

Los Angeles, California

House II: The Second Story

Preferred it over the first one. These movies are kinda like Evil Dead, but slower paced. That isn't exactly a compliment, mind you. The creature effects are very fun.

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Child's Play 2

Can't honestly say it was any better or worse than the first one.

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Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday

Part Friday the 13th, part Evil Dead. Even the Necronomicon makes an appearance. Unlike most of the other movies, they didn't skimp out on the gore & nudity (at least not in the unrated version. I assume nobody is watching the R-rated cut) which is a massive plus, but something about the "essence" of the Friday flicks is just missing here. For everything it gets right it gets something else wrong.

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Zombies on Broadway

Fun voodoo-zombie flick, but it probably helps to watch it in a group.

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Bad Dreams

It started out surprisingly good, but took a hard turn for the retarded by the end. That shot of the cop shrugging his shoulders and walking away sums up my feelings of the third act. The Guns n Roses over the end credits made me chuckle a bit.

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The Curious Dr. Humpp

Bizarre semi-pornographic "horror film" from late 1960s Argentina. The most curious thing about it is that somebody, presumably multiple people, actually made it. I mean, it didn't just materialize into existence by itself. Did it?

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Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan

For me, this is one of the more fun Friday flicks. There are a fair few amusing moments, and the kills are a notable step up from the previous several entries. A lot of people dislike the humor of the latter Friday movies, but that's something that never really bothered me. It's a matter of taste. Aside from that, this one gets a fair bit of criticism for its shoddy plot and poor acting. If that's something that really bothers you I question why you even watch these films.

By the time this film came out Slashers had changed a lot. Instead of the legitimately disturbing fare of the mid to late '70s, Slashers from the mid '80s on reveled in their decadence. Slapstick violence and hair metal soundtracks were the new trademarks of the genre, and while I understand why many fans have a bit of a distaste for this style, I think it has its place. What you're getting with these flicks is pure '80s cheese, nothing more or less, but that's no issue if you're in the mood for it.

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Friday the 13th Part VII: The New Blood

This one's just OK. Most of the kills are pretty mediocre, but Hodder makes for an imposing Jason. I'm not so sure the Carrie v. Jason angle works all that well, but I can't fault them for trying out something new.

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Relatively mediocre cannibal flick typical of the time period, but it makes the finest use of Last's The Lonely Shepherd in any film I can think of.

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A Day of Judgment

An interesting, but heavily flawed, locally produced Christian horror flick. I appreciate some of the ideas here and what the film was trying to do, but the final result is a bit plodding and unfocused. I wish it was a bit better, because it is a fascinating little curiosity from the very tail end of the golden age of local American filmmaking.

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Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Halloween 5 was already an intensely flawed film, but this is quite a step down. Aside from the occasional moment of intrigue, it's a badly acted, sloppily plotted, and incredibly poorly shot mess. All the worst sins of '90s horror films on full display here.

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Friday the 13th

Not a technically great film, but one I've watched and rewatched countless times. A bone fide October classic.

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The Man with the Golden Gun

So far these Roger Moore flicks are pretty damn fun.

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The Warrior and the Sorceress

It's Yojimbo, it's A Fistful of Dollars, it's Red Harvest. Essentially, it's the same story we've seen a hundred times before, but it's a good story.

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Live and Let Die

As far as James Bond flicks go this one was pretty fun. It maybe wasn't as good as Goldfinger or Skyfall, but it's one of the few James Bond pictures I've seen thus far that I can foresee myself rewatching.

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The Way We Were

Only good thing about it was the theme song. The politics were completely contrived and felt fraudulent. College communist goes around calling everyone a fascist. You'd think the Spanish civil war took place in upstate New York the way she carried on. But after a while the political nonsense took a backseat to a romance, which was even worse.

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The Buddy Holly Story

A much better film than it had any real right to be. Easily Busey's best performance.

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Turkey Shoot

Surprisingly good adaptation of The Most Dangerous Game.

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It was more annoying than anything at first, but after a while I got to liking it. It's really a kind of sad movie, probably more so than intended. Whether it was supposed to be comedic or not, it comes across as bleak and decadent, which I found interesting.

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A Scream in the Streets

Half cop thriller, half softcore porn, and isn't successful at either. The idea that the obviously male killer could evade justice simply by donning a wig and dress is pretty laughable. Occasionally a shootout scene or something would come out of nowhere and I'd be entertained for five seconds, but those moments were woefully rare.

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House by the River

Very solid, stylish, and at times downright brutal Lang noir.

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Twice-Told Tales

Enjoyable anthology. Worth a watch for Price fans, or fans of these kinds of horror anthologies.

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The Untouchables

It's almost impressive how bad this movie is. None of the characters are likeable, none of the actors do a good job, with the exception of Connery. It's probably pretty difficult to make an audience empathize with a character like Ness, but a smarter director would have recognized that and adjusted accordingly.

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There's a lot of really good things about the visual style, but it's otherwise pretty bad. Watch the blu-ray on mute.

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Track of the Moon Beast

Three stars + one for that ending.

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OK man, what the fuck?

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The Comedy of Terrors

Very fun AIP horror comedy in the Corman-Poe tradition.

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Blood Freak

Fun movie. It's really bad, the acting is some of the worst I've ever seen seen, but it's entertaining. Kind of a hard movie to rate. It could be a 6, 7, or 8 on an entertainment factor. 1 or a 2 on technical proficiency, but who in the hell cares about that?

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The Searchers

After spending a decade of my life watching nothing but Italian westerns, these American westerns all seem pretty underwhelming. It's a fine film, looks nice, but greatest western ever made? Not by a long shot.

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Raiders of Atlantis

Kind of an odd mishmash of a film. There's better Italian post-apocalypse movies out there.

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