Aniela Krajewska



Criminal Minds: 4x23 Roadkill

Not to victim blame but the victims in this episode are the dumbest motherfuckers in the world. How do you get killed by a car in a parking lot full of other cars to hide behind or run between? And why would you run in a perfectly straight line in the middle of the road instead of at least trying to zig zag?

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Leverage: Redemption: 1x08 The Mastermind Job
Doctor Who: Special 158 Revolution of the Daleks
Doctor Who: 12x09 Ascension of the Cybermen (1)
The Good Place: 4x12 Patty

A beautiful, beautiful episode that left me with a tear in my eye at the end. The idea of the good place actually getting boring is something that's crossed my mind before - eternal happiness might sound appealing to us, but if there's nothing to contrast it, we'd stop appreciating it real fast. Giving people a way to end their journey if they want is a great idea.
(Also I was asked about Hypatia in my philosophy exam last year and I passed, so thanks, Patty!)

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The Handmaid's Tale: 3x02 Mary and Martha

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2019-06-06T17:29:14Z— updated 2019-06-08T19:22:08Z

I could go on and on about how incredible all the women on this show are. From Elisabeth Moss to Yvonne Strahovski (sadly missing from this episode) to Alexis Bledel to Ann Dowd, it's just pure acting excellence all around. They elevate the show with their talent and the sheer brilliance of their performances never fails to amaze me. They deserve all the awards and then some for portraying such complex characters and making it look easy.

I'm enjoying June's arc and the way all the fucks have gone out the window at this point. She doesn't care anymore, she's determined to rebel against Gilead in whatever way she can. It's interesting to see a little bit more of how the Marthas' network operates. Also I have to admit the whole system of categorizing women is confusing to me. We know that fertile "criminals" are forced to become Handmaids, so I assume Marthas are the infertile "criminals"? What about unmarried fertile women who haven't "sinned" in the eyes of Gilead? Are they free to marry and become Econowives? We need a guide here.

Emily's reunion with her wife! My entire heart! Alexis Bledel is everything.

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Supergirl: 4x01 American Alien
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x13 No Country for Old Dads
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x11 Here I Go Again
The Flash: 4x11 The Elongated Knight Rises

The villains in this one were so over-the-top and cartoonish. It was hilarious. I really liked it, this show takes itself way too seriously sometimes, so it was a nice change of pace to see something so utterly ridiculous and fun.

Oh my God, Beebo! I hope this becomes a running gag throughout the Arrowverse. And it reminded me that Legends of Tomorrow needs to hurry up and come back already.

Everything Ralph says is fucking gold. His messed-up knee was so disgusting and I actually cringed when I saw it. So much for invincibility, huh? His costume looks good though! And Elongated Man isn't a particularly creative name, but it's fine, I guess.

I just love Harry and Cisco yelling at Caitlin to bring out Killer Frost. It's so damn funny. And I enjoy the fact that the ice queen is like friends with them now? It's great.

What was up with that girl at the end? I have terrible memory, so I don't even know if we've seen her before or if she just popped up randomly in this episode. She's cute, I like her. I wonder what her role will be.

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Supergirl: 3x11 Fort Rozz
The Gifted: 1x05 boXed in
Arrow: 5x20 Underneath
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x13 Land of the Lost
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x14 The Man Behind the Shield
The Flash: 3x10 Borrowing Problems from the Future
A Series of Unfortunate Events: 1x02 The Bad Beginning: Part Two

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-01-13T17:18:48Z— updated 2017-08-18T22:49:44Z

A lot of creepy and disturbing shit happens in the books, but I must say, Sunny being tied up, gagged and locked in a cage is pretty high on the list. So is Count Olaf trying to marry Violet.

I only just realized that the children's mother is played by Cobie Smulders. A little HIMYM reunion for her and Neil Patrick Harris.

Aside from all the dark and unsettling stuff, there was also plenty of funny moments. Sunny and the Hook-Handed Man playing poker has to be my favorite. By the way, Sunny is absolutely adorable. I agree that the color of the subtitles they use for her is kind of weird, but it doesn't bother me too much.

There were some very cool references for people who've read the books in this episode, such as lemony (Lemony) and the sugar bowl. I also like the addition of Jacquelyn and Gustav, which makes the story even more misterious and gripping.

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The Flash: 3x06 Shade
Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 4x06 The Good Samaritan
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x02 The Justice Society of America
Lucifer: 6x02 Buckets of Baggage

This was one of those episodes where Lucifer's shtick felt tiring. Inserting himself into someone's personal life without being asked after misinterpreting a piece of advice from Linda was super annoying and something we've seen a million times before. He's grown so much in many areas over the seasons, but all that character development seems to go out the window in moments like these. Not a fan.

That being said, Ella's Carol conundrum was not bad. Her "Pete-SD" made sense. Breaking into the poor guy's place was kinda overkill, but the realization that he's a recovering alcoholic and their conversation about it were solid writing.

Chloe with super strength is super hot and I like the idea that she doesn't quite know what to do with herself after quitting the force. Her scenes with both Ella and Maze were a lot of fun.

Lucifer's emo sister looked really familiar and it's none other than Negasonic Teenage Warhead herself. Great casting. She pulls off the look and the vibe effortlessly.

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WandaVision: 1x01 Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience

Of all the planned Disney+ Marvel shows I've been looking to this one the most and the premiere definitely delivered! I love that they're playing with all these different genres like a 1950s sitcom instead of making a standard superhero story. Elizabeth Olsen is phenomenal and I really liked the subtle creepy vibes throughout (like when Mr. Hart was choking and we suddenly took a sharp turn into Horrorville). Can't wait to see how the story unfolds from here.

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Lucifer: 5x08 Spoiler Alert

I need season 5B immediately. This was so good! The final fight was awesome and I'm glad God is finally making an appearance after all this time. Now, I just need Lucifer and Chloe to be happy together forever, please and thank you.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 7x03 Alien Commies from the Future!
Supergirl: 3x16 Of Two Minds

Shout by Aniela Krajewska
BlockedParentSpoilers2018-05-01T13:23:09Z— updated 2018-05-04T14:41:25Z

That ending was insane! All three Worldkillers together and on the loose. Everything's gone to hell. I can only imagine the havoc they're going to wreak.

Odette Annable continues to be the best goddamn thing about this show. Can we keep her forever, please? I love her. She's brilliant. Once they get rid of Reign, Sam and Alex should just fall in love or something. Alex would become a mom, just like she wanted, and Sam would finally be happy. They'd kill two birds with one stone.

Jeremy Jordan and Mehcad Brooks had a nice scene together. I really loved Winn's little speech.

I hope there's not going to be any angsty bullshit between Kara and Lena next episode. Kara of all people should understand that Lena was trying to save her friend - after all, that's what her entire conflict with Imra was about. And for the love of Rao, someone tell Lena Supergirl's identity already. It's getting so ridiculous and annoying that she still doesn't know.

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DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x14 Amazing Grace

"All right, Legends, put on your Sunday best because we are going to church!"

Sara was so done with them, and I absolutely loved it. I replayed that moment at least 6 times.

Zari and Wally's relationship is so great. They've only known each other for 2 episodes, but they have so much in common and they really understand each other and have fun together. I hope we'll see a lot more of this dynamic. It's very enjoyable to watch.

Tala Ashe looked so good in her 1950's get-up. I mean, they all looked great, but it just suited her so perfectly.

I'm so sad about Mick and Axl! Rest in peace, little buddy. That funeral scene was absolute comedic genius, though.

Great episode overall. I love it when they have to save pop culture icons, just like they did with George Lucas in season 2. There are always so many great references.

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Supergirl: 3x09 Reign

Holy cow. Now that's how you do a mid-season finale! We got the best fight in this show's history, a glimpse of Reign's mindblowing power and an awesome cliffhanger to top it off. I mean, I'm sure Ruby's gonna be fine, Supergirl isn't nearly dark enough to kill a kid, but still. And obviously, Kara's not dying either.

Surprisingly, I don't hate James and Lena. Katie McGrath can have chemistry with anyone if she wants to.

As usual, Mon-El didn't contribute anything and was utterly unnecessary. Oh well.

I have a question: why are they so bad at continuity on this show? How is it possible that only one day had passed since Sam's trip? Did they forget about the crossover? Whatever, still a great episode!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

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Supergirl: 3x07 Wake Up
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 3x05 Return of the Mack
American Gods: 1x01 The Bone Orchard