


The Flash: 1x12 Crazy for You
Bates Motel: 3x10 Unconscious
How I Met Your Mother: 3x04 Little Boys
How I Met Your Mother: 3x09 Slapsgiving
How I Met Your Mother: 7x18 Karma
How I Met Your Mother: 8x13 Band or DJ?
How I Met Your Mother: 8x23 Something Old
How I Met Your Mother: 9x08 The Lighthouse
The Flash: 2x18 Versus Zoom
Grey's Anatomy: 12x21 You're Gonna Need Someone on Your Side
How I Met Your Mother: 8x11 The Final Page (1)
Quantico: 2x14 LNWILT
The Flash: 2x18 Versus Zoom
The Flash: 2x21 The Runaway Dinosaur
Supergirl: 2x11 The Martian Chronicles
Quantico: 2x19 MHORDER
The Flash: 2x22 Invincible
Quantico: 2x11 ZRTORCH
Arrow: 5x07 Vigilante
Quantico: 2x10 JMPALM
Arrow: 5x07 Vigilante
Supergirl: 2x10 We Can Be Heroes
The Flash: 2x07 Gorilla Warfare
The Flash: 2x09 Running to Stand Still
Arrow: 5x11 Second Chances
The Flash: 3x14 Attack on Central City (2)
Grey's Anatomy: 12x05 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?
The Flash: 3x03 Magenta
DC's Legends of Tomorrow: 2x09 Raiders of the Lost Art
Arrow: 5x11 Second Chances