

New York, NY

The Lighthouse

My Review of ‘The Lighthouse’ in 3 Sentences:

  1. I feel like I just watched a two-hour bar fight.

  2. Even great cinematography can’t save a movie.

  3. The farting was absolutely unnecessary.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Wish’:

  1. Gaston officially has a rival for the sexiest Disney villain.

  2. My first major thought is how I don’t understand the disdain this film has been getting. This was a solid Disney story. A touching standalone fairytale, with great characters, gorgeous animation, and those signature Disney tunes. Yeah, there were a lot of Easter eggs. I loved ‘em. This is clearly a love letter to Disney history, to the man himself, and I was moved by it.

  3. “Knowing What I Know Now” is a certified bop. And I was giving ALL the snaps when the queen joined in.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Skinamarink’:

  1. Just, no. I went in with an open mind. But no. This was way too random for me. I need some semblance of a story, not a string-out of creepy visuals and sounds. If I hadn’t read the synopsis, I would’ve been even more lost than I already was. The toy phone scene is a perfect example of something eerie that existed for no particular reason other than to be eerie. No.

  2. The interactions and reactions were not realistic enough. I understand this film was more of a mood than a story. More of a dream than reality. But there were too many characters talking to other characters without a proper response, if that makes sense. And no child would be wandering that house alone.

  3. There is something here, somewhere. An original idea that may inspire future horror films. The familiar glow and hum of a TV that we wake up to from nightmares. That momentary feeling of helplessness. It was all supremely atmospheric, for sure. But there was zero payoff.

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things’:

  1. I was beyond excited to see this after reading the book — a book that kept me on edge and creeped out the entire time. The ending was wild and left a lot up for interpretation. I was hoping the film would address so many of my questions. Instead, it became something I ultimately didn’t even care about. An awful adaptation.

  2. The insight I had from the book kept me watching the film. I can’t even comprehend how ANYONE who didn’t read the book could make it all the way through, let alone understand how everything was connected.

  3. The best parts of the book (yes, I can’t help but keep comparing) were the horror elements. These were completely removed. I’m all for a reimagining, but for the better. There was so much potential here. And with incredible talent. All lost.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x02 College Tour

Jessica is a selfish POS for the way she’s approaching Justin’s sobriety. It’s atrocious.

P.S. If that’s Justin in the casket six months later, I’m gonna be PISSED.

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Santa Clarita Diet

Yet another superb show that Netflix neglected and discarded.

Such a quality, quirky series with a fun take on the tired zombie genre, ending on a cliffhanger that’ll never get resolved. I thought it was FANTASTIC.

Between, this, Sense8, and The OA, I’ve lost respect for Netflix as a streaming service. I may still watch their other programming, but I’ll cheer their competitors on even harder.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘1917’:

  1. How the hell did they even film this? A cinematic achievement, indeed. The scope of it all is insane.

  2. The two young actors were fantastic. Cared about them and their fate almost immediately.

  3. Other reviews mention the film lacking despite its technical marvels. I wholeheartedly disagree. The storyline may have been simple, but I found it compelling, emotional and inspiring. And the score was fantastic. It wasn’t only filmed well.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x14 Today and Tomorrow

I am SO.. so very sick of Althea and her stupid :pound_symbol:%&@! tapes. It’s beyond overdone. She could be such an interesting character if she stopped dwelling on such nonsense. It does NOTHING for the story. Ugh.

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Black Mirror: 6x03 Beyond the Sea

Wow. Just when I thought it was getting a little too predictable, it went there. That was dark.

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Jurassic World Dominion
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x16 Chapter Thirty-Six: At The Mountains Of Madness

WHAT a difference from the previous episode. A solid show ends with a whimper. SMH.

Not feeling the unhappy ending here. But Sabrina sacrificing herself, albeit depressing, could’ve worked with a more compelling battle. It just doesn’t feel like the stakes were high enough to warrant it. I feel like they’ve been through much worse. And this final “fight” felt sooo rushed and super contrived. Ultimately, the main character’s death ended up being somewhat anticlimactic. I felt as affected by it as her awful friends appeared to be.

There wasn’t proper closure for quite a few characters. The whole Father Blackwood arc with the temple and the sacrifice was SO odd. And what about the Spellman’s enchanted ceremony? Are the dead no longer saved by it? That could’ve been a nice twist.

In the end, I was expecting something epic and all I got was something unnecessarily bleak and dissatisfying.

I’ll still miss it tho.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x12 Chapter Thirty-Two: The Imp Of The Perverse

This show is tons of fun, but I have some constant gripes about it: 1) I still can’t buy into Roz & Harvey. I just don’t see the connection or chemistry there. 2) I am enjoying these episodic mini-adventures with the various terrors, but it feels like things are wrapped up too perfectly — and forcefully — to the last season’s detriment. I think the final Big Bad would’ve worked better as one epic badass buildup. The threat feels super minuscule at this point. 3) Ambrose explaining anything is a bit hard to swallow, always delivered way too intensely and heavy-handedly. He always seems to act at a particular speed that he rarely diverts from. Everything is always the worst crisis imaginable. 4) I wish they’d stick with Sabrina wanting to remain independent and soul-searchy for a bit. She’s too good for either Nick or Harvey, and it’s frustrating to see her perpetually pining for them. 5) We need more Salem.

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise
Dark: 3x05 Life and Death

Wow... three major deaths in one episode. Crazy stuff.

Kudos to the casting department, yet again, with young Peter this time. It’s insane how I can instantly tell who these characters are based on the resemblance alone. Incredible!

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Schitt's Creek

Oh, Schitt’s Creek. I’m so glad I stumbled upon you when I did.

Such a magical show with a magical cast. Heart and soul. And all the humor a person could need. Moira Rose is one of the best television characters, ever. Catherine O’Hara is a Queen. Annie Murphy is a treasure. Eugene Levy is a legend. And Dan Levy is a genius.

A series that TRULY went out on top. Thank you for everything.

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From: 2x02 The Kindness of Strangers

Shout by Corey
BlockedParentSpoilers2023-05-30T07:24:17Z— updated 2023-10-09T12:08:15Z

I’m not sure I like where they’re going with this old-man-tied-to-the-wall-of-a-castle stuff. And the whole passing-on-the-parasite thing.

If they keep creating more questions before providing any answers, the show will go south. That’s when things stop being entertaining and the frustration begins.

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Survivor: 44x08 Don't Get Cocky, Kid

That net challenge is the stuff of nightmares.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Smile’:

  1. Very The Ring. Very It Follows. Very Drag Me to Hell. It doesn’t venture into any new territory but, as with these other films, it’s a sufficiently-creepy ride with very convincing performances and a terrifying monster.

  2. Many of the scares were basically ruined by the film’s trailer. I nearly saw every smile coming.

  3. While the monster was definitely creepy — especially in it’s true form — I feel like it would’ve been better if it didn’t speak at all, and just smiled in silence the entire time.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x15 Chapter Thirty-Five: The Endless

I’m a sucker for an alternate reality storyline — and I loved this episode! The eldridge terror stuff gets a bit muddled and convoluted at times, but this was a fun romp regardless. All the references to both this iteration of Sabrina and the old 90s TGIF staple were an absolute delight.

For a show that can be so silly and over-the-top, it was great to see it parody itself here... with jabs at obligatory shirtless scenes, Lilith’s never-before-seen bedroom, the set model with artwork pending legal approval (which I’m assuming was a reference to the show’s real-life Satanic Temple lawsuit), and television rating stunts.

Much of this season, for me, exhibited why Sabrina ultimately succumbed to cancellation, but this episode showed off its creative potential — and reminded me that I’m really going to miss it.

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Outlander: 5x10 Mercy Shall Follow Me

I adore this show, but something is missing this season. I can’t exactly put my finger on what it is.

The Bonnet conclusion felt anticlimactic. Maybe it’s because we didn’t spend much time on him this season? There’s a bunch of random episodes with very little plot progression. And then, all of a sudden, we get a Bonnet episode — and it’s the one where he dies. I dunno.

I’m just not AS invested as I have been during other seasons.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Circle’:

  1. Was there supposed be some deep meaning at the end? Did I miss something? Pretty sure I didn’t. And all the anticipation was directed towards the conclusion. Disappointing.

  2. It was a simple, yet intriguing premise, so I didn’t hate it. But there was so much more potential to have been reached. I thought there’d be some big twist with the guy who never spoke or killed anyone. That would’ve been cool. But nope.

  3. I was often confused by the logic of some of their decisions. There were AWFUL people in that room who stayed around far too long.

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A Clockwork Orange

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Clockwork Orange’:

  1. What a journey. I’m not entirely sure what I just watched, or what I think about it. But I’m definitely intrigued by Kubrick’s twisted mind.

  2. I kept waiting for the moment when I realized the reason for the film’s title. It never came.

  3. McDowell kept reminding me of Evan Peters the entire time.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 16x05 Girl Groups

Q is definitely a better, overall queen… but this was one of the episodes where I feel like the lip syncs are pointless… because Q was NOT impressive.

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Black Mirror: 6x02 Loch Henry

It felt like Black Mirror, but also not at all. Genuinely unsettling. I liked it.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x13 Teacher Makeovers

I admit that Loosey can be a bit intense and often on the edge of taking herself way too seriously, but I don’t disagree with her here. Mistress’ teacher look was basic, and Luxx’s was even worse. Honestly, both of them haven’t been overly impressive all season. I would feel slighted too.

Even despite a VERY lackluster lip sync, Loosey deserved to be in the finale. Ross’ shoe critique was quite a stretch. Talk about splitting hairs unnecessarily, when there were other obvious missteps for this challenge. All-in-all disappointing. I’m not surprised when viewers believe this show has a preset agenda.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x07 The Daytona Wind 2

Shout by Corey

It’s time for The Daytona Wind to drift far, far away. Not a great challenge at all. And what were those long awkward pauses about?

On a more positive note, Michelle Visage always speaks my soul. I continue to adore her. And yay for longer episodes on the way!

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Squid Game: 1x04 Stick to the Team

That may be the best television cliffhanger I’ve ever seen. My goodness.

Side note: I’m a bit confused about the undercover cop’s story. The whole morse code thing is leaving me scratching my head. And is he now a circle guy or a square guy? I’m a little lost there.

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Survivor: 41x02 Juggling Chainsaws

Tiffany should have gone home. I supported them last episode, but this should have been their time. The team will continue to suffer as a result — and my sympathy will be gone.

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Barb & Star Go to Vista Del Mar

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar’:

  1. I didn’t want it to end.

  2. Part Austin Powers. Part Romy and Michele. Pure sunshine.

  3. It was ABSOLUTELY ridiculous — but somehow, some way, it worked so well. Loads of humor and heart. The perfect tonic after the past year. It makes me miss going to the movies even more.

Bonus Thought: I cannot WAIT to go on vacation again.

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Spirited Away

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Spirited Away’:

  1. I can appreciate the imagination and whimsy infused into this film, but it just wasn’t my cup o’ tea. And I reeeally wanted to like it.

  2. I sincerely cannot understand the high rating. There is simply not a cohesive storyline here. It was kinda all over the place. So much was random, nothing was really explained, and it was often difficult keeping my attention — especially with the long runtime.

  3. It feels like they tried really hard to tug on the heartstrings, but there was such an emotional disconnect for me. I was not invested into these characters at all, sadly.

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