Aniela Krajewska



The Flash: 3x18 Abra Kadabra
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x15 Fellowship of the Spear
Arrow: 5x07 Vigilante
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x05 Lockup
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x03 Uprising

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-10-12T16:13:10Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:30:35Z

I loved this episode. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time.

First of all, I'm actually really scared of blackouts. I mean, if something like this happened to me and I had to live without electricity for the rest of my life, I think I'd prefer to die. I know that the blackouts in this episode only lasted a few hours, but seeing all those big cities without any lights made me feel super anxious.

Daisy, my love. I wish they'd just let you live in peace for 5 seconds.

No one can break my heart like Jemma Simmons crying. But hey, at least May's okay! Those hallucinations were terrifying.

The MVP award in this episode goes to Fitz saving the day using homemade compasses and trigonometry.

Is it just me, or are they setting up a Coulson/May romance? After 3 seasons of barely hinting at it, I didn't really expect them to make it happen, but everything's pointing in that direction. Which is fine, although I still have hope that Amy Acker's character, the Cellist, will return someday.

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Person of Interest: 5x08 Reassortment
Downton Abbey: 5x05 Episode 5

I can't feel any sympathy for Edith when she's basically uprooting Marigold's entire life at whim. First she ripped her from a family in Switzerland that presumably loved her like their own child, now she's constantly harassing the Drewes and planning to take the child away from them too because they're (rightfully) setting boundaries. She seems to have no consideration for her daughter's wellbeing or the feelings of her caretakers. Being tossed from place to place can't be good for a child, especially one this young. But of course Edith only cares about herself and what she wants, and I guess Mrs Drewe is a bad guy for standing in the way of that, even though she's the one who actually cares about what's best for Marigold.

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Private Eyes: 5x08 Queen's Gambit

Ugh, such a lame series finale. They really stretched out the slow burn for so long with barely any pay-off. I still don't get why they decided to end this show. By all accounts it's been a big hit for Global and its viewership numbers are remarkably steady. It feels like the cast would've been happy to do another season too. Such a bummer. It wasn't a particularly groundbreaking show, and the dialog was cringy at times, but it was still fun.

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Leverage: Redemption: 1x03 The Rollin' on the River Job

"I'm Parker"

Hell yeah she is!

Also, Beth really hamming it up with the southern heiress accent was so fun to watch. Parker learning to grift was a big part of her character arc in the original show, so seeing her really come into her own in that regard is very satisfying.

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Lucifer: 5x07 Our Mojo

That opening was the best morning after scene in the history of television. They were both so happy :smiling_face_with_3_hearts: And then that ending just had to ruin everything. Dan is on thin fucking ice smh.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x16 I, Ava
Lucifer: 3x06 Vegas with Some Radish

Oh my Devil. This was so delightful! There's happiness bubbling in my chest and I lowkey want to scream. If Chloe and Lucifer don't get together soon, I will just straight up die. I'm not exaggerating. They're just so... pure? So good for each other? I'm at a loss for words when it comes to these two idiots. Also, drunk Chloe with her hair in a messy bun is my favorite Chloe.

Everything Ella said and did was gold (but then again, that's always the case, she's such a wonderful character). I suspected from the beginning that she was a gambler and that's why she had reservations about Vegas. And I'm curious about those voices she hears. It sounded so ominous. Could she be Lucifer's long-lost sister?

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Arrow: 5x12 Bratva

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-02-09T10:32:41Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:36:15Z

Quick question: what happens when they finally run out of flashbacks? By the looks of it, there's maybe half a season's worth of Oliver's backstory left, so what then?

Rene and Quentin had some unexpectedly nice scenes. That was a fun dynamic that I hope to see more of.

Felicity was pretty badass in this episode. But I'm fairly sure that her messing with Pandora is going to end badly. It's in the name, dammit. Nothing good came out of Pandora's box.

Rory's rags are broken. That is actually pretty sad. Is he going to repair them somehow? How do you even repair ancient rags that can stop nuclear bombs?

Susan is spying on Oliver. Fuck. I've had a bad feeling about her from the beginning.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events: 1x05 The Wide Window: Part One

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-14T13:10:13Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:51:09Z

Sunny continues to be absolutely brilliant. I actually choked when I saw her "WTF is happening?" face when the children were eating dinner with Aunt Josephine.

Olaf's henchmen are hilarious. That whole scene at the market made me go into hysterics.

I'm kind of disappointed that they didn't shape the window in the library like an eye like it was in the books. They recreated all the other settings so faithfully, so I don't understand why they decided not to do it here.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x08 The Chicago Way
Arrow: 5x04 Penance
Person of Interest: 5x05 ShotSeeker

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2016-05-18T14:18:44Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:23:11Z

A solid, case-of-the-week episode.

Elias is back! He's my favorite crime boss ever. It's good to see him.

I just love Root and Finch working together. Their relationship is a delight to watch, and I can't get enough of it.

Root, you can pretend that you don't care about John, you can call him "helper monkey", but you're not fooling anyone. As soon as you heard he was missing, you basically ran out of the subway to find him. That scene reminded me of Sameen "I can't stand Root" Shaw biking to another state in the middle of a city-wide blackout to help our favorite perky psycho. This whole team, man. They're going to be the death of me.

Baby Samaritan vs baby Machine! I can't wait for her to finally find a way to kick its ass.

Honestly, can Harold please stop calling Root "Ms Groves"? She's made it pretty clear that she doesn't like that name because it ties her to her past. Just respect her choice, Finch, it's not like it's hard.

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Supergirl: 1x20 Better Angels
Leverage: Redemption: 1x01 The Too Many Rembrandts Job
Lucifer: 5x01 Really Sad Devil Guy

Me on the phone with Netflix after Lucifer got renewed for a final season 5 last year: So, no season 6? * smashes the phone on the ground and jumps on a skateboard, breaking it *
Netflix two months ago: Fine, you can have season 6... as a treat

I think we can all congratulate ourselves on successfully bullying Netflix execs into extending Lucifer's run. It's good to have this show back and to know that we don't have to say goodbye to the characters for like 2 more years.

Things I loved about the premiere: Maze and Chloe's partnership (the kiss though!), Linda trying to unlock her half angel baby's full potential, getting to see Ella's darker side, Dan providing more comic relief (he actually works best for me this way).

Things I didn't like: the evil twin thing, which I knew was coming after watching the trailer, but I just do not vibe with these kinds of storylines at all, so hopefully it doesn't drag on for too long.

The episode was pretty fun overall. I'm looking forward to what the rest of this first batch of season 5 has in store.

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The Flash: 3x12 Untouchable

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-02-08T10:24:35Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:37:13Z

I have the biggest, stupidest grin on my face after watching this episode.

"Okay, you know there is a reason they call me the fastest man alive." You call yourself that, Barry. And it's been proved multiple times that as far as speedsters go, you ain't no Usain Bolt.

Iris and Barry are the purest, sweetest, most unproblematic ship I've ever seen. Even if I wanted to hate them, there's just no reason to.

Joe is finally in the loop. He's such a good dad and I love him.

"- But Gypsy did say that I could do some pretty incredible things with my powers...
- Yeah, she did."

Have I mentioned lately how much I love Cisco and H.R.'s friendship? It's delightful.

Julian and Caitlin are going to have a thing, aren't they? Good for her. Get a piece of that British ass, girl. Although the guys she falls in love with do have an unfortunate habit of, well, dying. Julian should watch his back.

Jesse is back! Oh my God. Don't tell me that we're going to get Earth-2 Harrison Wells and H.R. together in the same room? I'm so ready!

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Supergirl: 2x10 We Can Be Heroes
Arrow: 5x10 Who Are You?

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-26T15:09:17Z— updated 2017-08-19T10:45:42Z

This was pretty good. Had they actually brought Laurel back, it would've been excellent, but this episode alone was still better than the entire season 4. I enjoyed the confrontation between Felicity and Black Siren. Curtis and Rene had some cool scenes too. And I dig the new chick, whoever she may be. They're also obviously once again setting up an Oliver/Felicity romance. I guess I'm fine with them getting back together, as long as the other storylines don't suffer because of it. The show has already been almost ruined once because of Olicity. I hope the showrunners have learned their lesson and will do better this time.

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Downton Abbey: 6x08 Episode 8
Downton Abbey: 2x02 Episode 2

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParent2022-03-13T22:27:49Z— updated 2022-03-24T14:34:42Z

So I'm supposed to feel bad for Edith because she won't be able to sneak around with a married man anymore? And to think she had the audacity to call Mary a slut for what happened with Pamuk...

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x08 After, Before
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x02 Know Your Onions
Supergirl: 3x15 In Search of Lost Time

Shout by Aniela Krajewska

What a great episode! So emotionally charged on all fronts.

Odette Annable was stellar. Her reaction when she realized that she really is Reign broke me. She was so horrified. And Katie McGrath did an awesome job too with Lena using some of that trademark Luthor darkness to provoke Reign.

J'onn and his dad made me so emotional. I can't imagine how horrible it must be to feel like your mind is betraying you and you can't control your life anymore.

I can't believe they finally acknowledged what a piece of trash Mon-El was in season 2. I'm so happy that Kara got to call him out. He's like 1000 times more tolerable now, partly because he's actually changed and partly because he doesn't take up half of every episode anymore. It's a lot easier to put up with him now.

I can't wait for Pestilence. Bring it on!

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Supergirl: 3x05 Damage
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x20 Emancipation