fine. It's well made and interesting. Then it progressively gets better and better until I was yelling near the end. It's not often that a movie surprised me so much but this was fantastic. One of the best of the year.

Edit: Even better after a rewatch. Incredibly well made. The production design on that house is amazing. It's shot beautifully. The story is bonkers and set up so well. The acting is fantastic.

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Bird Box

Went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised that this was a solid thriller. I cared more about the flashbacks then the current day story. The concept is interesting but nothing we haven't seen before. An easy recommendation since it's on Netflix.

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Pitch Perfect 3

The theater employee only made fun of me a little for being white male seeing Pitch Perfect 3 by myself at 9:00am on Christmas eve.

It was worth it to see more Anna Kendrick.

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The Dead Don't Die

A great cast and interesting twist on the zombie genre can't save this from being a slog to get through.

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Green Book

This is a very charming movie. The movie deals with stereotypes and racism in the 1960s as well as you would expect. Racism is bad, stereotypes aren't always true but the journey is fun with these two. Viggo Mortensen and Mahershala Ali are both fantastic. They play very well off each other. Being directed by Peter Farrelly there are quite a few funny moments too.

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The Walking Dead: 8x06 The King, the Widow, and Rick

So the trash people are part time nudists?

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The Leftovers: 3x07 The Most Powerful Man in the World (and His Identical Twin Brother)

"Now what?"

The flood didn't come, the world survived. Senior is still in shock, like the prologue to this season with the lady getting on the roof waiting to get taken. You can believe in something so much but it will always just keep disappointing you.

I'm glad Kevin finally realized he was being a coward for always running from Nora. All it took was an unfinished romance novel. He has just been killing himself to distract himself from Nora and the real world. That scene between the two Kevins was beautifully bloody (the song was perfect) and that last shot it the afterlife was very similar to Fight Club. I was so glad to see Patti and Meg again.

Kevin is now in a race against time to try and get to Nora before she uses that machine. This has always been a love story between two broken people and I hope he gets there in time but it wouldn't be the Leftovers if it wasn't depressing. Only one episode left...

What was with the penis scanner!? They even had a thud sound effect for when he used it.

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This is such a weird and interesting movie. This goes from an off beat rom-com to something much darker. I enjoyed the tone change and I didn't go into this wanting to question the laws of physics but just let the story unfold. You will enjoy this much more if you suspend your beliefs in the laws of nature. Anne Hathaway was great and I enjoyed Jason Sudeikis for the most part even though his character started acting like a dick.

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Palm Springs

A fun unique rom-com with good chemistry between Andy Samberg and Cristin Militoti.

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The Favourite

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2018-12-16T02:01:10Z— updated 2019-02-20T03:47:51Z

This is just the right amount of weird with a good amount of humor. Olivia Colman, Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone all give fantastic performances. It's hard to say which one was the best because they all play so well off each other. Nicholas Hoult does a pretty good job too. The cinematography was great. I love the wide angle shots and the way the camera moves is wonderful. The score, the sets, the costumes are all top notch. This is definitely Yorgos Lanthimos's best movie so far and I think he is one of the more interesting directors working today. It's even better after a rewatch.

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Lost: 1x24 Exodus (2)

This is a double length episode. There is another part after this exodus (3). Its split on Netflix.

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The Predator

This is ok. The action is decent. The jokes don't always work but the ones that do are funny. The story makes no sense and people seem to fast travel instantly. Most of the characters are completely forgettable. It feels like it trying to be raunchy just for the sake of being raunchy. But I still had some fun with it.

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Good Time

"You're gonna have a good time."

This is technically a crime drama but really it is a story about brotherly love. Robert Patterson is great in this. He really is showing how good an actor he is and trying to put the twilight movies behind him. The cinematography is fantastic too. A lot of extreme close ups make this feel much more personable. The neon colors used made some scenes really pop. The original score is amazing, builds tension really well. Very good movie and I definitely had a good time seeing it.

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Better Call Saul: 3x01 Mabel

Mike is so smart. He's very calm about what he does and knows exactly what's going to happen. I'm much more interested in his storyline and how he gets involved with gus but jimmy becoming Saul could be fun to watch.

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Maze Runner: The Death Cure

If you liked the other ones then you will probably like this one. There is a decent amount of action but man there are a lot of eye roll moments too. The more I thought about it during the movie the more I start to side with WCKD. Those kids need to look at the big picture of the entire human race.

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Black Mirror: Season 4

Shout by Neal Mahoney
BlockedParent2017-12-30T04:04:26Z— updated 2017-12-31T23:05:00Z

My personal ranking for this season:

Hang the DJ
USS Callister
Black Museum

Overall I thought the season was not as great as the last Netflix season but still very well done. Some episodes felt a little similar like Arkangel and The Entire History of You. And metalhead felt like a total filler episode, nothing special about that one.

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This is a decent low budget horror movie with a unique twist on the Superman story. Nothing really special but worth a watch.

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Mile 22

This is the perfect action movie for those with adhd. The editing is so fast I don’t think there was a shot over 3 seconds the entire movie. When there isn’t any action going on you have Mark Wahlberg monologuing and cussing ever other word. Feels like it’s trying so hard to be a bro movie but it doesn’t work.

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Sorry to Bother You

At the start this seems normal but man, does shit get weird. LaKeith Stanfield and Tessa Thompson are great. I love me some coke snorting Armie Hammer too. Plus David Cross's voice over is perfect. This is not for everyone but worth a watch to see how bat shit crazy Boots Riley is.

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Westworld: 2x04 The Riddle of the Sphinx

Bernard has to be making a control unit of Ford, right? I mean Ford's consciousness had been talking to the man in black through other hosts. Bernard had all the witnesses killed and we don't know exactly when it happened so Ford could of still been alive.

Also the mystery woman from last episode is William's daughter. Is she going to team up with her dad now or is she there to try and destroy the world that has consumed her father?

Lisa Joy did a great job on her first episode she directed. Next week it looks like Shogun World.

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Avengers: Infinity War

Wow the Russos actually did it. I can't believe this movie works as well as it does. The movie just breezed by, there is so much going on and it is paced so well. The action is great and the stakes are real. Thanos's plan is a dumb one but they do make him a well rounded character and he is one of the few villains to actually pull it off. There is a ton of humor but it also manages to be really emotional at times. It is going to be a long year but at least we get to see Captain Marvel in between.

EDIT: After seeing it again it still is amazing how well everything works. This is probably the darkest MCU movie so far but still is fun and has a ton of one liners. The humor is still fantastic and on GotG level. I just realized that it is the original Avengers team that is left to start Avengers 4. I expect most everyone that turned to ash to come back but not without sacrificing the original team.

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This movie is dumb, not dumb fun, just dumb. Terrible dialogue, some laughably bad CGI, and worst of all it was just boring. There was a long stretch were there were no disasters. They really should of put more disasters and less people looking at computers trying to stop them. Maybe then it would of been some mindless fun.

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The Big Sick

This is such a wonderful movie. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie that went from being so funny to so sad but even it the saddest parts, it still finds a way to be funny. Everyone is great in this especially Kumail and Zoe. Their chemistry instantly makes us root for them to be together.

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