

New York, NY

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan’:

  1. Still equally uncomfortable and absolutely hysterical to this day.

  2. The scene — THAT one — is still absolutely nauseating to this day.

  3. SO excited for the sequel this month! But the bar has been set pretty damn high.

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The Twilight Zone: 2x04 Ovation

The worst of this season’s episodes. It had a strong start (the applauding man on the operating table was fairly chilling) until it got to the point where her sister VERY CLEARLY did not throw the coin in the water.

If you’re gonna reboot a show of this stature, this many years later, you’ve gotta be smarter. That ending was obscenely predictable and drawn out.

No applause for this one.

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Dark: 3x01 Deja-vu

This show makes my brain hurt.

I will be extremely impressed if this show wraps e v e r y t h i n g up nicely. They’ve got a lotta work to do...

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Outlander: 5x12 Never My Love

One of the most difficult hours of television I’ve ever had to sit through. To see Claire - a character so selfless, warm and strong - in such a shattered state was absolutely heart-wrenching . A powerful performance from Caitriona Balfe.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x06 Chapter Twenty-Six: All of Them Witches

I’ve always felt that my favorite part of the series were the aunts, so this was a tough one for me. Zelda and Hilda better make it out okay.

Also, I’m still waiting for Salem to be a bit more helpful.

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Frozen II

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Frozen II’:

  1. It had its highs (i.e. Olaf’s Frozen recap) and its lows (i.e. Kristoff’s song), not really taking it to the heights of the original (to be expected). Ultimately, the story felt a little rushed to me.
  2. The two Elsa songs were strong, but the rest of the soundtrack felt a little lacking. Maybe that’ll change with another listen.
  3. On a good note, I enjoyed the deepened backstory and character development here. Another sequel would start from a very different place.
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Orange Is the New Black: 7x09 The Hidey Hole

Daya is THE WORST. Always has been.

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3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Elemental’:

  1. One would think that such a creative idea of elements as characters, opposing elements falling in love, would make for a dazzling, emotional story perfectly-fit for Pixar. Alas, it was all a bit bland as there was no true focus. This may actually be Pixar’s messiest project.

  2. The pacing was off from the start, as I initially struggled to stay awake. Our blue water lead, Wade, had a moment when he tells his fiery Ember that they changed each other’s chemistry. But their relationship, their struggle, never properly evolved. There was no chemistry.

  3. The characters themselves were cute, no doubt. I found the excessive crying from the water clan particularly amusing. But, placed in a lineup with the rest of Pixar’s roster, they’re sadly sorta forgettable.

Bonus Thought: Everyone made a big stink that fire and water simply cannot mix. To me, that was supposed to be the big conflict, a major part of the story that would culminate in some epic revelation. But they basically gave each other a high five and all was well. Underwhelming.

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Black Mirror: 6x05 Demon 79

If you’re thrown off by this episode and the obvious fact that it doesn’t align with the Black Mirror mentality, Google “Red Mirror” and read what Charlie Brooker has to say.

This was a solid episode with great performances. You’re allowed to appreciate the story regardless of the box it’s apparently supposed to fit in.

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RuPaul's Drag Race: 15x16 Grand Finale

It was a fairly predictable season, but fun to watch regardless. Even though I honestly found the final lip sync to be somewhat underwhelming, those two deserved those spots based on class alone, and I do believe the right queen won.

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Survivor: 44x01 I Can't Wait to See Jeff

I hate when contestants go on these boat trips with the possibility of getting an advantage… and their tribemates are gobsmacked and insulted when they come back not telling them the absolute truth of all that transpired. Like, seriously?

And, as much as I still love this show, the puzzles are getting more and more overkill. Both challenges had a puzzle. Bring back the eating challenges!

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Tales of the Walking Dead: 1x06 La Doña

I don’t understand the other comments. This was absolute nonsense.

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The Purge

3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘The Purge’:

  1. I really like this film because it’s such an intriguing and horrifying concept. It’s a quick watch, but it’s super original. It birthed a whole franchise (albeit somewhat underwhelming) and eerie visuals that inspired a slew of Halloween masks I now see every single year.

  2. There were missed opportunities here. And that’s always frustrating when an idea is so great. During this rewatch, I realized that much of this movie is spent walking through a dark house with a flashlight. With such a short runtime, we should’ve spent more moments getting to know these characters, especially the über-creepy leader dude who died way too quickly/easily. Very anticlimactic.

  3. I could watch that scene where Lena Headey bashes her neighbor’s head into the table a hundred times lol. Immensely satisfying.

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Supernatural: 10x19 The Werther Project

I’ve said it already, but Rowena would be a much more compelling character if she had absolutely no connection to Crowley.

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Ghostbusters: Afterlife

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Ghostbusters: Afterlife’:

  1. The best parts of the movie were, hands down, all the nostalgia… the reunions, the music, and the easter eggs. And I thought the tribute to Harold Ramis was beautiful — and incredibly impressive.

  2. I kinda hated the complete lack of any Ghostbusters 2 recognition.

  3. It was a cute movie, and I enjoyed it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t disappointed. I’ve been scratching my head to decipher what exactly was lacking… but, honestly, I just think the story itself is simply forgettable. It started out with potential, but ultimately wasn’t strong enough for such a legacy. I can appreciate revisiting Gozer, but it felt like a miss to me. I think I would’ve preferred more of an original story than what felt like a rushed rehash.

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Cobra Kai: 3x04 The Right Path

The reunion with Kumiko is one of the sweetest and most satisfying I’ve ever seen. Kudos to the producers for making that happen.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x14 Chapter Thirty-Four: The Returned

I hate the band stuff with a fiery passion. I can appreciate the attempt to be kitschy and fun. But no.

Also, did anyone else catch Lilith humming the theme from Rosemary’s Baby?

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Aliens’:

  1. Many people hate on this sequel because it turned classic horror into an action film. I understand, but I don’t see how that’s necessarily a bad thing. They took an incredible film, an original story, and expanded on it perfectly. The scale here is extraordinary and it feels like it was absolutely meant to go in this direction.

  2. Perfect pacing. Just perfect. One helluva climax. And just when you think it’s over...

  3. So many amazing visual moments. So many iconic scenes. FX that still hold up today. Eye candy galore.

Bonus Thought: Sigourney IS the Sci-Fi Queen.

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13 Reasons Why: 4x05 House Party

What does Tony boxing have to do with ANYTHING? So random and irrelevant.

Justin needs to peace out and move far away from everyone. Literally the worst friends to have while trying to get sober.

Lastly, Clay is the winner of the POS gold medal in this episode. Hannah would be like “:pound_symbol:%&! this guy.”

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Spider-Man: Far From Home

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’:

  1. It was a fun superhero film, but I’m on the fence on how I feel about it. Something was off. I don’t know if it’s because something was missing, or if it was too much more of the same.

  2. Jake Gyllenhaal made for a good villain. He was definitely a highlight for me. AND it was GREAT to see J.K. Simmons back as J. Jonah Jameson!

  3. Long Thought: Nothing has ever felt quite right to me about this particular Spider-Man series. Tom Holland is great and the character is fantastic when paired with The Avengers. But as standalone films, they’ll always stand in the shadow of Tobey Maguire’s Spidey. So much more depth. Iconic scenes (aka the “upside-down kiss”). I felt more emotionally-invested in the older, more heartfelt Aunt May. I’m not digging such an emo MJ. I dunno. I can’t help but to compare.

That final scene with Spidey swinging along with MJ kinda sums my feelings up. It was fun but shaky, a little uncomfortable, and - when they finally landed - nobody around them batted an eye. The impact was just “meh.”

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Jojo Rabbit

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Jojo Rabbit’:

  1. Simultaneously heartbreaking and beautiful. I’m in awe of this film. I did :asterisk_symbol:not:asterisk_symbol: expect it to go as dark as it did. Absolutely phenomenal work by Taika Waititi. Scarlett was fantastic as well.

  2. The child actors did such an incredible job. Roman Griffin Davis (Jojo) and Archie Yates (Yorki) knocked it out of the park!

  3. The tying of the shoes. Broke. My. Heart. Oh, but the dancing. We should all be dancing more.

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Schitt's Creek: 6x01 Smoke Signals

The beginning of the end, but back and fantastic as always! I’m sure gonna miss this family.

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El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘El Camino’:

  1. Yeah, it was kinda unnecessary. But it was nice to follow Jesse Pinkman and see him get a much-deserved happy ending.
  2. It was also cool to see Cranston as Walter White once more.
  3. Everyone needs a friend like Skinny Pete.
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Doctor Sleep

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Doctor Sleep’:

  1. This film totally stands on its own and as a satisfying sequel to a classic. Not an easy task.
  2. The Shining throwbacks gave me life.
  3. I loved the villain and Abra was badass.
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Creep 2

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Creep 2’:

  1. Like the first one, it’s difficult to tell where the story is gonna go.
  2. I was surprised at how this felt completely different from its predecessor, while successfully continuing the same story. Less creepy, more psychological.
  3. I agree that these are some of the best, more original “found footage” films.
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iZombie: 1x07 Maternity Liv

Loving this show and its cast. Gives me a nostalgic feeling of the old WB shows.

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Survivor: 45x03 No Man Left Behind

I love that contestants are in the opening credits again.

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From: 2x10 Once Upon a Time…

Annnnnnnd even more questions. Great.

Also, nothing in this episode made any sense. The randomness of this series is infinite. And I believe that every revelation, every plot progression, will continue to be random. Because, after two whole seasons, NOTHING is connecting. Nothing.

Dear creators and writers, if there’s another season, please give your audience some effing payoff for once. It’s getting ridiculous.

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Survivor: 44x11 I'm Not Worthy

Carolyn is everything. She is most definitely making this season interesting.

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Survivor: 44x06 Survivor with a Capital S

Merge already?! I am SO over Survivor Lite. We need longer days on the island. I feel like I barely know these people yet.

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