

California, USA

Doom Patrol: 4x09 Immortimas Patrol
Superman & Lois: 3x04 Too Close to Home

"Damn, Kent." :thumbsup::open_mouth::thumbsup:

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Superman & Lois: 2x13 All Is Lost

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-10T03:19:09Z— updated 2022-06-11T05:56:33Z

"I call it the Kessel Run."

That look, and the sudden-but-smooth deflation-transition to it, was so damn perfectly delivered, that it easily deserved a couple of rewind-and-rewatches.

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Mr. Robot: 3x10 shutdown -r

Leon must be the mostly weirdly interesting individual.

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Mr. Robot: 3x02 eps3.1_undo.gz

Oddly enough, I rather enjoyed Elliot's unusual take on How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x08 Sad Clown A-Go-Go

Interesting mix. Some strong story-parallels to the original (both with Vicious and with Pierrot le Fou), with some differences that mostly worked well. (Except maybe for that one-hires-the-other thing; not sure that makes sense given who's involved. And I'm not sure that the reasoning for Pierrot le Fou's emotional crumble at the end was as clear as it was in the original.) Crazy, messy, mostly fun stuff.

But those gorram jerks abandoned Ein all alone on that dock. Not okay, guys. Not okay.

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Dark: 1x09 Everything Is Now

So we know that some (Jonas, Ulrich) can cross times through the odd metal gates in the caves. But others... Mikkel would probably remember if he'd opened and passed through those stiff heavy gates, and gone back. And I have trouble imagining Gretchen opening the gates at all. So... uh...

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Batwoman: 3x07 Pick Your Poison

Again, some good stuff and some seriously lazy-writing bits.

Such as: That's not how CEO transitions work at all; like an "acting CEO" (which made no sense here to begin with) would have the authority to sign her job over to someone else without the approval of the company's board (which was threatening to fire her a few episodes ago) like that. But if it makes a story advancement easier for lazy writers...

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Titans: 3x12 Prodigal

So the Lazarus Pits here are pretty different from the ones on Earth Prime, eh?

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The Blacklist: 7x19 The Kazanjian Brothers

Overall, the animation was a bit stiff, but perhaps expected as such given the incredible short notice with which the project to produce it must have been thrown together. The inventive transitions helped. In the end, I appreciate the dedication that brought it to us rather than simply letting the season effectively dangle after ep. 18.

I wonder how much of Elizabeth's IMO-far-too-easy slide completely over to the Mom Side (my only real problem with the plot development here) was rushed by the need to complete it with this one episode as opposed to across the originally planned four episodes that this one effectively replaced.

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The Magicians: 5x10 Purgatory

Mar-GoPro? Heh. Gotta love the odd cultural cross-overs.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x03 Miss Me, Kiss Me, Love Me

That new title-intro is certainly different. And kinda weird. And I like it. Weirdly.

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The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-09-23T01:59:18Z— updated 2019-09-30T03:46:27Z

I think my only problem with this episode was the farcical treatment of the end of the Deep-saves-dolphin scene: everything from the van's hard-stop to the ending smear on the road felt like a bad parody (well beyond what the show inherently is), too ridiculous to be real. I get the point that Deep is no planner and screws up when he goes out on his own, but the writers could have worked just a little more to make that piece feel more real and less like a detour into self-parody.

I also have to wonder if, if Deep's apparently real passion-concern for marine life were taken remotely seriously by Vought and the team, maybe he'd be a better hero and less of the jerk they've basically taught him to be (and Vought could even spin it into yet another PR plus if they really wanted to), but that's a whole another thought-experiment.

Otherwise, this episode continues this show's pretty impressive job of stitching together an image of a superhero-populated world (rife with corporatism and politics and PR) whose possibility no one wants to face. Except, maybe, that it still has Spice Girls.

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Blindspot: 3x14 Everlasting

One of the more fun episodes in awhile, methinks, weaving in increasing threads of wackiness in a way that worked.

And I think we all knew that all sorts of wackiness lurked deep inside the mind of Patterson. Like ninja bo-staff warrior madness. Right?

But that Breakfast Club riff... (The Blindspot Club?) Now that was some funny wacky...

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x05 All Souled Out

Did we just see the proto-beginning of Heroes for Hire?

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The Magicians: 3x06 Do You Like Teeth?

Margo: Who are we, now, El? We used to be glamorous amazing mega-bitches. And now?
Eliot: We have... depth, and... character.
Margo: [the penultimate WTF look]

Another moment "pause" buttons were made for...

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x13 Dragon Plays with Fire
Star Wars Rebels: 3x18 Double Agent Droid

If I ignore the reverse-the-feed-and-overload-their-power-systems solution, and even with AP-5's overdoing the arrogant monologuing, it was a fun diversion before the madness heats up next ep. ;-)

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Star Wars Rebels: 3x02 The Holocrons of Fate

I have to wonder what they saw, and how much of that we'll see in near-future episodes. Maul is clearly after something specific -- some one specific, apparently now -- and I thought I heard Ezra say "twin suns" which sounds very Tatooine. Iiinteresting...

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 3x05 Druz'ya I Vragi

That was a whole different kind of hallway fight scene.

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Stargirl: 3x13 Frenemies - Chapter Thirteen: The Reckoning

My name is Artemis Crock. For three months, I was lost and alone with only one goal: revenge. Now I will avenge my parents' terrible death, and stop the monster who murdered them from ever hurting anyone again. To do this, I must become someone else. I must become something else.

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Superman & Lois: 2x12 Lies That Bind

Did we just see the energy-absorption powers of DC's Parasite?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x11 Rage Against The Machines
Cowboy Bebop: 1x01 Cowboy Gospel
Batwoman: 2x14 And Justice For All

Ryan: "Ok. So how do we dose that many people all at once?"

Luke: "You have to inject each person one at a time."

Ryan: "But that means…"

Me: "It's time to call Barry."

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x22 Lethal Trackdown

I do have to wonder, watching this, how much of Boba's drive to avenge his father comes from within vs. being stoked by old-friend-of-Jango Aurra Sing. Probably a mix of both, but it might say something about the influences of elders/mentors on the youngers' choices, such as Aurra Sing on Boba, Plo Koon (and Tera Sinube and Luminara Unduli and...) on Ahsoka, etc.

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The Blacklist: 8x03 16 Ounces

I'm having increasing difficulty with Liz's apparent loss of thinking skills. I get that she's angry as hell as Redd, but what led her to believe that a one-pound semtex bomb was an appropriately surgical tool with which to take out Redd and only Redd in a hospital, regardless of how you think you've timed the placement? How does the very idea not scream out collateral damage?

At least Aram's afterward reaction seemed deeply appropriate. Everyone else... and especially Donald...

I feel a little like, alongside Dembe, shaking my head at it all...

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Manifest: 2x13 Icing Conditions

Soooo, if, as the Major apparently has planned, the military is able to deliberately replicate the genetic mutation in new people, will it have the same effect as the 828ers; would the Death Date effect somehow still relevant (as those people didn't skip over any time) and, if it is, how? That plotline, with or without the Major, has some interesting possibilities...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x08 Romeo v Juliet: Dawn of Justness

Con: The whole cause of the secondary Shakespeare emergency was the Legends being, as Damien always called them, idiots. (I mean real true you-guys-know-better-than-that idiots.)

Pro: Almost everything else, in classic wacky-Legends style.

And then, of the Original Legends, there were two...

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Supergirl: 5x05 Dangerous Liaisons

Lena Luthor, meet Clifford "The Thinker" DeVoe. Clifford, Lena. You two should talk.

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