

Orlando, Florida

Battle at Big Rock

That... that fucking rocked. badum tiss

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All the people giving this film lower reviews legit don't understand it. This is one of the greatest blockbusters ever crafted, not just in it's visuals, but writing.

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Career Opportunities

This feels like an extended television episode, like if John Hughes started making a series. Not much depth to the script outside some very basic character dynamics. The drama comes out of nowhere. Two guys just come in to rob the Target store, but they have no set up or real connection to the characters. Home Alone handled this much better. There are a number of (rather pointless) montage scenes, and set to hit songs of the time, which can be enjoyable, but add nothing to the story. I'd say only give this a watch for Jennifer Connolly (mostly for her looks), and if you want to get nostalgic over the time period. It definitely is a time capsule type film.

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Michael Jackson's Thriller

They're playing this timeless music video in front of The House With A Clock In Its Walls right now, in IMAX 3D no less. The remastering done to it is exquisite. For example, you can see the individual particles of dust in the shines of light peering into the house. You can see the dirt and gravel on the street. The detail is out of this world, and it belongs on the giant screen. The 3D effect was an interesting little bonus, but only added depth of field, and not much of a pop. The short film and music video is classic, a staple of pop culture, so there's no sense in me reviewing it specifically. It's the embodiment of classic horror and the overall mood of the 1980's. I can see why Universal sought to put this in front of Eli Roth's film, which heavily relies on a classic aesthetic, using the 70's Universal and Amblin logo to add to the atmosphere. I welcome the addition and I welcome showing an amazing music video like Thriller in the theater. Let's do more of these, please!

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This is clearly a Steven Spielberg movie (and with the statement from the camera operators confirming it), but I ain't complaining. Tobe Hooper already has my deepest respects for The Texas Chain Saw Massacre 1 & 2, so it doesn't matter how much involved he was for Poltergeist. The result is still a fun film to pop on during the Halloween season and get wrapped up in the sensational characters and set pieces. I wanted to catch up on this for Halloween Horror Nights as I had never seen this before. I have to say, the shot choices are excellent. The contrast with the figures silhouettes against the bright blue light illuminating from the portal, is a beautiful sight. Despite it's 80's effects and compositing, it adds to the cheesy charm of an otherwise dramatic film. This was The Conjuring of it's time; the parents concerned for their child kind of gives off the same vibe. I'm glad I got around to it and it's definitely going into my collection. What else to say? It's a Spielberg classic.

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This is 2018's The Snowman. Nothing else to say.

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On Your Mark

I don't ever give out ratings to short films, only features, but I'm making an exception for On Your Mark. How Miyazaki managed to make my heart heavy for three characters I knew for all but six minutes, none of whom speak, is a feat I don't think anyone has done before, for me, in a short. Using the lovely music as a backdrop was incredibly ingenious and added another layer to the emotion. This could easily be a feature, and that's my only issue with it, is there's a lot that happens, just wishing it was a tad longer to extend some of the events. It gets the job done. If you missed this, watch it now here, you won't regret experiencing it. You'll have the song stuck in your head.

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Not the worst offense of the year, but nothing we haven't seen before. Only this time, thrown in some more lecturing and dated humor. The amount of vulgarity expressed in the movie is to be expected, and it will please some crowds just of how up-front it is, but it wears thin. The biggest compliment I can give Blockers is it really trudges ahead to make likable characters. Ike Barinholtz is a funny dude, Leslie Mann really tries her all, but whenever a "dramatic" moment was happening, I couldn't take it seriously. It's a comedy, yes, but the fake tears and arguments about gender politics just came across as hamfisted and :sleepy::zzz:. At least Kay Cannon has done her research about the internet. To all my 4chan anons reading this, there's a character in this movie named Chad, who wears a fedora, owns a samurai, and eats Cheetos.

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The Hurricane Heist

It's Sharknado without the sharks, directed by the guy who did the original The Fast And The Furious... shame. That's all I've got to say, no one saw this movie any-ways, probably no one cares about this "review." I must say, the amount of continuity errors in the final chase scene, which is proudly displayed on the poster, is off the charts. The whole finale happens in the eye of the hurricane, that means the storm clouds should be encapsulating on all sides. However, because the dozen or so studios who financed this hurricane-scale proportions of a mess must've run out of budget money, the effects are clearly missing for over half the shots. Any shot that shows ahead of the truck, not behind, the cloud wave is missing. I suppose they assumed any braindead audience members just wouldn't care? In any circumstance, it's an unforgivable over-sight. It's unfortunate the entire movie is not stupid enough to be an enjoyable disaster. I'd rather sit through another real hurricane, infinitely more entertaining.

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The Snowman

Thanks to 4chan, this movie is now so bad it's funny.

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Snow Steam Iron

To think, Zack Snyder made a more visually interesting movie with his iPhone than Marvel does with IMAX cameras. This short speaks volumes about the movie-making process.

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Alien: Covenant - Prologue: The Crossing

Why wasn't this in the actual fucking movie? This is better than everything else that was in that trash Ridley Scott wrote.

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Bowling for Columbine

I remember we watched this in Film class about manipulation in documentary. And I think that exercise still holds up. I don't see why audiences defend this cheat, especially given Moore's recent releases like "Michael Moore in Trumpland." He's the living embodiment, yes, the physical definition of bias-ism in film. Every single one of his films are filled to the brim with one-sided arguments and strawman points, and that's why I think his movies are fascinating to examine. No, not for the content itself, but how Moore constructs his movies. I'm amazed people still pass this guy off as some kind of genius. He's a hack artist, but a good one, I'll admit. I could list off point by point examples in his movies, like the lie about healthcare in Canada, but it'd take too long. Just don't bother with his movies for anything other than film analysis.

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Don't Breathe

What a great thriller. It doesn't go that far beyond it's concept, but it still kept me engaged and on the edge of my seat, guessing what was going to happen next.

From the people behind Evil Dead, and the amazing Sam Raimi, is a very effective horror?/thriller burglar movie. The direction from Fede Álvarez is just as great as he always is. Lots of panning long takes and a vivid color scheme, even for a movie that takes place in a dark, moody house. I wasn't necessarily terrified at what I was watching, but plenty of new scenarios kept coming up that interested me the entire runtime. The night-vision scene in the basement is one of the coolest sequences I've seen executed in quite awhile.

There's plenty of little twists and turns here and there, maybe a little predictable at parts, but nonetheless, still a very exciting and worthwhile suspense feature.

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Fed Up

Still a great documentary that shaped my way I view food. In the past year, I've lost 40 pounds thanks to motivation from this eye-opening movie. Whether it be effective for you or not, it's still worthy of checking out. Well put together with plenty of interesting interviews and well documented verifiable research. Some people will argue the whole "Calories-In Calories-Out" debate, but I say, this movie still delivers a hopeful and positive message.

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Oz the Great and Powerful

As someone who absolutely adores both Sam Raimi and the original The Wizard of Oz film from 1939, it's a shame how painfully average and sometimes cringe-inducing this movie is. It's nowhere near a bad movie, but it could've been so much more. James Franco has no distinct or interesting personality, Mila Kunis was a fucking atrocious choice for the wicked witch of the west, and the CGI sidekicks were annoying at best.

Raimi, I love you. I expect much more from you. I love all your other movies, but this one... dang.

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Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules

I can't believe I'm saying this... but this movie is actually not that bad. In fact, it's pretty dang good at parts.

One of the extremely rare cases where the sequel to a shitty film actually improves on every aspect. It's funny, it's got heart, it's got drama, it's got everything. It's probably the best a 'Wimpy Kid' movie is going to get being on the big screen.

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Does anyone know what happened to Henry Selick? I've looked all over this site, wikipedia, and IMDB, but I haven't found any results for films past 2009. It says he's working with Pixar on projects, but he's not credited with anything past 2009. Is he under a contract with Disney now? What exactly is he doing? Animating? Then why is he not getting credit? I want to know, because I love this man, and I'm not seeing more of his talent come out.

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Inside Out

I think the beginning and the end are the best parts. Everything in the middle is mediocre and forgettable. It's not a bad kids movie, and it's certainly okay to like it, but I just found all the stuff in the middle really lame. It's just Joy and Sadness trying to get back to the control tower. Sure, there was some cool stuff with Riley and her downfall as a character, but some of it is inconsistent and doesn't make sense according to the logic set up at the beginning of the movie.

It's not bad, but nothing I'd ever rewatch. Typical modern Pixar.

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Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-03-03T03:08:24Z— updated 2021-02-07T08:45:39Z

Without Phil Collins, this movie would lose a lot of it's soul.


I love the soundtrack.

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Wreck-It Ralph

Shout by filmtoaster
BlockedParent2020-03-03T03:17:39Z— updated 2021-02-07T08:44:57Z

In my opinion, Disney's last good animated feature. Ralph just wants to be given praise and admiration like his co-worker, Fix-It Felix. But instead, Ralph is left to sleep in the garbage while Felix gets to live in a tower suite. Ralph eventually decides he's had enough and runs off into another arcade game to earn a medal, hoping that people back home at his own game will treat him with respect because of it. However, things turn south and the end of the arcade could be near if Ralph doesn't get back to his own game in time.

A very sweet and surprisingly deep film for a story about video game characters in an arcade. It's actually brilliant. The writers clearly have a knowledge of how video game machines work and how to speak in game lingo. This allows the movie to reference other games in a more subtle and genuinely clever light. I won't spoil any of them, but it's quite a treat, especially if you're a game fan. Even if you aren't, the film offers a very heartfelt and sometimes sad story about a bad guy who just wants to be good.

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Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Looking back at seeing this in the theater, this is an unfortunately extremely forgettable and pointless spin-off. Nothing of interest or conflict happens. Newt has to get his creatures back... and that's it. Movie's over.

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Spy Kids 2: The Island of Lost Dreams

"Do you think... God stays in heaven, because he too lives in fear of what he's created?"

A Spy Kids movie should not get this deep.

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Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Finally getting to see this movie again, I forgot how many good things were in this. I was especially surprised at how convincing the child actors were in their roles. I thought Jim Carrey could be annoying at times, but it's actually not a bad adaptation like everyone makes it out to be. Definitely better than Nickelodeon's other movies based on books.

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Super 8

It's fun, but forgettable, and that really sucks. I want to give it a higher rating.

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Sex scene is the best part of the film, not a high bar, but there's no point to it. Some decent score and production design, but overall a bore.

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Better Off Dead...


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The Disappearance of Alice Creed

I watched this for a screenwriting class; it's not the first thing I would recommend to my students, but there's enough here to appreciate. There's no dialogue for the first, maybe, ten minutes; it's a montage of the two kidnappers very elaborately setting up their apartment room where they will hold their victim ransom. The script has enough twists, turns, and raw performances to keep you interested. Because the movie starts out with the two kidnappers and spends most of the time with them, you end up feeling for them at a couple spots (I won't spoil what the reveals are, they actually will take you by surprise). What enhanced my viewing of this immensely was turning on the Saw soundtrack over most of the movie; you should try it to. Like Saw, the majority of the runtime takes place in one room, or here, one house. It's not the most original script ever, but it kept me engaged to a degree where I didn't want to turn it off, and that's high praise from me.

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Donnie Darko

Was not expecting to like this one as much as I did. I don't think it's a masterpiece or like the greatest movie ever, but that's not to say I was fully intrigued and focused on it from beginning to end. Enough engaging sequences and surprisingly funny scenes brought this psychological ride to the level that I would consider to be great. I don't necessarily get the huge fan-base it's gotten, but I could see it as more of a cult hit. It's a bizarre movie and not one I'll probably revisit soon, but I'm glad I saw it. When Donnie ripped into Jim Cunningham, I was on the verge of laughing my ass off. That scene alone earns this movie at least four stars.

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Scooby-Doo! and the Cyber Chase

A shame not many kids nowadays know about this movie. I fucking loved it as a kid. It's still enjoyable today, as an adult.

What I can never understand is the timeline inconsistencies in these cartoons. The Scooby gang came out in the 60's. They were groovy hip teenagers in the 60's, that's who they were. But now in this movie, here they are in the early 2000's, they're the same age, and they're in the Gameboy and computer age... They jumped forward in time? They don't age?

Same problem with The Simpsons. They came out in the 80's with the NES-like video games, but now in 2017, they're the same age and they're dealing with GPS'... yeah, cartoon characters never age.

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