


The Bourne Legacy

This is a typical Bource film but... without anything that made the Bourne Trilogy a good series of Movies.

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Exactly this. If it didn't had the name 'Bourne' on it, people probably would have liked it much more.

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The King's Man

Shout by J.T.

Not quite what I was expecting. The backdrop of World War I to do some The Matrix/Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon stunts was some serious juxtaposition. There was history but this was a lot of fluffed up action, which wasn't always done really well. Some of the scenes involving the goat laden mountain top area just didn't work, specifically the parachute jump. Absolutely ridiculous. The special effects used a little bit after that where characters were being suspended off the side of the mountain looked terrible on the big screen of the movie theatre. We are talking Darth Maul falling to his cut in half death in The Phantom Menace.

Last big problem was making Woodrow Wilson into a Great War era Bill Clinton getting caught in sexual misadventures in the White House. COME ON!

The easter egg in the closing credits with a smirking Adolph Hitler makes you think there is more of these to come. I hope they improve on them a little bit.

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@bob-frapples You forgot to use some spoiler tags.

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I have found a huge blooper. Kyle MacLachlan takes out his iPhone before they cut!! And nobody in the production noticed. Idiots! ;)

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@atlantis14 This was not an error, it is intentional. At several points in the movie, modern devices are used.

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Review by Jordy
BlockedParent2022-02-02T15:45:02Z— updated 2022-02-05T16:17:38Z

Ever since the mid 90s, Roland Emmerich has attempted time and time again to repackage and recapture the ideas from Independence Day. After many failed attempts, I wonder why there’s still a theatrical market for films like this. Or rather, it’s odd that Hollywood thinks there’s still a market for it, given that all of Emmerich’s films since 2012 have flopped at the box office. And, he’s about to add another one to his resume. This should’ve gotten a streaming release at best, as it belongs in the same category as a film like The Tomorrow War. It’s background noise you throw on while you’re doing the dishes or folding the laundry. It's too disposable, phony, poorly acted and boring to pay any serious attention to, let alone pay money for. There's a sense of authenticity and fun to dumb action movies like Independence Day that you're never going to capture with the way these kind of films are made now. You have to applaud Emmerich for making a big, original studio film, but it’s still generic schlock that doesn’t have a single ounce of personality. Fuck whoever financed this.

Edit: after a little bit of digging I found out that the primary investor of this thing is a Chinese company called Tencent Pictures. They’re also responsible for financing other great films such as Terminator: Dark Fate, Warcraft, Kong: Skull Island, Men in Black: International, Monster Hunter and the 2 Venom movies. To put it mildly, it appears that it’s this company’s sole purpose to flood the market with trash, and not exactly the fun kind. Now I know what you’re thinking: maybe their involvement helps with receiving a Chinese release from the CCP? But here’s the problem: Venom 2 was banned in China. So, they’re clearly just a bunch of incompetent investors, given that all of their films (the Venom films excluded) have been massive financial and critical flops. The takeaway for Hollywood should be pretty simple: if Tencent wants to invest in your production, cancel all plans before you have another Moonfall on your hands.


Watch it if you’re a fan of Toto, or genuinly laugh at any point during the first scene.

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@jordyep Tencent is not just any company though. It is one of China's biggest companies, especially concerning consumer products, and a global fortune 500 ranked company. Even though I agree they don't have the best track record (concerning movies) but imho your conclusions are also a pinch exaggerated.

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Green screen was so obvious in every part, as if the singing? I mean WTF? What purpose did that have? Nevertheless it was a nice idea to make that movie, but I waited something better!

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@plyratzis95 The obvious greenscreen was intentional. I have no idea why though.

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Shout by Klovarr
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-09-07T06:33:39Z— updated 2020-09-16T09:54:05Z

Mulan 2020 has awful reviews.

They are all wrong.

Granted, the first half of the movie is just 'okay', but the SECOND HALF, I loved every minute of it.

The rest of this review is spoilers, so go away.

so the whole Forbidden City part of the movie, after the avalanche was fucking awesome. I think I said aloud "Beatrix Mulan Kiddo" because the action on the second half is freaking awesome. ALSO, the Emporer is actually a fucking badass. The film resolves very well with the intro, and musical queues were on point.

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@klovar Your spoiler tag should be / instead of \

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This movie, right off the bat, makes some smart creative decisions: it doesn’t try to imitate the original too much, and it’s not a musical.
They even steer away from the usual Disney formula by taking away the funny sidekick.
And while the film is technically quite impressive (cinematography and score are top notch), I found it to be ultimately unengaging.
Also, there seems to be a correlation between big, feminist action movies and poor lead performances.
I mean, just do the math: Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and now Mulan.

Yes, I also find it important that more of these movies get made (not corporate, tame Disney films, but female driven action movies in general), but they deserve to be a lot better than this.
Problem is, if nobody sees it, chances are execs will take the wrong lesson from it, and think people don’t want to see female/Asian representation, or feminist themes.
So, we’re kinda fucked regardless, but I still don’t find that an excuse to give a heavy push to this mediocre movie, as I see some journalists doing.


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@jordyep What do you mean, not corporate? This movie had a heavy corporate hand in it. A clear effort was made to avoid Chinese government censorship (which in my opinion hurt the character writing.) I think the result is a movie that doesn't satisfy neither Chinese and western audiences.
ps. I do agree with the point you are trying to make though.

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The Last Duel

Excellent movie. If you're one of the people saying it's boring because they show the same thing from three perspectives, you missed the whole point of the movie. Every perspective has a slightly different interpretation of what happened. The changes are very subtle, but are crucial to the overall story.

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@blazer380 I thought it was boring, but not because of that. The first act was actually the most boring part to me xD

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This movie, right off the bat, makes some smart creative decisions: it doesn’t try to imitate the original too much, and it’s not a musical.
They even steer away from the usual Disney formula by taking away the funny sidekick.
And while the film is technically quite impressive (cinematography and score are top notch), I found it to be ultimately unengaging.
Also, there seems to be a correlation between big, feminist action movies and poor lead performances.
I mean, just do the math: Wonder Woman, Captain Marvel, and now Mulan.

Yes, I also find it important that more of these movies get made (not corporate, tame Disney films, but female driven action movies in general), but they deserve to be a lot better than this.
Problem is, if nobody sees it, chances are execs will take the wrong lesson from it, and think people don’t want to see female/Asian representation, or feminist themes.
So, we’re kinda fucked regardless, but I still don’t find that an excuse to give a heavy push to this mediocre movie, as I see some journalists doing.


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@jordyep Try this, maybe not the best but can be worth it.

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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)

I still hate Red/Blue Harley. I much prefer Red/Black. That said I like her costuming MUCH better in this movie than Suicide Sqaud. Somehow between the costuming and the framing there's a LOT less "Look how sexy and skimpy Margot Robbie is dressed like a slutty Harley Quinn". I'd only seen one teaser video and I thought Harley looked stupid in her outfit. However on screen it worked a lot better than I thought it would. A lot of my biggest issues with the movie are weird shots and framing and the uninspired soundtrack. I mean I like Barracuda but I wish the score had more signature to it. Just generic pump up music and generic heartfelt music etc etc etc. The soundtrack need not be filled with covers of songs done better when they aren't slowed down RnB remixes or acoustic pop remixes. The James Brown joint ( was okay but honestly why not go full girl power out there. Why not give me a Spice Girls cover like maybe "Viva Forever". That would be interesting and in a movie with (level of violence) a little girl getting her face sliced and then ripped off maybe some of that creative energy could be spared to the music choices. I mean I hate Ariana Grande but women love her maybe a version of "Dangerous Woman" ( would have been more fun and interesting or maybe Amy Winehouse who has choice jams beyond "Rehab" such as "You Sent Me Flying" ( or "I Heard Love is Blind" ( and she has tons of club remixes for the fight scene rehash.

But there are inspired sequences in Birds of Prey like when Harley breaks into Gotham PD. It's a fun romp even if some of the physics completely break verisimilitude. The Breakup with Joker was great. Not seeing Joker was fine, and then roller derby. I liked how no one at roller derby really cared about Harley's level of violence. They just considered her weak for going back with Joker so many times. The eponymous Birds of Prey don't really have the character work that Harley has but they don't really need it.

When Huntress came on screen i didn't like her. I wasn't feeling this dark comedy take on Huntress but very soon I was flipped on that as well. Rosie Perez is still cute. Ali Wong was fine. I still don't see Ewan McGregor, man that guy's face has changed a lot. But everyone is good. The character are fun. The ones I complain about are the guys actually Zsasz was kinda odd, Black Mask is still confusing as a character. I don't know him, I don't understand why he has his mask or when he wears it. I thought it might be related to his gloves but we never really learn. Harley was mostly good. I think her best fight scene was when she had a bat though. That was some creative, interesting fighting that felt like Harley's character. It fit. I wish it was edited better with longer and/or wider shots. But uninspired fight scenes are a staples of action movies now and Harley Quinn is of no particular exception to this.

The funniest part of the movie was everyone staying to the end credits scene to get trolled. It was beautiful. The guy in front of me was literally upset "I wasted 3 minutes of my life for that". I say stay for it though just for the giggles. Birds of Prey is something the DC universe needs more of. Fun. It's dumb, there's scenes that don't make any sense. Bad guys standing around waiting to be hit but in the end.. it's just got fun. Genuine fun like Wonder Woman had genuine sincerity (as opposed to constant sarcasm). Well worth the price of admission even if it doesn't have Oracle.

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@wolfkin @guenguer There are 3 or 4 categories in the Academy Awards (Oscars) related to sound and/or song, and most other (bigger) award shows have one or more categories for it too. I myself also am usually not the first to point out music in a movie, but it is there and for an important reason.

(I was not much impressed by the music in this film btw.)

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Angel Has Fallen

It's a very average movie and they had a great opportunity in front of their face and they didn't use it.

They have a corrupt acting president, now the best ending (exciting and for various reasons!) would have been for him not wanting to leave. Instead of an average shootout at a random building, the acting president would be in the White House with his private army and the need is to attack the WH and forcefully remove him. That would have been cinematic and better than what we have.

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@atlantis14 I don't think they would have ever done that, with the whole 1st movie already centered on the WH. Interesting idea if this was a different franchise though.

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War for the Planet of the Apes

Shout by OrangeDog
BlockedParent2017-03-21T17:49:57Z— updated 2017-07-11T08:30:48Z

Why in the hell are you rating a movie that is not even out yet ?

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@orangedog And sometimes just bc people vote for stuff they didn't see. Don't ask me why.

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Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Am I the only one who didn't like the movie all that much?

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I didn't like it either. Too straightforward, and the concept of Captain America is already one of the least interesting characters in the Marvel (movie) universe.

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Oz the Great and Powerful

Long story short: movie is terrible.
Yeah, great colors, and such, but that all just give an overall feeling like "hey, this is just fake!".
There's no wonder at all in this movie.
Acting is poor, also, and I kinda used to like Franco.
I wish I could have my 2h back.

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I have to agree with this comment. It's ok to watch, but I guess the actors decided to do this on their day off or something.
Secondly, there are green screen scenes that are so badly edited that it hurts the eyes. YOu can just see them walking in front of the scenery.

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The Card Counter

I can't even put into words my distaste for this movie. Only Americans will ask you to feel bad for their war criminals. The quote by Frankie Boyle describes this film perfectly, “Not only will America go to your country and kill all your people, they’ll come back twenty years later and make a movie about how killing your people made their soldiers feel sad.” The whole point of The Card Counter is to try to get you to sympathize with a war criminal who tortured, killed, terrorized people. Not only that but it's extremely unrealistic to ask the viewer to believe that anyone responsible for Abu Ghraib faced meaningful consequences. Like, come on, now!

This movie followed the most boring protagonists, who are as dull as they can get. Zero chemistry between any member of the cast. Oscar Isaac, Tiffany Haddish, and Tye Sheridan are basically in 3 different movies and each one of them is total garbage:

  1. "Abu Ghraib torturer, but make him seeeexy" How? Oh, cast hot actor with beautiful eyes. Plus, he did his time, 8 years for the most vile crimes you can possibly imagine. But he is a good guy now. He fucks girls and support college kids. For someone I guess we're supposed to dislike (?), the movie spends a lot of time showing how cool he is.

  2. Tiffany Haddish must’ve been the only actress to audition for the role of La Linda because she was radically miscast. She is not ready for dramatic acting. As for her character – she is independent and has connections with rich folks … that’s it. Wow, so interesting, right?! The 'chemistry' between her and Isaac was weird. It wasn’t seductive, it just felt like watching high schoolers flirt, but even more painful.

  3. Cirk seemed like he is dumb as rocks. To expect us to care so much about a kid who we don't even know is irresponsible. I couldn't care less about his death or revenge killing.

Oh, and there is another character introduced like "USA!" guy with no point. But he was born in Ukraine, so he is not American. Oscar Isaac was born in Guatemala, grew up in USA and plays an American dude, while people born in Ukraine who grew up in USA are only Ukrainian. Even if you want to follow American rules, you just can’t because the Yanks are very inconsistent and hypocritical.

Most bad movies have some redeeming qualities. I can’t think of anything with this, everything just felt so bland to me:

  • Nothing is happening, and the movie is sooo repetitive . Oscar Isaac looking serious and walking in a casino,with suspenseful music - this is like 80% of the movie.

  • Almost every scene is an end in itself, nothing is explored, and doesn’t progress the story at all scene to scene.

  • The music. Oh, the music, which mainly featured vapid, brooding indie/electronic songs, is just all over the place here. I hated it!

  • There is basically no concept of tension or mystery, which is pretty important when you’re watching a fake game of poker.

  • The philosophy was so juvenile, and the movie lacks anything interesting to say. We are supposed to believe the main character is very mysterious and smart but he is one of the most boring, dull and flat characters I have ever seen.

  • The dialogue is godawful, no exaggeration here! "I have no goals", "Have you ever read a book", "What is your story" etc. It felt so awkward and as if the characters aren’t even talking to each other.

  • Why is it called The Card Counter when the main character counted cards once onscreen and then spends the entire movie playing poker?

Did I see a different movie than all of these people rating it high?

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@cutecruel I think the ending of the movie gives away that the torturer remains in his cycle of violence, and is not redeemed. I just thought it was all a rather pointless story.

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Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - The Movie

Why is it nowhere on this page can I find out what this movie is rated? So much info, but not something that simple in plain sight.

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@thepublisher Aaah sorry, i misunderstood. That information is not visible on Trakt as of now. You could suggest it as a feature at if it has not been suggested already.

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Monster Hunter

Shout by Matt D
BlockedParent2021-02-18T04:19:09Z— updated 2022-07-28T20:42:15Z

This movie offers a unique experience. It gives you one of the most genuine and undoctored glimpses into the soulless eyes of corporate Hollywood

There is no love for making movies
There is no love for the source material
The only interest is making something with the specific goal of being a "Blockbuster".
There is nothing to it but the intent of making money.

There's legit nothing to this movie.
Every shot you see is made just for cool trailer moments....
The Characters have no life or personality to them, They don't make any emotional connection with the viewer.
The acting........ no
There's no real plot or pacing
The effects can be good at times but its far and few in-between
The fighting and action scenes are rendered useless with the unprecedented amount of jump cuts done in editing....

I enjoy movies that might have glaring flaws, or even be considered bad, I'm not a heartless critic... But there are no redeemable qualities about this movie.
You can't even spin it as a "So Bad It's Good" movie, its just that incompetent on every imaginable level.

0/10 - Genuinely

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@mattdeezly1996 Corporate anywood is more accurate, since it is a collaboration between studios from USA, Germany, Japan and China. The monsters also look quite okay, so i have to disagree with there being no redeemable qualities. Other than that.... yeah looks like you covered it all hahaha

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Shout by Lainfan
BlockedParent2014-12-24T23:34:15Z— updated 2020-10-13T03:29:22Z

~This comment was deleted by the original writer~

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@itswestoff I cannot delete it anymore. I just edited it, maybe i will rewrite it in future. I will remove my replies to not make this comment clutter the top comment section of Dredd.

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Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons - The Movie

Why is it nowhere on this page can I find out what this movie is rated? So much info, but not something that simple in plain sight.

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@thepublisher At the very top, right below the title. The heart symbol with percentage is the rating.

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The 100

Clarke is a major B with moodswings where people with a personality disorder can be jealous of...
Pretty bad show with bad writing and worse dialog.
Ps. Who names a female character after Superman?

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@johang2012 oh that is a nice detail :)

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Another Life

This is the "Prometeus school of little space explorer" all over again.

They have the technology, they have the know-how, but for some reason they put the worst possible people in charge of the most important mission of human history.

It's like NASA put highschoolers inside Apollo 11.
Why writers can't write a good sci-fi show without making people complete incompetents?

I miss SG1

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@canardu The mining crew from Armageddon look like experts compared to these bunch of incompetent idiots xD

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The Expanse: 6x06 Babylon's Ashes

Well its done... it turned out the best way it could with the time we had.... It was not a train wreck, but it was certainly rushed. The writing never waivered and that made it much more palatable. The characters were strong till the end as well. It was emotional and charming as always. Overall it didn't ruin the series, and I'm overall happy with it.

My main issue is the narrative feels SEVERELY incomplete, and I'm beginning to wonder if that was done on purpose.
I might just be an optimist as much as Holden here, but it truly does not feel like its done. ESPICALLY with the protomolecule ship coming thru the ring at the VERY END. IDK they'd include that if there was not something up their sleeve. I really hope and pray there is more story to be told from the roci and this amazing universe.

The one thing I am disappointed in is Marco. His end was just so unsatisfying and overall he was severely underwritten and ended up being one of the most underwhelming villains ever. He had no characterization and they never really fleshed him out, nor really did anything with his and Phillips relationship. Their whole arc was just a nothingburger and that is really a shame

If this is truly the end though, I thank everyone in this show involved for the joy its brought me. It was truly something special we had here and I am so happy I got to experience it.

Till next time folks.

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@mattdeezly1996 I agree. There are several (massive) questions left open without answer, and it is clear that the source material continued after this. It is disappointing and unsatisfying they were unable to finish this in the show, but they did the best they could within the 6 episodes that were left and I think it could have been much worse. From what I understood, the last 3 novels skip 30 years into the future, so if you would cut the story anywhere before the true ending, this was probably the best place to do it.

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Doctor Who: 12x05 Fugitive of the Judoon

Review by Mario A. Luna
BlockedParentSpoilers2020-01-27T23:12:39Z— updated 2020-02-13T05:34:43Z

We've known for a while now that the Judoon would be coming back to the show. A few pictures from set leaked a couple of months ago and I must say… I'm pretty impressed. The BBC managed to keep the "big stuff" from the episode a secret until today. We got a bunch of surprises! At the start of every new Doctor Who Series, there are always rumors. Characters and monsters supposedly coming back, here and there. But there is always one fan favorite: Captain Jack Harkness.

The immortal Time Agent that used to travel with the Doctor. Chibnall brought him back. We knew a character would be coming back for this week's episode, but I never would've thought (not even in my wildest dreams) Jack Harkness would appear on screen again. Now the Easter-egg from "Spyfall Part One" makes sense (the head of MI6 name-dropped both UNIT and Torchwood). This ain't just one-off appearance, this stuff is big. I think we'll see him again during the finale or during Series 13, I'm sure.
Also, he dropped a couple of bombs that could turn into story arcs later on. Maybe an answer for the Timeless Child thing? We'll get those answers! "She needs me and I'll be there". Maybe this version of Captain Jack is from the future. He seems to know the Cybermen are coming back and they will encounter the Doctor and her Fam later on. He's trying to warn the Doctor about something that will end up happening anyway. Maybe.

It was fun to see the Judoon back on screen again! There were a bunch of callbacks to the "Smith and Jones" episode from Series 3 (their first appearance) and they worked really well during the story. They kind of got overshadowed by the biggest surprise from the episode, though. But before that… let's talk about another character for a bit: Gat. A Time Lord that used to work alongside with the Doctor. She is, allegedly, from a previous point in her timeline and the Doctor doesn't remember her. She was trying to capture her under someone else's orders. I think this is, precisely, where all starts to get a bit… "timey-wimey". Apparently, there is a new version of the Doctor out there. A face we, the audience, have never seen before. And it's getting pretty hard to trace back into his/her own timeline to make it work properly.

First we got introduced to this woman named "Ruth". She turns out to be an alien in disguise, hiding from the Judoon on Earth alongside a man, protecting her. Later on, we found out that she got her memory wiped and that she's using technology like the Fob Watch from Series 3. Fob Watch: a device that allows a Time Lord to re-write his/her own biology to turn into a human. A MacGuffin created during the Russell T. Davies era, used by both the Master (Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords) and the Doctor (Human Nature/ The Family of Blood). So, it turns out that the lighthouse was working as a kind of Fob Watch thing. Time Lord technology, so this "Ruth" character must be from Gallifrey. And that's when the episode slaps you right in the face… the Doctor finds the graveyard with THE FUCKING TARDIS BURIED THERE. Holy fuck! So this Time Lord MUST be the Doctor! But we've never seen this face before, so she must be from later on… right? RIGHT?! This can't be… the timelines must be out of sync.

And this is where it gets a bit… wonky. This Doctor still calls her TARDIS "ship" and it looks very similar to the "default" console room of the Type-40 TARDIS the Doctor stole when he ran away from Gallifrey 2000 years ago. Look, the round things! What are the round things? Our Doctor doesn't remember being her. Her TARDIS looks like a police box, that means the chameleon circuit is stuck with that look… so she MUST be from the First Doctor's future. That's when the TARDIS' got stuck with the blue look, after he landed on Earth during the 60s. Okay. This could work… I think. If she's from the First Doctor's future, she can be a version between the Second Doctor and the Third. After "The War Games" story, we never saw the Second Doctor regenerate. After his trial with the Time Lords, they forced him to regenerate. We never saw that regeneration. What we saw was the Second Doctor's trial and the Time Lords exiling him to 20th Century Earth.

Later on, we just saw a NEW version of the Doctor (Spearhead From Space) falling out of his TARDIS after regeneration. We never saw him change, did we? So the Time Lords punished the Doctor by condemning him to exile on Earth during the 20th Century and by forcing a regeneration on him. "Ruth" did say she moved into the city on 1999, right? That's still 20th Century Earth. Maybe they could've wiped his memory too, I guess? Or she could've wiped her own memory. She seems to be on the run from the Time Lords, that can work too. But that still doesn't explain why our Doctor doesn't remember being her. Also, there's a bigger problem here. A Time Lord has 13 lives, a cycle of 12 regenerations. Right? Adding up a regeneration between the Second and Third Doctor would brake this old rule. That's why the Time Lords granted the Eleventh Doctor a whole new regeneration cycle during "The Time of the Doctor" story as a reward for saving them during "The Day of the Doctor" story.

Another explanation I can think of is that this version of the Doctor is a previous face from a different regeneration cycle (1st) prior to the events of the "An Unearthly Child" story from 1963. She could die and regenerate into the First Doctor after being granted a new cycle. But what about her TARDIS? Well, maybe the chameleon circuit still works and she just happened to be using the police box look and that's why the Doctor used it later on in the timeline and then it just broke and never got fixed. Right? I'm bending the canon as much as I can. There's the problem with this theory. During "The Name of the Doctor" story, Clara entered the Doctor's time stream and got broken into a million pieces. A bunch of Claras all over the timeline. We know what the default look for all TARDISes is. We saw a Clara helping the Doctor. She helped the Doctor and Susan while they were running away from Gallifrey. This Time Lord version of Clara told the Doctor what kind of TARDIS he should be stealing.

The third explanation I can think of is multiverse. Maybe this Doctor (if she is in fact, the Doctor) is from another universe and she ended up in another universe by accident or because she needed to scape from the Time Lords from her universe. I don't know. And the last one is that she isn't the Doctor. Maybe she's another Time Lord (the Master, the Rani, Romana, etc.) that's using the Doctor's DNA as a template for a biological disguise or something. Someone is lying, I can feel it.

But for now… she's the Doctor. Let's roll with that. It's always fun to see how the Doctor sassies herself, hahaha. Classic.

"How did I end up like… that? All rainbows and trousers that don't reach".
"How did I end up like you? I've never been anything like you. Trust me, I'd remember… specially that shirt".

Overall: great episode, definitely big. But I do think that Chibnall's walking on thin ice here. This retcon stuff is hard to pull off, I just hope he can do this. For the sake of the show's history. I don't want him to break the fucking canon. I'm excited! Fun stuff!

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@chuchitzu Your text would be easier to read if you used paragraphs. Just a tip.

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Doctor Who: Special 4 Christmas Special: The Church on Ruby Road

First time I watch a Doctor Who Christmas special on (around) Christmas, amazing feeling!

Ncuti's first episode was a lot of fun, the Doctor is living his best life after years of processing the past (following that theory at least) and Millie's first episode promises an interesting companion.

The musical number was a bit odd but I could dig it.

I saw a theory that Mrs. Flood could be River Song, that's too exciting to believe in right now.

I also wonder what the deal is with Ruby's parents, excited to find out. The trailer for the first season looks great and I'm very much looking forward to spring 2024.

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@walkingkev Ruby's parent(s) is going to be a major plot point at some point for sure.

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Doctor Who: Special 4 Christmas Special: The Church on Ruby Road

I loved it. Ruby is brilliant. I don't get how people can say that the 15th isn't doctor-like. Basically Matt Smith's doctor no? I'm hyped.

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@sebbejohansson Agree, reminiscent of the Amy & Rory Pond intro, with Matt running around frantically.

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SAS: Red Notice

I only saw the trailer to see if i will watch it or skip it,and wanted to comment and add STOP SHOVING Ruby Rose down our throat,she can't act, in John wick they made her character mute, otherwise she would have ruined the movie..and i saw she have another lead coming with Morgan Freeman ,come on who she's sleeping with to got that lead too... there's a thousand more talented actresses out there ,whom deserve a shot instead of her.

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@tdassa Perhaps her agency is promoting her when studios try to hire other actors. You want insert A list actor then you also have to take Ruby.... Or what you said xD

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Doom Patrol: Season 2

i'm wondering how many episodes there are in Season 2. is there a definitive resource where i can check?

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@ajmal-email-yahoo-co-uk Originally 10, but filming for the last episode was not finished bc of COVID19, so it remains at 9.

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Manifest: 2x09 Airplane Bottles

Oh, look, Cal's back. This was a pretty decent episode. The main plot is starting to be more focused on, which is good and starting to become much needed, while everything else, the drama and whatnot, isn't focused on as much. I'm very interested to know the significance behind Yusuv/Yusuf Al-Zuras and everyone else on the boat/ship being directly, or perhaps indirectly, effected by whatever happened when the plane was in the air. They even saw it. I don't think the year was mentioned when that happened, but I imagine it was a long time ago, which makes that whole situation more bizarre, and intriguing. Plus, the plane was mentioned as a silver dragon, which confirms that it must've been quite a while back for that to be their closest comparison. Sufficed to say, I'm very intrigued by that development, and also where it will lead.

Moving on, Saanvi is becoming quite a tragic character. Why did she ever think that scientific means could resolve something supernatural? She kind of deserves what's happening to her, tbh. That's just a blunt, straightforward thought of mine that is by no means influenced by hate towards her or anything like that. At the same time, I feel like the writers couldn't think of any other way to use her character, and that's the reason for this slow descent into demise. I don't particularly care about her, but it would be very tragic if this ridiculous intention of hers, that was never going to work out, to begin with, ends up killing her. I mean, I'm not expecting that to happen, but I'm not expecting it to not happen, you know? It would be unfortunate, that's for sure.

Also, "You know damn well I didn't start that fire." > "You're being vindictive." > "I don't care if I burn this entire precinct down." Wow, Michaela. I don't think you're helping your case very much, even if he does know that you didn't, which he undoubtedly does. She was a bit irritating in this episode. She's trying too hard, falling for "every trick in the book", not keeping her mouth shut, getting agitated way too easily. But I guess she was written that way as a means for one of Simon's associates in the police department that's apart of the "cause" could be used to target her given how Simon's venture in Ben's house led to finding out...everything, pretty much, therefore, presenting a "reason" to send someone to dispose of her, and for the sole purpose of Jared coming in clutch, to save her.

And lastly, for some reason, when the lightning happened in the first scene with Cal in that room, when Grace was starting to feel lightheaded, I thought it was the lightning itself that caused that, by affecting the baby. That's it! The baby is the plane! Of course! It's all connected! There was lightning when the plane was up in the air, and because the baby IS the plane, lightning would irritate it, all because it has PTSD from the lightning when it was the plane. I've solved everything, folks. You've read it here first, so don't forget about me once that is revealed to be as correct as anything can be.

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@legendaryfang56 That last part made me chuckle.

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Doctor Who: 9x02 The Witch's Familiar (2)

Reply by Lainfan

I do happen to like the way they subtly hinted that The Doctor has enough regeneration energy for another go, at least. What I don't like is that this comes along with recent Peter Capaldi's comments on interviews about him being too tired of shooting Doctor Who, after just two series. That means that he's leaving after series 10?. Most likely. Cast a 57 y.o. actor in a physical demanding role, and what do you get?. The episode introduces the concept of a new Doctor in just a couple of lines, and that kept my attention off for the rest of it. When I went back to watch it again, there it was, I wasn't wrong. So, I'm expecting the beginning of the casting process after S9's Christmas special, and a proper send off after wrapping S10. Wearable technology?... sure.

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I think they actually gave him a full regeneration cycle. Which would indicate 12 new regenerations. I could be wrong ofc.
I think 2 seasons (of 12 episodes in stead of 13) is a bit low on the numbers too. Especially with the confirmed leaving of Jenna Coleman. The first season was only used to introduce Capaldi, and not much more. The sunglasses are finally a unique feature they added to give him more character (besides his eyebrows.) I am also hoping for a S10 with Capaldi, and a bit more seasonal storyline than the 8th season offered us.

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Criminal Minds: 1x06 L.D.S.K.

Flynn and Lassi in one episode? Why not just make it a Psych x The Closer x Criminal Minds crossover :laughing:

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@nitzanschwarz Lassie alternate story if he got kicked out of SBPB xD

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