

California, USA

Good Omens: 2x03 Chapter 3: I Know Where I'm Going featuring the minisode The Resurrectionists

Muriel is so oddly adorable in her utter cluelessness.

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 5x05 Tipping Points

Best line:
"Oh, look at the time!" —Hondo Ohnaka

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Marvel's Jessica Jones: 3x05 AKA I Wish

C'mon, Jess, you know not to touch evidence like that. DNA? Fingerprints? Evil genius booby traps?

Otherwise... iiinterestinger...

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Doom Patrol: 4x09 Immortimas Patrol
Superman & Lois: 3x04 Too Close to Home

"Damn, Kent." :thumbsup::open_mouth::thumbsup:

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Superman & Lois: 2x13 All Is Lost

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-10T03:19:09Z— updated 2022-06-11T05:56:33Z

"I call it the Kessel Run."

That look, and the sudden-but-smooth deflation-transition to it, was so damn perfectly delivered, that it easily deserved a couple of rewind-and-rewatches.

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Dark: 1x09 Everything Is Now

So we know that some (Jonas, Ulrich) can cross times through the odd metal gates in the caves. But others... Mikkel would probably remember if he'd opened and passed through those stiff heavy gates, and gone back. And I have trouble imagining Gretchen opening the gates at all. So... uh...

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Titans: 3x12 Prodigal

So the Lazarus Pits here are pretty different from the ones on Earth Prime, eh?

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The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-09-23T01:59:18Z— updated 2019-09-30T03:46:27Z

I think my only problem with this episode was the farcical treatment of the end of the Deep-saves-dolphin scene: everything from the van's hard-stop to the ending smear on the road felt like a bad parody (well beyond what the show inherently is), too ridiculous to be real. I get the point that Deep is no planner and screws up when he goes out on his own, but the writers could have worked just a little more to make that piece feel more real and less like a detour into self-parody.

I also have to wonder if, if Deep's apparently real passion-concern for marine life were taken remotely seriously by Vought and the team, maybe he'd be a better hero and less of the jerk they've basically taught him to be (and Vought could even spin it into yet another PR plus if they really wanted to), but that's a whole another thought-experiment.

Otherwise, this episode continues this show's pretty impressive job of stitching together an image of a superhero-populated world (rife with corporatism and politics and PR) whose possibility no one wants to face. Except, maybe, that it still has Spice Girls.

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Blindspot: 3x14 Everlasting

One of the more fun episodes in awhile, methinks, weaving in increasing threads of wackiness in a way that worked.

And I think we all knew that all sorts of wackiness lurked deep inside the mind of Patterson. Like ninja bo-staff warrior madness. Right?

But that Breakfast Club riff... (The Blindspot Club?) Now that was some funny wacky...

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 2x05 All Souled Out

Did we just see the proto-beginning of Heroes for Hire?

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The Magicians: 3x06 Do You Like Teeth?

Margo: Who are we, now, El? We used to be glamorous amazing mega-bitches. And now?
Eliot: We have... depth, and... character.
Margo: [the penultimate WTF look]

Another moment "pause" buttons were made for...

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 3x05 Druz'ya I Vragi

That was a whole different kind of hallway fight scene.

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Superman & Lois: 2x12 Lies That Bind

Did we just see the energy-absorption powers of DC's Parasite?

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Batwoman: 2x14 And Justice For All

Ryan: "Ok. So how do we dose that many people all at once?"

Luke: "You have to inject each person one at a time."

Ryan: "But that means…"

Me: "It's time to call Barry."

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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: 2x22 Lethal Trackdown

I do have to wonder, watching this, how much of Boba's drive to avenge his father comes from within vs. being stoked by old-friend-of-Jango Aurra Sing. Probably a mix of both, but it might say something about the influences of elders/mentors on the youngers' choices, such as Aurra Sing on Boba, Plo Koon (and Tera Sinube and Luminara Unduli and...) on Ahsoka, etc.

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Good Omens: 1x05 The Doomsday Option

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-06-20T04:04:13Z— updated 2019-09-23T02:03:36Z

In the Good Omens book, Crowley's old Bentley was quite the character in and of itself, especially when it came to that fire. Not as much in this series, up 'til now; It's nice to finally see it get its due here. :-)

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The Magicians: 4x10 All That Hard, Glossy Armor

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2019-04-12T16:30:20Z— updated 2021-01-10T21:59:17Z

I'm feeling like some of these side-adventures that incidentally affect some far-off village deserve their own short-story collection.
Eliot and the First Key.
Margot and the Ice Axes.
Quentin and the Repair of Small Objects

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x15 Necromancing the Stone

That sight at the end, of John lighting his cigarette by leaning into the fireball, was worth pausing on for several seconds to appreciate the poster-shot appropriateness of the moment.

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Arrow: 6x13 The Devil's Greatest Trick

From now on, whenever Oliver says "I have an idea" like that, John's stomach should drop, hard.

Oh, Quentin. I have to wonder which path would end up destroying you more, this one or the bottle...

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Colony: 2x13 Ronin

Alan kept me wondering 'til the end what he was really playing in that intricate mind of his, knowing that his daughter's fate might still depend on what he does and where he goes...

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The Witcher: 3x08 The Cost of Chaos

Poor Radovid looked like he was having one hell of a panic attack there at the end.

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Superman & Lois: 2x14 Worlds War Bizarre

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-06-27T03:12:28Z— updated 2022-06-28T04:11:06Z

The weird choppy visual of the worlds coming within "sight" of each other, like some sort of TV signal being erratically interrupted, was odd. I very much doubt something like that would look so sharply back-and-forth choppy. But, IMO, that's a relatively small complaint in yet another solid segment of the story.

A larger complaint might be: Why does no one seem to remember the existence of others who might be able to help: Kara, Barry, Jefferson, etc? That story-hole has been annoying me much more, lately.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x02 The Star-Spangled Man

At the end, that security monitor image with the cell ("zelle") number in the corner... I have to wonder if the use of cell number 2187 was a deliberate reference.

It ain't detention block AA-23, but...

That's okay. Finn didn't get the reference, either.

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Batwoman: 2x14 And Justice For All

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2021-05-19T03:39:33Z— updated 2021-05-20T05:35:40Z

"Nah. I got this."

Oh, crap.

What could go wrong?

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x07 The Totally Excellent Adventures of Mack and The D
Gotham: 5x07 Legend of Dark Knight: Ace Chemicals

With those two right there at the iconic Ace Chemicals, the one dunking the other... taking Jeremiah sooo close to the classic Joker origin story... Starting to wonder if we actually will hear the Joker name somewhere in there...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x11 All the Comforts of Home

Knowing that our heroes have been through this loop of time who-knows-how-many times already, I have to wonder what can be different this time around that'll let them finally win and avoid The Ultimate EarthQuake. Then, I see this episode, and (among all the other amazingness and YoYo's horror), I wonder: Did their past trips through this time-loop include Zeke getting pulled back in time with them? Hmmm....

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The Blacklist: 5x06 The Travel Agency

Shout by Thogek
BlockedParent2018-02-10T21:02:58Z— updated 2022-02-02T05:08:15Z

This is a total side-note, but...
As I catch up on various recorded shows at different rates, I was somewhat amused by hearing very similar speeches from Raymond Reddington (to FBI Special Agent Harold Cooper) and from Ralph Dibny (to CCPD Detective Joe West). :-)

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 3x11 Point of No Return

If Omega can find a way to connect to her supposed M-count, now would be the time.

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