

California, USA

The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Kimiko and the dildo fight.......................

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Bringing new meaning to "penetration" weapons...

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The Boys: 3x04 Glorious Five Year Plan

Shout by Ro
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-10T18:10:50Z— updated 2022-06-13T17:30:41Z

Stan Edgar:
Then why are you still here?
Are you looking for my approval like I’m your daddy? And even if I were, what would there be to approve of? The company is yours.
No one left to stand up to you.
But I think you’ll come to sorely regret that.

And why is that?

Stan Edgar:
Because there’s no one left to cover for you, either.
Eventually, probably soon, the world will recognize you for the pitiful disappointment you are.
You are not worthy of my respect.
You are not a God.
You are simply bad product.

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Or even just as a really harsh and cranky sort of mentor.

Heh. Now I'm imagining the tag-team teaching efforts of Stan Edgar and [Marvel's] Stick. shudder

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The Flash: 8x11 Resurrection

Shout by Martim
BlockedParentSpoilers2022-06-04T00:38:05Z— updated 2022-08-02T03:25:52Z

“If this was really Ronnie, why is he coming back now? Seven years after he died.” Let me tell you why Barry, because the writers are grasping at straws here trying to come up with new ideas.

Did Cecile even get to know Ronnie? Can she and Barry try and be a little less condescending? That being said, I hate that they were right at the end. When will Caitlin finally have a chance to be truly happy again?

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Most of those arguments, in both directions, were all so shallow. These characters should have enough experience with complex and layered situations to be much more cautious about being so sure about anything based on so little.

Those arguments could have been so much more interesting, and not even all that much longer, if the characters had just been written and directed as experienced people who could think.

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Spider-Man: No Way Home

love andrew garfield’s peace sign before disappearing :sob::sob::sob:

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He's a very good lawyer. :smiling_imp:

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Mr. Robot: 4x13 Hello, Elliot

Thank you everyone involved with Mr Robot, one of the few TV series that didn't treat the viewer like an idiot.

Welcome back Elliot, and goodbye my friend.

loading replies of the few TV series that didn't treat the viewer like an idiot.

So few shows are willing to take the risk that viewers are smart and willing enough to ponder what they see and figure things out. The only other show I can think of that truly does this is Netflix's Dark. The truly rare gems.

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Mr. Robot: 3x07 eps3.6_fredrick+tanya.chk

Let's hope that Trenton was telling the truth about that automated email...

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Just finishing this ep now, that one little dead-man's switch email could become awfully important real soon...

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x11 Rage Against The Machines

It's just a bad shoulder wound, she'll be fine, because it's going to be a dark, dark day if anything happens to human Gideon.

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@van-nyx, I'm not disagreeing; it's been a very interesting take on Gideon's development, and I wouldn't object to their continuing it. Just noting that this particular development seems to reinforce the idea that it's time may be more limited than some of us might like—and that losing her in this way wouldn't necessarily mean losing her entirely.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x11 Rage Against The Machines

It's just a bad shoulder wound, she'll be fine, because it's going to be a dark, dark day if anything happens to human Gideon.

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@van-nyx, OTOH, if that body dies, I suspect that there'll soon be a vacancy in the new Waverider's computer core...

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Superman & Lois: 2x02 The Ties That Bind

Great episode but here we go with the CW bringing sexuality in as a subject where its not required or been asked for. This series has been amazing, DO NOT start to change things and PC it into a shit show.

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And that kids have always tried all sorts of new and daring things at summer camps?

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

Reply by Thogek
BlockedParent2022-01-07T04:32:51Z— updated 2022-10-20T05:05:54Z

So I guess we'll never know what happened to his eye.

On a serious note, this was a solid finale, but it was not without a couple of cop-outs along the way. Still, it was thoroughly enjoyable, and after watching it in English in order to ensure that I missed as little as possible, I plan to rewatch it sometime soon in the original German.

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But the Mystery of Torben's Eye lives on... ;-)

That sounds like it should be a follow-on short-story, doesn't it?

Or a new exclamation known only to Dark fans. "By Torbin's Eye...!"

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

"Mr Stark, I dont feel so good..."

Perfect finale.

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I had this exact thought at that moment... heh...

Still a damn good ending. Or unending. Or... You know what I mean.

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Dark: 3x06 Light and Shadow

I have to wonder if all the Marthas are just there as a defense against wealthy vigilantes and alien boy scouts.

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Imagine the level of confusion this could have added to that Dawn of Justice scene.

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Dark: 3x05 Life and Death

I'm sure the writers had a second name for the show and it was: "what the actual F is going on. I don't understand shit". That wasn't too commercial and they stuck with "Dark".

My sister asked me yesterday why the show is called Dark. Well, I guess we just found out.

My stomach actually hurts. This was by far the saddest and best episode of Dark. I loved it more than words can describe, but it got really dark.

I love how the more you watch, the more tragic their lives get. I rememeber thinking nothing could be more tragic than Mikkel's. Then, Ulrich's. But Katharina's life is so freaking tragic. That poor thing got killed by her own mother who then went back home to abuse her at a young age. And the same day she's killed, Mikkel returns to the same home she's been living in for God knows how long. Seriously, that scene with the broken window and Mikkel looking at it got to me the most. Well, that and Ulrich waiting for Katharina at the entrance. Two really powerful scenes. I'm heartbroken just thinking about him standing there waiting for her to rescue him and see their son again.

Also, that scene in season two, when they're at the lake and Bartosz's telling the story of a lady who downed in the lake to scare Martha, he was talking about Katharina! That's just messed up. So Bartosz scared Martha with a tale about Martha's mum pulling her down in the lake. This episode made one of the happiest scene on the whole show look even darker.

The scene of Helene abusing young Katharina was brutal. She's abused by her mother, doesn't want to have kids because she'll end up like her mother, has three kids, her husband cheats on her with Hannah, who also sleeps with her son and who she's named after, then her son Mikkel goes missing, she ends up neglecting her other kids, her husband also goes missing and is trapped in an asylum, she goes back to save him and ends up being murdered by her own mother without seeing her son.

Also, the trailer scene with Elizabeth and Peter was beautifully shot. It felt like a nightmare. And the fact that she's deaf made it 10 times worse. I got the feeling that Elizabeth was gonna end up killing Peter and that it was gonna be the cause of her change from sweet girl to a badass in the future. But I guess I was wrong although, if she hadn't picked up that pocket knife, Peter wouldn't have probably died.

By looking at the paper where young Noah wrote I realized it looks like he was saying that Charlotte and Elizabeth were at the caves, which is technically true.

Also, who was that guy at the RV? At first, I thought it was Erik's dad, but I'm inclined to believe that it was just a random guy.

And what's the deal with H. G. Tannhaus' son? He spoke about two women who seemed delivering him Charlotte. I bet they were adult Elizabeth and Charlotte, who went back to the past sent by Adam to kidnap young Charlotte and deliver her to Tannhaus.

Now, our Jonas getting killed was shocking but as previous events have shown, this Jonas' only purpose was to sleep with Alt-Martha, get her pregnant and so create the whole family tree. So there were, in fact, two Jonas. Like Schrödiger Jonas. Two different decisions at the same moment created two different versions of Jonas. So, since adult Jonas is the one that ends up being Adam, our Jonas was sort of a time remnant (in The Flash terms), someone who exists with just one purpose. Sort of like a Meeseeks type of thing. You exist with one purpose and once that purpose is completed, you disappear. And suddenly, Jonas' transformation into Adam starts to make sense.

Also, that last shot of Jonas on the floor with the family trees definitely looked like wings.

I love the mirroring this season. In our world, Adam killed Martha. And now, Martha kills Jonas. The irony. Also, there were waaaay too many Marthas in that room.

In another show, I wouldn't give it much thought but this is Dark so, what did Alt-Martha want to say to Jonas in the morning when they woke up? She stopped herself from talking. I'm sure it means something.

I couldn't help but laughing when Charlotte and Peter were talking and they said "She's not deaf, you know" in front of Elizabeth.

The journey the Saint Christopher's locket has been on is amazing. So it started with Egon Tiedemann, who gave it to Hannah/Katharina, who gave it to young Helene, who lost it in the lake to be found years later by Jonas and Martha repaired it and gave it to Jonas who then gave it to Alt-Martha. That's quite a journey it's been on.

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Interesting thought with the time-remnant analogy. That would also explain why adult Jonas (back in 1888) has no memory of meeting an alt-Martha back then.

OTOH, in that case, where's the "real" young Jonas that eventually grows into adult Jonas (and thus into Adam)?

Or are we going to find that when alt-Martha showed up to collect him, she actually somehow sent the "real" Jonas somewhere/somewhen safe from the imminent Apocalypse (from which he has not yet emerged) while branching off the remnant to bring home...?

Arrggh. Brain hurt.

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Loki: 1x02 The Variant

Ooh an alt-verse Loki that's female. Definitely didn't expect that. I like her!
Also loving the music on this show!

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Or someone entirely else who's been using the TVA's belief in a Loki-variant to further mislead them.

Either way, I'm... fascinated.

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Dark: 1x10 Alpha and Omega

When I saw that flying machine in the last scene, I was waiting for Sarah Connor, John Connor and The Terminator to appear literally.

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"Welcome to the future. Come with me if you want to live."

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Dark: 1x08 As You Sow, So You Shall Reap

Shout by Jim G.

Yet another solid outing from start to finish, but did I miss an explanation along the way for how Ulrich was able to go back 66 years instead of just 33?

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I suspect it's because, within the tunnels past the first gate (in the caves), he turned left instead of right.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 7x05 It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Scientist

Guessing we are going more Bill and Ted now...

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I'm almost kinda waiting for the episode titled "Nate and Z's Excellent Adventure".

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Stargirl: 2x06 Summer School: Chapter Six

i don't give the CW much credit, but this was actually a damn good episode and Eclipso looks great, comic book accurate for once. can somebody please tell me why Beth is a member of the team, she is literally useless and adds nothing, she is a liability

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I'm thinking Beth is pretty useful when she fully connects with the goggles, but far less so when the goggles aren't working so well; made it seem recklessly dangerous to have her there at all this time.

OTOH, she is the one who found Mike.

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The Blacklist: 8x22 Konets

Shout by Pedro

wow what an ending ! :o was this show or season finale?

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A ninth season is planned and has been approved and ordered by NBC.

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Superman & Lois: 1x10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?

Interesting twist, or further back story to the iconic character…..was great bringing Kal-El’s mothers consciousness into the mix, added more unexpected history.

Only have one question, did I miss them say a short distance shockwave? as Morgan Edge’s assistant, Leslie Larr, seemed to be unaffected

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Yeah, good question. I suspect that she's simply been Kryptonian-fused much longer than the others, longer enough that her transfer has probably been fully complete for some time already.

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Superman & Lois: 1x10 O Mother, Where Art Thou?

How did all those people fall all that way and survive after being made back into humans at such height? :rofl:

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Yeeaaahh. I can think of some possible explanations (such as they become disoriented and fell right away but their powers took a little longer to fully disappear), but it would have been good to include a line or two at least acknowledging that question.

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Batwoman: 2x07 It's Best You Stop Digging

So Alice was held captive on an island when everybody thought she was drowned to dead, she learned to fight there and kinda gained superstrength. There is also some miracuru.. I mean miracle flower there. We get to see this with flashbacks bit by bit. Anybody watched Arrow yet?

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And someone named Ocean. Or Shado. Or something with five letters.

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Titans: 2x11 E.L._.O.

Did mansplain really have to be a line this week ? :rolling_eyes:.

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That did feel kinda forced, like "I don't like what he's saying, so I'm just gonna dismiss everything he said because he's male." (Then again, it could just be a clumsy grasp 'cause she's clearly not feeling well and now all this.)

Now, if she'd said "batsplaining", that'd be different. :-)

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x09 743

Regardless of american shows always romanticizing some older presidents like Lincoln and JFK, I truly never got Diego’s obsession with saving Kennedy, especially cause they were trying to fix the timeline and prevent doomsday so in order to do they had to respect the events of the original timeline meaning letting Kennedy die.
Just a little comparison, in Timeless there was this character Rufus, who timetraveled and you could see the conflict of him wanting to intervine to save Lincoln or trying to end racism and hatred by altering certain events and changing the timeline forever, and obviously you understood his reasoning and the morality behind his actions but I just don’t see that with Diego like what was his connection with JFK? Literally none. I mean it’s not that big of a deal but the whole season I’ve been like trying to figure out what is going on there.

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I just got the impression that Diego was just (desperately, unconsciously) looking for something clear and actionable latch on to; he fixated on the idea that saving JFK was the answer because he wanted something simple and heroic like saving JFK to be the answer. Seems like something Diego would do barring any real information suggesting otherwise.

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The Flash: 6x18 Pay the Piper

A gay guy that’s not a hug it out guy. That doesn’t even make sense. And what’s up with a gay meta human. And this show loves giving away Flash’s identity to anyone off the street.

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Is there something about being gay that causes or requires hugginess?

Is there something about being gay that protects against anything that might turn one into a meta-human?
(Such as Obsidian, The Ray, Thunder, XS, etc.)

BTW, the original comic-book Pied Piper was gay. (See, e.g., The Flash #53, August 1991.)

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 5x14 The One Where We're Trapped On TV

This episode didnt make one lick of sense but it was fun. And it's always nice to see a Star Trek spoof that's better than the actual Star Trek we're getting these days. And to say they claim the TOS aesthetic wouldn't work.

PS Her Kirk impression sucked
PPS Missed opportunity to get in some "DOMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!"

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We got a good Khan-esque "NOOOOOOOOOO!" in there.

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The Blacklist: 7x19 The Kazanjian Brothers

The idea was good, but this is verry poor made. When is it made 1985 with a commedore 64? :disappointed_relieved:

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It was made in a bit of a rush compared to the usual scheduling due to a determination to get at least one more episode out to viewers in order to close out the season after COVID-19 shutdowns cut off any chance of finishing the original live-action plan for this episode and the rest of the season.

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Manifest: 2x09 Airplane Bottles

Reply by Thogek

Overall, I like the episode but....

I found it hard to believe that Cal could not properly describe the haul on a sailboat, on top of that, what he was initially building didn't resemble anything close to a haul or sailboat.

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Yeeaaahh. This episode had some good ideas and plot-development, but the execution much of their behavior during the ship-and-storm calling was reeally clumsy.

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The Expanse: 4x01 New Terra

- How'd she look? (...) No, I mean, like, what was she wearing?

Holden, do not put your dick in it. It's fucked enough already.

Chrisjen really is the star of the show isn't she? :sweat_smile:

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Sometimes, I do feel as thought Chrisjen Avasarala is the show's pricelessly unrelenting and snarky soul.

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The Witcher: 1x08 Much More

You've watched it once and now you know you've got to watch it again to understand half of what you missed out with the three timelines.

I enjoyed it the first time but I dare say I'll enjoy it better the second time around.

As for it being Netflix's 'Game of Thrones'… it can't compare with the seasons based on G.R.R. Martin's novels. The rushed seasons that those two idiots "wrote" without being able to base themselves on the novels don't count.

Altogether, I'm looking forward to season two.

If only I could get the damn tune out of my head…

:notes: Toss a coin to your Witcher,
Oh Valley of Plenty,
Oh Valley of Plenteeey,
Oh, ohhh :notes:

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That tune is all too oddly infectious, isn't it? Probably intentional.
Season Two's early teasers could always use it as a memory-trigger reminder of Season One... ;-)

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