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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 6x04 Bay of Squids

I know I've said before that this show can be at its best when it goes all-in timey-wimey wacko, but this wasn't it. This was far more farcical than anything else—from candied Fidel to pointless football—and so much of it just made no sense whatsoever, including Eva handing the Waverider and mission over solely to Mick (while the rest of the crew will now do... what?). There were some fun and funny moments, but not enough of them to make up for the Bay of Farce that was the rest.

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The Blacklist: 8x13 Anne

Hearing Detective Eames— er, Officer Lois say that most New Yorkers are "narcissists" was a fun little in-joke.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x22 Lethal Trackdown

Funny moment when they said they were heading to Florrum: my wife, just passing through the room at that moment, heard it as going to "Florin", stopped and said "incontheivable!"

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Stargirl: 1x03 Icicle

At this point, the show and story are starting to get halfway decent, even if Courtney is still acting like a moron.

I did expect a little better of smooth-investigator Pat at the hospital, though.


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Motherland: Fort Salem: 1x05 Bellweather Season

Wow. Didn't expect the episode title to end up feeling like a sort of hunting reference. :open_mouth:

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Blindspot: 5x07 Awl In

Another mixed bag...

* Just about every moment with Greg in it. Not hard to like the guy, and to sympathize with what he must be going through with what he's learning. Even the mistake with the phone—not really something he would have known about—and the sadness that followed. I hope that that isn't all we see of him.
* I hoped and suspected that Allison, who is far too smart for this, was performing layers of prepared story for Madeline throughout all of that. And, indeed, in the end, Allison was giving the finger, so to speak.

Has Potential:
That end-reveal moment was kinda cool. I just hope they do something worthy with it.

Every single emotional-crisis moment in this episode—and there were several—was sooo poorly manufactured. The concept behind them all is totally valid and in the background all the time, but, for some reason, every time it's been brought into the foreground it's been done with such supreme poke-you-in-the-eye clumsiness that I'd rather they just tossed it soft a line once in awhile and left it back there.

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Travelers: 1x05 Room 101

Naming an episode such as this after that Orwell 1984 reference... Oddly fitting.

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The Blacklist: 7x16 Nyle Hatcher

Hmmmmm. The Sikorsky Archive... as in... Or something entirely else?

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The Magicians: 5x12 The Balls

In which Sir Hargreave Mcgrubney Cubbins Archibald Brian Effingham III -- a.k.a. Sir Effingham -- has his opportunity to be, indeed, an effing ham. ;-)

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The Flash: 6x13 Grodd Friended Me

Did I hear correctly Chester say "Thank Rao!"?
That was an... er... interesting cross-reference.

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Supergirl: 5x12 Back from the Future (2)

So, lots o' fun stuff and a few bits of nefarious Lex-plot advancement, but a few serious gripes as well:

Why do the heroes always have to pause their frantically imperative rush to solve the crisis to have a deep heartfelt personal-life discussion? It was a good discussion, but... uh... there's a deadly battle going on upstairs and a wild timebomb ticking in those servers, guys; can we have this talk later?

Just about every DEO-agents-vs-hijacked-tech fight scene was utterly ridiculous. Super-advanced and deadly tech that apparently couldn't hit the side of a Sandcrawler, mad energy-bolt crossfire-chaos that somehow never manages to hit anything... C'mon, writers. I know you can formulate a scene where the super-tech poses a realistic deadly tech and is realistically and heroically fought off. Why the crazy-sloppy theatrics?


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The Magicians: 5x08 Garden Variety Homicide

Farkakte. Indeed. Much farkakte. Macaroon?

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x02 Meet the Legends

Hologram of Zari Tomaz: Help me, Nathan Heywood. You're my only hope. [vanishes]
Nathan Heywood: Wait a minute. Where'd she go? Bring her back! Play back the entire message!
Gideon: What message?
Ray Palmer: That was so COOL!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x02 Meet the Legends

Okay, I think I get what they were doing, sort of following and wrapping up on the Legends worldwide exposure at Heyworld. And, it's Legends, so there's gonna be some wacky to it. But... uh... That was pushing even the Legends' capacity for making timey-wimey wacky work.

I do like how their movie-panel at the end called out everything that was wacky about this adventure (cough), although the effectiveness with which they seemed to achieve their nothing-to-see-here back-to-normal-ness was a bit... simple.

IAC, some good stuff sprinkled about. Meeting Behrad. A bit of Sara's Crisis after-effects. A hint of the soul-chit madness to come. Not really enough (IMO) to make this episode's wackiness factor flow together as well as it sometimes does with the Legends, but... Hoping that the season to come finds the feet that this episode seems to have stumbled off of.

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The Flash: 6x09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Three (III)

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-12-15T21:08:55Z— updated 2019-12-18T15:58:29Z

Just wondering: Would anyone consider declaring that one of the seven Paragons needed to save the multiverse is a Paragon of Humanity to be just a little uninclusive toward our just-as-threatened non-human friends? (Coluans, Daxamites, Dominators, Kryptonians, Martians, Thanagarians, etc.)

It'd've been particularly amusing to see the Queen Dominator (whom we once saw visit Earth 1 looking for her baby who eight-year-old Ray had named Gumball) show up to help...

IAC, otherwise, good stuff. Little things to pick on here and there but, mostly, as promised, the best Arrowverse crossover yet.

And, now, with the possibility of Spectre-Oliver...

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Black Lightning: 3x03 The Book of Occupation: Chapter Three: Agent Odell's Pipe-Dream

There is obviously quite a bit going on, much of it stemming from Odell's manipulative mind. Never quite sure what to trust, or how the various pieces really fit together, but definitely fascinated to find out.

The new suit looks pretty damn cool, except that it still glows in the dark (how's he supposed to sneak up on anyone glowing like that?), and who knows what other goodies are embedded in that magical watch?

Oh, and, after watching the way he appears and speaks and presents for awhile now, my wife is now convinced that Odell is somehow related to Droopy the Dog. (Hmm. How exactly would Odell look and sound saying "I'm happy"?)

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Pennyworth: 1x10 Marianne Faithfull

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-10-02T03:44:40Z— updated 2019-10-08T04:03:20Z

Some good stuff, a lotta crazy stuff, fun overall. Except... How the heck does that one small bomb do that much damage throughout that huge house? I think someone went rather overboard, there. But otherwise...

Making everyone's favorite butler out to be a serious national action hero in his youth, it seems.

Curious what they'll do with a second season if they get one.

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Emergence: 1x01 Pilot

So far I'm thinking some sort of Dark Angel meets Blindspot mix, but...

If nothing else, I'm pretty impressed by the performances and very curious where this'll go.

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The InBetween: 1x10 Monsters and Angels
The Flash: 5x18 Godspeed

Barry still has some serious mad trigger rage issues when it comes to anything to do with mom-killer Eobard Thawne, doesn't he?

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Supergirl: 4x15 O Brother, Where Art Thou?

One of the more interesting and fun episodes of late, IMO. Although that "Miss Teschmacher!" moment... damn...

My only real quibbles:

Why does the Department of Corrections hire and pay such morons? Especially the five near the helicopter, as they came running in near the end, after they must have seen what happened to the three near the door. They should have been shooting on sight from where they were. But, no. Run forward into the traps, you fools. Sigh. That scene could have been just as Lex-outsmarts-everyone impressive if those officers hadn't been idiots.

And when will J'onn realize that not everything has to be so abolutely one or the other? We are all a mix of both, light and dark, peace and violence, etc. Even a man of peace occasionally has to defend peace; that doesn't make him any less a man of peace.

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Gotham: 5x04 Legend of Dark Knight: Ruin

Given that, in the comics, Barbara Gordon is the name of Jim Gordon's daughter, I've often wondered if Gotham's Barbara would someday die doing something unexpectedly heroic, inspiring Jim's future use of her name. That's seemed unlikely for quite awhile now, but... now... maybe?

Gotham has certainly done far wackier than that, so far, so... who knows?

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Arrow: 7x10 My Name Is Emiko Queen

The whole Emiko Queen storyline direction is interesting, if perhaps feeling a bit recycled—albeit fairly consistent with the comics origin of that name, so... okay.

That new direction's execution (acting, direction, scene blocking) in this episode—especially around Emiko herself—however, was consistently terrible, as though the directors/producers just didn't care about the experience this time around.

Sigh. And hope...

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Gotham: 5x01 Legend of Dark Knight: Year Zero

Quite an opener into Gotham's nadir, and the hints at what refined madnesses will eventually crawl out of such a crucible...

My only complaint: given that everyone knows some degree of the situation in Gotham, who decided that flying that chopper into the city at low between-the-buildings altitude was any sort of a good idea? I would have been shocked if someone hadn't taken a shot at knocking down such a valuable and accessible target. Both Bruce (in his request and instructions) and whoever piloted that chopper should have known much much better than that.

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Arrow: 7x09 Elseworlds (II)

Earth-90 Barry Allen: Hello, John. You're not wearing your ring. Things must be different here.

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The Last Ship: 5x06 Air Drop

Kinda waiting for Hector's super-slo-mo epiphany to complete and push him to turn on Gustavo...

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Krypton: 1x10 The Phantom Zone

Obviously, there's more coming next season, and we'll probably see Seg-El somehow returned from the Phantom Zone at some point (and the struggle to keep Brainiac from returning with him?), but... I have to wonder... Will the house of El eventually rise while the house of Vex crumbles, and little Cor-Vex finds himself renamed somewhen along the way to, perhaps, Zor-El or Jor-El?

So many weird possibilities to ponder...

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Krypton: 1x06 Civil Wars

Damn. I can't believe that in all that time I didn't place the Voice of Riario. Niiice.

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Blindspot: 3x22 In Memory

There was some good stuff in there, but it also felt as though someone was trying too hard to pack the season finale with WTFs. The result felt... a bit jumbled...

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Blindspot: 3x09 Hot Burning Flames

I was starting to get a little encouraged by slow improvement over the last few episodes. The few two episodes of this season were far too rough, chopped together, sloppy. The last two were actually pretty decent, IMO. But this one was far too rough, chopped together, sloppy... Sigh.

Too much of Season Three so far is looking like a caricature of the first two seasons.

I heard that NBC has ordered a Season Four of Blindspot. Does that mean that Season Three does get significantly better somewhere along the way, or have NBC (who has never really been shy about canceling even good shows) dropped its expectations a bit much?

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