


KonoSuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World!: 1x09 God's Blessing on This Wonderful Shop!

Reply by deanzel

Wow. Gotta give props to Studio DEEN with the "boob physics" in this episode. Well done. Boing/10.

And how can this masterpiece only have 10 episodes this season?!?!?! That is a crime against humanity.

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Join me in the KonoSuba Anonymous group when this ends next week. I'll be going through some baaaaad withdrawal

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x05 I Can't Use My Special Abilities

Reply by deanzel


Shout by ManiacB

I think I'm on the verge of what could be called "hate watching" this series now. I find pretty much all of the characters insufferable and the plot is infuriatingly stupid. Seriously, I don't know what could be considered "good" for this series aside from the pandering fanservice, which I think is kind of wasted if you don't even like the characters in the first place!

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I see. Right when the kawaii loli shows up as a prominent character you just happen to commit to "hate watching" this series. Real convenient...

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Myriad Colors Phantom World: 1x03 Operation Copy-Paste Memories

Reply by deanzel

Ugh, this episode sucked. I'm really not enjoying this series so far. The pseudo-science about memories in this one was way too unbelievable and badly handled. It's also one of those episodes that only thinks to start foreshadowing something just before it happens (e.g. Mai's flashback to when she was a kid, just before she happens to meet them again). Even KyoAni's normally above-average direction and visual prowess aren't enough to make this one engaging, it seems. If this was done by any run-of-the-mill studio nobody would bother watching it.

It doesn't help that thus far, none of the characters have been particularly likable or show any level of character depth. Really, the only thing this series has going for it is the fanservice and that's not really enough. One more dud episode and I think this one is dropped.

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As long as KyoAni brings us a great adaptation of Koe no Katachi and Hibike Season 2 this year, I will tolerate this show.

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Reply by deanzel

The second season of Noragami has just finished and it surpassed the first in every way. I remember really enjoying the first season but finding the final few episodes and confrontation a bit underwhelming. Well, the second season doesn't have that problem. It hits the ground running and remains consistently good throughout. Deciding to animate two arcs back-to-back with little-to-no filler in between was definitely a wise decision by Bones.

As others have already said, this series really does stand out from other more generic action/comedy shows, thanks to a likable and well-developed cast, good quality animation and of course a godly soundtrack by Iwasaki Taku (also responsible for the soundtrack in Katanagatari).

All in all I have really enjoyed Noragami thus far and I hope we get more in the future.

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Nice. I gotta finish up the second half of the first season and get to the good stuff!!

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The Legend of Korra: 4x13 The Last Stand

Reply by deanzel

KORRASAMI!!!! That was the dankest of endings. What a great series. While "The Legend of Korra" wasn't as consistently good as "Avatar", I was still very entertained and loved getting more of this world. Sequel to the sequel, please?

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Honestly, any pairing that leaves out Mako is OTP imo :P

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SHIMONETA: A Boring World Where the Concept of 'Dirty Jokes' Doesn’t Exist: 1x06 Handmade Warmth!

Reply by deanzel

Shout by sp1ti

Oh wow, they certainly are pushing it. After last weeks excess of pussy juice we're onto tutorials for home made lube, vibrators and fleshlights (the ED even features the live-action version).

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This show is amazing. Puts SSY to shame.

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Mushi-Shi: Special 5 Mushistory: Spring Pre-Broadcast Special

Reply by deanzel

It's over :( I'm going to miss this series. So beautiful.

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RIP Mushishi. Ginko & co. will always live on in my heart forever.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x02 Following the Sound of your Heart

Reply by deanzel

Meh. I liked the idea and the introduction with the first episode but this has moved at too fast of a pace. The characters don't seem flawed enough to make any kind of significant development later on and they're lovey-dovey already. It's already getting a little bit boring. I guess that I had my expectations set a bit too high for red-haired shoujo heroines after watching/reading Akatsuki no Yona.

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The actual show's pacing itself is fine. It's just the speed of the relationship development between Shirayuki and Zen seems to be way too fast and they've essentially gotten coupled up hard right from the start. I wanted to see a little bit more development or early struggles between the two. I have heard that the manga is fantastic and this is 2 seasons so I'll keep at it. Obviously, I should stop comparing it to my previous Yona-chan.

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Charlotte: 1x02 Melody of Despair

Reply by deanzel

I'm loving this show so far. I like the concept and both MCs have grown on me. Nao had some very winning kawaii moments in this one. This was a very solid 2nd episode that portrayed more of what the show will be about for the rest of the season imo. I'm looking forward to seeing what the overarching story is going to be about.

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The "Bro" life is tough. If a dumb (albeit awesome) bitch constantly carrying around a camera is blackmailing me, I'd act a little whiny and emo as well.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x01 Encounter... Changing the Color of Fate

Reply by deanzel

Shout by ManiacB

Cute first episode. Will keep watching since I loves me some shoujo :P

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Meh. It's no Akatsuki no Yona.

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Snow White with the Red Hair: 1x01 Encounter... Changing the Color of Fate

Reply by deanzel

Shout by ManiacB

Cute first episode. Will keep watching since I loves me some shoujo :P

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Is there also some Broujo?

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Charlotte: 1x02 Melody of Despair

Reply by deanzel

I'm loving this show so far. I like the concept and both MCs have grown on me. Nao had some very winning kawaii moments in this one. This was a very solid 2nd episode that portrayed more of what the show will be about for the rest of the season imo. I'm looking forward to seeing what the overarching story is going to be about.

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He's already become a "good" guy in this episode. I don't know what more that you can expect from him. I personally want him to remain a bad ass.

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Charlotte: 1x01 I Think of Others

Reply by deanzel

Not the best of first episodes to be honest. MC so far has been one of the most despicable and unlikable characters I've seen. Glad he got some comeuppance this episode but he has a LONG way to go before I have anything resembling a positive opinion of him. What an arse.

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Dude?!?!?! I love the MC. Perhaps because he reminds me of myself a bit...

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x12 Still, The Thing He Desires Is Out of Reach, And He Continues to Mistake What’s Real

Reply by deanzel

Honestly, I'm not feeling it. This "drama" just seems so contrived at this point that I've started to stop caring. I need my badass 8man back who'll trample all over people's feels. And where are my dank memes?

Iroha is da best girl tho.

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DANKroha for sure. Mah gawd... : ( ´・‿-) ~ ♥

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Amagi Brilliant Park

Reply by deanzel

An enjoyable 13 episode romp through a silly theme park with fantasy elements thrown in.

The series looks great and holds up to KyoAni's usual high quality of animation for the most part, although a couple of episodes do seem to suffer some "still frame" budget issues (which they may or may not fix in the BD releases). The comedy usually works well and the plot never gets too serious to not retain the light hearted enjoyment factor. Most of the characters are likeable and play off each other well.

This is probably KyoAni's most "fanservicey" show in recent years, although still very tame compared to some out there. Whilst it's obviously aiming primarily for the male demographic, I don't see why others couldn't enjoy it too. And hey, if you are a hetero male, all the better, as there are lots of cute girls to gawk at (Sento best).

A fun experience overall with all but a couple of episodes hitting their mark and hitting it well. Definitely one of KyoAni's best shows in recent memory.

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What am I going to do without my MEMES/SENTO?!?!

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The Interview

Reply by deanzel

Utterly ridiculous decision for Sony to cancel this movie entirely. Mercia doesn't not negotiate with terrorists. A sad day for Hollywood and the movie industry in general. Hopefully this will see the light of day and we won't get bombed by North Korea.

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"Mission Accomplished."
- George W & Sony Pictures

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

I'm inclined to only give it a "meh". Feels like a movie I would have liked if I was a little kid. There were a bunch of characters that hardly had any lines and if they spoke they described their archetype, seriously? Marvel has a tendency to shoehorn in horrible dialogue for their "universe" but that was just especially low. And whatever the romance in this is supposed to be: not buying it^2.
The production values of the movie are high so it works as a popcorn movie but all the raving comments the movie had in advance had me hoping for a good movie.
(Baby Groot is one of the worst things I ever saw on screen btw.)

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(p*◣‸◢)>========O (@sp1ti's taste =

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Silver Spoon

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

I've added my two cents about the show previously and I'm happy to say it hasimproved (even my wish of a better OP was granted). Where as most anime play it save in an detached setting, Silver Spoon keeps it's Slice of Life grounded and has characters dealing with real-life issues. The start was a bit slow imho but Hachiken keeps on growing throughout the show. If we're lucky another season will be made but this would still be an ending I could live with. It's not selling that well but the manga is still ranked highly.

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I was definitely surprised by how much I enjoyed this show. It was a very relaxing watch and a SOL that had real issues to deal with. I'm praying for a third season but I won't get my hopes up.

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Your lie in April

Reply by deanzel


Shout by ManiacB

I am cautiously hopeful for this one. I like feel and the art style shown in the PV ( and being in the noitaminA block will hopefully mean something a little bit different. The plot doesn't sound massively original but it has the potential to do some interesting things.

I'm just hoping A-1 Pictures don't screw this one up like they have with a lot of other series recently.

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I'm praying for something amazing like Nodame Cantabile. I love me my classical music although not as much as house :)

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Terra Formars

Reply by deanzel

Shout by sp1ti

For the love of Johj! No way in hell can I watch this like that. One of the only good things about Terra Formars is it's gore which is blatantly censored in every scene. It isn't just a tiny bit: 2/3 of the screen is just black because of that! Since it all boils down to fighting cockroaches with animal powers this will be an issue throughout the show. With the current pace which leaves out pretty much everything even more so.
I might check back for the BDs but it seems like a doomed adaptation anyways.

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Honestly, this looks just terrible so far to me. I think that it will take a miraculous Hail Mary for me to somehow pick this show up.

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Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works

Reply by deanzel

Just confirmed that the Fate/stay night 2014 series will cover the Unlimited Bladeworks route and there will also be a Heaven's Feel movie released later on. Whoa. That's a whole lot of Fating to come. Take a bow, ufotable. You deserve it.

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Urobutcher time has finally begun.

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Reply by deanzel

Season 2 confirmed! Prepare for more "will they, won't they" teasing and probably nothing resembling a resolution in sight :D

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I can tell you one thing as a manga reader, "You ain't seen nothing yet".

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Guardians of the Galaxy

Reply by deanzel

This movie was just pure Marvel at its best, firing on all cylinders (which means that it was absolutely spectacular). We are set off on one wild journey in a universe that not many other than the more hardcore Marvel Universe fans know of. I wasn't quite sure if this one was going to be as good as it was hyped, but I was gladly proved wrong. While Guardians of the Galaxy doesn't have quite the star power or following of The Avengers (honestly, what does?), I thought that the cast had just as good if not better chemistry during this hell of a raucous adventure. To pull off one of these large cast/group movies is no easy task. Zach Snyder, please take notes for the upcoming Justice League movie (and Batman vs Superman).

The standouts of this movie without a doubt are Chris Pratt (playing Peter Quill) and Bradley Cooper (playing Rocket) but all the characters (even the supporting ones) contribute to the hilarious dialog and tone of this movie. I never thought that I would laugh (and even shed a tear) from hearing the same line, "I am Groot" about 20 different times. Vin Diesel deserves an Oscar nomination for this one :) The humor is so good and ever-present that if I didn't know any better, I would have thought this was a summer comedy. The effects are absolutely stunning and the set pieces are quite original and brilliant.

Go watch GotG in the theaters and support this brilliant freshmen performance from this new generation of Marvel stars because, come on, "they're the Guardians of the Galaxy, bitch." I'm thrilled for this new franchise and where the new expanded universe is heading. Bring on The Avengers 2 and more Thanos!!

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And this is Chris Pratt's reaction to GotG opening to $94 million and the best August opening ever. Boom.

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His and Her Circumstances

Reply by deanzel

I really enjoyed this series, it's just a shame that it was marred by some major budget issues (some episodes are practically slide shows) and not having any kind of conclusion when it ended. Anyone who watches this and enjoys it should probably check out the Manga to find what happens next ;)

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I'm just starting to watch this series. Sub or dub for this one? I've got the Exiled-Destiny release. I usually go subs but I don't know how good they are in this case. I tried to get a sense of it on MAL and other places but had no luck.

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Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Reply by deanzel

Shout by ManiacB

Man, Atlus really need to make Persona 5 already (already announced at least). I love Persona 3 and 4 but they have been milked to the ground at this point.

I find it quite odd that they're doing another series so soon after the "original" just to cover the extra material from Golden. I mean sure, there is some, but I do wonder if there's enough to fill an entire series without a lot of filler and repeated scenes from the original series.

Oh well. I'll probably batch watch it at some point, since I'm still playing through P4G at the moment and don't want to spoil the Epilogue for myself by watching this first :P

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I've enjoyed this so far. Very little recap or covering of previous events in P4A (and the game). Most of the show focuses on the new Golden materials (at least so far). And Yu has become a complete boss in this one and much more personable.

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Persona 4 The Golden Animation

Reply by deanzel

Shout by ManiacB

Man, Atlus really need to make Persona 5 already (already announced at least). I love Persona 3 and 4 but they have been milked to the ground at this point.

I find it quite odd that they're doing another series so soon after the "original" just to cover the extra material from Golden. I mean sure, there is some, but I do wonder if there's enough to fill an entire series without a lot of filler and repeated scenes from the original series.

Oh well. I'll probably batch watch it at some point, since I'm still playing through P4G at the moment and don't want to spoil the Epilogue for myself by watching this first :P

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This is only supposed to be 12 episodes so I'm interested to see how much of it that they focus on Marie and the extra events of Golden (mainly, I want an awesome version of the Junes concert).

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Broken Blade

Reply by deanzel


Shout by deanzel

I liked the films and thought it was a cool nice take on a bit more realistic mecha war action. You really got to see how war changed people. The characters were well done and the action wasn't over-the-top with ridiculous powerups or abilities by the MC. But man... that ending was brutal. Anti-climatic and incomplete = essentially begging for a sequel (I can dream). But I guess that's what you get with an anime original ending at movie 6 when the manga material ran out. I could read the manga (and am considering it) but I'm not interested unless I know for a fact that Rygart and Sigyn end up together!!!

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After watching the TV series, this was an egregiously blatant cash grab. There were virtually no differences between the movies and the TV series except for parts of episode 10. And they kept the same anime original ending which just pales in comparison to the manga version and does not leave things as open for a sequel/continuation of the series. If you were watching this for the first time, I'd watch the movies in BD quality (along with a pretty nice dub for people who enjoy that) and just see episode 10 to see the added battle/scenes. It's still a very enjoyable show but I'm disappointed with what the creators did with this "reboot".

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The Kawai Complex Guide to Manors and Hostel Behavior

Reply by deanzel

I really enjoyed this series. It reminds me of Sakurasou ( but I enjoyed this one more. Visually it reminds me of a Makoto Shinkai film ( and that's a good thing!

In terms of the humour and the characters, I really enjoyed both. Kawai is adorable and Mayumi/Sayaka make for some very funny and likeable support characters.

It's a shame this was only 12 episodes long. The final episode isn't terrible but it could easily have continued for another cour. Hopefully we'll get a second season at some point!

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Agree completely. Kawai had a very similar feeling and setup like Sakurasou (weird cast of characters living in a house/dorm). Although, Maison Ikkoku could be considered the precursor to all this in the first place! In terms of pure entertainment, I may have enjoyed Kawai a bit more also. The humor just hit home about 90% of the time. All the characters were just full of win although my personal favorite was Mayumi but maybe because I could sympathize with her a bit :(

It definitely sucks that it was only 12 episodes as I was interested to see if the same formula would work for another cour or not. It is difficult with the format to keep things fresh but the characters are so strong that I think they could have pulled it off. Anyway, I'll add this to my already egregiously long list of shows that I hope will get a second season.

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Knights of Sidonia

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

Season 2 has been confirmed as per last episode. That is good news!

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"CG nipples" you say? SOLD!!!

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Knights of Sidonia

Reply by deanzel


Shout by sp1ti

Season 2 has been confirmed as per last episode. That is good news!

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As long as it has sufficient fanservice, I will watch anything :)

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