

California, USA

The Flash: 3x11 Dead or Alive

"My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive. Except when the writers forget that basic tenet (which they do all too often) and write some lazy plothole that doesn't make any sense with The Fastest Man Alive because it's just quicker, easier, and more seductive..."

They do kinda screw that up now and then, don't they? I mean, I know Gypsy's very well advanced with her vibey talent, but she caught The Fastest Man Alive's approach far too easily when they tried to ambush her by the waterfront.

C'mon writers, thinking through a little more consistency wouldn't hurt that much.

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MacGyver: 1x14 Fish Scaler

After last episode -- "Large Blade", which I liked some of, but whose plot-sloppiness level had me again wondering if I should keep watching -- I kinda liked this one. Frank Whaley's character was very likable and believable here, despite everything he'd been through. And the plot-stretches weren't near as bad as in "Large Blade". The series so far is giving me a bit of whiplash, though, with such erratic levels of plot-execution quality. I keep hoping that it's just finding its feet...

One specific nit, though: Matty's insistence that, after having read through Mac's mission history, he prove to her that his improvisational work-style actually works despite her high level of dubiousness. What? She just read his mission history, so she already has plenty of said proof. Hello? Is this thing on? Sigh.

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Sleepy Hollow: 4x06 Homecoming

Anyone else a little disturbed that Team Witness didn't go back in and verify the effects of the explosion? If the stone is still intact, it needs to be divided and hidden again; if not, that'd be good to verify. And verifying Dreyfuss post-kaboom state just seems like a good idea. And good ol' Headless... But... nah. It's Miller Time.

Otherwise, fun stuff. Although... So it seems that Dreyfuss survived the blast, but we don't see thousands of dead in Sleepy Hollow, so... What exactly happened? Is he fully immortal? Or just enough to protect him against the blast, given the limited life-source fuel involved. Or are we to buy that the explosion somehow bypassed the whole costs-lives-to-grant immortality thing.

Guess we'll find out soon enough.

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The Blacklist: 4x12 Natalie Luca

If Red's ever dependable for something, it's getting very creatively interesting when he finds himself again "under siege".

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Blindspot: 2x13 Name Not One Man

Now to wonder what the "Truman Protocol" is going to turn out to be. Some shady dealings related to the Truman Doctrine or the Marshall Plan or some other big initiative of around that time? Or something entirely else...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x12 Hot Potato Soup

"Quantum" is a simplistically used buzzword, there -- wonder if they'll delve at all into this new artificial brain model concept at all beyond that -- but at least they didn't call it "positronic". (Would've been a cool reference, but an overused one, and I'd've been expecting R. Daneel Olivaw to show up next...)

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Colony: 2x02 Somewhere Out There

Aaand yet another bonehead discovers what a mistake it is to threaten those that Will truly cares about.

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The Flash: 3x10 Borrowing Problems from the Future
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x10 The Patriot

I just hadda share a couple of moments in this episode... not that the rest of the ep wasn't lots o' fun...

At the beginning, at the recognition event for Agent Daisy Johnson, did I see some political-looking "Mace/Johnson 2020" signs in the audience?

After the crash, when the pilot, Agent McCafferty, was found still in his seat, speared through by a big branch, did anyone else think wistfully for a moment of the Leaf on the Wind, Hoban "Wash" Washburne?

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The Librarians: 3x05 And the Tears of a Clown
Lethal Weapon: 1x07 Fashion Police

I hope DEA Agent Palmer shows up again from time to time in the future. She made for an interesting addition to the dynamic, and particularly in her evolving interactions with Riggs. Not that he's ready to be pushed to together with someone, but... I kinda see him evolving closer and closer to some semblance of non-suicidal normalcy largely as a result of eye-opening interactions with various people, including Roger and Trish, Karen Palmer... and this kid next episode...

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The Flash: 3x08 Invasion! (II)

I think the only part that stuck out enough to bother me was the "training" exercises. What exactly was the value in a bunch of assorted team members throwing whatever moves and weapons they have at the one team-member alien hovering in the air whom none of their weapons could hurt at all no matter what they did or how they used them? Seemed like a complete waste of time (and ammo).

Ignoring that, though, and maybe a little over-simplification of a plot that screams out to be spread out over multiple movies,... lots of fun seeing the whole extended group together like that. And some great lines. Oddly enough, Diggle's deadpan "I'm convinced" was the one that most had me flailing for the pause button so that my wife and I could finish laughing and regain our breath. All this meta-and-alien weirdness won't get to you, Diggle; you're good.

And tossed in the midst, Barry finally having to face the effects of his time-traveling, the reactions to others as they find out what and who Barry's actions changed and erased. That was a long time coming, and what a way to complicate this impromptu team's dynamic.

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Vixen: 2x04 Trial by Fire: Episode 4

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2016-12-04T04:15:43Z— updated 2017-01-01T07:46:44Z

Liking this overall, but...
Was anyone else bothered a bit when Mari ordered the dogs to "sic 'em" at the police? Funny (and powers-appropriate) as that may have sounded at the time, that order's obvious results are that some police (who're just doing their jobs responding to a criminal-activity call) are going to get hurt and/or (more likely) the dogs are going to get shot. Mari seems like one who'd want to be less careless than that.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x06 The Good Samaritan

BTW, did anyone else get the impression, while Robbie was growing more and more upset and talking about "the other guy", that Robbie Reyes should hang out with Bruce Banner for awhile?

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x06 The Good Samaritan

Eli Darkhold, eh?. Whodathunkit?

Lots of interesting madness going on, with a bit of a hanger to eat at us over the few-weeks' break. (Phil? Fitz? Where'd you... C'mon guys; not funny!)

Although I'm getting a little tired of Director Mace's hypocritical "a team that trusts" lines. A team that trusts doesn't subject its innermost members to constant invasive lie-detection examinations, Jeff. (Or... does he already fully realize that?) That needs to get thrown back in his face, hard and soon.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x06 Outlaw Country

On watching them first ride into hearing range of Hex's would-be hanging -- BTW, where'd they suddenly get horses? -- oddly enough, the first thing I thought was "Of the whole group, Sarah Lance seems to be able to fit in anywhere/anywhen so easily." Was that just me?

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Blindspot: 2x08 We Fight Deaths on Thick Lone Waters

I almost look forward to AUSA Matthew Weitz attempting to follow up on his "process" threats. And getting squished.

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MacGyver: 1x03 Awl

While some of the details and interactions are still fun, the overall mechanics of the show still stretch things beyond reasonableness in too many places. A show that's fundamentally centered around a genius talent for applying physical sciences knowledge to all sorts of crisis situations, some of those applications -- and the plain old plot-holes sprinkled about between those crises -- are asking a bit much of the whole suspension-of-disbelief thing.

I enjoy some of the show's moments, but, while I want to like a modern reconception of MacGuyver, and I'm okay with truly reconceiving some aspects for a new and different take on the telling, it's difficult to like this when its overall writing and execution seem this half-heartedly careless.

I'll probably watch a couple more eps and keep hoping, but...

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Blindspot: 2x07 Resolves Eleven Myths

Ennis Esmer in overdrive (as Rich Dotcom) is always fun to watch. That said, after that fiasco (and the multiple deaths he brought to the FBI), if they don't lock him (and sidekick Dobby-- er, I mean, Boston) up in a hole someplace verrry deep, they're going to be kicking themselves when he breaks out and shows up somewhere yet again.

But, even then, I wouldn't be surprised if the writers dragged him out from that hole at some point at which his unpredictable talents could be uniquely useful...

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The Last Ship: 3x12 Resistance

Finally, a good use for the captured Chinese destroyer. ;-)

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Extant: 2x01 Change Scenario

This officer-for-hire JD Richter seems rather promising - if he can get over the crazy-lady first impression...

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The Last Ship: 3x01 The Scott Effect

Shout by Thogek

I was kinda hoping that there'd've been a little more treatment of what happened to Dr. Scott, did she survive, who killed her, etc. But I also get that they're skipping over time to start closer to the Next Big Crisis. Seeing the multiple solemn mentions of her were a good bridge, in that sense. That, and realizing that life in this world is serious military chaos, and people die, and The Mission moves on...

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