


From Up on Poppy Hill

This was a very well done romance movie and clearly shows that Goro Miyazaki is making strides as a director himself (Tales from Earthsea was just so convoluted). The characters are very nice (though nothing too deep) and the story goes at a nice (although at times slow) pace. The art and music are spectacular as one would expect from a Ghibli film. The only big thing that I'd like to add is to definitely watch this with the English dub. I actually found that it added a lot more to the experience with many extra added lines (there are seriously quite a few monologues/lines that are not in the Japanese version), a better translation and much more natural dialogue versus the Japanese subs (at least the retail Japanese ones that I think that I saw it with). This reminded me a lot of Whisper of Heart although not quite as developed as that classic. Anyway, this is a definite watch for any Ghibli or romance movie fan.

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Wolf Children

Mamoru Hosoda strikes again. In my opinion, this is his best overall work surpassing The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars. As Miyazaki and Ghibli seem to be slowing down a bit, Mamoru Hosoda is ready to take the torch. The concept of wolf children growing up in our world is something that I've never seen, but the themes of acceptance, finding your own path in live, and, of course, a mother's love are what truly hold and elevate this movie. The duality in the development of Yuki and Ame and where they want to end up in this world are the highlights of the film. I can't wait for the dub to be released. Go watch this ASAP.

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Castlevania: Nocturne: 1x08 Devourer of Light

"I hope I'm not too late".

You glorious bastard. You never are. You never are...

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ERASED: 1x12 Treasure

While ERASED finished on a positive note (especially with dat Airi ending!!), I can't help but feel that things were just a bit too predictable and cookie-cutter during the second half of the show. The first half of it was riveting and amazing, but the show really started to lose itself once Kayo's problem got resolved. Overall, it's a solid show and thriller, but it didn't really break any new ground especially with how everything progressed towards Yashiro being the way too obvious "ultimate villain". Also, it might have been a little rushed in the last few episodes and could have probably benefited from a 13th episode to add a little more filler and depth to the final sequences, Yashiro's motives/intentions, and the events post-time-skip.

I'll give the show a solid 7.5/10 or so. Not the greatest thing since sliced bread, but I was entertained. Plus, you can never go wrong with having too many loli characters ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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22 Jump Street

I'm not gonna lie. I laughed my ass off during 22 Jump Street (and so did the entire theater). While it might not have been as fresh as the first one, I enjoyed that the movie completely embraced the fact that it was a blatant money-making sequel and it made the movie all the better (essentially the complete opposite of how The Hangover/Crapover 2 handled it). It actually became quite a bit of the running joke and I nearly died during the credits. Hill and Tatum still have that amazing chemistry in this movie that we remember from the original and shared some pretty close and intense moments in their brolationship. This movie posed very real and deep questions that made me question my own bromosexuality and I loved every second of it. Definitely check this out if you enjoyed the first or love comedy.

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Sword of the Stranger

Sword of the Stranger was definitely an unexpectedly great movie in my opinion. The relationship between Kotaro and Nanashi is developed very well (for a movie) and helps to drive the film forward. I loved the fluid animation and exciting choreography of the action sequences and the music always seemed to fit the mood. The climatic fight/battle-royal at the end was absolutely epic. While the plot was not too original, it served its purpose in getting Nanashi to kick ass and shut many mouths. And I actually liked how the ending was kept open showing how wounded Nanashi was after the battle and that there was no nearby town. I just hope that Nanashi didn't die (although all the hints show that he probably did with this being his last sacrifice).

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When We First Met

I was kind of in the mood, so I watched this newest Netflix movie "When We First Met" with Adam Devine and Alexandra Daddario. Honestly, I kind of it enjoyed it. I'm a softie for romcoms, the Groundhog day mechanic and I love Adam Devine back from his Workaholics days, so this one was a fun watch. Don't expect anything breathtaking, other than some solid fun and shenanigans. I really liked the other female lead/co-lead as well (Shelley Hennig is her name). I haven't seen her in anything else before, but I'd definitely be interested in seeing more of her.

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Mob Psycho 100: 1x11 Master ~Leader~

Oh. Yes. Sir. One can never have enough Reigen in any episode. Fact. And now, my body is riddy for the final episode. This is my favorite portion of the buildup to the final confrontation where everything turns to pure awesomeness in the finale. Bring it on, Mob.

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Is it Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

The show that invented the "tit ribbon". Need I say more? A must watch.

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Natsume's Book of Friends

The Nastume Yuujinchou series is a powerful and heartwarming fantasy masterpiece among the anime world. I absolutely loved the series and couldn't stop watching till the very end. The quality through all 4 seasons was just superb without a hint of drop-off. The range of emotions and themes covered in Nastume Yuujinchou is beyond impressive. It would have me ROFL with Nyanko-sensei's antics in one minute to within Clannad-esque tears in the very next. However, what truly struck me was how N.Y. was able to find a duality/struggling conflict within all of these different themes and truly challenge the feelings and emotions of the viewer. This was done by creating such spectacular characters from Natsume and his family/friends down to the individual youkai that we meet for only a single episode. The creators do a magnificent job getting us emotionally invested in this world via these relatable and lovable characters. It's an amazing ride (and I hope we get another season) as we join Natsume on his journey as he learns to accept and understand his ever changing world, the people/youkai around him, and, ultimately, himself. This is right at the top of my list of must watch anime. Don't think. Just watch.

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Ouran High School Host Club

This is probably one of the funniest and most heartfelt animes out there. This is a great reverse harem show and you literally fall in love with almost every single character. They start out as your basic stereotypes but everyone has an amazing backstory that is expanded upon. Also, Haruhi is the best.

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This is the most emotional anime that I've ever seen in my life. Probably my favorite anime ever so do what ever you can to watch this ASAP.

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You're the Worst: 3x12 You Knew It Was a Snake

"Better lawyer up, bitch..."

Baller. Status. Confirmed.

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Cory in the House

Only one word could possibly describe this show:


Greatest anime of all-time. ALL-TIME.

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Parasyte -the maxim-

I finally finished the last 12 episodes in the past couple days after putting this on-hold for a few months. It was a solid show overall, 7/10, but the last quarter/third of the show was definitely not up to par with the beginning. I didn't really like how the show got so preachy at the end about "environmentalism" and precious Mother Earth. I felt like I was getting preached to by Miyazaki for the last few episodes and you could definitely tell that the manga material was a bit dated from that. Anyway, I had fun and enjoyed it but it failed to live up to the hype and the excellent start imo.

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The Last Man on Earth: 1x02 The Elephant in the Room

This was THE episode where I thought "The Last Man on Earth" really took off and came into its own. This episode set the tone for what I think will be a fantastic series. The introduction of Kristen Schaal's character added a hilarious dynamic to the whole situation. Her chemistry with Will Forte was immediately apparent. I could feel Phil's (comedic) "pain and suffering" and it made for some serious laughs. I was smirking throughout this one and the last dinner sequence in particular had me dying. This was a superb start to a very intriguing series. I've got my hopes set high and I can't wait for next week's new episode.

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Ted Lasso: 3x02 (I Don't Want to Go to) Chelsea

Trent Crimm, Richmond AFC. He back baebae!!

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Damn, Redline was one epic movie. I can't believe it took me so long to check this out. The animation is out of this world (those 7 years of production did not go to waste) and the whole movie just oozes style. I'm not even a fan of racing but this had me at the edge of my seat the whole time. Also, that OST was just bumpin'. I'm still listening to REDLINE DAY (feat. Rob Laufer) from the credits as we speak (click below). Madhouse can do no wrong.

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Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie Part III: Rebellion

Man. Mind. Blown. This was one epic movie. SHAFT took this in a completely different direction than I originally anticipated. This sequel to the series (technically the movies if you listen to the creators) really delves into our favorite magical characters but the real star of this is Homura without a doubt. I truly realized (after reading explanations online of course) the extent of her pain, suffering and love that she went through in order to "save" Madoka. She truly develops and transforms as a character throughout this movie into someone even I didn't anticipate at all.

The animation, style and action are spectacular as always with this being a SHAFT production. While I thought that the first 30 minutes of the movie were a bit slow, shit immediately got crazy after that. And that ending... You'll have to see it for yourself. There were definitely some pretty confusing parts of this movie but after taking it all in (and some outside guidance), everything really does fit together and creates a fitting sequel to the series. I liken this as the End of Evangelion for the Madoka series. Now, I'm craving for some more magical girls goodness.

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The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Well this was definitely better than the first Hobbit film as there was no hour long goblin chase scene. I found the movie to be pretty enjoyable particularly the dynamic scenes between Smaug and Bilbo, and the extended character development of Bilbo and Thorin. The action was great fun although drawn out and unrealistic/ridiculous at times (like all Peter Jackson films). Someone just has to get Peter Jackson a damn editor already. I honestly don't know what other scenes he could possibly add on to a Special Edition version (but I know that he probably has a million). Still, I'll be ready for my final trip back to Middle Earth next year.

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Elfen Lied

This is an absolutely fantastic anime that tackles very mature and graphic themes, such as discrimination, abandonment, and just pure suffering. I really liked how all these tiny pieces and story lines tied together from the beginning up until the very end (even the OVA). The relationships between the characters and the support that they build for each other from their own miserable experiences and pain are truly remarkable. It shows that good can come out of such horrible things. I will warn that this anime is incredibly graphic (gore, nudity, abuse, etc) but it's there for good reason. The story is well done and the animation does not really show its age. This is a great watch if you're in the mood for a dark anime.

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Jujutsu Kaisen: 1x12 To You, Someday

Incredible episode!! This was definitely the best episode of the entire first cour. Unfortunately it was also beyond sad and heartbreaking at times too. Fantastic animation and a great job by MAPPA of bringing this entire sequence to life.

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I finally got around to watching Interstellar after all this time last night and boy... I thought that the movie was just fantastic. I'm kind of baffled at why there is so much hate for the movie. There are maybe a couple of plot holes and inconsistencies here and there while some things go beyond the scope of "believable science" but damn if it isn't one hell of an enjoyable movie.

It's definitely on the long side but I was so engrossed throughout the entire movie that I just didn't care. Great performances by the McCounaghey and Anne Hathaway in this one along with a fantastic soundtrack. Don't listen to all the hate and watch it if you're up for one hell of an adventure (albeit a long one).

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My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: 2x10 The Thing That the Light in Each of Their Hands Illuminates

Oh lord. That Iroha scene on the train... "Take responsibility"... (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

New best girl for sure.

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 3x39 Goodbye, Morioh – The Heart of Gold

"What a beautiful duwang."

Amazing ending to an amazing season/Part of JoJo. "Part 4 - Diamond Is Unbreakable" has probably been my favorite main arc so far in the JoJo-verse due to many different factors. I loved how they varied up the Stand encounters a lot more this time around vs Stardust and Diamond had a much more vibrant and interesting story/setting. Josuke was also a fantastic new MC that harkened more back to the Joseph Joestar that I loved from Part 2. But, most importantly, Kira was just an amazing and well-fleshed out villain. Better than Dio, I daresay...

Please bring us Part 5 ASAP!!

I am wood.

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My Hero Academia: 1x05 What I Can Do for Now

Love DAT LOOK from Eraser Head!! It is literally a sick look ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

I'm very pleased with BONES's adaptation so far. They've really added a level of emotion and energy to each episode that takes the manga's original material to the next level. Without a doubt, the OST and its effective use at just the right times make the climaxes of each episode really resonate. Super pumped for the next episode as we get the legendary Bakugo vs Izuku showdown that we've been waiting for.

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Dragon Ball Super: 1x02 To the Promised Resort! Vegeta Takes a Family Trip!?

Dank. Vegeta's face when he got owned by the octopus was glorious. Can't wait for Bulma's birthday party next week. I love me my fillers.

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Dragon Ball Super: 1x01 A Peacetime Reward; Who Gets the 100,000,000 Zeni!?

I loved it but why did they make Videl so fugly?!?!?!?!

༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

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Katanagatari is one very unique and beautiful piece of art and I highly emphasize the word "art". It may not be for everyone but if you give it a chance, you may see what truly makes it spectacular. In that sense, it reminds me a lot of the Bakemonogatari series. On the surface this may seem like a simple fetch quest story about collecting these demon swords with childish character designs. However, there is so much more than what meets the eye in this series. The art and designs may seem simplistic at first but look deeper and you'll see a masterfully animated world full of tiny intricate details that just reeks of style. And hidden within are darker and thought-provoking themes of revenge, purpose, self and death.

The defining strength of this anime is the relationship and romance between Togame and Shichika in particular the witty and masterfully scripted dialogue between the two MCs. But be prepared. There is a LOT of dialogue and it very rarely stops. But as I said, the dialogue is top-notch and what drives the character development. The banter between Togame and Shichika almost never gets old whether they are piling on jokes or delving into deep philosophies. And the action (when it finally does come around between all the talking) is excellently done although it can be short at times. Each episode is 45 mins in length and this is both good and bad in a sense. It's good in that each episode's story gets fully developed and it helps drive the character development. However, it makes each episode a bit more of a challenge and a chore to go through along with the simplicity and predictability of the story, amount of talking and overly episodic nature of the series.

Still, this is a unique gem that should be watched and appreciated by all anime lovers. Katanagatari may not be for everyone but if you liked Bakemonogatari or want to try something that is a bit different, definitely give it a shot. "Cheeeeeeerioooo!"

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Dororo: 1x06 The Story of the Moriko Song, Part 2

Right in the god damn feels... This episode hit so hard even though I saw what was coming from a mile away. I'll always remember Mio and so will the gang...

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