

New York, NY

Fear the Walking Dead: 5x09 Channel 4

As a big ‘Walking Dead’ supporter, I hate to admit it... but, this was - hands down - one of the worst episodes EVER in this universe.

I am OVER Al and her :pound_symbol:%$&ing stories. Nobody cares anymore. Toss the camera aside. Storytime is over. I could barely stay awake.

With a decline in viewership, it’s time to reinvigorate your audience. This is not how that’s done.

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The Boys: 1x07 The Self-Preservation Society

One of my biggest television pet peeves is when a character can explain a situation a trillion times better than they actually do - and they don’t. When they can very easily defend their actions, successfully and succinctly - and they don’t.

That was Hughie here. Frustrating to no end. Starlight doesn’t deserve you.

Rant over.

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Creepshow: 1x03 All Hallows Eve / The Man in the Suitcase

One of the best eps so far. The suitcase story had a solid ending.

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Survivor: 39x05 Don't Bite the Hand That Feeds You

I could’ve done without the endless Applebee’s ad.

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Survivor: 39x01 I Vote You Out and That's It

Yas, Elaine! Buh bye, Ron Ron. :wave_tone1: #backfired

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Orange Is the New Black: 7x10 The Thirteenth

I adore this show so much.

With that said, am I the only one who believes we should be way past the point of flashbacks?

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Orange Is the New Black: 7x09 The Hidey Hole

Daya is THE WORST. Always has been.

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Fear the Walking Dead: 5x01 Here to Help

I love me some Maggie Grace, but homegirl needs to ditch the damn camera and tape obsession.

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Ally McBeal: 3x16 Boy Next Door

The most heartbreaking episode of this series.


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Ally McBeal: 2x18 Those Lips That Hand

The power of Barry White, y’all. Smiling like an idiot over here.

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Ally McBeal: 1x12 Cro-Magnon

The debut of the Dancing Baby! :pound_symbol:iconic

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Ally McBeal: 1x10 Boy To The World

One of this series’ most memorable episodes.

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Ally McBeal: 1x01 Pilot

The beginning of one of my favorite shows of all time.

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The Americans: 5x01 Amber Waves

Poor Hans. =( Hoping this season picks up the pace as we header closer to the end.

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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: 4x09 I Need Some Balance

I thought this episode was one of the series’ best. The ‘Cats’ references (and a cameo from Fred Armisen) were absolute perfection.

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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: 1x04 Chapter Four: Witch Academy

@Abstractals, is there anything you actually like?

I appreciate a quality review and all - good or bad - but, from my perspective, you really love to tear down a great series (ie. The Good Place), episode by episode by episode. Frankly, I’m always surprised you continue to watch. Maybe slow down on the Haterade and simply allow yourself to be entertained?

P.S. Sabrina is a super fun show. I’m excited to see where it goes. And Aunt Hilda is everything.

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Survivor: 38x08 Y'all Making Me Crazy

Survivor is my absolute favorite reality show. This episode, however, falls among my least favorite.

There was nothing exciting or entertaining about this tribal council. I’m simply not a fan of this whole new thing where people get up and whisper to each other and strategize super-last minute. I was waiting for Jeff to be like, “That’s enough. Sit down, it’s time to vote.” But he let it unravel into this chaos that ultimately, for me, was absolutely impossible to follow as a viewer.

Bring me back to when everyone yelled at each other from the comfort of their own seat before voting - and simply had to guess/wonder if the plan had changed.

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Schitt's Creek: 4x06 Open Mic

Thank you for making me ugly cry, Schitt’s Creek.

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Schitt's Creek: 3x13 Grad Night

Hands down, the funniest show with the biggest heart. I’m in love with the Roses.

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The Americans: 1x04 In Control

Still on the fence about this series. I’ve waited so long to check it out, expecting that type of indifference. I’m not a political person, nor a history buff, so I find myself lost in a lot of that jargon.

Staying for Russell and Rhys. Hoping to get on the right side of the fence as I keep watching.

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You: 1x01 Pilot

Interesting premise, like ‘Fear’ but from the perspective of Marky Mark.

Penn is a snack, but too bad he’s Looney Tunes.

And I think we’re all on the same page about the curtain-free windows. Biggest (silliest) shock of the episode.

Curious to see more.

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The Good Place: 3x12 Pandemonium

I adore this show. It might be the most wildly imaginative series I’ve ever watched.

But am I the only one feeling zero chemistry between Chidi and Eleanor?

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The Good Place: 3x01 Everything Is Bonzer!

This whole “second chance at life” thing is interesting. I kinda miss the Fake Good Place, but we’ll see where this goes.

As long as we still see plenty of Janet, I’m happily along for the ride.

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The Twilight Zone: 1x05 Walking Distance

I think many of us would love to take this journey, even for a moment.

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Preacher: 3x07 Hilter

Herr Starr pretending to be on the phone was everything.

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Supergirl: 1x16 Falling

This was no doubt Supergirl's best episode to date. My only complaints are James (of course) and that the red kryptonite was somehow Maxwell Lord's brainchild. Otherwise, it was FANTASTIC.

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iZombie: 2x13 The Whopper

I've always thought this show had such potential since day one. The 2nd season had me doubting its direction and I found it to be losing a little steam.

This episode is one of the good ones though - and my faith has been renewed. Excited to see what happens when all the lies are revealed.

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Preacher: 1x09 Finish the Song

That was quite an opening!

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iZombie: 1x12 Dead Rat, Live Rat, Brown Rat, White Rat

Such an original take on the overused zombie story. Great cast of (mostly) fresh faces. Keep this one around!

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iZombie: 1x07 Maternity Liv

Loving this show and its cast. Gives me a nostalgic feeling of the old WB shows.

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