The TV/Movie Guy


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See: 1x06 Silk
Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 2x03 Orinoco

I’m really liking how Marcus’s story is fleshing out. Hopefully he doesn’t liked killed off. some really good side characters on this show.

But I didn’t like how dude tried to rename him Uber. Hopefully he will earn what ever name he chooses to be called by. Def a reason they making a big deal about it.

I’m fanboying on the reunion. lol guess I should say staning. hahaaa

Damnnn then they just left Marcus!!! I get it be damn this is not turning out how I thought it would. He has to play a big role in things some how. Really curious where this is going.

The casting is superb!!! I’m really enjoying the season just like last season. Who would of thought dude from the office has such range to carry a show like this. Love it!!

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The Mandalorian: 1x04 Chapter 4: Sanctuary
Supergirl: 5x05 Dangerous Liaisons

Dang this episode annoyed me. Riproar was corny!! It was obvious from the moment William told the story who riproar was. His movements were whack. The near disaster and how it was avoided didn’t sit well with me. I’m not digging the fact they basically traded jimmy for his sister. Not feeling the romance with Alex. The last relationship she had felt right. This one feels forced on us. Hope this episode was a one off.

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See: 1x02 Message in a Bottle

I pray there are no more scenes of the queen praying. That was too much!!!

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One Piece: 21x1072 The Ridiculous Power! Gear Five in Full Play

Mannnn One Piece really outdid itself with 5 Gear Luffy. Can’t believe I’m just now seeing this.

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This series really captured the spirit of One Piece. I am completely caught off guard by how good it is. There is so much story to retell. Looking fwd to it.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 4x18 In a Mirror, Darkly (1)

Really enjoyed this episode!!! It’s killing me that Enterprise is coming to and end. Well at least I have TOS to watch next. I’m so tempted to watch Discovery over but I finished that a few months ago before I decided to do a rewatch of all he treks in order, including the movies.

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Dark: 3x04 The Origin
Dark: 3x03 Adam and Eva
Dark: 3x02 The Survivors
Star Trek: Enterprise: 3x10 Similitude

I must be in my feelings today. First the North Star episode and now this one to back it up. I thought it was good in the beginning when they had to make the choice to grow a symbiotic version of trip. I damn near stopped watching the episode. I knew it was too much then but also knew it was going to be a good one and I had to make myself watch it. Once I settled on the thought it’s for a higher purpose I was cool.

The kid version of him was chillingly so on point. I wonder if the kid had to act out Tripp’s accent or was that his natural accent anyway?!?

Then Sim became a part of the crew saving the day with his idea. Man that was cool! Then they followed it up with him realizing he could live a normal life and fighting for it only to put the crew first in the end.

Man just so many emotions in this episode. Definitely in my top two fav of the series.

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Star Trek: Enterprise: 3x09 North Star
Vagrant Queen: 1x01 A Royal Ass-Kicking
Utopia Falls: 1x08 The Light

Mannnnn the state thought they had trouble before. Wait till Bohdi gets to drop them bars by the end of the season. He didn’t have his moment in the competition but it’s coming and I expect straight fire. hahaha

Really enjoying how the story has developed. The writers are so good at writing positive content they need to improve on when they have the characters argue. It doesn’t come across as smooth. But that’s ok, it’s oddly refreshing.

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Doctor Who: 12x06 Praxeus

Not sure how they forgot about dude watching the birds but they made up for it by saving the ex cop. Man that was probably one of my most favorite saves on the show. The way peeps been dying each episode I wasn’t sure if he would make it. Hell I would of bet he didn’t. lol I wouldn’t mind seeing those 3 again.

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The Mandalorian: 1x08 Chapter 8: Redemption
The Mandalorian: 1x05 Chapter 5: The Gunslinger
See: 1x08 House of Enlightenment
The Purge: 2x08 Before the Sirens

What the fugggg how good was this season’s lead up to purge night. they really wrote their asses off this season.

Marcus did what he had to do to protect his son!! Loved that and how the neighbors trying to handle business themselves!! lol

When that cop ziv got hers it was so satisfying. Now that’s how I should of felt when Cersei died in GOT but we know how that went. haha

Really loved how it ended with them going after their friend over the money.

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Watchmen: 1x07 An Almost Religious Awe
Titans: 2x13 Nightwing
See: 1x07 The Lavender Road

Hmm starting off slow this episode.

Ahhh so the queen wasn’t stupid when she told that lady who she was. She actually had a plan. Got me there!!

wow the queen actually told them she destroyed their home. I did not see that coming. Bad move!!!

Wow she really is crazy. She think peeps just going to follow her after what she did. The guard must of hit her on the head too many times I guess. lol

Omg haniwa is at it again with her annoying ways.

Whatttttt he just going to let them go. I guess this episode was the calm before the storm. The end of the last episode was so intense I expected more towards the end of the season.

Ahhhh I should of known Baba Voss wasn’t going to leave them to go on their own.

Dang only one more episode left. Already see a crazy cliff hanger coming. sigh

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Black Lightning: 3x07 The Book of Resistance: Chapter Two: Henderson's Opus

I’m not understanding why no one recognizes Khalil. Gambi had to use a computer program to be sure?!?!? Lol

Glad dude stood up to Jenn and kicked her ass out. lol she be getting away with too much lip. doesn’t talk to peeps with enough respect in my opinion. She needs a humbling a$$ whooping like Black Lightning and Thunder have experienced. Hahaha

Rev Holt sure did turn on Black Lightning quick. haha

Lol @ Jefferson acting’s surprised Grace recognized him. negro everyone should be recognizing you!! haha

Oh snap Black Lightning vs Khalil up next!! Should that even be a match though?? Khalil would have to be like a ninja to get one up on BL. all he would have to do is shock him. He can’t be immune to that.

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Into the Badlands: 3x16 Seven Strike as One

Dang I can’t believe they left it so open ended when they knew it was the last season.

They destroyed MK’s character. Was hoping there would be some type of redemption for him at the end. He had a little bit of redemption when he didn’t kill Tilda but then ended up stabbing her anyway. Lol

I’ve never seen a show turn a good character so bad before. This show was so different at the end than it was at that beginning. Yet still so good. Damn I will miss it!! Wish we could of gotten to see the full story.

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Into the Badlands: 3x06 Black Wind Howls

Yoooo that fight scene on the boat was dope??? Why did that slave dude think he could bully Sunny like that? He was smoking that good good lol

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Mortel: 1x02 Hot. Hot. Hot.

wowwwww that escalated quickly at the end. Glad victor got to have some fun before the shit hit the fan!! haha

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How to Get Away with Murder: 6x09 Are You the Mole?
The Mandalorian: 1x03 Chapter 3: The Sin
Titans: 2x12 Faux Hawk

Dang I’m not feeling what they doing to Gar. The kid will never get over that. He is going to need a brain wipe or something. lol

Damn Hank going down a bad path!!!!

Wow this whole time I thought rose and Jericho grew up together. That’s a nice little twist.

Sheesh slade not even doing to pour a glass of water for his daughter. Cole blooded!!!

Oh snap that’s some intense training!! Talk about tough love!! Haaaaa

Oh yeah bout time for the debuting of Nightwing!!!

wow Hank sold the suit to get some blow. Talk about hitting a new low!! Talk about a wake up call!!!!

Homie was stanning hard for the Titans!!

Ughh really no Nightwing suit this episode!!!

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