


The Last Kingdom

I tried several times to get into this series but I could never get past the first episode.
This weekend having nothing else whatsoever to watch I finally took the plunge and thank God I did. I am a massive fan of the vikings series and worried that it would not compare, that was a mistake on my part because this series is it’s own story and once I had accepted that (by season 1 ep 4) I loved it in its own merit. I binged all 4 seasons and now it’s over I feel lost! If you like a good solid battlefield drama then this is for you. If you are vikings fan you would probably like it even more so for the references to both Saxons and vikings that you have already come to love and hate.
If you are in any doubt whatsoever please just give it a try. You will not be disappointed. I have only ever awarded 3 TV series a a 10/10 rating; Breaking Bad, House of cards & Vikings. I am happy to say:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: The Last Kingdom will now join those elite few! 10/10 :asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol:

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The Cleaning Lady: 3x06 El Reloj

Oh my heart just broke… RIP Arman, RIP Adan Canto.

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FBI: 6x08 Phantom

Tiffany Wallace - If her character is representative of even a fraction of law abiding torment I think I have lost faith. . She should have lost her job or at the very least been severely disciplined for her total insubordination, defiance, lack of respect for the partner and team and complete disregard for the safety of the public around her. She is agent on a mission of revenge and not justice.
If the had an FBI advisor and set and this was the advice they were given that this behaviour is overlooked I’m really disappointed.

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Masters of the Air: 1x05 Part Five

Just hope I stop crying long enough to watch the next episode.
“No reports” :sob:
Adrenalin fuelled, emotional and a hard hitting episode.

Most of these servicemen were mere boys, not much older than my own sons. It’s heartbreaking to be reminded of that.

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For Her Sins

Boring and predictable!
Terrible chemistry, terrible acting, terrible script, terrible storyline. If anyone has watched Stargirl - Stargirl is better! If they worked hard on this they could maybe have had something, but the lazyness behind every aspect of this shines through. Pity!

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The Flash: 9x13 A New World (4)

The pep talk adventures are over!
To think the writers are in strike when they produce crap like this is a joke. Maybe if they earn their worth they will get better pay. I waited 9 years for this piece of crap. What a waste.

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Barry: 4x05 tricky legacies

Heh! Think this episode was to fill the season out… It will probably all make sense eventually I guess, but this was definitely a watch the paint dry episode! :dizzy_face:‍:dizzy:

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Rabbit Hole: 1x01 Pilot

WT actual F?!? Really thought I knew where this was going.,, but totally back at square 1!
About time I found a TV series that wasn’t predictable. That said I’m only 1 episode in, things could change but I hope not!

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Outer Banks: 2x06 My Druthers

Are they trying to make us believe that Ward has blown himself up? The writers really think we are idiots… Actually, in fairness the fact i’m still watching this rubbish probably makes them right!

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Black Snow

The only good thing about this show is Fimmel if you are a fan of his then do watch… but don’t expect to be gripped

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The Witcher: Blood Origin

Huge Witcher fan and was looking forward to this but I am struggling to get through the first episode.. I have attempted it a few times but keep drifting off. I will keep it on my watchlist for a day when I’m so bored I am debating sticking pins on my eyes and maybe then I’ll be able to see it through.

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Shadowhunters: 3x11 Lost Souls

First time I’ve had any feeling in this show other than irritation .. got a real lump in my throat but not because of Clary but because of the pain Simon is in quite a sweet yet fleeting moment.
Turns out she is not bloody dead anyway gutted!

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Walker: 3x08 Cry Uncle

This is as far as I can go with this programme.
Normally I’m so excited when I see shows appear in my calendar after a mid season break, but I saw this show returning and was utterly disheartened. I can’t even force myself to watch this utter bull sh@t anymore.
Get rid of Cordell I may reconsider in the future but as of now.. only a huge financial bribe would make me suffer even one more episode.

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It was like watching Oceans 11 on LSD !!! Anyway my order was:

:sparkling_heart: Pink
:white_large_square: White

I would also love to know what people thought of the show when ‘Pink’ was their 1st episode.

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Pretty Little Liars: 6x06 No Stone Unturned

34 episodes to go! Yay the end is in sight at last

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Pretty Little Liars: 5x12 Taking This One to the Grave

107 down 54 to go…. Am I the only one who actually wishes ‘A’ would finish off the Liars. They really do bring it on themselves.
I don’t know how people watched this on a weekly basis. Bingeing it is bad enough.

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Pretty Little Liars: 4x17 Bite Your Tongue

The only ‘Board’ around here is me!!! Sigh I will plough on for now!

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Pretty Little Liars

When will these bloody people learn to close their blinds!

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See: Season 1

Shout by Amourgirl
BlockedParent2022-08-31T00:35:13Z— updated 2022-11-01T13:44:21Z

Update: Loved it :heart_eyes:
Slow and painful, but I will ride it through to the end of season 1.

I hope by then I have reason to continue on to season 2.

Unfortunately the bar is set high when you have already seen the best series TV has to offer. Now it’s a case of embracing what’s left in the barrel and lower your expectations.

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Worth watching just for Chris Hemsworth

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Sweet Girl

I’m one of the idiots that got fooled! Great movie when you have ran out of things to watch. Kept me entertained. 9/10

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Chicago P.D.: 9x01 Closure

Well that’s annoying! I had hop d they would have got rid if Kim. Terrible character! I can’t stand her.
I’m beginning to lose Interest in Dick Wolf and his dreadful politically saturated dramas

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Road Wars: 5x05 The One With the Return of the Godfather

I don’t know what’s worse. The the idiots breaking the law or Rosie chewing her gum with her mouth open… ughhh!

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The Boss Baby: Family Business

Nowhere near as good as the first one… did give me a few laughs though. :)

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Superman & Lois: 1x06 Broken Trust

What a little brat! Self implosion would be the best thing to happen to that character

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Prodigal Son: 2x13 The Last Weekend

Oh shit please tell me there will be another season!!

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War of the Worlds: 2x01 Episode 1

Noooo don’t say that... I was looking forward to this series returning.

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Willy's Wonderland

:tada:”it’s your birthday, it’s your birthday”
Stupid song won’t leave my head! :rage:

What possessed Nicolas Cage to take on this role... taking on a film with no dialogue he really can’t be bothered anymore clearly!

Certainly what I’d call an adult version of the upcoming FNAF movie - due 2022 rated (13) so the kids will have to wait!

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The Queen's Gambit

I didn’t think this would be my cup of tea to be honest, preferring good old crime dramas but I am so glad I took the plunge. I was gripped had from start to finish. Never would I have thought that a drama based on chess would be enough to keep me on the edge of my seat, and yet it did just that!! A Truly brilliant series! Netflix you pulled it off yet again! If any of you are in doubt please just give it a try you will not be disappointed!

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Power Book II: Ghost: 4x01 I Don't Die Easy

lol Tariq still looks about 10 years old…

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