Sunny Ost

1 follower

Riga, Latvia


This was much more than I bargained for. I was expecting some ok B-movie, but this is amazing!
A lot of detail there, pay attention!
Shoutout to my fresh existential crisis.

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John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum

I was enjoying it until like 60% in, then it went back to being trash like the second part.
Good to see them embracing the funny - after part 2 being so hilariously bad, at least now they have a comedy genre as an excuse.

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John Wick

You know what's deadlier than John Wick? The cars in this movie. Literally not a single airbag went off, surprising that they even reached locations where they die.

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Blair Witch

I found this movie pretty fun. Compared to previous two movies, this one is much more like the original while also taking freedoms to expand on some ideas. A bit more is shown, which is a move away from the first movie, but I also feel like it would be incredibly hard to not disappoint the audience by showing nothing the second time - it would just be the same movie, in HD.
I had a couple of gripes: some cheap jumpscares, characters supposedly having a moment by staring at cameras on their ears like they are each other's eyes, and especially with pointing flashlights at cameras and overuse of bright glitches in a movie that's pitch black. (That's not even how digital glitches work, chill.)
At the same time, there are cool moments, a good mix of different ways of scaring you and the jumpscares aren't preceded by an annoyingly obvious low tone - which is a big win in my books. Worth a watch :thumbsup:

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Visually very well made, anxiety inducing. Had to google the explanation though and the whole metaphor was absolutely lost on me while watching. The fact that the creator himself says it's all up to interpretation and it's not really set in stone while also having the movie seemingly be extremely specific at points, certainly doesn't help in this regard.
Having read what they were going for, I can see what they were going for. It's an interesting movie, creative. "It's different" is how I feel about it in the end.

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Severely overrated. Most of the 3 boring hours is a small dick compensation competition that leaves you with the face of Al Pacino - glazed over eyes and an open mouth on the verge of drooling. I honestly can't tell if the main character was written this way or if Pacino is one of the worst actors ever, he could certainly be the big star of The Room 2. Thanks for the cool one liner though.

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Doctor Sleep

The whole caravan gang is how I imagine Twilight having never seen it; add Stargirl or another teen superhero series into it; sprinkle some mental gymnastics to say it's been about The Shining the whole time; and you get Doctor Sleep.
I feel like this would be better separate from The Shining. Make it another story about superheroes/vampires, don't pull a classic into this.
All these references, throwbacks and trying to tie it in with The Shining... Seems like all of that was added afterwards as a cheap attempt to make it sellable - otherwise, very little people would care for it.
It was ok-ish if you discount The Shining. If you don't discount it, it's a disappointing money grab by Stephen adopted into a movie form.
Had to rewind multiple times cause I was trying to figure out if someone was supposed to be a character from The Shining or not while missing whatever was happening. They look like sitcom versions of themselves lol

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The Room

This movie is a rollercoaster, you'll never know what's 2 minute long sex scene Whatever. stands up I don't wanna talk about it. sits down and throws ball Bye! :wave:

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Alita: Battle Angel

I was enjoying the movie immensely, but the ending sucks the fattest greasiest butt.
What the hell is her plan supposed to be now? Become the champion and get to the top as a brain in a box?
Let's for now ignore simply flying up there - they use jet engines as toys and she has some plasma thing built-in, they could have easily figured out a way up, use a balloon ffs. By lore the way to get there has been up the pipe since 300 years ago and she's already proven to be able to just jump over the barbed cockring, so what the hell is she doing?? Waiting for the second episode, that's what. Ruins the whole thing.

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The Principles of Pleasure: 1x03 Our Relationships

Compared with the previous episode, this is a masterpiece*. Certainly a must-watch for most asexuals, so they can stop grouping every normal person into their sect.

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