
This is feeling like The Walking Dead. Take an interesting plot and focus so much on drama that it becomes boring. I'm all for character development but I sure hope things start to happen in the show. This is no Falling Skies nor Colony but it sure isn't The Expanse either. Jury is still out

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I enjoyed the first 3 episodes and will check this out but this is more a mystery drama than something I'd call horror. They don't set up an atmosphere compared to shows like The Fades or Outcast. When they show stuff the gore is almost childish, it's been 10 years + since the Walking or even Evil Dead spoiled us all. All you get is a few jump scares and I couldn't help but think of that quote "A horror with jump scares is like a stand-up comedian jumping in the crowd to tickle the audience". It's worth giving it a chance, but if you are a horror fan, don't get your hopes up.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 5x04 Dear Offred

I hope there's a huge payoff coming because this show is so slow at the moment.
Is Nick burned?
Is Luke finally going to do something?
How come Moira is timid now?
I'm happy Janine has been reset to s1 spirit but aunt Lydia needs to die, not redeemed.
Serena is sometimes defiant and at other times she's paralyzed by fear.
Agent Tuello is such a huge disappointment and I can't understand what commander Lawrence is doing

It's like they all developed multiple personalities that switch every episode or sometimes every scene. I hope I'm missing something because otherwise the writing has gone downhill by a LOT.

I know this was never going to be a Wolverines type of show but how much do you freaking need before you fight back.

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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: 1x02 Children of the Comet

Now I have seen 2 episodes it's clear that this show is what many Trekkies have been looking for : mystery of the week with some food for thought, camaraderie, some humor and (if it's not to much of a bother) some pew pew flying stuff in space.

Mount, Peck and Romijn hit the ground running in their own spin-off but Gooding as Uhura is amazing. Can't wait for an episode focused on the medical team. Of course I can't help but like Ortegas and La'an, although I see some similarities with a certain Naomi Nagata & Camina Drummer, but I'm certainly not complaining about that.

The special effects are amazing and the writers do an excellent job with giving known characters more depth while still respecting what other writers have done. The way they get Pike's command style smack dab in the middle of Archer and T Kirk is very impressive. Strong characters but with flaws. This is a crew I would actually like to be part of, something that hasn't happened since Enterprise ( Team Trip Tucker all the way )

If they can keep this up I say : "6 seasons and a movie"

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The Book of Boba Fett: 1x07 Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor

A season final by the numbers. You could see the twists coming from a mile away but I enjoyed every minute of it. Maybe we have become a little spoiled, this was a pretty decent episode but it's very hard to beat the previous two episodes.The duel between Boba and Bane felt a bit underwhelming, maybe it got hyped to much but I can't help but feel there was more in that scene. Ah well . WEEEEeeeeee to next season

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Reacher: 1x01 Welcome to Margrave

As much as I enjoyed the Cruise movies, this is the Jack Reacher I always imagined. Kudos to Alan, I didn't even connect him to BMS until i googled it.

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Star Trek: Discovery: 4x06 Stormy Weather

I know generation X has a sensitivity of about 3 after growing up in the 80's and we really needed to fix that, but this episode had it turned up to 11. This is NOT how a vessel operates, civilian or not, and I sincerely doubt it'll change that much by then. Now the on board computer needs counseling, people can leave their post during a crisis and have a little debate about orders.

Sweet Roddenberry make it stop ! Somewhere in that room are people capable of writing good sci-fi, each week they get so freaking close and then the dialogue passes through the Dense Monologue Aggregator . At a certain point I was convinced the writers were trolling us by paying tribute to that episode of Southpark. Sensors are sensors no matter how much the computer "meditates" they can't go full Jedi after playing a simple game and get past the technical limits.

If I showed this episode to my kid's school PTA supermom ( you know the one ) she'd say they are overcompensating.

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The Witcher: 2x08 Family

Now that I had some time to think about it I still think season 1 was better. It's a shame but they Americanized it. double the violence, everything spelled out, linear storytelling, (almost) no sex or nudity, less gore.The production quality has stayed the same but sometimes it felt like Geralt was a supporting character for others. Most monsters killed with ease. Thank the gods they didn't Mary Sue Ciri but Yennefer did almost everything out of line with the character's behavior in the previous season. I understand she was struggling but it's hard to accept that bad-ass hero is now hugging a Jaskier

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Invasion: 1x06 Home Invasion

This episode was so dark I figured the Night King was attacking Winterfell

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The Royal Hotel

This movie is a firecracker. Starts good, makes a big bang then nothing happens. The quality of the movie is excellent, good camera work, realistic dialogue, good actors but the story goes nowhere.
If you are a woman who thinks that every men is a potential danger then maybe you'll see the thriller aspect of it.
To me, a guy who worked at a metal pub during uni, the two main characters are exactly what they are called in the movie.
This is more a movie you show to your kids to later discuss how men and women see the same situation different. As pure entertainment and an escape, it's a dud.

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Totally Killer

Hot tub time machine meets Scream. Not as funny but this franchise has potential.It's a doable one time watch with some heavy smirks but I hope they make a sequel that really uses the goldmine they've stumbled on.

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This movie is a blast. Kudos to Noah Pink for turning an interesting story into a thrilling ride. Probably 80% of the movie didn't happen but I don't care. This is must see for any (retro) gamer

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Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves

I loved the cartoons in the 80's and played the game in the 90's so I didn't go in blind. However I also remember past attempts so I didn't expect anything.
This movie balances perfectly between fan service ( D&D lore ) , humor for the Marvel crowd and action for the F&F audience. Although I expect D&D content creators will fill up social media with posts nitpicking stuff I think it landed where Willow wanted to go. Lighter than hard fantasy ( G.O.T, L.O.T.R ) but not, as my teenager would say, cringe ( Wheel of Time , The Rings Of Power , Blood origin )
Good old fashioned quest, popcorn movie for the entire family. Start of a franchise but nothing groundbreaking, solid 7.

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Shout by Tank0
BlockedParent2023-03-12T02:58:31Z— updated 2023-03-13T15:11:46Z

Well this was a boring movie. This is basically Jurrasic Park meets Lost in Space with a pinch of the Last of Us. Almost nothing happens after the start and dialogue isn't happening because they speak different languages. Instead of putting a hint in the title or opening with it, they should have made the fact that this is earth a reveal like in After Earth (2013). In short a quality production with a quality actor with a snooze fest of a story. If you like the concept and want to see it better, at 10% of the budget, go look up the flick Prospect (2018) with Pedro Pascal.

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Extraordinary: 1x08 Surprise!

After watching the season final I really don't know what to make of it. Jen discovering her powers would have been too on the nose so I was wondering what the cliffhanger would be.
In "MALE" shows it's always justice, revenge, betrayal while for most "FEMALE" shows it's either parents/kids or relationship changes ( marriage, divorce, etc )
So yeah I was a little bit underwhelmed when a show that, so far had balanced the rough with the romantic; had gone such an obvious path.
The writers probably felt the same way, because they course corrected and let the "cat lady" end up dating her actual cat. But the big twist, finding his family, felt right out of a Spanish TV novella
So now I have to root for Kash & Jizz, a scrub and a pet? While there are "real" superheroes flying around, not to mention centuries of Don Juan's ( heck even the original ) Carrie can summon.
The show wouldn't be the same without Kash and Jizz but we "wingman" are going to need a bit more redemption to make the difference with a guy like Luke.

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This show actually does what She-Hulk claimed it would be. A funny, female centered, comedy in the superhero genre. It is also as close to The Boys as Disney+ is ever going to get. Just replace the gore and violence with Irish comedy and you have a very good idea what the show is going to be.
It has the typical female jokes: men can't find the "CLID" , are a bit simple, etc but does it in a way that doesn't get old and in turn also is honest enough so the men watching get a few laughs.
Not preachy, just warm entertainment that seems to be effortlessly funny.

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Poker Face: 1x01 Dead Man's Hand

Well American crime shows are usually a hit or a miss and the fact that "subvert expectations" Johnson is involved was not really a selling point after the most recent "Knives Out", but I really like Natasha Lyonne and Benjamin Bratt so I gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised with a very solid pilot episode.
The acting was good but with those actors it would have been very weird if it wasn't.
The dialogue was organic and flowed fast enough that you'll probably going to discover new angles on a rewatch.
The story was intelligent enough to keep you involved all the way through. The deduction wasn't far fetched and reminded me off Elementary.
I've only watched one episode so far but I'm hooked.

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This could have been an interesting angle into the monster/disaster movies. The wave (2015) showed us that those Norwegians can make an excellent movie if they want. So I was looking forward to watching this flick with a Netflix Special FX budget.
What we got was a Frankenstein's monster of Hollywood tropes with a laughable plot and an overall feeling of wasted potential. They should have included more lore and bring their Norwegian humor. Good for a one time watch with your (pre) teens, but a solid meh from me.

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Star Wars: Andor: 1x06 The Eye

After 2 weeks of world and character building we finally get to the heist and I was maybe just as nervous as those guys. Everything felt natural and logical so the events unfolding seemed very realistic for a bunch of motivated amateurs. We all knew it would be risky and although everything happened like I expected, I was still surprised how it happened. That's as close to a magic trick that a writer can come.

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The Old Man: 1x01 I

This pilot episode is like an edible. You see 2 top notch actors so you know they have the acting covered. However because of their age and their past as drama/comedy actors you assume it's going to be a character driven spy show. We get an introduction at the slowest of burns and you start to feel it.
When you are almost convinced you maybe need a second, it hits you like a ton of bricks. You get caught by surprise and now you really are focused on what's happening. From then on it's a wild rollercoaster.
Excellent acting and dialogue followed by some action that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat, maybe even shouting at your device.
Hang in there during the build up and you'll be checking for the next episode by the end.

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Russian Doll: 2x07 Matryoshka

First season was amazing but the second season ...

My grandma always said to say something positive.

Finally the second season of "The end of the fun**in world" isn't the worst second season anymore.

Writers painted themselves in a corner and then "bla bla deep" ran for the exit

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Moonhaven: Season 1

Just finished the first 2 episodes and I still don't know what to make of it. The pilot was rather weak and strange but somehow it made me curious. The second episode was less odd and better imho. The intro reminded me of "The Expanse" and "Raised by Wolves" and the weird future dialect gave me "Clockwork Orange" vibes. Alas that's where the comparison ends. Basically it's a murder mystery that is likely going to lead to a bigger conspiracy. I'm gonna keep watching , if only to get an explanation for several things that don't add up. Of to a slow start but it does have potential.

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The Outlaws: 2x01 Episode 1

Just finished my binge and this season was even better than the previous. No more wasted time with introductions, we get right into it with lots of suspense and even better situational comedy. Walken gets used more and better but Merchant and Gunning sometimes steal the show. Then again all the characters carry an episode in turn. The story might be a little predictable but the dialogue had me laughing all day long. If this was it, then the BBC made comedy gold, but I hope I get to see the team again.

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Metal Lords

This has to be the most metal and the least metal movie I've ever seen. If you just focus on the soundtrack, use of music and the references it is a on the same level as Hesher (2010). However if you focus on the overall feel of the movie this is a pg-13 kids movie like School of Rock (2003) .
It's like it was written by a metalhead turned parent, sugarcoating, completely ignoring why many of us turn to metal as an escape.
It doesn't always need to be dark and grim but in Hesher the metal felt less forced. Maybe if they had turned this into a 8 episode season where we had a chance to see Kevin go from normie to full metal. Emily finding strength in metal to overcome her demons and Hunter struggling with his parent issues we also had more time to spend on the "training montage", friendship, romance and shenanigans.
Some things were really well done, charming, funny and other parts were boring, cliché or fell completely flat. Meh a 7 in the hopes we get a better sequel.

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Vikings: Valhalla

As a fan of Vikings I simple had to binge this. Set 100 years later we get introduced to the next generation of mythical figures. You don't need to have watched the original to be able to get into this story, at worst you'll miss a couple "I get that reference" smirks. What is clear from the start is that this show has been produced with a little tweak to the original. Same quality sets and world building but somewhat lighter. I'd say 20% less nudity, 20% more action and the drama needs to share the spotlight with political intrigue. Looks like they have a big budget, so we see bigger battles (like the siege of Paris in the original series) as well as the skirmishes. I think it lands somewhere between the original Vikings and The last Kingdom. If you are a fan of either I can highly recommend this season.

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From: Season 1

I binged the first 3 episodes because I love a good mystery but this isn't heavy on the horror. Not even half the atmosphere of The Fades or Outcast, very weak gore compared to Walking or even Evil Dead but it sure tries it best with jump scares. Can't help but remember that quote " a horror movie with jump scares is like a stand-up comedian who jumps in the crowd to tickle them " Good mystery show, just not horror in my book.

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Last Survivors

The rough story was something refreshing and I suspect that the elevator pitch had enough potential to draw in the cast and investors with ease. Sadly when they got to work out the details in resulted in a wide array of plot holes and dialogue that just feels forced. This could have been an excellent twist on a genre, that has been done so many times before, but we got a mediocre TV movie thriller.

Silverstone's character slowly going crazy like the father is one of the key messages of the story but it gets hardly shown or even hinted towards until she tells it to the viewer at the end, talk about lazy writing

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Dollface: 2x10 Birthday Girl

To borrow a quote from Fender, "I realize I'm not the target demo" but I enjoyed both seasons. I hope they do a third because this one felt like an in between season with more character growth than big events. I don't know how they managed it, but all the things that make Sex in the city such a chickshow make this show funny. Strong females but with flaws in a show that owns the weird that comes with it.

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If you went to the bargain bin of a roadside truckstop in the middle of nowhere and found a cheap knockoff sci-fi DVD called "I can't believe it isn't Armageddon" this is exactly the movie I'd expect to find on there. Chinese money in a The Asylum style production that make Syfy TV movies look good. Good for a one time watch provided you leave any actual science outside.

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Reacher: 1x08 Pie

This won't win an Emmy but let us have our guilty pleasure. All we want is a semi intelligent story and some action and boy did it deliver.

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