

Orlando, Florida

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

I finally got to see this with my dad, who saw the original Star Wars in 1977 when he was 6.

We both liked it way more than The Force Awakens. It loses a tiny bit of the magic the second time around, and K-2S0 is more annoying on repeat viewings, but there's still a little bit of that good ol' Star Wars feeling I get from watching the original trilogy. Also, incredible camera work from Gareth Edwards. Love his work from Monsters (2010) and Godzilla (2014).

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Disaster Movie

I only laughed at the rabid chipmunks sketch, "Head On!" parody commercial, and Kung Fu Panda fight sequence. The rest sucks.

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Pearl Harbor

I legitimately love this film. I don't know why, but I do. Maybe I'll write a longer review later expressing why, but I love the characters, I love the staging, I love the action, I love the music, and I enjoy the story. It's another fictionalized depiction of a historical event like Titanic, but it works really well, more than what the average audience member gives it credit for. I personally recommend it.

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Across the Universe

I don't even know why, but I was incredibly bored sitting through this. I feel like I should've enjoyed it, but I just didn't. I didn't care for any of the characters or what was happening in the story, that was written around every 'Beatles' song ever made... Insteresting idea.

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Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close

This movie lied to me. Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

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High School Musical

Easily the best of all the Disney musicals. Shallow and a little boring, but innocent. The songs are catchy enough and it's cute. I guess that's all it needs. Not bad, but nothing special.

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You know that power button on your laptop? Yeah, you should try that sometime.

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The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge Out of Water

Bubbles is my senpai. Back off.

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10 Cloverfield Lane

John Goodman's performance in this rivals Jack Nicholson's from "The Shining," I'm not even kidding. Holy fuck, I love John Goodman.

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Half-Life: Escape From City 17 - Part 2

For a fan film, I couldn't have asked for better. Since I'm a die-hard fan of the Half-Life video games, this was a real treat to watch, both this and Part 1. The acting was a little hokey at times, but what more could you expect? The visuals and presentation are outstanding for a short built off of only $500.

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Happy Feet

The same guy who did all the Mad Max films made this...


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Pretty in Pink

Ducky > Blane don't @ me

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Mighty Joe Young

This has a very big soft-spot in my heart. I saw it when I was still a kid, and I absolutely loved it.

R.I.P. Bill Paxton

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The Emoji Movie

I just saw the trailer for this before The LEGO Batman movie.

I've never cringed so fucking hard in a cinema.

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The Lego Batman Movie

"All important films end with a white screen..."

While the LEGO Batman Movie is not as brilliant or clever as the original, The LEGO Movie, it's both charming and surprisingly thought-provoking. This isn't just a great silly kids film, but also a true delve into the character of Batman. This is the first time where the filmmakers actually stop the film to take a minute to talk about who Batman is as a person. In a comedic fashion, we see all his past incarnations (Yes, including the one with bat nipples), but Batman has to decide between two lives. It doesn't even make Batman out to be a villain, they flat-out say he's not the good or bad guy, but instead, troubled. He has to decide between living a life of solitude and anger, or opening up to others and accepting people back into his life.

If you have kids, I highly recommend taking them to see this. Lots of good jokes only adults will get, and plenty of funny awesome action for the little ones.

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My Fair Lady

The film that reminded me how wonderful musicals can be...

this was before La La Land came out.

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Hitman: Agent 47

I'll give this movie credit for one thing: It's a fucking blast to watch with some friends at a party. This is the perfect terrible movie to riff and bash for the entire runtime. The acting is some of the worst I've seen, sadly coming from some very talented people. The story is a blatant almost exact copy of The Terminator, and the fucking camera work + editing leaves me at a loss for words. I can't even describe how bad the editing is. You just have to see it for yourself. So, here you go. Enjoy it in all it's glorious shittiness.

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I haven't gone to SeaWorld or any kind of zoo since seeing this...

I guess it did it's job.

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It's not great, but it's the best of the entire saga by far.

They at least TRY to make it interesting by implementing horror and mystery elements. I mean, they don't last long, but I'd say the first hour of the movie is actually good. Once the mystery is over, the movie becomes a little boring. I can see why teens loved the first book.

The music and direction are great. I love the grey rained-out look of Washington, it fits the tone of the film.

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Spider-Man 2

The second best superhero film of the last twenty years or so, right behind Batman v Superman.

The philosophical questions it asks about being a superhero were pretty ambitious for the time. It makes for a fantastic story about Peter Parker having trouble dealing with his personal life, and his unassigned duty as Spider-Man, something that's expected of him by the people of New York.

It's a great film, especially an action film too. Highly recommended by me, and I'm not much of a fan of superhero stories.

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Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Dark Side of Dimensions

Now, when I rate this 4 out of 5, I'm giving it points as a Yu-Gi-Oh! fan. I grew up on the original series and the card game, so it was just a real treat to get to see all the original voice actors come back to finally do a sequel about 13 years later. It was like stepping into a time-warp, hearing the old music and seeing all of our favorite characters back.

One thing I will say is, the movie is definitely not all about Yugi or his friends. Aigami serves as the movie's lead antagonist, and it's more about his failure to his friends and his eventual consumption of powerful evil, blinded by his own hate. The movie plays it more dramatic and I think it works very well. It's a drastic turn, but the new characters combine nicely with the old.

I'd say if you're a fan of Yu-Gi-Oh! in the slightest, you'll get a lot of fun out of this movie. Lots of great duels and set pieces and it's great to see everyone back again just one more time.

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Jupiter Ascending

One of the most boring pieces of shit I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through. Holy shit, it was SO boring. This movie is the prime example why I hate Mila Kunis.

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Alone in the Dark

Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-12-03T10:40:02Z— updated 2021-01-14T12:00:27Z

It's such a cheesy, 'The Asylum' grade action film, that it becomes enjoyable. Delightful 2000's edgy garbage.

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Scooby-Doo! The Sword and the Scoob

Last five minutes ruin an otherwise fine movie. These writers need to be kicked off Scooby-Doo, especially after Return To Zombie Island. Such a vendetta against the idea that monsters could be real in this universe.

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The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Probably the best found footage movie I've seen. Not the best narrative maybe, but in terms of realism, this is the best you can get. Actually disturbing and chilling, it looks real.

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Spiral: From the Book of Saw

Hollywood really is dead and it'll only get worse.

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Evangelion: 3.0+1.0 Thrice Upon a Time

This is honestly pure art. One of the best anime films ever made.

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Everyone wants to be David Lynch without putting in the effort. This is the perfect horror film to watch if you're a dyssemic Redditor whose wife's boyfriend is coming over and you need to waste some time.

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Notes from Melanie

Chris Stuckmann's self-insert gets upset Hollywood doesn't like him for a few minutes. The dude is so desperate to break out and make it like David F. Sandberg or other artists whom have shown their prowess on a larger scale, but repeatedly has shot himself in the foot time and tell with his shorts. I don't see any potential with him. There isn't some genius waiting to burst out when given the right budget and resources. He lashes out and simps up in his YouTube videos as an alternative, saddened by his current state of inadequacy. He's an even more pathetic version of James Rolfe, almost found his calling in life, but realized he wasn't good enough.

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The Garfield Movie

I think I finally understand the phrase "made for the iPad generation" now. What a weird f*cking movie.

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