


Strange Days

A fantastic cyberpunk action/thriller with a decent mystery. Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett (particularly Angela Bassett) are amazing in it. Even Juliette Lewis, despite not being the best actress in the world, is perfect for her role.

Also, the best New Year's movie ever, and a fine chaser to Christmas's Die Hard marathon. Make a new tradition today!

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@ladysorka oh, that explains it haha. I feel you. I am having a (different) problem with Kodi myself and gave up on fixing it :')

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Strange Days

A fantastic cyberpunk action/thriller with a decent mystery. Ralph Fiennes and Angela Bassett (particularly Angela Bassett) are amazing in it. Even Juliette Lewis, despite not being the best actress in the world, is perfect for her role.

Also, the best New Year's movie ever, and a fine chaser to Christmas's Die Hard marathon. Make a new tradition today!

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@ladysorka 216 plays, are you kidding me? :laughing:

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The Flight Attendant

If I have read all the reviews here instead of at Imdb, I would have never bothered to turn my TV on to watch it. And it would be a mistake, because it is funny and engaging, acting is excellent, fresh editing really good for the action's tempo, For me it was great fun.

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@jerzyjerzy Same here. I did not expect much before I watched it, so I was positively surprised.And tbh it shows how Cuoco's talents were wasted on BBT.

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The Vast of Night

Not a movie for everyone.

If you want lasers, explosions and monsters in your sci-fi this is not for you.

If you want creepy atmosphere, dialogs and good acting it's a perfect fit.

The movie is not perfect still.

The premise of a local radio getting strange reports from callers around the town is reduced very quickly to only two main calls.
I would have preferred to listen to more callers and have the tension and realization of what was happening building up a little slower than it was.
Also the black and white TV show thing didn't resonate well with me. If they limited that to the introduction it would have been better.
Still a solid 7 for me.

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@canardu I had the same feelings about the TV visuals. And I did not really understand the point of it either, which made it kind of a questionable decision to me.

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My Neighbor Totoro

Great Miyazaki film with a lovely fairy tale storyline. If only the kids voices weren't so screamish. This made my overal enjoyment of the movie drop :(

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@beedelljulianlockhartroke Japanese (I always watch original dub if possible.)

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"What would you prefer, yellow spandex?"

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But he never got it... xD

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I don't even know where to start. Enemy was one of my most anticipated films for this year. It is based on José Saramago's book called "The Double" (in its original Portuguese title "O Homem Duplicado") and it was constantly delayed here in Portugal but now I understand why the wait. They wanted to release it at the 4th year anniversary of the death of José Saramago, winner of a Literature Noble Prize in 1998 and one of our the greatest Portuguese writers ever! It was a beautiful homage, afterall this country unfortunately did not praised him as much as he deserved during his life. He had his very own philosophies, he was a very peculiar and different man. He was against Catholic Church and in a country where most of people are catholics, he was not very well regarded and I think his writing was damaged before the eyes of a country that sometimes cannot see through differences. I look at the writer not at the man, everyone is free to think whatever they want but well, that's another story. Now back to the film!

Enemy is a very complex thriller, very nightmarish and dark with an absolutely engaging atmosphere that will twist your mind and oh, how do I like this kind of mind-f*cking films! As a film that is based on a José Saramago's book and I know that he is a very metaphoric writer, who liked to makes us pull things from our head, mixing reality with mere thoughts, I knew that I would have to pay very attention to all of the details and that's what I did.
I also loved the claustrophobic feeling in the air, it's almost like we are trapped into the film and the absolutely creepy and dreadful soundtrack helps to create that feeling.
There are some things left hovering the air but I have a pretty strong theory for this story. This is a film that requires more than one viewing and I believe that can become more special to us in each visualization. Is very difficult to talk about it without spoiling anything. I think it is a film which is best experienced and then discussed.

What can I say more about Jake Gyllenhaal that I haven't said before? He must be one of the most underrated actors ever and he is so amazing! I can't remember to had seen a single bad performance from him. Once again he shines and what can be better than have, not one but two Jake Gyllenhaals?

I don't see everyone enjoying this film, some might think it is too slow or too boring. Some will feel very bothered with the atmosphere and with what they are watching but for me worked even better than what I was expecting.
Denis Villeneuve amazed me with Prisoners, one of my favorites of last year and he amazes me again with another fantastic work directing Enemy.

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Definately a movie you have to watch multiple times. At the end of the movie I was like, What?? xD

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Reply by Lainfan


Shout by

It was a good movie, but couldn't they just release the bomb midair?

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No, and this was explained in the movie. The bomb has a trigger that responds on pressure. Normally when the trigger is removed it explodes because the pressure is taken off. The pressure outside of a plain is always lower so it would've exploded immediately after throwing it out, or probably already when opening a door/window. Not even considering the option how to do that safely :P

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Berlin Calling

One of the better Dance industry related movies.

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If you enjoyed this, check out 'It's All Gone Pete Tong'

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The Suicide Squad

Bloodsport: “Nobody likes a showoff.”

Peacemaker: “Unless what they showing off is dope as fuck.”

James Gunn recently said in an interview that he finds superhero movies “mostly boring” right now. Anything ranging from safe and boring or technically well-made but disposable, at best. Gunn received at bit of heat from fans for those remarks, but in some sense, he’s not wrong. Because sometimes following the same formula will eventually wear fin and more risk taking needs to happen.

And here we have ‘The Suicide Squad’, the soft reboot to the 2016 film, but this time directed by Gunn himself, where he delivers a highly entertaining movie that is bursting with creativity and ultra-violence. James Gunn once again shakes up the superhero formula with a slick style. I’m just glad DC is finally letting directors have a voice and a vision, and I hope it stays like that.

The first 10-15 minutes tells you exactly what the movie is going to be.

I just can't believe we got something like this. It's 2 hours and 12 minutes long, but it's always on the move. It’s bonkers from start till finish, and I enjoyed every minute of it. This is probably one of the best shot movies in the DCU. The soundtrack is great as well and used effectively. The action scenes were insane and made the overall experience one of the most fun I had at the cinema in a long time.

A massive improvement over the 2016 film, AKA ‘the studio cut’, is that the movie doesn’t look ugly and isn’t chopped together by trailer editors. The movie is vibrant in colours that made it look pleasing to the eye. The structure at times is messy, and yet strangely well-paced, as there’s a lot going on.

Did I mention the movie is very gory? It’s cartoonish violence, or what people call "adult superhero movie", so it's not for kiddies or for the faint of heart. You would probably guess that not everybody on the team is going to make it to the end credits, so deaths are to be expected, but how certain characters “bite the dust” are so unexpectedly gruesome and brutal, it took me by surprise each time. The marketing for the movie was right, don’t get too attached. As I said before, James Gunn had complete creative control over the movie, and he doesn’t hold back on what he wrote and show on screen. But then again, it's a movie, it's not real, the actors who die on screen are fine in real life...I think.

All the cast members have equal amount of time to shine, and you like these super villains this time around, as each character had wonderful chemistry with each other. John Cena plays Peacemaker, who can be best described as a “douchebag version of Captain America”. An extreme patriot who will do the most horrific things for liberty. John Cena excels in the deadpan line delivery for comedic effect, but surprisingly enough, worked well in the serious moments. Looking forward to the spin-off show ‘Peacemaker’.

Margot Robbie once again nails the role of the chaotic but gleeful Harley Quinn. While the character isn’t front and centre this time around, more of a side character, but whenever the character is on screen, it’s instantly memorable.

Idris Elba plays Bloodsport, a contract killer who’s doing time in prison after failing to kill Superman with a kryptonite bullet, while also dealing with family issues, especially with his daughter. While the character may sound like Will Smith’s Deadshot from the 2016 film, but trust me, the execution here is much stronger. This is by far Elba’s best work in a while. Charismatic and a strong leading presence.

Polka Dot Man, played by character actor David Dastmalchian, a socially awkward, weird, and lame sounding character that has some serious mummy issues, which has a funny running visual gag throughout. However, because of Gunn’s writing and Dastmalchian's performance, the character is more than a joke, but a unique character to watch.

Ratcatcher 2, played wonderfully by Daniela Melchior, who brought so much warmth and heart to the film. I loved how they tied in her tragic backstory into the finale, as it honestly made me cry. And let’s not forget the king himself, King Shark, voiced by Sylvester Stallone. He stole every scene he’s in, because he’s so adorable and has such kind eyes, but when he’s hungry, he can be a killing machine.

The rest of the supporting cast, even in the smaller roles, still manage to stand out amidst all the chaos. I liked Joel Kinnaman as Rick Flag a lot more this time around, because the actor was given more to work with in terms of good material. Viola Davis is brilliant as the cold and ruthless Amanda Waller. And Peter Capaldi is always a pleasure to see. Also, I like the character of Weasel, who I can describe as a unholy offspring of Shin Godzilla and Rocket Racoon. He may not be beautiful to look at, but he's beautiful to me.

Like ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’, the movie has a lot of heart and I like how they took certain characters, who on page sound stupid and ridiculous but are handled with such love and depth, while also being self-aware of its own characterization.

You can literally watch this as a standalone movie and you won’t be lost or confused, as you don’t need to watch 22 other movies to understand it. This is by far the strongest entry in this jumbled mess of a cinematic universe.

Overall rating: Nom-nom!

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@bradym03 I agree mostly with your review, however my main complaint is that I found the editing horrendous at times. Some scenes are too chaotic, camerawork is sometimes questionable and there are utmost unsettling cuts. It is definitely nice to see the artistic freedom the director is given, although it not always succeeds in this case.
Some smaller complaints; The finale was a bit weird, especially in the coloring, making it feel somewhere between serious or some kind of Legends of Tomorrow's Beeboo level joke. Some characters were a bit underused and flat, but for this type of movie I would not expect too much in that area anyway. Overall it is way better than its predecessor, which makes this a success in my book.

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Don't Look Up

This movie would be way funnier if we weren't living it.

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@teogramm The Comedy version of this movie is the in 2006 released 'Idiocracy'

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Jungle Cruise

To be blunt its just a bit of a waste of Emily's talent

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Amazing. A very original scenario, perfectly executed until the end. It all makes sense, but still leaves a lot of open questions for your imagination.

The main actors are ok, they do the job, but the supporting ones are amazing. The whole beginning sequence with Martin is so weird and hilarious, a perfect intro into the movie. The kid is also creepy as fuck, with a little help from voice over he's just perfect.

The design of the house is also the perfect fit of trying to create something ideal but with no understanding of how things are supposed to be, the whole thing is uncanny valley to the max, just as much as Martin is.

And the whole situation raises lots of questions, what's the correct behavior ? It's rapidly obvious that the kid is not human, so what do you do ? Can you trust them ? Are you sure you'll be released ? Are you helping an alien invasion or something like that ? Should you not stop it ? Or maybe the other way around, if you manage to raise the kid normally, with love and everything, there's a chance it would end up being a good thing ?
What if you killed it ? So many other scenarios to try other than the one chosen by the characters.

Do everybody behave the same way ? Does everybody dig their own grave ? How many instances ? How many time did this happen ?

So yeah, not only is this a very original, complete and captivating story, the whole concept is just genious and leave so many other possibilities to think about when the movie ends. It's new, it's weird, it's fun. Definitely a masterpiece.

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@fly_ As of the time of the story, (at least) 8900 times, there is a receipt at the final scene.

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Don't Look Up

Funny and also worrying. Idiocracy 2.0 in my opinion, much more grounded in what's actually happening in the world right now.

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@mynsc This was my exact thinking.

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Review by Blakblu
BlockedParentSpoilers2017-04-02T11:14:11Z— updated 2017-04-04T09:04:27Z

Smartest creature ever. Super adaptable, evolutionary. This is by far the bad assiest being ever imagined. The science in the movie was up to my extremely lofty standards. For the first time, ever in a horror movie, this thing could theoretically actually exist makes the movie extremely interesting. The main reason I gave it a 9, is due to the fact, they should have sacrificed the first guy, immediately. I had one other issue, but that would tip spoilers. Other than that, this is a great, thrilling, mind bender of a horror sci-fi movie.

And for those who ridiculously state this was "like Alien". This movie had a super intelligent, highly evolved bacteria. This was never done before. Actual physics and biology was implemented. It wasn't just some creature out of the mind of a teenager. The crew were attempting to contain and survive. Never before have I saw a movie, that was about containing an entity while above the planet. This used an actual space station, that is real and does exist. This was not a fairy tale of a movie, as was Alien. No one was hunting this thing down with guns and such. This movie is about what can actually happen as we go frolicking around our solar system. This is something that we should actually be worried about. That is completely ground breaking in every way possible. The Europa Report was closer related to this film, but even that was not as real of a threat as this movie, since it was on a Saturn moon, using theoretical science and fictional equipment. Life used all actual equipment, actual science, and actual crew reactions, although, I would have sacrificed the first guy, immediately and launched the immature state of Calvin at the first sign of an issue. And one last thing, Calvin didn't even kill anyone, except the first guy, who was attempting to incinerate it. I bet in part two, we will find out he is actually peaceful.

This movie was nothing like Alien. Besides the fact that the setting was in space and there was a creature hunting them down (or was he?). The Alien was killing, Calvin was surviving.

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@blakblu "actual crew reactions" If that blatant disrespect for safety protocol was supposed to be a realistic reaction from actual trained professional astronauts, then I guess this movie got its astronauts from the same place as Armageddon xD

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Into the Night

I didn't expect much when I accidentally stumbled across this new series on Netflix. Apocalyptic scenarios are not necessarily new; not even in the series segment. But the premise "the survivors have to flee ever further from the sun with an airplane" seems so absurd when reading that one cannot do anything else than to think beforehand "Okay, then I can at least do something else on the side".

The series starts off a bit confusing and rushed, just like the situation for the characters must be. At the end of the second episode I realized that I really wanted to keep looking. Right now. And until the end, I watched the twists and turns that the small group of survivors had to face again and again. I attribute a large part of this tension to the music. Not even concise or pushy, but with a steadily fast beat she is able to convey this typical feeling of "what's lurking around the next corner". At the end of the 6 episode series, I would like to know if there is a sequel. Apparently my first impression was wrong and I'm glad I tried it anyway. 7/10

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@cthalin A sequel has not yet been confirmed, but if there will be a 2nd season it will most likely go into a completely different direction (if it follows the source material in any way.)

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Shout by Jordy
BlockedParent2018-12-08T21:49:38Z— updated 2022-05-07T11:19:30Z

This is mostly just bad kitsch.
James Wan’s trying really hard as a director and ends up succeeding in many regards, but it just doesn’t bring much to the table otherwise.
Some of the practical action scenes look good, but the characters and story are severely undercooked, unfocussed and messy.
It’s good that they’re not taking themselves too seriously, but the costumes still look kinda goofy and lame, the dialogue is inexcusable at points, and the actors are far from charming or funny. In fact, the leads of this film straight up suck, and don’t have the acting skills or presence to carry a franchise like this.
It’s trying to look expensive and vast, but a lot of it ends up feeling like one of those cheap Russian knock offs of a superhero movie.


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@jordyep Sums it up pretty much. Thanks for saving me the time to write a review :P

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The worst thing about this show is that it is not absolutely terrible. It is sometimes pretty good.

If it sucked, then it might get cancelled and we could all stop watching. Instead this show is a stark blend of good and bad elements.
It has some pretty decent noir detective style stories, where the main character, Gordon, is the only honest cop in a totally corrupt town. Then a guy called Penguin eats sandwiches after he randomly stabs people. Gordon is a cop so committed to doing the right thing he will literally sort through the shit to find the truth (evidence in the sewer). But later a guy asks a bunch of Riddles and everyone says he Riddles too much.
The other main cop, Bullock, is an interesting mix of corrupt cop but still has decent sense of justice. Then a young rich orphan is sad a bunch, while people tell him he will do great things one day (that we will never see).

Even though the "Gordon cleans up police alone" is the best part of the show it also has contradictions, for instance there is already another whole department of honest cops. And he also has a super successful, rich, and supportive fiancé who could completely take care of him if he quit being a cop. So he isn't really struggling with his life in any way. It makes him copping about look more like a whimsey, as opposed to a duty.

This show has a pretty decent core narrative, it's all the auxiliary stuff dragging it down. It also does a good job of not being entirely episodic. Often minor plot points from previous episodes will impact the next one.

For a show based on Batman, the worst parts of the show are the Batman bits. Like when young Bruce Wayne, or Selina Kyle ("Cat"), or the Penguin or the Riddler show up. If they cut out all the Batman things in this show, it would be much better.

I want to either love this show, or stop watching. But I can't do either. Instead I keep watching a mediocre series and hoping it improves.

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It disappointed me too for being not great. It is not bad, but it not being great is just not enough for Batman anymore xD

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Ok, let's start this. Godzilla is a movie about a touching reunion being screwed up by a giant lizard who's jealous cause he's alone and don't wanna see other monsters being happy. Yeah. Meet the MUTOs.

MUTO is a giant freaking mutant thing that if it wasn't scary enough by itself, it can fly too (you know that feeling when u see a cockroach and u think "could it get worse?" and starts flying? that's MUTO for you). MUTO is a harmless creature. YES, you didn't read wrong, HARMLESS. All MUTO wants is to leave peacefully. It feeds itself with radioactive material and it simply walks in a straight line towards its objective. Unhappily, it's not aware it's causing some destruction but hey, it's hungry, you can't blame the guy.

ANYWAYS! MUTO is hungry, MUTO wants to eat something but more importantly... MUTO wants love, our biggest achievement. So MUTO cries for his (now we know MUTO is a He) loved one. And she replies!! Oh, the joy
You guys know you can't present yourself to the love of your life barehanded, right? And the lucky male MUTO finds the PERFECT present to his OTP. A lethal nuclear warhead (awn..). And there he goes, with the perfect gift.

Finally they find each other. Starry eyes, can't believe this happening, a tear drops from my eye with such a heartwarming fated encounter. Male MUTO offers his gift to her and she accepts. The ultimate bliss. BUT THEN. Someone is not happy. Someone is green with jealousy. He's alone. He doesn't have an OTP. He arms are too short and, DAMN, he can't even have a little fun by himself. Meet Godzilla.

Godzilla enters the scene and he has ONE purpose: to cock block MUTOs and kill them for having the audacity to having sex and being all lovey-dovey while he's all alone. A fearsome battle begins. You feel lost. You feel like you should cheer for Godzilla and every time he's beaten, you're like "nooo duuudeee, he's trying to save us, don't do that, LEAVE GODZILLA ALONE!!" BUT don't be fooled... Godzilla IS THE BAD GUY.

After a few horrible minutes, LOVE PREVAILS!! The lovable MUTO couple managed to defeat the envious green giant lizard and they can finally be happy forever and eWAIT! Godzilla stands up and use a freaking blue flame that he could have used before but he thought would be funnier if he let them think they had won just to shatter their happiness again.

The worst happens. While male MUTO struggles to keep his loved one safe, Godzilla seizes the moment and gives the final blow! Male MUTO remembers all that good time, the first flirt, first kiss, the blessed union... all while the light fades from his eyes... Male MUTO is no more :'(

Female MUTO has no time to mourn. Someone just assassinated her children!! The horror!! She's confused, all she cares is lost, cruelly taken and whats has she done to deserve that?? Nothing, I tell you, NOTHING. Driven by the anger and sadness filling her heart, she advances furiously to get revenge.

Another fierce battle engages!! While fighting she remembers male MUTO, her newly-born family, their plans, their honeymoon... all-reduced-to-dust. She gathers all her last strenght and YES, FINALLY. That damn green homewrecker is slain! JUSTICE PREVAILS. But what's left? Her children, her husband... all gone... Nothing is left. Just fade in the void. She's tired.. She wanna sleep... She is hungry... Food... yeah... that might distract her (you know, food is the best painkiller).

She's leaving, she just wants some food and she will leave. AND THEN! A stinging pain!! She doesn't understand what's happening. Her jaw is being ripped apart. Blue flame pours from above!! Her body is in flames from inside! Then she understands. She was naïve. Godzilla was not dead. It was just another foul move. He feels joy in letting them feel like it's over just to finish them brutally.

She sees in a distante place male MUTO... Their childrens... Tons of radioactive material... They're all there, waving to her... It's heaven... everything fade in whiteness... She leaves this cruel world, toward a better world, to meet again their loved ones.

And amidst all that, yeah, there are some petty tiny things called humans. They are living their dramas, screwing up things and just shooting whatever moves and they can't comprehend. That's humans for you. Ow, and you wanted to watch because you heard/saw somewhere that Mr. White and you thought "OMG WALTER WHITE IS GONNA KICK SOME DINOSAUR'S ASSES F'YEAAAH". Well... He dies on the beginning, oh well :T

So there you are. You were thinking "Duuudeee, I was so thinking that Godzilla was a bad guy but I was mistaken, he's a good guy :)" WRONG that bastard is the PURE EVIL!! He doesn't care about humans, he couldn't give less shit about us. But he won't tolerate anyone shouting their happiness in his face, while he barely can touch his dick. No... They must die to serve as example to anyone who dares to have these same funny ideas. That's Godzilla for you.

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This is a great review! :D

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Westworld: Season 4

Way better than season 3, and possibly better than season 2 during some moments but the first is absolutely still the peak of this show. I hope they get to wrap things up in season 5 but overall I think this season was solid!

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@thetrophymunchers I thought the end of this season (4) was a great place to finalize the story. I thought this would actually be the last season lol.

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Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Shout by Aiven
BlockedParent2019-05-19T18:12:41Z— updated 2019-09-28T20:37:37Z

Great animation, but full of cliche, with hollow predictable plot.

Edit after finishing 1st season:
Half way through it became more interesting, I'm glad I didn't drop it after first 3 boring episodes.

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@aiven Same here. Just watched it (Season 1) for the animation bc it is from Ufotable, but disappointed about the writing.

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The Protégé

The movie is ok, a guess. A lot of good action scenes, capitalizing the fact tha Maggie Q use to be Nikita in another life.
I get that Michael Keaton is a household name and all of that... but that was a little bit cringy for me. I'm all about diferent type of couples, and i don't wanna sound prudish or anything but he's too old for Maggie Q to make any sense. I din't like that paring at all, and it took me away from the movie big time. Maybe with an actor not 28 years older than the female lead it would have made more sense to me. Or maybe I don't find Michael Keaton with that kind of appeal ...

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@marguis Although I like Keaton, I have to agree on the age gap being a slight problem here.

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legitimately such a visually stunning and fun entry into the action genre. the number of times bullets run out is one of my favorite aspects of the action sequences, but also there's a scene later on that, combined with mary elizabeth winstead's increasingly horrifying deterioration, puts this on my body horror list. it's not a horror, but it's pretty and there's bodies being horrific, so it works. i'm really digging the recent action films that use just enough stylistic choices borrowed from video games to bump up the immersion.

when i was checking on who the stunt coordinators were i saw some Highly Bitter articles calling this a john wick clone but honestly every action movie follows a formula because the formula works and being poisoned with radiation is a great reason for revenge even if it didn't involve a dog.

also, i don't even fucking care i loved that ridiculous car chase scene

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@birdcages Because John Wick being an influential movie in recent years for this type of flick, in a sense you can compare most of them to Wick. But imho doing that only makes sense for a few of them. This is not one of them, so let them be bitter. I mean, this movie certainly has its flaws and contradictions (mysteriously recovering from the most severe injuries in moments is one of them) but it does not takes itself too seriously and goes way over the top, and it is intended that way. It also gives for some interesting styling and directing choices.

So I definitely agree the car chase was a lot of fun.

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Chaos Walking

I must say, the movie has a really good idea that's worth exploring. Sadly it never comes close to exploring said idea. It ends up being a generic Hollywood action movie and nothing more.

It's interesting to see how a society would function if part of the population's(The men's) thoughts were visible to everyone. There are interesting aspects to explore here about privacy. But the movie throws this concept under the bus and uses it just as a cheap gimmick.

Before the events in the movie, it's said that men and women lived together in Tom Holland's settlement. And then men became more and more suspicious of the women because they could not see their thoughts. This gradually drove the men to kill all the women. This is the movie I wanted to see. How did this happen? What were the internal struggles in the settlement? How did reading each other's thoughts affect the people? Instead, we are put after all of this and we follow the standard bad guy wants to kill girl, hero who has confidence issues saves girl from the bad guy and becomes self-realized in the process.

The thought-reading phenomenon was mostly used as a comic relief instead of being the center of a thought-provoking story. I'm kind of bummed out that this was the case. It would have been interesting to see how a society functions when everyone's thoughts are in the open. For instance, how courts work, how is trade done, etc.

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@curtwagner1984 I think this review covers it well. I too thought it was interesting concept, so i felt disappointed when the only original part in the movie was not explored. Same with the native aliens. I was highly interested to see how their society functioned, but except for that one encounter they are never seen or heard of. Besides this, the whole movie is fairly bland and straightforward (although still decent enough to watch once.)

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There is no way you feel emphathy for those astronauts because they are dumb as fuuuuuuuuuuuck

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@dontbogart @fenkins Yep, I agree with this.

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Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

great movie
but something i didn't understand.
why would trigon fight darkside in the end and not just kill of the remaining justice League?

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@itai-raf From what I understood, to dethrone the 'false god' Darkseid. It just shows one of the weakpoints of the movie, it glances over too many things with only little or no explanation.

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

The movie lives in no way up to it's 9 year old predecessor.
Yes, the visuals are still stunning, yes the acting is overall still pretty good with many big names, yes the violence is still very overdone without turning into a Tarantino movie and yes it still takes place in the same universe as before and even some familiar characters make a comeback.

But it is very obvious they tried to recreate the first movie, but with a different story and characters. There was no real intention in building something new, innovative or unique with this one. It is perfectly described in a review one of the comments here already shared: "Unlike its first incarnation which had an artistic execution and vision, this version is literally all execution without any artistic vision."

Talking about story. You do keep wondering what will happen next, but it is in no way as interesting as it could be. The timeline is very straightforward, and the connection with characters from different storylines are a bit too easy. And in the end it is just 1 guy who does the heavy lifting and finishes everything (HULK SMASH!) oh, but we don't know how he ends up...

If you did not liked the first one, you won't like this one either. And if you liked the first one, there is not a big chance you like this one too (unless you just want to gaze at boobs and enjoy mindless violence.)

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This site is not a site where you can watch movies xD
The sites name (trakt, from the word tracking) kind of gives it away...

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Shout by Deleted

you know a movie is not going to be that good if it has Lady gaga on the cast.

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Machette Kills was pretty hilarious :P

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Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

Review by Deleted

In 2005 Robert Rodriguez presented us with Sin City, a great cinematic work based on the graphic novels of Frank Miller, who brought something new with a very original style of Film Noir but with an absolutely brilliant visual concept. After nine years Robert Rodriguez returns to carry us to this "world of sin", and this time he is not alone, since Frank Miller leaves only the writing to join him in direction.

In Sin City: A Dame To Kill For, Frank Miller wrote two unpublished tales purposely for the film and two other already existing in his works. The problem is that they all does not seem to have the same impact of the first film. The originality, vitality and energy of the first film is not reflected in this one.

It remains brutal, violent and visually is definitely worth seeing on the big screen, but when it comes to the characters, can not be as strong and charismatic, and the story always seems to be unsatisfactory given each end. The interest that is awakened in each one of us is not even close to what the first film managed to make to the audience. Despite being entertaining, sometimes we find ourselves kind of bored.

The characters we already know from the previous film are not as solid or raise as much interest as the first. As for the characters introduced for the first time, they do not have the same strength and effectiveness. With a cast full of pretty big names, many of the actors are underused having very little time on screen.

I was expecting to see how Joseph Gordon-Levitt would be in this project. He is one of the young actors I most like to see on the screen today and after all this kind of role does not seem to fit well in his profile. That does not mean that he had a bad performance, but it was simply a bad choice of role I guess. Eva Green is the only one who can give the film a certain feeling of seduction and danger, she is totally the femme fatale but the overuse of nudity (nothing against it, I have no problem about it) despite they are quite artistic, just made the most important segment in the entire film turned into something inelegant. Eva Green's performance however is the best of the film, she can be all that her character requires, sensual, engaging and totally fatal.

What was missing in Sin City: A Dame To Kill For was the same attitude, enthusiasm and freshness of the first film. Perhaps the fact that they had waited nine years to make a sequel also was not the best decision.

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Great review, as usual. Only thing I differ in opinion with you is the miscast of Gordon-Levitt. Even though I hoped for a different outcome of the his story, but I guess I get the conflict it creates in the finale of the film.
Something I want to add is that it feels like less work was done on the elaborate costumes. Many characters were just 'to normal' compared to the first one. It all feels more rushed and less detailed. Which is weird with a 9 year time-gap.
But maybe my/our expectations are just too high after such a long wait.

ps. Gordon-Levitt isn't that young (33) and has been on screen for major projects since the 90s with the (in)famous 3rd rock series.

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Saving Mr. Banks

i did not see one Negro in this film. When were Negro's invented?

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It is because there probably was none in the story.

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