

Germany NRW City Cologne

Final Voyage

pls don't waste your for this poor movie (!)
this is boring like boring could be >_<
i can't understand who is willing to give money for such a flick! It should be better given to children in need !!!
I switched off before the half time!!

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Thirteen Days

yes well... i'm absolutely agree with other comments... very good movie with palpable sense! [8/10]
really frightening stuff... at this time in the past i was an half yr. yg. baby and my life wouldn't be the same (like for millions of other peoples) or respectively dead! Thanks god for my Life ^_^
...and today we look to Europe at the region of Ukraine... actually the dammed Russia didn't stop to force the manner of war °!°
Whiskey Tango Foxtrott

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Mein Kampf

Please watch this movie focused and patient... it shows you the first steps of Hitler before turning to politics. What would have happened in contemporary history if the Jew Schlomo hadn't converted Hitler to go into politics instead of becoming an artist?
really interesting and the Mrs. Death said to him: "What if your influence on Hitler turns to the Negative?" It's a shame it actually happened !! >_<

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ok it seems to be an average good comedy movie but unfortunately the German synchronization is really so fuckin' awful that i switched off after 30 min. approx*!* but rank 5/6 of 10.

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It’s Your Turn, Honey!

A wonderfully funny comedy about parents who wants to divorce, but neither of them wants to have the children alone. Thus, the children decide about the supposed happiness of parents. Exaggerated, ironically humor with several German Comedy Stars... enjoy [7/10]

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Bring mich nach Hause

very nice movie... it's a virtually mirror reflection of a situation, which could happen exactly so in the real life!

Not only, because I'm currently in a similar situation, no, for my opinion all actors played very authentically. Especially the sisters are going throughout in a contrary dialogue - ethical, social thinking vs. materialistic, cost-benefit thinking. Nevertheless, at the end comes a completely unexpected twist! very emotional - recommendable [7/10]

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America Has Fallen

wrong list of actors !!! not relevant :-/

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Terrible lame °!°
some good actors on Board but unfortunately they can't rescue the plot!!! seems like a poor low budget production... stupid bla-bla, action not really at all and the German synchronization is catastrophically :see_no_evil: poor [3/10]

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Walled In

yg. Micha Barton is a nice eye-catcher but in total it's boring as boring could be... many bla-bla and zero Horror or Myst °!°
don't waste your time!

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The Double Hour

ops! i wonder why in 10yrs after the debut of the movie no one added any comment!! ^_^ 1st of all i thought it would be a boring Love-Story but than it slides more and more interesting into a twist and bam! the plot becomes mistery until it's climax and bam! the next twist happens and than the end is setting an unwished point for us °!° but a stable [7/10]

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Black and Blue

bummer! really nice c2c movie... good performer (best Naomie) action emotions character deeper sense and believe in justice [8/10]

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The Baader Meinhof Complex

I have now watched this movie several times over many years and I'm always fascinated how authentically the story of the "Baader-Meinhof-Group" was shown. I was a teenager at the time of the "RAF groupings" and still remember many media reports well. Nowadays to understand the connections conclusively enriches me very much! Many thanks to Stefan Aust (novel) and the german Movie-Guru Bernd Eichinger (screenplay). [8/10]

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365 Days: This Day

omg °!° :see_no_evil:
Pseudo Sex flick... in the style of a big music video!! if you wanna catch inspiration about Sex toys and diverse positions please dare but i thought it was crap! Furthermore the acting was bad and weak Smalltalk ^_^
you can't compare with the movie "365" of 2020! the most of time i forwarded by remote control... I'm annoyed watched this Bullshit. [3/10]

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Queen Margot

The german title of the movie is "Die Bartholomäus-Nacht".

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Blood Valley: Seed's Revenge

In my opinion the movie is rather strange! the cutting of the plot is curious and sometimes confusing. The most actions of the Ladies came across as naively until stupid. Also, they talk too much. Nonetheless Max Seed and his family are Scum and Monsters as it's written in the book! The victim was the German Pin-Up Micaela Schaefer. The twist of a girlfriend was unexpected and suddenly the game was over ^_^ so, ultimately you'll did not miss a lot. [5/10]

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How to Be Really Bad

nice! really entertaining and absolutely funny german movie from the beginning until the end :-) with excellent young actors which mirror the youth today and with deeper sense in their acting also... solid [8/10]

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An exciting story about a Russian space mission. The dramaturgy and animation are of international caliber. Even if the true story was slightly modified for the plot, this movie presents a splendid and thrilling story in the style of "Apollo 13" and "Gravity" with a Russian touch. [7/10]

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The Last Diamond

1st of all to say, the constant smoking all the time is really disgusting. Now I know again why I can't get anything out of French films. Nonetheless, a nice plot because they bring a perfect Robbery on the way.

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Walking Vengeance

Well, in advance the film has a good flow for this film length. The script is outstanding and all actors are pretty good. The plot is not predictable and has an unexpected twist. The plan of the Ladies is almost ingenious, but unfortunately there is not really a happy end. Worth seeing good entertainment. [7/10]

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it was similar like the Cube-Movies... why not! Respect! shows how to produce a low budget movie with a few actors and keep the tension until the end... yes stabil [7/10]

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Bloody Bloody Bible Camp

complete bullshit! Please don't waste your life time! Do not be fooled by the cover!!!
only the intro offer a few seconds some B(o)(o)bs and then nothing more!
worse than 1/10 (!)

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Narcissus and Goldmund

The film has a large cast of well-known German actors. That made it enjoyable for me to watch. However, I am unfortunately not a fan of the Middle Ages era and honestly I have forwarded some scenes by remote control. ^!^
The novel by Hermann Hesse certainly reads exciting, but I have no comparison to the film. It tells the story of a life-long friendship between "Narziss & Goldmund" and furthermore their experiences. One grows up in a monastery and the other lives after his childhood as a vagabond. [6-7/10]

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boring as boring could be (!) in no way worth to watch (!) totally waste of time (!) low budget production with unkown actors. no action or something exciting only bla-bla and the solution at the end is absolutely unrealistic ^_^ 0/10

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Gold Digger

Amazon Prime Video Germany rated this movie 18+ °!° ??? why? no naked scene no nudity no boobs!! simply a story of relationships ... maybe i can't understand the laws of Finland and just to show a bra and panty is rated ^_^

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I can't understand the restrained criticism here! The plot is solidly built up to the exciting moments.
The content of the movie is neither implausible nor predictable(!) [twists of personality, false game of love...] and offer good entertaining.
Michelle Williams is a feast for the eyes! '7/10'

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Flight Crew

the beginning is a bit boring but pretty good action scenes near of the middle until the end... a somewhat different catastrophe movie but typical Russian style :-) 6\10

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The Samaritan

absolutely okay movie and worthy to see like every time : Samuel L. Jackson :-)
not one of his best but good entertainment ... can't understand the foolish comments! they couldn't find the deeper sense of a father in this movie!
they better watch "Spider-man unbrained"
:-D 6\10

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Breaking Surface

very dramatically movie ^_^
anything that can go wrong will go wrong... Murphy's low!
but thank goodness with happy end :)
btw... the impressions of the landscape are amazing! conclusion... worth seeing 7/10

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Hope Lost

this movie presents some well-known actors but they can't rescue this extreme boring plot (!) always stupid dialogues, nothing really erotic at all and a bit of action only at the twist at the end. don't waste your time 3/10

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The Voyeurs

I like this Eros-Thriller, even though it's not the most exciting of its kind. the unexpected twist flashed me a bit and on top another suprising turn to the end... all in all good entertainment. 7/10

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