

California, USA

Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x13 You Know My Steez

Reply by Thogek


Shout by C Monster

Was hoping to see a little of Iron Fist.

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We kind of did, but in a blink-and-you'll-miss-it sort of way, near the end, when Claire was pulling that tab off of the self-defense-lessons poster...

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x13 You Know My Steez

Reply by Thogek


Shout by Deleted

Was a good ending. I want as hell that they make a mashup with Daredevil in the next season.

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We all just wanna see Foggy defending Luke in court. ;-)

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Marvel's Luke Cage: 1x08 Blowin' Up the Spot

Reply by Thogek


Shout by Mounir

first of all,when did Jessica shot him and waw that ending Diomondback is his brother!!!! Whoa didn't see that coming.

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when did Jessica shot him

Jessica Jones, episode 1x12, near the end: Jessica's very-last-ditch self-defense shotgun blast to the Kilgrave-controlled Luke's head. That's why we met our favorite nurse Claire Temple during Jessica Jones shortly thereafter...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x09 Raiders of the Lost Art

Reply by Thogek


Review by Vero

That was fucking absurd. I loved it. Incredible episode. Damn I love this show and this episode was really funny. I'm still laughing so I have no idea what might come out. But may the Plotforce be with you. I loved the cast today. Everyone did a great job. And I got so hyped when I listened to those angry helicopter noises. Thawne certainly looks extra menacing in that lightning. Amaya, Ray and Nate's speech was superb: STAY IN SCHOOL! And that menacing pointed finger was quite convincing. I laughed louder that I should. George Lucas a the plot was just fantastic and the trash compactor scene was just so over the top. Where have I seen that before? lol And I'm glad Rip is back (thought I'd never say that outloud). He shouting at Vandal Savage because he wasn't threatening enough was hilarious. And I almost died of laughing when he didn't know how to use a gun. I actually though he was gonna hurt himself or one of the legends. And when he got arrested, that high pitched scream. I'll never recover. And Nate being a yoga instructor, yeah man, that sucks. And when Jax said he went to Sunday school, I pictured him singing Gospel. And Snart us definitely real. I refuse to believe he's dead.

The entire cast was amazing. I guess now it's RIP to Rip and Welcome Phil. Stein was on point: "I'm doing brain surgery, what's it look like?" And Sara and Jax accepting it like, OK, we don't have time, for your shit. And Merlyn's expression when he punched Nate, lol. I was a bit off when Dahrk and Merlyn were continuously missing shots like they were stupid or something. Then I realized they were Stormtroopers, lol. And the elevator scene. Seriously, I couldn't stop laughing. The music was just so damn perfect.

"Hi, my name is Phil. I'm a full time film student and a part time recreational drug user", oh man that was just brilliant. I loved how Nate kept on calling Lucas by his full name. I just loved everything on this crazy episode.

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With the discovered device inside Mick's skull and the theory about Leonard still existing in some form bonded to time itself and anchored only by Mick's device, I was half-expecting hints of Star Trek: The Search for Snart to join the ongoing plotline.

"Don't just stand there; try and brace it with something!" Worth a solid groan-while-LOLing moment.

Help us George Lucas, you're our only hope.

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Supergirl: 2x09 Supergirl Lives

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-24T05:21:59Z— updated 2018-10-11T19:56:43Z

Supergirl is finally back, which means that I'm back to getting up at 4:30 AM just to bring you these dank-ass reviews that you guys love so much (sarcasm alert) before I have to go to school.

I think the writers finally remembered that Kara is the title character. This episode focused more on her and put her at the center of the story instead of sidelining her like the last few episodes did.

I just have to say, Roulette certainly knows how to make an entrance. And going from running an underground fight club in National City to running intergalactic slave trade on another planet? That is impressive. I mean, I don't condone her actions, but you gotta admire her talent for business.

I hope that we'll get to see more of Kara the Reporter. Working at CatCo used to be such a big part of her storyline, integral to her growth as Supergirl, and now she's barely ever there. If Cat Grant were here, she wouldn't stand for this.

And she most definitely wouldn't stand for the whole Man-Hell mess. They're trying to make him a more likeable character because they want the audience to jump aboard the Karamel ship. Well, how do I put this politely? You've got to be fucking kidding me. This guy was a selfish, immature jackass right from the get-go, he was just plain rude to Kara on multiple occassions, he didn't want to have anything to do with the superhero business until the plot needed him to. Honestly, it would've been so much better if he had stayed Kara's clueless little brother. She even compared him to her cousin at one point, so how can you not get creepy incest vibes from this relationship? I know I do.

(Sidenote: I feel like the writers saw Katie McGrath and her magical inability to play a straight character, realized that a lot of people shipped Kara and Lena, and scrambled in panic towards the writers' room to get Kara together with the first male character they could think of because we already have one (1) LGBT character on this show and now Kara has to be an Outstanding Heterosexual or the homophobes would lose their minds.

Sidenote #2: I didn't really ship Karolsen in season 1, but goddamn it, I'll take it over Karamel any day.)

I liked Winn's storyline. Jeremy Jordan nailed all the emotions that our beloved computer geek had to deal with after his brush with death. And his excitement when he managed to overcome his fear and defend himself was adorable.

Alex and Maggie were happy and domestic, Maggie was wearing Alex's shirt, Alex's heart eyes were out of control and I fucking died. Then the angst came, but fortunately, it was resolved pretty quickly. And damn, Maggie was sporting such a gay look in that last scene. Amazing.

"- Plus, the glasses don't help.
- I always said that too. It's kind of ridiculous."

Oh, thank God. At least one person's noticed how lame Kara's disguise is. I knew that Maggie "I'm a Detective, Agent Danvers, I detect" Sawyer wouldn't let me down.

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Out of all that... did you really just call them "Karamel"? LOL.

The glasses-as-disguise thing has always been a big stretch, but, hey, that's a fundamental aspect of Superman/Supergirl-ness that's just too deeply rooted to change, so... Even as we continue to develop and advance technologies such as, say, facial recognition. (Hmm, wonder if Clark has a Facebook page? -- oops.)

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The Flash: 3x09 The Present

Reply by Thogek


Review by Vero

What an episode. It actually ended happily, I didn't see that one coming. I love that they decided not to end it with a cliffhanger but with a touching moment. I really love to see them all together. Wally got his suit (hype) and Caitlin can control her powers now? Drunk Wells is hilarious. His little dance with Wally, lol. "Caroling in the rain, that sucks", "Caitlo, Ciscin", and that "It's the police, no you're the police". I love drunk Wells. I die when he calls Barry B.A. and insists on Wallace. Got to be an Earth-19 thing. Everyone was so happy that I was scared. I was expecting something bad to happen at the end. I'm so happy Julian was possessed by Savitar and that he's not just evil. Otherwise, I would've been disappointed.

And Jesus Christ, am I the only one who had a heart attack when Savitar said "I'm the future, Flash"? Cause I swear I thought he said "I'm the future Flash". Although it could be. Maybe Future Barry's message to Rip Hunter was because future Barry was turning into Savitar. That could explain why he knows so much about team Flash and why he cannot kill Barry, because he's his past self.

"One shall betray you, one shall fall, one will suffer a fate worse than death". Let the betting begin. Who do you think the descriptions are about? Betrayal = Wally; falling = Iris or Cisco; fate worst than death = Caitlin or Barry. But who knows. Maybe it's obvious but the camera showed Wally for betrayal, Cisco for falling, and Caitlin for fate. maybe Savitar prediction comes from an alternate reality that no longer exists.

So the cause of all Barry's current problems is future Barry. Don't kill Iris, we already lost Laurel.

Julian, prophecies, philosopher's stone. Cisco should get a HP vibe?

And yeah, let's throw the box with the God of Speed into the Speedforce because it makes so much sense.

Earth 3 looks fantastic. Love to see Mark Hamill again. Made me remember S1, when things were goofier.

Merry Christmas to everyone and see y'all in 2017

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And yeah, let's throw the box with the God of Speed into the Speedforce because it makes so much sense.

Yeah, that's the one part that didn't make any senses to me. Doesn't destroy it, and they really don't know where that puts it, who might find it, etc.

My answer would've been more along the lines of finding some way to launch it into the sun, or at least to drop it in an active volcano. But... oh, well...

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Lethal Weapon: 1x10 Homebodies

Reply by Thogek

Roger teams with an Asian agent that plays by the book like him. Roger can also vent about Riggs to him. While Riggs protects an anti-social witness that he relates to.
For once it wasn't all about how Riggs misses his wife. This episode was funny, as well as a little moving in the end. I love this show!

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At the same time, I was sad that, in the end, Owlsly died rather than continue on, sad not only because I liked her and her odd quirky sort of way, but more so in that she was one of the few people we've met (along with Ethan and DEA Agent Palmer) that had a real potential for connecting with Riggs from his place of personal darkness.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x09 Broken Promises

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-11T12:07:55Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:49:06Z

I'm surprised this show returned so quickly after the holidays. In seasons 2 and 3 we had to wait until March.

The new logo is fucking sick. Easily the best one they've ever done.

I'm so mad about May. It's driving me insane that they're obviously going to make something happen between Coulson and the decoy. He'll be devastated when he finds out the truth. I can smell the angst from here.

If there was one thing I never expected to see on this show, it was Jemma Simmons doing a Southern accent. And totally kicking a guy's ass. What happened to that adorable and awkward scientist in an ugly sweater who couldn't lie her way out of a paper bag? Oh, right. As Daisy pointed out in this episode, she's been kidnapped like three times. And only twice on this planet. Jeffrey's "holy shit" face pretty much summed up all my thoughts on the subject.

I'm being nitpicky here, but why would you give your son a traditional Indian name like Vijay and then call your daughter something as quintessentially English as Ellen? It's like naming your kids John and Persephone or Mary and Rocket. Come on. Was it too hard for the writers to come up with an Indian name for the Senator?

The MVP award in this episode goes to Mack, who made me laugh repeatedly with his robot movie references. And that fist bump with YoYo after he cut Aida's head off? That is Marvel Cinematic Universe at its finest, guys.

Radcliffe is evil. I admit, I did not see that one coming.

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All good stuff.

Radcliffe is evil. I admit, I did not see that one coming.

It sure surprised me, too. But I don't think "evil" is quite the right word. And he is still (so far) trying hard (if not always succeeding) not to seriously hurt anyone. But he is obsessed, very thoroughly obsessed, much as were those who we saw use the Darkhold before, and that obsession may very well continue to deepen to the point where "evil" starts to sound more accurate, as it did for Eli Morrow. Or something else weird will happen to him first if he doesn't stop blaming everything on Aida. (Or maybe that's how he'll finally be stopped, when Aida finally realizes that her master/creator truly is "damaged". Hmm.)

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Orphan Black: 4x07 The Antisocialism of Sex

Reply by Thogek

Can we get a smiling Cosima next episode? Please? This was so heartbreaking. But I'm happy that she finally got to get some information about Delphine. And btw... Felix was awesome this ep. Like, him taking care of everyone and just being an absolute cutie. I just love his character so much. I don't know how this show does it, but it just keeps getting better and better. Can't wait to see what happens next!

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Alternate episode title: Felix Saves Everyone.

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Orphan Black: 4x03 The Stigmata of Progress

Reply by Thogek

Does Kira have some kind of power, or some kind of condition?

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Good question. Looks like the old Kira-just-knows-stuff thing is coming back in some form. Very curious to see how that plays out (as I'm belatedly catching up).

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Falling Water: 1x10 Circular Time

Reply by Thogek

Cool thing with answer on "His name is..." in the final scene. And sadly, not fully happy end for Burton.

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Sooo... Does that last mean that the "Lady in Red" is actually one of the Green Shoes and has just been leading/watching Burton all this time? #confused

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x08 The Chicago Way

Reply by Thogek


Review by Vero

I was looking forward to this episode. Eobard Thawne has definitely been the best addition to the show. Every scene with him is fantastic. the best villain in the Arrowverse. I love that Malcolm finally fits somewhere. He's place is with the bad guys. Besides the I'm Malcolm Merlyn part, he should have added "I used to be Ras al ghul" while taking a mask off and breathing heavily. it was so obvious that he wasn't Stein, but the RF. as soon as I saw that thingy I almost had a heart attack because that thing kills. Ask the original Wells.

And Rip Hunter is back. As a director... of movies... and American...Most unexpected twist in the history of unexpected twists. RIP Rip's accent. Going full method seems like a plan. Goddammit Barry, what did you do? I've never liked his character, and I didn't miss him that much. I though he went to the Wild West but surprise surprise, he became American. I'm looking forward to seeing him with the team explaining his Vonnegut performance.

And seriously, how did Jax not notice it wasn't Stein? They're supposed to have a psychic connection. Ray's reaction when Jax said "Stein is about to kill Sara in the library" was exactly mine. And did Stein say "we need to run" from a speedster? Stein, that mini RF possession must have affected you on subatomic level. you used to be smart.

And was it me or did that Spear of Destiny thingy sound like some Constantine shit? Some days ago I read he could be a new addition to the show, even for a couple of episodes.

And Sara is such a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong, I love her character but she basically went with a "screw the timeline, I'm gonna save my friend" and last week she was lecturing Barry not to fuck the timeline. Sara should apologize to Barry asap.

I missed our slow talker Snart. Really missed that voice. I'm gonna try to read a whole script in his voice.

So, The Flash gave us a surprisingly happy ending. Arrow a fuck-you miserable ending. and Legends gave us a wtf Rip ending.

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@vero-winchester: Understood. Arguably, they could probably go just about anywhere with the Spear. Not sure about engaging the rewrite-history thing in any sort of straightforward way, since we're talking about a bunch of time-travelers who are basically already doing just that. The Spectre is an interesting thought; there seems to be quite a relationship there. There's also an upcoming episode called "Sin Eater", and DC does have it's version of a sin-eater which could potentially be related...
I'm thinking we'll at least see some shadow of the old DC Comics story of Adolf Hitler's interaction with the Spear. And that Eobard may have his own cataclysmic plans for the Spear that he's not sharing with the others...

So much upcoming weird-potential for the Arrowverse, methinks.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x08 The Chicago Way

Reply by Thogek


Review by Vero

I was looking forward to this episode. Eobard Thawne has definitely been the best addition to the show. Every scene with him is fantastic. the best villain in the Arrowverse. I love that Malcolm finally fits somewhere. He's place is with the bad guys. Besides the I'm Malcolm Merlyn part, he should have added "I used to be Ras al ghul" while taking a mask off and breathing heavily. it was so obvious that he wasn't Stein, but the RF. as soon as I saw that thingy I almost had a heart attack because that thing kills. Ask the original Wells.

And Rip Hunter is back. As a director... of movies... and American...Most unexpected twist in the history of unexpected twists. RIP Rip's accent. Going full method seems like a plan. Goddammit Barry, what did you do? I've never liked his character, and I didn't miss him that much. I though he went to the Wild West but surprise surprise, he became American. I'm looking forward to seeing him with the team explaining his Vonnegut performance.

And seriously, how did Jax not notice it wasn't Stein? They're supposed to have a psychic connection. Ray's reaction when Jax said "Stein is about to kill Sara in the library" was exactly mine. And did Stein say "we need to run" from a speedster? Stein, that mini RF possession must have affected you on subatomic level. you used to be smart.

And was it me or did that Spear of Destiny thingy sound like some Constantine shit? Some days ago I read he could be a new addition to the show, even for a couple of episodes.

And Sara is such a hypocrite. Don't get me wrong, I love her character but she basically went with a "screw the timeline, I'm gonna save my friend" and last week she was lecturing Barry not to fuck the timeline. Sara should apologize to Barry asap.

I missed our slow talker Snart. Really missed that voice. I'm gonna try to read a whole script in his voice.

So, The Flash gave us a surprisingly happy ending. Arrow a fuck-you miserable ending. and Legends gave us a wtf Rip ending.

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The Spear of Destiny is more like Christian historical mythos. Now I'm curious how they're going to integrate that one, especially whether they're going to include some form of what supposedly happens when the Spear leaves its owner's (Eobard's?) possession. Or maybe a way to bring some form of DC's The Presence into the Arrowverse. Or...

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Arrow: 5x04 Penance

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-27T15:28:35Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:53:27Z

That was a good episode. Looks like another thing that changed when Barry altered the timeline was that the writers remembered how to make a superhero show.

The whole "Wild Dog screws up, Oliver gets angry and walks away" formula is getting annoying. We get it, he's the Impulsive One. No need to bring it up for the 50th time since the beginning of the season.

Both storylines were decently executed. Oliver breaking John out of prison was all right, although personally I thought that the rest of the team going after Church was a lot more interesting. The baby vigilantes are growing on me and the whole team dynamic is getting better. I'm starting to like both Evelyn and Rory.

I really enjoyed all the Felicity/Rory scenes. They felt very genuine and heartfelt. I already love their friendship.

I'm no scientist, and I certainly don't know a lot about physics, but I'm pretty sure that getting pulled up by a plane with a harness around your waist would hurt. A lot. Possibly even injure you? Break some bones? Rip your spine out? I don't know.

Superhero costumes aren't exactly notorious for being practical, I realize that, but what the hell is up with Curtis' mask? How does he manage to keep it on his face when he's fighting? Sheer force of will? Superglue? I know that his superhero name is Mr Terrific, but was slapping a piece of cloth shaped like the letter T on his face the best they could come up with?

"Was he waiting for an entrance line?"

And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the first time in years that Arrow has genuinely made me laugh.

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@ghostofdawn, yup, so if someone can point at some indication that magic was invoked to close some of these realism gaps, that'd be great. Otherwise, the mere existence of magic within the universe doesn't mean that all basic physical realities (such as what would really have happened to John and Oliver if they'd been so suddenly yanked by an airplane like that) all go out the window. Except when the writers decide to be too lazy to think through how it would/could actually work. They can do better when they want to.

Don't get me wrong; I still enjoy watching the show. It's just difficult not to notice rough parts like that that stick out, that clearly could have been done much better if those involved had tried to do so, that take bits away from a good show that could easily be even better.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x07 Invasion! (IV)

Reply by Thogek

How can you not smile like a idiot during that scene? Like holy shit. I never expected to see something on TV.

'She kinda loos like my cousin' might also be the best meta reference these shows has done so far.

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I like how Mick's the only one in that photo that looks like he could have wandered in off the street into the picture. :-)

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Arrow: 5x08 Invasion! (III)

Reply by Thogek

I think I expect more and more but something's really missing in these crossover series. It should be more new story with the heroes instead of showing some at the end of the parts. Totally, it'll be around 160 mins but till now it's just like 15 or 20 mins about the real story and this doesnt feel right to me, sorry. Nah! I didnt like it so much and very under of my expectations. :/

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While I did like the episode and the cross-over so far, I agree that it feels rushed and clipped in places, and suspect that they could do a much better job with it all if it were fleshed out over three (or more) times the time-length that these four episodes are crammed into.

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The Flash: 3x08 Invasion! (II)

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-30T06:05:54Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:45:10Z

Welcome to part 2 of my messy overemotional written-while-half-asleep-at-5-AM crossover review, where coherent train of thought isn't a thing and punctuation rules don't matter. Buckle up, nerds, because this was freaking wild and we've got a lot to talk about.

First of all, the Dominators and the special effects in general were insane. Especially considering that this is a CW show and not a big-budget movie. Everything looked great and the action scenes were amazing.

Every year the crossover rolls around and I get to play a fun little game called "Does person X know person Y's secret identity? Have these two characters ever actually interacted before? Who was there when that other thing happened?". You can imagine how absolutely frustrating that is for someone like me, with my attention span of a hyperactive golden retriever puppy. Those are four massive TV shows we're talking about, and they're not the only ones I watch! How am I supposed to remember if Barry and Sara have ever talked before?

The writers managed to do the impossible: practically every single character had their moment in the spotlight, which is impressive with a cast this big and only 42-minute runtime. So kudos for that. What I don't understand is why we had to listen to Wally whining for like 8 of those minutes. That was just annoying. "Why won't they let me help fight aliens?" I don't know, dumbass, maybe it's because you got your powers like 2 seconds ago and you have no training whatsoever?

I liked Oliver's speech to Barry about change and people making choices. I wholeheartedly agree. I wish the other characters would stop getting mad at Barry for Flashpoint. Yeah, he fucked up, and let's hope he finally learns from his mistakes, but it's not like the people around him haven't made some shitty decisions. Give the guy a break. I mean, how can Cisco be sure that his brother wouldn't have died in the original timeline?

Oh, and if I heard correctly, Supergirl's Earth is Earth-38? I don't know why it's important to me, but I'm happy to know that.

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That quick throwaway Earth-38 reference makes a sort of sense, I think. If you realize that DC Comics really does define (and number) a bunch of parallel Earths like that, it seems that Earth-38's superhero presence was largely defined by a classic version of Superman and Batman and their family lines -- makes sense for a TV universe that includes Supergirl and Superman (and mention of that gadget-rich demon-haunted vigilante) and not much of any other superhero names.

If nothing else, and even though I was never much of a comic-book fan, I do appreciate when today's modern superhero TV shows make these continuity connections (even little ones) with actual comic book histories. Nice job, that. ??

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x07 Deals with Our Devils

Reply by Thogek

please don't make another ultron XD

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I was thinking more that, after this, Aida should visit with Vision for awhile, but...

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Supergirl: 2x07 The Darkest Places

Reply by Thogek

Again this was a very cool episode! But one thing wasn't realistic: WHY DID KARA NOT PUT THE MASK OFF AND BURN EVERYONE TO ESCAPE WITH Mon-El????

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Exactly what we were thinking. (Actually, my wife practically yelled it at the TV.). Kara very likely could have fried everyone present before they could do much in response. Or, at least if there was some defense in place to prevent her from doing so, Mrs. Luther would have been smart enough to point it out.

For the most part, this show seems to be getting better and better (yay!), but the occasional bits of sloppy-writing like that still leave stains. I hope the writing continues to improve past the point of such gaping plot-holes.

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The Flash: 3x07 Killer Frost

Reply by Thogek


Review by Vero

I've been looking forward to this, and it didn't disappoint. Kevin Smith should direct more episodes: cool and emotional.

"Oh my God, Julian is Dr Alchemy. What a surprise" said nobody, ever. I guess Malfoy never changes. That was the worse kept secret ever. Although I guess he's not doing it consciously or maybe someone's forcing his hand, or split personatity. I hope there's something else. I love the scene between Caitlin and Barry. It got me at the edge of my seat. I really love Barry and Cisco's brotherly relationship and I refuse to see them fighting like this. It breaks my heart to see the funny Cisco turned into a depressed character. And finally Barry came to his senses and admitted what we all shouted in last year's finale "why didn't I follow you inside the house?"
I loved badass Killer Frost scenes. And her powers are more impressive than her earth-2 doppelganger, like the cold breath. I laughed so loud when she kidnapped Julian only to have him Google some shit up. I get she did it because he saw her, but anyways, it was fun to watch. And Julian made Barry quit CSI, although I guess he will soon be hired again. Honestly, Barry did one of the things I've been looking forward for someone to do since the second episode: punch Julian right in the face. "This lab is your life", well Iris, we've seen Barry more time out of his lab than inside, so I guess that's not his life, although that's where it all started.

And wtf, every single speedster is now faster than Barry? he's got to be the slowest speedster alive. I'm still waiting for the hell of a pep talk Barry will eventually need to defeat Savitar. By the way, that first scene with Savitar dragging Barry around and taking him through the speedforce was awesome.

Now that Wally has powers I hope he stops whinning about everything. it annoys me, although I get his point. I liked his reaction, though. It made me laugh.

And now, let's get into the crossover. I can't be more exited for the superhero team-up!

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Ragdoll Barry was something of an experience.

I'm half expecting the solution to super-duper-speedy Savitar to be some sort of powers-fusion between Barry, Jessie, and Wally. But, if it is, make it look a lot better than I just made it sound, please?

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The Flash: 3x07 Killer Frost

Reply by Thogek

Great performance of Caitlin dealing with her powers. Killer Frost was one of the best things about season 2 and I'm glad it didn't stop there. I always had a soft spot for Snowbarry, funny how they kiss again in a very odd situation (although it really wasn't Barry the first time). I'll pretend that Wally didn't get the speed that he so damn desires. And on a bright note, I enjoyed seeing Greg Grunberg.

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Agreed about Greg Grunberg. ("Hey, Mark Parkman finally made detective!")

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The Flash: 3x07 Killer Frost

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-23T13:27:56Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:43:50Z

Okay, raise your hand if you were surprised by the fact that Julian is Alchemy.

awkward cricket sounds

Yeah, I didn't think so. It was one of the most obvious reveals ever.

Savitar is super cool. Special effects were out of control in this episode.

I honestly laughed at Iris telling Barry that the CSI lab is his life. We hardly ever see him there. I think he'll be fine.

Wally was so happy and excited when they were testing his speed. It was adorable.

Oh, Caitlin. My beautiful baby. I really hope that they will find a way to get her powers under ontrol. I'm glad that the team didn't turn their backs on her.

Barry's confrontation with Killer Frost was such an amazing scene. It was so intense and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, even though I knew that there was no way they were going to kill Barry. Still, it definitely stood out to me.

I love Barry and Cisco's relationship. I don't want to see either of them sad. Just please, make up and be happy.

Nice Game of Thrones reference there, Cisco!

We're getting the crossover next week and I couldn't be more excited! I love big superhero team-ups!

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We'd been pretty suspicious that Julian would turn out to be Alchemy, although I was kinda hoping he wasn't -- major new character, too easy a fit, don't let it be that simple, etc. -- but, oh, well. IAC, the interesting bit here seemed to be that Julian didn't seem to want it, telling the voice to go away but apparently being drawn to it anyway. I'm hoping the backstory there will be interesting enough to make up for the semi-obviousness.

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Gotham: 3x09 Mad City: The Executioner

Reply by Thogek

So pissed about what happened to Isabella..

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Much sad, there. Seems her only purpose will end up being an eventual wedge between Ed and Oswald. 'Cause there's just no way Ed won't eventually figure it all out.

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Gotham: 3x08 Mad City: Blood Rush

Reply by Thogek

Now they turn good guys into bad guys ? Like there weren't enough bad ones..

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Isn't that often how it works, especially in Batman's world? Edward Nygma. Barbara Kean. Bridgit Pike. Nathaniel Barnes. (And the odd occasional hints at Harvey Dent.) So far, this series has been doing a pretty good job of illuminating how dark and sad those stories are.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x05 Lockup

Reply by Thogek

Review by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-26T17:01:25Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:36:43Z

First of all: YAAAAAAS, Jemma Simmons, my queen. Standing up to the Director like that and low-key blackmailing him? What an icon. What a badass.

So this week we got Agents of SHIELD: Prison Break edition! It was a perfectly entertaining, fast-paced, action-packed episode with just enough twists and turns to keep me on the edge of my seat. The special effects were great, as always.

I find it hard to believe that some of SHIELD's finest teamed up with a rogue Inhuman and a guy whose body is literally on fire sometimes and the Director didn't know anything about it. Like??? There was a plane and a quinjet involved? How is it possible that no one noticed?

I think it's safe to say that the May/Coulson romance is happening. "I saw you, Phil."? That is a line straight out of every cheesy fanfic ever written. I love it! Give me more!

Can FitzSimmons not fight, please? I just want these two to be happy. They deserve it.

It's absolutely hilarious to me that the book that contains infinite knowledge has its title written on the cover in big, sparkly letters. You'd think that whoever created it would've made it look more unassuming, but no. Here it is, Darkhold, ancient and powerful, looking like a 10-year-old's diary.

I'm glad that May said all those things to Daisy. If anyone can talk some sense into that girl, it's Melinda May.

Oh, and Daisy's eye make-up was out of control in this episode. Did she read Bucky Barnes' Begginers' Guide to Looking Like a Racoon?

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I have to wonder if "I saw you, Phil." is going to turn out to be a more interesting reference that that. I have this strange image of her having seen Phil wearing a tropical T-shirt and shorts and carrying a sign that reads "Come to Tahiti: It's a magical place", but I doubt that'll quite be it. Hopefully, it'll be something more interesting and enigmatic than that.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x06 Outlaw Country

Reply by Thogek

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-11-18T19:28:18Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:52:42Z

"Our friends in 2016? They need our help."

Oh, man. I'm so freaking excited for this crossover. We just have to wait one more week!

I can't believe that I almost stopped watching this show halfway through season 1. I absolutely adore it now. Season 2 has been amazing so far.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: it wouldn't be an episode of Legends of Tomorrow without a bar fight. Sara fucking shit up with a whip was fantastic. I rewinded that moment like 12 times when I was watching the episode.

"This isn't my first rodeo." - Sara Lance at her second rodeo

I love her so freaking much. She could punch me in the face and I'd probably thank her.

Nate's suit is so dope!

The first Wild West episode was great (definitely one of the highlights of an otherwise uneven and messy season) and I had high hopes for this one. It didn't disappoint. It was hilarious, it was action-packed, it was just incredibly fun. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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"Sara fucking shit up with a whip was fantastic."

We could definitely do to see Indiana Lance a bit more often. :-)

Hell, I'd love to see 'em drop by 1937 Chicago and get some whip tips (and artifacts?) from Dr. Jones himself, but... Disney owns Indiana Jones, which makes it cousin to Marvel, so... oh, well; it sounded good in my head.

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Blindspot: 2x09 Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform

Reply by Thogek

Oh boy, that was just oooh. I'm going to get royally pissed off if they kill Patterson. Overall, what an episode. It had me on the edge every single minute. It was so obvious that the psychologist was the mole so it didn't surprise me a lot. in fact, they do not seem to try to hide it. The Jane and Roman storyline was obvious too. I mean I expected him to "betray" his mother to save his sister. What I didn't expect was that Jane erased his memory. That's some serious shit. I honestly can't wait to see next episode. January 5th looks so far. I swear if they kill Patterson off I riot.

if Patterson dies, we riot. Although I don't think they will. She's the kind of character that is needed, and there's no other possible replacement. She provides comic relief and killing her off will mean to kill off the comedy on the show. That said, I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen next, although if I'm honedt, I think she was shot, but she's not going to die. I don't know, but her eyes flashed a little, like she was the one being shot. I love cliffhangers, but only those that do not end up with the possible or not possible death of a major character. Now, let's wait till next episode.

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They did drop some hints along the way suggesting that Dr. Borden would be the mole ("you speak Arabic?"), but I guess I was kinda hoping they were misdirection hints, and we'd be surprised that it was someone else.

Wouldn't be surprised if she were shot and badly hurt in the exchange, he flees (not wanting to kill her), she ends up in the hospital and tells everyone about him, but kinda too late: he's gone.

And... blank Roman... boy is he in for some confusion. As long as he doesn't have to wake up in a dufflebag...

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Blindspot: 2x09 Why Let Cooler Pasture Deform

Reply by Thogek

Bruh I'm gonna flip the fuck out if Patterson dies

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No kidding. Seems unlikely, just 'cause the show would have to fundamentally change without her. But... I guess we'll have to wait to find out...

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Arrow: 5x06 So It Begins

Reply by Thogek

That final twist felt a lot like the ending of 3x05, when we learn that Roy supposedly killed Sara. Except, well, for the fact that I don't buy this for a single second

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Exactly my thought. Misdirection, by the writers, and by Prometheus. I hope.

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Arrow: 5x06 So It Begins

Reply by Thogek

We can safely say Billy Malone is Prometheous, that explains why he acted so curious when Felicity said she worked for the GA, or was it just me who noticed that? He was mad at first but when she said Green Arrow he turned into a fanboy and didn't want to loose Felicity
But i still want it to be Tommy!

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I think almost anyone would burst with curiosity on hearing something like that. Not that I haven't wondered about him, anyway...

Tommy? Now there's a wild idea... which'd be in need of a hell of a story to flesh it out, but...

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