


Star Wars Rebels: 2x19 Twilight of the Apprentice

I always loved Star Wars. From the moment Leias ship appeared on screen and got hunted by Vaders destroyer I was hooked.

It is so great to see shows like Clone Wars and now Rebels who brought so much more depth to the SW universe. The storytelling is amazing and I found myself again being mesmerized by the events on screen now 40 years later.

The clash between Ahsoka and Vader was something I've been looking forward to and I was not dissapointed. Anakin caling her name through his broken mask is a moment to remember. Something other SW installments are sadly lacking. If you've followed both their journeys you can't help but feel pain for how they ended up facing each other. This was a fight neither could win no matter what the outcome would have been. Each of them would have lost.

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Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-02-08T21:16:40Z— updated 2019-06-28T18:14:43Z

This is the kind of show I can watch anytime, anywhere and I will always be in a better mood than I was before.
The term "Totally Ninja !" could have been invented for this in the first place.

Update: I just read that Max Wright passed away a couple of days ago. RIP in thank you for all the great moments.

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Planet Earth II

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2017-08-26T10:23:43Z— updated 2017-08-27T21:14:22Z

You won´t find a better nature/wild life documentary than BBCs Earth series. The level of work and dedication that went into this is amazing.

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I still remember how skeptical I was when I went into the cinema back in 1998. I mean, you already knew what will happen, what story is there to tell, right ? Boy was I wrong.

Because I also remember how absolutely amazed I was, how the movie took me in, how I experienced the sinking of the ship, how I cried and how I still sat in my chair long after the credits were over.

And even after 25 years the movie still gets to me, invoking all the emotions I had the first time. It's a masterpiece in every regard. Eleven Oscars, but none for the actors. Which I still think is wrong. Even with all the technical stuff deservedly getting an award, you don't have a movie without the actors. They are the ones bringing in the emotion through their performances.

Technically this still stands it's grounds. Sure you see the CGI is dated but it's still very good. Even in HD which brings in so much more details of the sets and costumes.

It's a movie I can watch every couple of years and never feel bored.

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Prehistoric Planet: 2x01 Islands

This looks so amazing (which isn't enough comment so here is the rest).

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Frozen Planet II

Despite all the positivity at the end I don't think we can turn things around. Sure, we could. But we won't.
You wanna save the planet - get rid of the humans. We probably need to reduce the world population by 50 %. Everything else is prolonging the inevitable. Look at the graphs for both, population growth and global surface temperature since 1960. It's no conicdence that both are climbing in unison.

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The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Rebels: 4x13 A World Between Worlds
Star Wars Rebels: 3x15 Legacy of Mandalore

I am not nearly as attached to those characters as I am to the ones from others shows/movies. Which is partly due to the fact I'am watching this for the first time. But Sabine was actually one I began to like. I am sure she will come back at some point, or the story will come back to her as I am sure this starts another sideplot.

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The Newsroom

I hadn´t even got to the opening credits of the first episode and I was already hooked. This show is amazing in every aspect. Brilliantly written and performed by an amazing group of actors who, from top to bottom, brought their A-game in each and every episode. The acting is at times so intense that I was literally on the edge of my seat. Dialogues and the sense of humor are great. The quality of the production is on the same level, or better, with big screen movies.

I am not American or live there but the message of "The Newsroom" concerning the news and the presentation of it does work everywhere else, too. Am I dissapointed they only made 25 episodes ? Well, yes and no. Because I´d rather have 25 hours of 100% the best they could do than having 100 hours of a show where 25 % of it was the best they could do.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

After realising it´s been a good 15 years that I´ve watched TNG I decided it´s time again. Yes, the first season is far removed from what the show went on to become and I remember when they originally aired I rejected it. I couldn´t come to grips with the characters and some of the first scripts were awful. But everything turned around and it became one of the best shows (not only in the genre) ever made.

I still only own the DVD version, I´m not a huge friend of all that remastering. I´m sure it looks and sounds better but I like to experience it the way it was originally done.

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The Pretender

Really loved The Pretender,still do. I think this was one of the best shows. Sadly they blew the chance to end the plot properly with the movies.

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Masters of the Air: 1x09 Part Nine

Got a lump in my throat and some tears welling up at the end of this episode/show. Best series I've watched in years.

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The Blue Planet

Although I am well aware of the level of quality the BBC/Attenborough docus present the footage never ceases to amaze me.

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ALF: 4x24 Consider Me Gone

Sadly the show ended on a sour note.

With hopes of renewal they decided to go with the cliffhanger and the rest is history. In any case I always thought it would have been better to have Alf escape and close the show out that way. Even as a cliffhanger this was a bad idea. I mean, where would they have gone from here ?

I saw an interview with Anne Shedeen lately where she talked about the making of the show. How difficult it was for the actors. She said that Max Wright did exactly one take for the final scene and then went of the stage without another word and never looked back. He was very bitter at this point.

I hope he realized before he passed away how much we loved him and that the show wouldn't have been the same without him as Willie.

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ALF: 2x12 ALF's Special Christmas

This is an eleven heart episode.

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ALF: 2x07 Oh, Pretty Woman

I really love it when the stories do have a personal touch to it. Makes you connect with the characters more. And you know that deep down inside Alf has a good heart.

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Star Wars Rebels: 1x13 Fire Across the Galaxy

I'm a grown man but I almost start crying when Ahsoka appears. I've nothing against Dawson but this is the Ahsoka I love. There, I said it.
And now, Vader also makes his entrance laying the path for so many oppertunities moving forward. And if you still think this is just a casual Star Wars show for kids/teens I don't know what will change your mind.
And can we take a moment to appreciate the beautiful animation of the Star Destroyers over Mustafa ? The characters might look a bit arkward (I do like them, though) I think especially the scenes in space are amazing.

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Star Wars Rebels: 1x08 Path of the Jedi

When I watched this show the first time, this was the episode I thought: this isn't just an entertaining teen show. It's a powerful and emotional episode.
Both, Kanan (who definitely has a clouded past) and Ezra are afraid to fail the other among many things. And both get the guidance of none other then Master Yoda himself to face their fears and leave them behind. Goosebump moment hearing Yoda speak.

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Star Trek

If you read my comments on episodes of Star Trek you'll find I've put many points of critique in. Why still give it a 10 ? Because for what it stands for. The kind of future it predicted. And for what it started. Althought that point no one could foreseen, or would have believed, they are still here in whatever form of show.

And a lot of critique stems from the fact I'm writing this over 50 years after it aired. I'm putting on a form of measurement that probably isn't justified. I've watched this show many times before, always enjoyed it, and still do. Even if I don't like certain aspects I still like this show as a whole. And there are episodes that I like today that I didn't before.

And that's one reacurring trademark of Star Trek for me - it changes everytime I watch it.

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Prehistoric Planet

This is amazing ! Despite the fact you know it's CGI you can easily pretend this is real. Some of the scenes look so natural. And Attenborough narrating it just like the real thing completes the picture.

So, whether you like dinosaurs or nature in general - you should definately watch this..

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U2: Live at Red Rocks - Under a Blood Red Sky

This concert, or better the album made from it, was what made me a U2 fan. I played it so many times until you could hear nothing but scratches.
I am not saying I loved every album they made, especially the later ones are not all my cup of tea. But I can always come back to this. They never sounded better then during this time.

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An Audience with Adele

Of all the people alive in the world today I'd like to meet, Adele would be on the top of that list. Just to say "Thanks you".
There isn't a superlative to describe her that hasn't been used before so I'm not even trying. It was cool to see those celebs kinda losing their marbles being in the presence of Adele.
I can't wait to see her perform live one day. Tried getting tickets last time but they were literally gone within 5 minutes.

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Adele One Night Only

My god, what a venue. And so fitting because she's the brightest star in the universe.
Her performance is, again, flawless. It's like she's never been away. I was a bit disappointed that this was a "Celebrities Only" event but she explained that and I totally get it.
I hope I'll get a ticket for her next tour, whenever that might be. It's a bucket list event for me for sure.

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The Muppet Show

It's difficult if your're younger and don't know the guests but the humor is still awesome. I can watch Muppets anytime and still get my laughs. A true classic.

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Dances with Wolves
Star Wars Rebels: Special 6 The Siege of Lothal

I think Ahsoka knows who Vader is. At least she suspects. If he can sense her she should sense him.

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What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Shout by FinFan
BlockedParent2019-12-05T19:34:54Z— updated 2019-12-11T02:03:29Z

The Next Generation what was ultimately made me a Star Trek fan but DS9 is my favorite of all the shows. And this documentary showed me again why that is the case. So many great memories that have come back.
Oh, and after seeing those small HD snippets I have to say we need - no, we want - we DEMAND the full show in HD. Sadly though I don't think it will ever happen.
Supplemental: It was already very emotional to see Aron Eisenberg who died recently. Adding to that was the fact the proposal for an eighth season had Nog killed.
Yesterday Rene Auberjonois passed away also. Very sad news.

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The Dark Knight

The perfect sequel to Batman Begins it also sets up the stage for what is coming next.

Heath Ledger delivers a performance for the ages and brings a Joker to life unlike any we have seen before. His acting here lifts the movie to the next level. Aaron Eckahardt comes in as Harvey Dent, another really good casting decision. Rachel Dawes is portrayed now by Maggie Gyllenhall which kind of proofs my point that Katie Holmes was replaceable.
Everything here is right. A great story that is about characters, about people. Awesome production value - it really pays off to do as much pratical photography as possible thanks to Chris Nolan. I think even 10 years down the line this won't look dated. Amazing sound design and all packed with a soundtrack from one of the masters of his trade, Hans Zimmer.
Seriously, this is one of the best action-superhero movies ever done and I think it will stay on top for a very long time.

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