

west coast


just started this because it came up in netflix and it's been on my to watch lately and tbh the lion roars and dog barks have tickled my housecat so 10/10 purely because she's entertained

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Mare of Easttown

this was really a beautiful series. visceral and bleak, but also funny and familiar. highly recommend, i binged it all in one go and it was amazing. also, the fuckin ACCENTS were so good, god.

anyway petition for evan peters to never have his hair longer than he did in this series, he's never looked better

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The Stand

the series overall is a great adaptation, and this media format really serves the original story well. after all, it's hard to tell the stories of so many characters in a single book, no matter how much of a saga it is. i think everyone was well rounded, the acting was amazing and the effects were solid. the last episode is a bit silly, but i also don't think stephen king necessarily wrote it for audiences so much as just himself, seeing as how he's rewritten the original story before.

also, i would like alex skarsgård to be given some sort of award or medal for the number of times he's played huge antagonists with grace, talent, and constant shots of his butt. i'm pretty sure the man is out here singlehandedly trying to balance out decades of gratuitous female nudity all with his own lily white ass. what a trooper.

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this was a beautiful and quick series addition to the mcu. i don't recommend it for anyone who takes marvel very seriously or who gets aggravated by storylines that don't always get seen through to their end. a big part of comics is constant branching stories and complicated continuity and also the whole multiverse thing, so i've never come to the mcu expecting logic or sense or perfect choices. this was entertaining and emotionally powerful thanks to its leads, and if those are what you come to the mcu for then you'll love it. it's very much agents of shield, and that's a positive for me, personally.

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very much in the vein of creepy fiction podcasts and honestly delightful for it. i love this particular genre that relies on audio only to convey horror and suspense, it makes for such a great experience.

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Behind Her Eyes

this truly kept me guessing until the near end. every time i thought i was one step ahead and finally figured it out i was wrong. even my craziest theory at the end of episode 5 was literally turned on its head by the actual ending. i loved every minute of this series. every character was well rounded, flawed and believable. i sympathized with all of them at one point, and wanted to throw a book at their heads at another. i went in expecting a typical thriller miniseries and came out the other end legitimately mindfucked. if you have the time, do yourself a favor and spend it on this series. go in without knowing anything and avoid spoilers like your life depends on it.

the only thing i'll say is this: the ending is not a happy one, by any stretch of the imagination. if you want the happy-ish version, stop the last episode shortly after adele writes a letter. the real version is worth the outrage, though, if only because it actually kept me guessing until the very end, which very few shows or movies have managed to do.

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The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst

being into true crime i knew the gist of what happened in this series which is why i put it off for so long. it's so worth the watch though! even with prior knowledge going in its a wild ride.

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Evil Genius

a heads up: early on you see clear footage of the bomb on brian wells going off. it isn't exactly graphic but it's certainly very startling.

if you enjoyed vanished, you'll enjoy this. it's a story about the weird and bizarre circumstances surrounding two famous cases in erie and the accounts of those connected to them. that's where the value is -- not so much in the actual conclusions to the cases or the remaining, unsolved aspects. i like the personal anecdotes from the friends and family of the suspects and witnesses, and they're interspersed with interview footage and phone audio, as well as members of law enforcement recounting the case. all of the perspectives are really interesting; you just have to remember that the reason the whole story behind the crimes is so weird and complex is because the people involved are weird and complex. the crimes themselves weren't; they were just murders, plain and simple, and expecting anything more will make it hard to enjoy the story.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events

i love netflix for so many reasons, and this is one of them. there are a ton of screen adaptations out that have failed to do their original book justice, but it especially bums me out when an author is unable to write the screenplay for an adaptation of their book or unable to have enough of a say in how their story plays out on screen. this series, unlike the movie adaptation, has lemony snicket written all over it, and watching it has been so much fun.

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Stranger Things

the kids are what really make this show. also, they're better actors than like 90% of the seasoned adult actors currently on television so please remake every tv series starring them.

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i'd put this firmly in the guilty pleasure category of tv shows that i watch: good but a bit silly. i have to say that i picked this up because i've missed lauren german with all of my heart since she left chicago fire and now i'm sticking around for all of the characters. they're all really charming! i think the spin tom ellis is putting on lucifer is entertaining and while this show could be far darker i think the current tone suits it pretty well.

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