

New York, NY

Creepshow: 2x01 Model Kid / Public Television of the Dead

I’m sorry, but that was completely absurd.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x04 The Whole World Is Watching

Finally! Great episode!! It’s all coming together.

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The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: 1x02 The Star-Spangled Man

Shout by Corey

I dunno… this series just isn’t grabbing me yet — and I’m not surprised. WandaVision made me care exponentially-more about Avenger characters I was never truly invested in. And I feel the exact same about Bucky and Sam as I did since their introduction… which isn’t saying much at all. The banter and bromance therapy is doing absolutely nothing for me.

Story-wise, something isn’t clicking for me either. It all seems a bit scattered. The threat doesn’t feel all that menacing. And why are they about to talk to a Hydra person? Admittedly, I should probably know this, but the storytelling here just doesn’t feel solid.

I’m hoping I get into it more. Right now, my biggest investments are a) whether the new Cap is actually a good guy and b) whether or not Sam and his sis keep the boat.

I need more.

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Fear Street: 1978

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Fear Street Part Two: 1978’:

  1. This isn’t Hereditary. It’s not The Conjuring. And it’s not meant to be, in the slightest. It’s a film based on a young adult book series. When you truly grasp what this movie derives from, you can’t help but to be impressed by it. For what it is, it’s very well done. I absolutely loved it!

  2. Speaking of impressed… I continue to be taken aback at how fantastic the characters are. The music and the “choreographed” feel remind me a little of Scream. And I am definitely enjoying the mythology of it all. This has the foundation to actually become a quality television series.

  3. I never thought this would feel like an authentic slasher film. I was wrong.

Bonus Thought: My biggest qualm… they found that hand in the mall way too damn fast. I’m gonna chalk it up to them being drawn to its energy.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x14 Mother

I’m not entirely sure this show deserves John Glover.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 6x09 Things Left to Do

It’s absolutely astonishing how little I care about these characters. What is Strand doing exactly? And why? His motives have completely sailed way over my head. I feel like I know close to nothing about this character that has been there since the very beginning.

I don’t know. This show is all over the place. I continue watching purely out of commitment.

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A Quiet Place Part II

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘A Quiet Place Part II’:

  1. Super happy that we got to see the origin of it all. And that we got to see John a little bit.

  2. This was my first movie theater experience since the pandemic began — and it was a great film to return with. I got to jump out of my seat a few times. How I’ve missed it.

  3. I thought this was a great next step in what will obviously continue to be a franchise. The story went appropriately next-level, the acting was solid (the kids are awesome!), and I loved the addition of Cillian Murphy. Looking forward to what’s next!

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The Honeymooners: 1x34 The Safety Award

Finally, things go Ralph’s way.

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iZombie: 5x11 Killer Queen

Shout by Corey

At first, I was like... ok, we have three episodes left, cut it out with the procedurals and start tying things up. Until I realized it was drag queen brain... I was SO okay with that lol.

But now we need to get serious. No more crimes to solve. Let’s stick to the main story. And I’m thinking it will.

This season hasn’t been perfect, but I’m definitely invested into how everything will ultimately wrap up. I’m hoping Liv’s dad isn’t dead. Yes, his arc was a bit rushed and out of nowhere, but he was a fairly menacing villain, more than Blaine could ever hope to be... and his death would be incredibly anticlimactic.

But yeah... how’s it all gonna end? Will Liv become human again? Or will she choose zombie life in the face of a cure that we know is coming? Will her and Major finally be together? And will Enzo, the Trump-supporting truck food lady, and Blaine all meet horrible, ferocious ends? I sure the hell hope so.

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iZombie: 5x06 The Scratchmaker

Unpopular Opinion: Blaine is not a compelling nor an entertaining character. People seem to love him, but I’ve never been a fan. There has been little to no growth in his trajectory. He’s neither charming enough nor evil enough to make an impact whatsoever.

Major, on the other hand, gets a bad rap. Writers have failed him at times. He needs to get more comic relief stuff, because Buckley has knocked it out of the park.

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iZombie: 5x05 Death Moves Pretty Fast

Loved the subtle Pump Up the Volume reference at the beginning of the episode.

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iZombie: 5x04 Dot Zom

Did they even solve the cyanide poison in the last episode? Pretty sure it just ended with the suspect dying from poison. Ok then.

The procedural cases have certainly taken a backseat and have become a bit half-assed. At least the one in this episode was solid and connected to the main plot.

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His House

Shout by Corey

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘His House’:

  1. This could totally be my own lack of comprehension, but I found the order of events to be incredibly confusing. Did he kidnap the girl in order to flee Sudan? Was she never their daughter? Why did Rial decide to kill the witch after being so dang angry and stabby at Bol? Unless I’m completely missing the point, this film was all over the place.

  2. Despite a head-spinning timeline, there were some great visuals here, impressive transitions, and legit spooky moments. I see this more as a work of art than a well-rounded story.

  3. Was it really necessary to peel off all the wallpaper?

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iZombie: 4x11 Insane in the Germ Brain

Well done, iZombie. That ending got me.

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iZombie: 4x10 Yipee Ki Brain, Motherscratcher

I know nothing of the finale, but I see two predictable plot points on the way: 1) Levon’s camera was an obvious problem from the get-go. It’ll reveal that Liv is Renegade. 2) Liv will of course end up on the guillotine, and will obviously be saved somehow. Probably by Major.

I hope these are wrong and I end up being surprised.

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The Honeymooners: 1x23 Mama Loves Mambo

One of my absolute faves!

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iZombie: 4x08 Chivalry is Dead

I could be mistaken (I took a little hiatus from the show after season two), but I don’t remember brains taking over Liv’s personality so fully. While humorous, it seems like a bit of a change to watch Liv speak that way for the entire episode. Not sure how I feel about it.

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iZombie: 4x06 My Really Fair Lady

Not enough of Rachel Bloom!

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iZombie: 4x02 Blue Bloody

Liv’s hairdo was the real star of this episode.

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iZombie: 4x01 Are You Ready for Some Zombies?

iZombie continues to prove that the tired zombie genre doesn’t have to be so tired.

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The Reluctant Dragon

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Reluctant Dragon’:

  1. I was not expecting a live action movie.

  2. The animated stories were cute, but not the highlight. The soul of this film lies in all the magic making. It was a treat to see all that went into creating Disney animated pictures way back when. The behind-the-scenes tour gave the studios a magical theme park feel and you can see how Walt really set the bar for everything.

  3. Appearances by Walt himself and the legendary voice of Donald Duck were also fun highlights. Benchley, on the other hand, was largely unlikable.

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iZombie: 3x12 Looking for Mr. Goodbrain (1)

This episode felt very different - and I liked it! No insane, over-the-top brain personalities for Liv. Instead, it gave her one that served as an interesting plot device for her character. There was definitely a more mature tone. And a pretty crazy twist of a cliffhanger. It’s about time this show had some bigger stakes.

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The Taking of Deborah Logan

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘The Taking of Deborah Logan’:

  1. Horror and supernatural elements aside, this is actually a very sad film.

  2. Kudos to Jill Larson for quite a performance. I can’t imagine that role was very easy to pull off.

  3. I was indubitably creeped out and on edge for a large portion of the movie, but a subpar mythology and cliche ending left me somewhat disappointed. This could’ve been a solid 8.

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iZombie: 3x09 Twenty-Sided, Die

It was nice to finally see an episode where Liv isn’t taken over by her latest brain for the entire episode. Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve found her last several “personalities” to be a bit irritating and quite abrasive.

And, in the first season, I don’t remember the brains taking over as much and as often. They also don’t always need to be so intense. It gets exhausting after a while. We need a little more Liv as Liv.

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The Honeymooners: 1x03 The Golfer

One of the best episodes.

“Hellooo, ball.”

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The Honeymooners: 1x01 TV or Not TV

Legendary. Classic. Iconic.

Simply perfection.

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3 Thoughts After Re-Watching ‘Pinocchio’:

  1. My first time watching this in its entirety as an adult — and it still has all the magic and more. Quite a jump in story and substance from _ Snow White_. And the animation is just gorgeous. A reminder that there’s a very special something lost in today’s digitally-dominated Disney landscape. My critical grown-up mind and my childhood heart fused together in much appreciation for this viewing.

  2. Six words. “When You Wish Upon a Star.” The song that officially anointed Disney with the power of making dreams come true. Disney’s enduring theme that hope is alive in the strangest of places. Iconic is an understatement. This song is the best of us.

  3. Oh, Jiminy Cricket, how under-appreciated you are. The original sidekick. I found myself living for all his quips more than ever. And I may have rediscovered a new favorite character. You are spectacular.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

3 Thoughts After Watching ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’:

  1. It’s difficult to give a low score to, or be too critical about, the OG of Disney movies. The Princess who started it all. The music. The love. The magic. In the ‘30s no less. Groundbreaking and iconic.

  2. My biggest criticism, as a film in general, is that it drags a bit during the dwarf scenes, with mostly gimmicks and gags. Most likely as laughs for the kids.

  3. Disney killed it in the villain department here. The visuals and atmosphere during all the Queen’s scenes were a total vibe. The witch and her Magic Mirror set the bar.

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Zack Snyder's Justice League
Dead to Me: 2x08 It Had to Be You

Seeing Christina Applegate in a scene where “I Only Have Eyes For You” plays gave me some serious Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead vibes.

Anybody else?

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