


S.W.A.T.: 5x08 Safe House

Oh Hondo, you could do so much better than her. She walks all over you… get rid!

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The Blacklist: 8x17 Ivan Stepanov

Finally back to The kind of blacklist we all know and love!!! Hallelujah!

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Debris: 1x10 I Am Icarus (2)

If this show makes it to a 2nd season I would be shocked. Boring characters & boring storylines mean the only satisfaction you will get from this series is if you use it as a sleeping aid!

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The Handmaid's Tale: 4x03 The Crossing

Shout by Amourgirl
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-04-29T22:18:42Z— updated 2021-05-01T08:15:07Z

I’m glad we had 3 episodes to kick start us into season 3.. I needed it to remind me of Gilead life! And boy it did... Blessed day!
I still think there is some good left in Aunt Lydia,,, I’m convinced she will come through for Joan at some point.
The escape scene total threw me... I did not see that coming...
Handmaids tale has restarted with a bang... here’s to the next 10 episodes!
Under his eye!

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Highly recommend.
One of my rare 10:10 ratings.

Let me assure you, you do not need to be a Rocky or Rambo fan to see this doc… or even a Sly fan for that matter.
Whats fascinating, is the interesting emotional and inspiring way Sly came across. No insta filter no rags to riches fairytale, just the finest, most honest, self deprecating, fascinating, INTERESTING biographical documentaries I have ever seen. Cut above the rest.
I do agree that with a career spanning 6 decades there could have been enough material for a series focusing on each decade but having said that, if you just want learn a bit of history about a legend this is as good a place as any to start.

You will be transfixed for the entire 90 minutes!

WATCH IT :heart:

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American Horror Story: 12x04 Vanishing Twin

Weak stomachs should avoid! :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face:

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The Blacklist: 9x07 Between Sleep and Awake

Wow… woe is me!! How self absorbed has Ressler become? The sooner the writers get rid of him the better. When are we going to actually get another blacklister episode. Time to move on!

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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: 23x06 The Five Hundredth Episode

Best episode ever! Literally can’t say more than that without giving anything away but OMFG!!

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24 Hours in Police Custody

Loved this series! Was looking for something new to get hooked on after watching amongst others.. Law & Order SVU, The Coroner, Line of Duty, Criminal Minds & 60 Days In. This was certainly a brilliant replacement! Totally gripping and addictive with cases that are fitting for any of the above mentioned shows. Murder, sexual Crimes, police corruption, blackmail, abduction.. this has it all! If you love Crime Drama and love True Crime then this is a definitely a show for you.

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What an annoying Super Halfwit that girl is, not to mention that her sidekick actually makes Robin look good! Luckily I didn’t have high hopes so I’m not disappointed just gutted I’m all out of Superhero TV series to watch now!

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Loki: 1x03 Lamentis

Episode 1 & 2 awesome..
Sort Disney but episode 3 bored rigid. I may risk one more but if anything like episode 3 then I’m out!

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Doctor Who: 1x02 The Devil's Chord

Nope that’s it, can’t do it any more… I hung on in there through the whole Jodie Whitaker debacle hoping the series would be better. The bar was so low after the previous couple of seasons but somehow it slipped under.

Sadly, I guess my DW days are done.

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Beacon 23: 2x04 Berth

This show had such potential but this season it’s lost it and this episode was so bad I kept dropping off to sleep. :zzz:
I really hope it gets better.

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The Bloody Hundredth

Huge respect to the servicemen and women of the 100th and to all the men and women who fought for our freedom during WW2. You will be remembered. Thank you

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Power Book III: Raising Kanan: 3x10 MADE YOU LOOK

Considering mid series this was slow it picked up the pace and the Finale was amazing.

It’s rare these days to have an unpredictable season finale but this show nailed it. Really impressed…

Just think little Tommy and Ghost would be around the age of 10 about now… won’t be long until Kanan meets them and takes them under his wing… ooo la la

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Billions: 7x11 Axe Global

OMFG BILLIONS at its very very best! Amazing episode…. The defeat is the play! Love it so much. Superb writing! It’s what billions does best!

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Power Book IV: Force: 2x07 CHICAGO IS HEATING UP!

Every time I think this show can’t get any better it surpasses all expectations. I love it!
And Vic - Still picking jaw up from floor :scream:

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The Blacklist: 10x22 Raymond Reddington: Good Night (2)

I’m truly heartbroken despite the weird ending. The blacklist finally came in to its own after that damn Liz Keen rubbish and now it’s goodbye.
I kind of wished the Dembe and Red went off into the sunset together but it was clearly not to be. Quite why they did what they did is beyond me.
Such a shame.
Good night Red… it’s been a blast! :heart:

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Power Book II: Ghost: 3x08 Sacrifice

Saxe OMG :sob::sob::sob: love him.

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Power Book II: Ghost: 3x07 Deal or No Deal

Really starting to lose interest now so this series better pick up fast.
Can’t wait for Tommy’s story to come back.

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Grace: 2x04 Dead Tomorrow

Thanks for letting us know… I was confused. Guess we have to wait another week

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Star Trek: Picard: 2x10 Farewell

@alexlimberg PS: it's 2024 and they still don't do backups - let alone encrypt their data.
:joy::joy::joy: thought the exact same thing!

So anyone notice the file that Soong took out of drawer. “Khan”

So who is Khan?

Khan is the main antagonist in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed", and was portrayed by Ricardo Montalbán, who reprised his role in the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

The role of Khan was later reprised by Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness (Nimoys Last film) quick toast to Spock ..

:champagne_glass: Live long and prosper :vulcan_tone1:

Is Khan going to be the main villain for season 3 or merely just an episode side story? Maybe Khan means something else entirely or maybe I am just looking into something that’s not really there????

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Dexter: New Blood: 1x03 Smoke Signals

Sigh Even death can’t get rid of his damn awful sister!

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Fear the Walking Dead: 7x04 Breathe with Me

So they lured the walkers to the tower to stop anyone getting in or out, yet Victors little gang seem to come and go like yo-yo’s! Makes no sense whatsoever!
Come on writers… you are currently two steps ahead of the main programme which is a miracle for a spin off, don’t lose the edge now!

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Chicago P.D.: 9x02 Rage

Great! She lived… this was your golden opportunity to get rid of this dreadful actress/ character!
I should have know better!

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Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol: Season 1

Drawn in initially by my love of the Dan Brown books, this is nothing more than a poor mans Indiana Jones!
The main character is to put it mildly.. boring monotone and is more likely to put you to sleep than entice you in on an exciting adventure.
No mystery and intrigue here as you just want the episode to conclude or should I say the series to conclude.

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I Fell asleep … twice!! Dull!

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: Season 6

WTF! I think the writers have been smoking something not quite legal!

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Prodigal Son

Maybe a season 3 maybe not?!?

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Mare of Easttown: Season 1

Ah wow... didn’t think I’d like this but just binged first 5 episodes and gutted I have to wait for episode 6...
agree with other comment; it may start slow but it is worth it!

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