Detroit, Michigan, USA

King Kong

You have to see it in a movie theater to really appreciate it but it is an amazing movie even on a small screen

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It's unintentionally hilarious sometimes (throwing firecrackers into boats, trampling random chicks, Emma Watson screwing her boyfriend instead of helping save his brother, anything that Anthony Hopkins does, etc.)but it is a solid movie even with those parts. It succeeds in having that "Big" feel to it and the time lapse sequences are excellent.

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The Wild Bunch

Decent main storyline with an amazing ending

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The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou

This is, by far, Wes Anderson's best film. The ridiculous bits are in proportion to the serious parts, the comedy hits its mark every time, the acting is arguably the best in any of his movies, and it has an emotional edge that is lacking in movies these days. If you like quirky movies then you have to see this one, and even if you don't like them you should give this one a try

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Forrest Gump

This movie is awesome when you first see it but it's not really that great on repeat viewings

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The Avengers

All of the characters except Captain America are complete pieces of shit. I was rooting for those random bad guys with absolutely no characterization by the end.

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Great movie, unfortunately some idiot thought it would be smart to market it as a Superbad type movie, which it isn't at all, so people were disappointed when they saw it. It's far better on the second or third viewing than on the first so don't write it off after watching it once. And to the people who think that Kristen Stewart isn't a good actress, having subtle facial expressions is not a bad thing, she does an incredible job in this movie (and others like the Runaways and Into the Wild). Eisenberg is a shitty actor but he's bearable in this one. It also has one of the greatest soundtracks ever.

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The Godfather

Overrated but it's pretty good

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Shaun of the Dead

They spelled Sean wrong but other than that it's pretty good

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The Brothers Grimm

This is the worst movie of all time. I'm a fan of both Ledger and Damon but this movie is an abortion. No one should ever have to watch this piece of shit.

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Pulp Fiction

I can't watch more than thirty minutes of this at a time. It's fucking horrible. Tarantino is possibly the worst living director

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The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2

Why are you rating movies that haven't even been made yet?

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The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

The beginning is a bunch of preachy, anti-government bullshit, the middle is great, better than the last movie, and the end is anti-climactic as fuck. I don't really know if I even want to see the next one after this

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The Hunger Games

It does a great job considering the books that it's based on were written for preteens. This is one of the rare cases where the movie is better than the book

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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

What a horrible bastardization of one of the greatest family movies in history.

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Dumb and Dumberer: When Harry Met Lloyd

This movie is my guiltiest pleasure. I know it's horrible but I can't help myself from loving it. Where the original Dumb and Dumber was stupid in incredibly smart ways, this one is just plain stupid. The main storyline is really dumb and uninteresting but it's not really what this movie is about anyway. This movie is basically a platform for the two lead actors to perform hilarious bits and perform they do. Eric Christian Olsen is the most under appreciated comedic actor in the business and every scene he's in is hilarious. It's definitely not for everyone, but if you're in the mood to turn your brain off and laugh, this isn't a bad place to go.

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Charlie Bartlett

Great lesser known comedy. It's very funny, the story is unique and interesting throughout, the acting is really good, the characters are all genuinely likeable, and the meanings under the surface are relevant and carried out fairly well. One of my favorite comedies.

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American Psycho

It has its moments but the entire movie could've been boiled down to the scene in the alley with the homeless guy and his dog. It got really repetitive by the end, it would've worked better as a short.

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The Shining

I absolutely hate horror movies but this one is amazing. It does not sacrifice story or acting quality for jump scares. It's a slow build-up to a spectacular ending and the directing is top notch.

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At some points it is absurdly silly to the point where it is kind of annoying, but there are far more parts that are extremely touching and beautiful. Jennifer Connelly is one of the greatest actresses of all time and she carries this movie, even though she's only 16 years old.

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Better than the show. The show waltzed around way too much talking about stupid bullshit and I honestly didn't even like a majority of the characters in the show. The movie format forced Whedon to condense the story down to a more interesting format with no unnecessary crap thrown in for the purpose of expanding the time and it didn't allow for him to showcase his unlikeable characters as much as he would like to.

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This movie is without a doubt the best adaptation of King Arthur. The acting is spectacular, the visual style is stunning, the action is excellent, the themes from the source material are all there, and the costumes/sets are the best I have ever seen. I don't think anyone will ever make an adaptation that stays so true to Arthurian legend, manages to cover the entirety of the story, and still ends up so amazing.

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The Wire

It's a really good show but saying it's the best show of all time is ridiculous. The acting is sub-par, the characters are ones that we have seen a million times before, the themes are painfully obvious with absolutely no subtlety at all, and the directing is just above average. It's great if you're just looking for a show with a cool plot but it does not extend beyond that at all.

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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me

Criminally underrated, every single bit is interesting even though you know 90% of what happens from watching the show. The murder scene is one of the most well directed things I have ever seen.

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Inglourious Basterds

Can Tarantino just overdose already? He's clearly snorting too much cocaine

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