

California, USA

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 6x04 Code Yellow

Wait, what am i missing here?

Doesnt that mexican chick have super speed and robot arms, she could have caught that bird multiple times, or take it off from her boyfriends mouth a thousand times

Oh yeah.. I forgot...My bad...

Lazy Writing!

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Not being able to catch it I can see, as she couldn't find it; kinda hard to catch what you can't see. But standing there agape while it inched into his mouth, that Yo-Yo could have blurred in close, grabbed, and at least had a very interesting time yanking that thing back out. Even if she failed and it slipped in anyway, it'd've still made more sense.

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Supergirl: 4x19 American Dreamer

what's does being a transgender woman have to do with this story???????? this show has lost my interest

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Funny how so many can get so many different reactions from listening to the same speech.

I think that, in the process of demonstrating herself as a real valid person, she simply started with the other controversial aspect of herself, one to whose similar difficulties some of those hearing the interview might relate. She then followed it with several less controversial aspects of herself such as playing kickball as a kid, being close to her mixed-race parents, being an MTBI INFP, liking s'mores and Harry Potter and Game of Thrones and April and nerdy boys. All of this together seems intended to demonstrate that "an alien" isn't the singular whole of her identity, but that she's an amalgam of many aspects, a couple of them perhaps seemingly unusual but many of them highly relatable even to most native Earthers, and all of which weave together to form the whole of her self. Much as is the case for any person.

That's not to say that Supergirl isn't sometimes a bit overly (and even clumsily) on-the-nose with such things, but this one didn't feel quite so much like that, at least not to me. (IMO, YMMV, etc.)

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Marvel's The Punisher: 2x10 The Dark Hearts of Men

That evil bitch! I hope someone kills her.

I think there's a good chance Frank didn't kill those girls. If he did, well, shit happens. More so when you've been set up.

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Seems as though Billy would have wanted to make certain that Frank found them like that, after expending his whole crew on riling Frank up into mad shoot-first mode.

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The Witcher: 3x06 Everybody Has a Plan 'til They Get Punched in the Face

With Cavill's exit, consider this the final season.

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@legendaryfang56 , I think @m0ssb3rg's point is that this Third Season is the final season with Henry Cavill playing Geralt, and that some won't care about a Fourth Season without him.

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Humans: 3x06 Episode 6

Poor Sam... Should have chose to save Sam

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The Right Thing, one might say, in a crazy charged morally ambiguous situation like that, is highly subjective.

IMO, the right thing would have been to refuse to answer Anatol's question, to make it clear that whoever Anatol chose to kill would be on Anatol and Anatol alone, to demonstrate that she, for one, would not choose one person to live or die over another, human or synth.

OTOH, weighing that against the intensity of the moment, any lingering biases, and belief in Anatol's seriousness about killing one or the other (and her responsibility thus to save at least one of them), and just trying to think clearly through that mad cacophony, Laura was in an utterly impossible situation, and it's difficult to fault her too hard whatever she ended up choosing.

But, try explaining all that to poor Sam... or Stanley... or Sophie...

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The Witcher: Blood Origin: 1x04 Of Mages, Malice, and Monstrous Mayhem

Right, so it starts off a little rough, and the characters take some getting used to, it's definitely not "The Witcher", but it IS the Witcher's universe, eh, sort of Witcher's alternate universe... literal parallel worlds lol... anyway, it's actually quite enjoyable as a stand alone show. I'd certainly watch more of this.

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This is basically what I was thinking. Really ragged rough start in terms of story flow, but improving along the way into a pretty good fun finish.

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The Boys: 3x08 The Instant White-Hot Wild


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They did use Noir nicely as a foil from which to tell us the story of What Really Happened the day Soldier Boy disappeared.

But, yes, after all that, that end was sadly disappointing. I can see that as being part of the point: to further punctuate the tragic futility of trying to eliminate the unstable toxic mess that is Homelander. But, still,... sigh.

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Manifest: 3x10 Compass Calibration

Pretty dumb of Cal to think his mom over-reacted lol.

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Everyone in this show can be a bit overly one-dimensionally motivated at times. Ben's almost berserker-fervence in pursuing callings (which maybe he'll finally absorb now). Angelina's obsessions with fitting in and connecting. Cal's she's-supposed-to-be-here surety. As though no other factors exist, like they've never experienced the complex interactions of life.

Not that that's not necessarily realistic. I see real-life people who behave like this, too. But... sigh.

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Arrow: 8x02 Welcome To Hong Kong

Katie Cassidy needs to eat something, she doesn't look healthy at all.

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Well, she did just lose an entire universe...

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Supergirl: 5x01 Event Horizon

I think Lena is overreacting. Kara confessed and apologised, what else does she want? I don’t like what the writers are doing with this story. Everything else was greath though and Katie McGrath is perfect as Lena.

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My impression (admittedly including some theorizing to try to fill in some blanks) is that Lena's gone through enough inner turmoil and worldview shift since last season's end (Lex, Eve, Kara, everyone?) to keep a therapist busy for years, and her fundamental approach to how to help humanity with her technology has changed harshly as a result, and that the writers haven't done a very good job of showing us enough of that to help us understand and sympathize with Lena's new point of view.

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The Magicians: 4x09 The Serpent

That parting scene between Margo and Josh was pretty terrific. The rest of the episode was solid, as well, but I must have blinked and missed the whole quesadilla thing.

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Is that what Quentin dropped in the kitchen when MonsterEliot suddenly appeared?

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 5x13 Principia

"Hey, Mack Hammer... Can't touch this." xD

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That was one of those moments in which I was happy to have a "pause" button. (Otherwise, I'd've missed the "Sorry, couldn't resist.") :-D

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Arrow: 6x01 Fallout

Shout by Vero

That ending, though. I mean, it was good but hasn't Ollie been investigated for being the GA for like three times already? Now we've got him in the suit and it's evidence enough but, for real? It's easy to prove it's not him. Just say you were cosplaying.

One thing that bothered me, though. Almost at the end, Dinah said that Dig didnt fire his gun but I saw him shooting like 6 times, though he missed. Wth was that? Btw, the chemistry between these two...

Overall, good premiere. Overstuffed and poorly paced, but action-packed and full on psychological damage. It gave us enough clues of what's coming. I'm dying to see Michael Emerson in action.

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The pacing was certainly a problem in this one. Too much was too rushed, too simplified, too quick. I hope that doesn't stick around as the new trend...

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Marvel's Iron Fist: 1x11 Lead Horse Back to Stable

Reply by Thogek

uhhhh... anyone else getting the sense that back in k'un-lun, davos and danny weren't just simply friends?? because davos seems pretty pissed at colleen and danny at the end and danny seems to always masterfully avoid bringing her up ??

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Or perhaps Davos simply has decided that he now sees what it is that is keeping Danny in New York away from his Iron Fist duties in K'un-Lun?

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Designated Survivor: 1x03 The Confession

Shout by Ri

I have faith that Aaron will turn out to be a good dude, but it's not looking good so far.

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I know what you mean. I get the impression of someone who wants to do the right thing for the country, and is maybe teetering a bit this way and that as to what that is. That last bit, with the file on Kirkman, seemed presented with a dark suspicion that Aaron was working toward undermining Kirkman, but it could just as well have been him researching any possible skeletons that Aaron might need to be prepared to head off to protect Kirkman in the future. As always, we'll have to watch and see...

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The Blacklist: 3x21 Susan Hargrave

Reply by Thogek

“Tonight, you jump her air gap."
"Oh.. wait.. no.. ! "
Nice one Aram ! haha

I also love this sense of humour Red has in such dramatic times.
“God, that door was slow. I was hoping for a more dramatic entrance"

Red ! Thank you !

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Redd always has the most lopsidedly theatrical presentations. :-)

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Superman & Lois: 2x11 Truth and Consequences

lol, superman has to have the lamest disguise in the history of disguises. :joy:

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Heh. True. And no voice-distortion.

At least Black Lightning has the excuse that their visors generate electric fields that distort the face. And Flash's voice-vibration distortion (even if they do forget to use it too often).

But, despite all that, this show is still the best of the Arrowverse right now.

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Superman & Lois: 2x05 Girl… You'll Be A Woman, Soon

Was Ally Allston and her cult a reference to Allison Mack and her membership in a cult?

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Sounds like she may be modeled after a comics character named Alexandra Allston (Parasite).

I'm not quite seeing the full connection so far, but we all know that the Arrowverse has drawn some rather interesting new interpretations from existing DC comics characters before...

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Loki: 1x06 For All Time. Always.

Absolutely loved the episode from beginning to end, but when Kang the Conqueror/He Who Remains finally appears, isn't he initially just describing Counterpart's (an amazing series with J.K. Simmons, from 2017, I think) plot?

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I don't know that I would say "just", but the similarities are a bit striking, aren't they?

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

So, Claudia wins Dark, not Adam, not Eve

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Adam: I have the answer.

Eva: No, I have the answer.

Adam: No, I have the answer.

Eva: No, I have the answer.

Claudia: Shut up, you two; I'm solving this.

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Cowboy Bebop: 1x09 Blue Crow Waltz

I didn‘t think that Spike is a PoS, but after he shot the running kid: He definitely is.

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You could see the conflict in his face as he tracked her running away, the decision that he just couldn't allow a witness this time, the pain afterwards. I suspect that that (piled atop everything else that'd just happened) is what broke his willingness to stay with the Syndicate (and to "do this any more") at all and pushed him to run.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x06 One World, One People

Wrapping it up with the title "Captain America and the Winter Soldier" was a nice touch :)

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Or "Captain America and the White Wolf"?

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The Mandalorian: 1x02 Chapter 2: The Child

what kind of dagger is that ? 1 hit killed a rhino.

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Yeah, that's probably my only real nit with this one. He'd have to know that creature's physiology pretty well to have a decent chance to plant a single killshot with that knife like that, and that seems awfully unlikely. (Maybe if he'd sunk it into an eyesocket.)

But otherwise, the way the battering he received so badly damaged much of his armor and left him clearly exhausted by the time he pulled that knife... Wow.

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Star Wars: The Bad Batch: 1x02 Cut and Run

I like the period, the first moments of the Empire. With sixteen episodes in total I hope we get a lot of world building aside from the main story.
Anyone else thinks Hunter looks a lot like Rambo ? I Don't think it's intentional, though.

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Hunter Rambo? Yeah, kinda.
And Tech, when he has his full helmet and gear on, looks just a bit like Ant-Man.

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Manifest: 3x10 Compass Calibration

god i love how awful the cgi in this show can be

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Agreed. Even when the story does hit its occasional strong strides, the cheapish visual effects can make for some weirdly jarring interruptions.

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The Blacklist: 7x18 Roy Cain

Best ever series...but I'm concerned about this pause of filming caused by this virus

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The Blacklist actually had some very... unusual... planning discussions around exactly that.

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The Expanse: 4x02 Jetsam

Shout by Jim G.
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-01-01T00:36:17Z— updated 2020-01-14T18:08:29Z

It was super considerate of Bobbie's nephew to give his aunt the opportunity to vent some perfectly understandable frustrations.

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No kidding.
After that, I practically had this voice in my head yelling, "Yeah, kid, you're aunt was an elite marine. What did you think was going to happen.?" :-D

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The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra

I have truly missed this show...
It's up there with Babylon Firefly..
Fanx again Amazon for Season 4..
Worth the price of amazon prime just for this show..
Ya can almost taste the amount of money thrown at this series...
An adult sci-fi...
Music is emotional..
An eye popping visuals..
Only watched first episode but will binge out on it.. Given first episode 9 cos if it starts this good I know there will be episodes getting a 10...

No spoiler... Just hop on and enjoy the ride...

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I still think that The Expanse is to today what Babylon 5 was to its time.

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Batwoman: 1x09 Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two (II)

Oh man, why is Ray dressed as Superman!

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You mean, why does Earth-96 Clark Kent look just like Earth-1 Ray Palmer?

Dat crazy multiverse... ;-)

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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan: 2x04 Dressed to Kill

I'm enjoying season 2, but Ryan had many opportunities to shoot and decided to wait until the last moment. That's just not very believable to me.

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One could argue that he only opened fire once it became obvious that running him down and capturing him (for interrogation, connection to Reyes, etc.) wasn't going to happen. And could do so with a low risk of hitting anyone else.

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