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Amsterdam, the Netherlands


I am at a loss about why people consider this a good movie. It's only very mildly entertaining. Sure, it has an interesting concept, but other then that it's one cliche after the next. Waste of time..... time, get it?
John David Washington has the emotion of a doorpost. 0 chemistry between him and Elizabeth Debicki and supposedly he risks all for the girl? Yeah right.

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A bit disappointing series. It starts interesting, then adds loads of characters and many side stories, adds a lot of moral messages and then in the end it's of course the evil white men (all white men in the series are at fault in one way or another) who dunnit. The series is slow-paced and at some point starts to be very predictable. And it could really have done without several of the point less side stories.
This is one of the lesser BBC mini series.

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Mythic Quest

Somehow managed to get through 3 episodes. My gf summed it up to "it's asif we're just only watching other people work". It's not funny. No haha, not even a smile's worth. It's simply not funny. And it's also nothing near realistic as to how developers or testers work on any software product. How did this ever get a second season?! Apple obviously has too much money to throw around and a lack of creative master minds.

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The IT Crowd

I tried watching this, but...... ugh. It's dreadful. Ploughed through 3 episodes and found myself only wanting to press the fast forward button. Perhaps a bit too typical British 'humor' for me. But - it's just simply not funny. It's stupid and obnoxious is probably the best one word description for this entire 'comedy'.

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I've enjoyed this series a lot, each season has its own distinct set, characters and a small set of main issues. Season 5 was a bit less good, season 6 was omg dreadful. It was slow and nearly painful to get through season 6. And then came....... season 7. In 1 word: WOW. Loved it. They totally aced that season. Ok, the tiny plothole still occurred here and there, but at least its not a total insult to everyone's intelligence (compared to for example the utterly retardedness in Blindspot). Season 6 was a good basis for the events in season 7, so you cannot really skip season 6 altogether, but I postponed getting into season 7 as I was not expecting a huge improvement over the endless drama of the previous season. Praise the Lord, my expectations were too low :-)

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The Orville: 2x14 The Road Not Taken

I loved this episode.
It had a cool Starwars feel to it with the battle at Endor and just 'the resistance'. Great to have - you know who - back for a scene. Add some Borg Collective into the mix and... You know. All sci-fi we can think off.
Cool. Loved it.
The Orville went from over-the-top comedy to the best(better) version of Star Trek.
Of course there are some plot holes here and there still, but I'll happily forgive Seth and his crew that, just for the fact alone of delivering such a great fan-series.

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The start of the movie was promising and interesting and definitely had potential. Somewhere halfway it starts to get more and more absurd. OK. not all movies have to have a happy ending for every crewmember but after the 'joke' about an alien picking them off one by one........ seriously?. The final scene into the sun was really totally bullshit. No more, no less. But for me the movie was already ruined at the moment Pinbacker came into play. All the distorted views of him and unclear showing of scenes.... whats up with that. Jumping into ice cold water several times (its fluid, so its clearly above freezing temperature - nowhere the coolant is explained to be something else then water and hey, why should a computer be supercrazycooled anyway) and and and... This movie is really an insult at any form of intelligence. Too bad, it started out great.
I wont say don't bother to watch; but the score of 7 out of 10 is really way over done.

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Star Wars: The Last Jedi

I was disappointed in every possible way. The only thing good about this movie was Daisy Ridley. Everything else was just disappointing.

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Superb series.
- Original.
- Interesting story line.
- Impressive acting
- Surprising.
- An amazing look into the brain of a schizophrenic - or not?
- not a just-another-super-hero series

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I managed to watch a few episodes, but then just lost interest. Perhaps for people who like old fashioned crime series or true batman fans. There are simply too many annoying characters in this show; top of the bill being Fish. I gave up. It's not really a bad series, but totally not even close to being my favorite either. I simply prefer series like Continuum, Person of Interest, Blacklist and The Americans.

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The Catch

This series feels a bit like White Collar in many ways, just with a woman in some weird semi-victim role. The acting is a bit so-so; I wonder if it will get a second season. It's a good time-filler though and not too important if you need to step out for a minute or so. Not bad, if it gets renewed I'll keep watching.

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Vampire Academy

This movie is a really weird mix of Harry Potter, Beverly Hills 90210, Twilight and Veronica Mars all thrown into one. At the same time it's refreshing though. Don't take the movie too seriously and heck, it's perhaps even a little enjoyable.
If you're expecting a proper and thruthful book-adaption, you'll be in for a serious disapointment though.

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Lost in Translation

brilliant movie, but best thing to do is watch it in the middle of the night/drunk/st*ned to be in the right mind set :)

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Stargate Universe

I really hope they finish the show with a movie, like they did with Firefly
or continue the show by creating some movies, like they did for SG-1

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More funny than expected.
Just don't take it too seriously :)

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Star Trek: Discovery: Season 5

This was the most cringe season of the worst ever Star Trek series.
the Academy series sounded so - potentially - interesting, until I heard it would be made as a spin-off from Discovery. So probably the same woke shit and drama cringe crap as this.
Probably it means we'll get pestered by the absolute worst of these actors with likely Tilly and Dr Culber and Adira. I'm soooo looking forward to this new series as a spin-off from Discovery. Not.

Thanx God at least Strange New Worlds is a lot less crap.

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The Veil

A rather unintelligent plot that tries to make itself sound really smart. It is entertaining to watch, but mostly (only) thanks Elisabeth Moss.

The childess nonsense behavior that's being forced between the 2 male spy handlers Malik and Max says it all.

Which also actually is an unfortunate sign of yet another Disney series infected by the woke mind virus:
- all white men are evil. literally, every white guy you see is evil and you will be shown in detail how evil
- every black guy is disrespected by said white guys (and white women too by the way for good measure)
- every muslim is just a victim of western behavior and you should not call them radicalised because they are only fighting for their... uhh... not sure for what, just fighting, even amongst themselves and killing everyone in the process, if necessary by exploding nukes
- a woman doesnt need a man, it does not matter who the father of your baby is, as a woman you just want a kid ( - no not even sarcasm from my side, it was literally said )

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Well... what to say about this. It's not bad. It's not superb. It has a bit of a Da Vinci's Demons - vibe to it. Not surprisingly also a Stars series, come to think of it.
The ending was just so predictable... I saw it coming somewhere in episode 2 already. The whole evil duke of norfolk personality made little sense to me and overal it was just.... well.... not so smart or special.

Anyway. I still enjoyed it enough, dont get me wrong. Just over-hyped.

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Emily the Criminal

Its not the best movie, it's not the smartest movie. It is also far from realistic.
It is entertaining.
Wokeness level is ok.

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Twisted Metal

Im not a big fan of Anthony Mackie.
Too many annoying one-liners where he seems to want to sound like Will Smith.
The opening scenes are a bit too much Mad Max meets Death Race. But ok. That seems the whole goal of this series.

Also a shame that immediately the whole racism card needs to come up again with 'John Doe' saying "talking to a mildly intimidating white lady" why the skin color is important?

Anyway. If you dont take this stuff seriously, then its entertaining enough. Set your expectations low and you might even be surprised.

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I basically binged this entire series. I enjoy cop-shows, but this outshines nearly any out there.
Only a few get close. Banshee being one.
There are very few weak episodes in this series.
Season 6 is a bit too graphical for my taste, but at least its a very good and proper ending and gives a close to basically all story lines.
Very enjoyable.

Woke report: the woke virus had not hit us yet when this series was made. So no crazy woke crap.

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Detective Forst: Season 1

The first few episodes started out quite interesting, but from end of episode 3 and basically most of episode 4 the story went off the rails. Not sure if I enjoy it too much. There's also a lot of nudity and sex, nearly every episode again and again. Though I am not complaining about that, pretty Polish ladies ;) But it seems more like a goal than supporting the story.

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Sixty Minutes

The preview scene on Netflix where the guy runs into the metro with a chair still stuck to his ass, is the only good/funny scene of the movie. Everything else is just mediocre at best.
If you are into this type of movie, then check out Black Lotus with Rico Verhoeven.

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Fool Me Once: Season 1

This series is not perfect. It has some weird scenes that are not realistic or plain simple stupid. Motivations why some characters do something, or dont do something does not always make sense.
It is a bit over-hyped.
It does not have a great ending.
It has proper dialogues, good acting, interesting(mostly ;) ) plot twists and it keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting more.
I completely binged it and am feeling a bit of simply wanting more. And a different ending.
To fill the gap I started watching The Stranger...

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Shout by RiGHT
BlockedParent2023-11-26T00:11:23Z— updated 2023-12-11T22:43:52Z

I was a bit worried about yet another woke crap series - but..... aside one totally racist "I am not having this conversation with a white guy" remark, this is actually how things should be: just a really good series! there is a high Tom Clancy / Jack Ryan vibe to it.

Not sure why Morgan Freeman is on the poster here on Trakt, he's nowhere in the series. At least not in the first 6 episodes. Completely binged this....

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Night Sky

This series is very, very slow paced. Do not expect an action sci-fi.
Basically next to nothing happens until episode 7 / 8.

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Culprits: 1x06 Vessels

total stupidity continues. what an utter b.s.

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The Continental: From the World of John Wick: Season 1

Huge disappointment. A lot of the series feels like it is just a bunch of random scenes that have been shot at some random time and then got added together asif you're watching a playlist of youtube clips. They may have something to do with oneanother. They may not.
A lot of this has the same kind of feeling as the Gotham series. Which I also didnt like at all. But I guess if you do like Gotham you might like this series too.

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Die Hart

Quite an impressive actors lineup.
Quite impressive how entirely shit this movie still has become all because of the impressive leading man...... who keeps being the same character over and over again. And only manages to become more and more annoying each and every movie.
Probably the only good thing about this movie in the first 25 or so minutes is Nathalie Emmanuel.

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this desperately needs to be a full length movie or series, with Anne Winters and William Fichtner

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