

Oslo, Oslo County

Loki: 2x01 Ouroboros

“You have… ONE hour!”
“You have… five… minutes”


Finally back! I missed this

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Tiger King: Murder, Mayhem and Madness: 1x02 Cult of Personality

Astonishes me time and time again how much of a madhouse the USA is.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x01 Three Robots: Exit Strategies

“And thanks for all the fish” aww always love this.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x08 In Vaulted Halls Entombed

Ooo who doesn’t love the “creepy alien things hidden away in caverns” thing.
Also, hail chthulhu :upside_down:

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x07 Mason's Rats

Christ on a bike!
This was an intense un.

And omg. “I salute your courage sir”
This was incredible :joy:

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The Queen's Gambit: 1x01 Openings

What a strong opening.
Loved the visuals, loved the story telling. Loved her shattering 12 teenage boys at once.

The only minor detail I got hung up on (because I do do that) was how her as a child just grabs two pills and swallows them without water like she's a pro. It took me ages to get used to swallowing pills that size. Without water, longer.

So we're starting right at the end of the season/story and then jump to "how it began" and work our way toward it?

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Locke & Key: 1x05 Family Tree

Riiiight, so You’re just going to tell a stranger about this magical box that can control people AND let them use it? W... ow. Stupidity at its peak. I get so mad at stupidity.

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Sex Education: 2x01 Episode 1

“Wash your hands you dirty little pig!!!”
“I didn’t do a poop, I was crying.”
“Oh... well I hope you’re ok.”
“Thank you.”
“... what an odd little man...”

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Midnight Mass: 1x03 Book III: Proverbs

It’ll take a miracle for Bev to shut up, or better, fade into oblivion… but apparently this is a show of miracles so I shouldn’t lose hope yet! Right?

RE Pruitt: My first instincts called it. Nice.

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Sex Education: 2x03 Episode 3

Loving this season.

Rahim and Eric on the dance machine were just about the sweetest thing.
Jakob has started to annoy me. I don’t like when people act like they own someone else’s place. There’s a time for that, but I don’t feel that time has come yet.

Poor Aimee. It’s so typical. You think you’re the one inconveniencing everyone because well, it’s just a sneeze, but then you suddenly find yourself invaded and scared and triggered. Woop.

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Lupin: 1x05 Chapter 5

And what do we learn from this?
Always keep a (stolen) diamond in your pockets, it might come in handy some time.

But there's noooo way that guy got to the precinct, them figuring out he was innocent, and made it all the way back there to abduct Raol. Such a silly plot hole, not happy. If there had been two guys, sure. But not like this.

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Vikings: 6x07 The Ice Maiden

What a magnificent funeral. What a way to go meet the gods. In some way for her, that is the most beautiful thing. It’s always just those left behind, bereft, that suffer from death.
I was weeping throughout, but toward the end I stopped weeping and just fucking cried haha.

Wondering if anyone could watch this without weeping. But then again, such a someone would fall into the natural selection of “not a friend”

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x04 The Majestic 12

All right, now Ray's reaction from last episode made more sense. It wasn't because of her powers, it was because he thought she's betrayed them all. That's "better".
Interesting to see more about the "crazy lady".

I loved the scene with Vanya and the water. So well done and beautifully executed. Thinking she might have been able to expel the water from his lungs easier than the way she did, just vibrate them out.

Yet the more I watch this the luckier I feel for not having lived in the 60s. Sheesh, what a messed up time. I mean it's messed up now, as well. Maybe it'll always be messed up in one way or another.

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Sex Education: 2x08 Episode 8

Great season finale.

“You can put me down now”... awww. I loved that.

But uuugggghhh why do people have to be such immature, manipulative assholes. Goes right along with the “once an asshole, always an asshole”. That disabled kid has got problems. In the mind.

So many new story lines developing. I love Jean’s. And that short conversation between Jakob and Otis. Jakob could be the father figure Otis never had. He’s super annoying but also so very caring.

Feeling really sad about the “losers” of this season though. Shitty things happening to the best people.

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Sex Education: 2x05 Episode 5

“You dont end up in bad situations, you make bad decisions.”
Yupp. No excuse.

Also that neighbour in the wheelchair. Unpopular opinion but only because you’re in a wheelchair doesn’t give you a free card to be an asshole. But w/e they’ll probably start liking one another or something.

“Vaginal pleasure doesn’t diminish with age or lack of contact.” Noooo, but it can by trauma and other mental issues, which I suspect “not getting touched by your significant other for 6 years while longing for a physical relationship” might provoke. Strongly.

Yikes. Remi’s got some problems. He came off so differently in the first season. Like he’s really mellowed.

”I want a divorce” yeeeeeee, you go girl! Good for you!
Nice fade into a sort of “your bowl my mangos” kind of image.

And I absolutely loved the ending. Ola really has been annoying me way more lately. And she used to be so cool.

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Ozark: 3x07 In Case of Emergency

Marty and Wendy's reaction to Ruth and how "things have been dealt with" is incredibly annoying. [spoiler]Or Marty just telling Frank that the cuts are tied, when they made a big deal out of her being untouchable in the first place. It's been heavily violated, and their official take on it is to "cut ties", that's some bullshit. Wendy's had more backbone than Marty the past few episodes, I hope she'll do something about it. As messed up as that sounds.

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Squid Game: 1x05 A Fair World

So the games have been going on forever. Or at least, 20 years. That's insane! With hundreds of people missing, someone would have to have noticed? ... Well. It's fiction. Still, doesn't entirely hold up.

My guess is/was that his brother whom he is so feverish looking for isn't actually a player (anymore), but in fact the leader. The leader has to be some character we "sort of" know, or at least that's what I'm expecting – instead of an entirely new character. We know little to nothing about the precious brother, but we know of the leader that he's all about equality and "giving people a chance". Putting all common ethics and morals aside. That'd be quite a twist, if that were him.

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Snowpiercer: 1x08 These Are His Revolutions

Funny how it's all been built up to you cheering for the tailies, but then you get this far, and you, or at least I, can't say entirely that I don't feel Melanie is doing a good job with what she's doing. So the idea of complete chaos or her being thrown under the train, figuratively speaking, isn't appealing to me either.

Now they're all like "I want her to pay, I want her to pay", not realising the simple fallacy that what you're trying to make her pay for is her taking over Wilford's job, and keeping y'all goddamn alive ffs. Maybe rather strictly so, but that might just all have been exactly like Wilford would have done. People being all like boohoo you deceived us is just stupid.

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After Life: 2x05 Episode 5

These bench-conversations are all really so, so good. I've been so terribly moved by way too many of them.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x06 Chapter Twenty-Six: All of Them Witches

I don’t get the logic behind Zelda turning Lilith away. They ARE worshipping her, plus why put both the dark lord and Lilith against them? That doesn’t make sense. If she were so focussed on saving her coven then that is not a good choice to make whatsoever.

Spider-Hilda looks horrifying. I love it. Like a homage to the Fly. I just hope she’s not the widow type... that would be just sad.
But also fault in logic her, “nothing that can be done”, no. No, you could make peace with who put a curse on you on the first place. Curse 101.

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Normal People: 1x11 Episode 11

Another beautiful, heartbreaking episode. Heart breaking, and healing.

The worst is the mother really. Just sitting there, all the time, while her brother is abusing her. Her entire life, the one person who is supposed to be there for you and fight for you like an angry tiger, she let her live in this toxic, unsafe environment and didn’t bat an eye. What a despicable person.

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The Witcher: 2x06 Dear Friend...

Come ON. you can do a lot of things in this show that is… not right not still somewhat ok, but I can’t forgive what you decided to do with Roach. Geralt isn’t Geralt without Roach.

Glad they brought up unicorns though. At least somethings canon. Did enjoy the fighting scene too.

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The Umbrella Academy: 2x09 743

That little detail of five standing on top of the suitcase to peek over the fence... so precious.
Wondering what that connection between Vanya and Harlan really is. Peculiar.

And... oh shit, what a reveal toward the end.

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Peaky Blinders: 4x05 The Duel

Mr Solomon’s is so great in this episodes. Italians trying to make deals with a Jew. That was kind of beautiful to watch.

Tommy Shelby, why not.
I also really enjoy how desperately Tommy tries to get an opinion about his gin, and all he’s gotten so far is “too sweet” “not sweet enough” and “it’s okay” hahaha. The poor man. I hope he meets someone this season who will tell him just exactly how to make it right.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 2x02 Chapter Twenty-Two: Drag Me to Hell

Anyone else here suspecting new kid Robin to be some kind of old Pagan god? Maybe a trickster god. But I may just have a thing for crazy hair and trickster gods in my head hahaha.

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The Boys: 1x04 The Female of the Species

That dolphin thing might have traumatised me a little.


She ain’t no spice girl either.

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Love, Death & Robots: 3x09 Jibaro

This is one of my favourite ones of this season! I loved the mystical feel, the way they play with sound and silence and the entire folkloristic aspect.
“A woman scorned..?” I wonder about him regaining his ability to hear when he drank the bloody water. It didn’t seem like a conscious decision of hers to do just that, as she seemed a little surprised to see him again. But I suppose it was. Try to love one little fool, but they’re all the same in the end. So back into the scornful dance we go. I was surprised to see she actually had a face under that mask.

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Grace and Frankie: 7x16 The Beginning

What an end! This show managed to again make me weep. Brilliant ending. In a beginning.

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After Life: 3x01 Episode 1

“Science makes us understand how to live longer. Feelings… make us want to.”

(Or not)
I’ve missed this show.

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Lupin: 1x04 Chapter 4

This is making me watch all the Lupins and read all the books. Aka, a work well done.
I love how he's playing Horizon Zero Dawn with his kid, too. Great choice. Although not sure which version had the option to play with others. Unless... unless this is exactly like "remember when you were a kid and your big brother let you hold a controller while you were playing"... maybe dad's just holding a controller :rofl:

I agree with the video discrepancies though that others pointed out. Someone with his skills and level would have copied or digitalised the tape. I get that for authenticity he'd bring the original, but they manipulated it anyway. But... backup of a vital piece of evidence is crucial. If he doesn't have it, here's the first real disappointment in the show.

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